
作者&投稿:越段 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

论文摘要 Abstract
Abstract: Parvovirus is an acute, potent and lethal disease, the symptom of which is non-suppurative myocarditis or hemorrhagic enteritis. Myocarditis type is commonly found in puppies from 4 to 6 weeks old, which causes sudden death before clinical symptoms develop, or death after severe breathing difficulties;Hemorrhagic enteritis is very common in veterinary diagnosis, which was pandemic in 2001, and caused great harm to Kennel industry. According to domestic data, the cure rate of Parvovirus was 76.2% , and result of using serum and monoclonal antibody therapy was not satisfactory. When using immune plasma for treatment , the cure rate goes up to 92%.

Keywords:Canine Parvovirus, Disease Statistics, Monoclonal Antibody, Therapy


Summer vacation lives very much makes ~ which one fondly remembers
vacation in besides the vocal music class and attends to the manufacture study, also has gone to Qingdao, Ningbo, Shanghai and Wenzhou, travel at the same time also participates in the city cultural building to go to Wenzhou's art to perform ~~
July very great part of time, evening all has a long singing engagement in the Nantong park bar short-term, the bar is the small bar which that kind expresses feelings, the atmosphere is very good, not the noisy ~~ visitor is very friendly, could deliver the flower once for a while and offers wine ~~ me each late to need to carry on for two hours singers, the reward is 240RMB~~ exercises own at the same time also to gain extra income ~~~ is very happy ~~



易建联这个例子么...我对他不是很了解哈 如果他有英文名的话 可以找找这个名字有没有昵称形式 当然 如果“阿X”这个称呼对于某个特定的人(明星)来说已经被广泛接受了 一提到“阿X”大部分人都会知道是谁的话 那么我认为用拼音也是可以的(A Lian) 严格翻译的话也只能如此 只是外国人一听可能不...

请问 七月二日 用英文怎么翻译阿??
在句子中使用 the 2nd (second)of July 在写作插入日期是 应用 july ,2nd 或者 2nd july,2011 希望可以帮助到你

民政局:BUREAU OF CIVIL AFFAIRS Shenzhen Nanshan Civil Affairs Bureau

Young Volunteers Association 例如,中国青年志愿者协会 (Chinese Young Volunteers Association,简称CYVA)

世界主要国家名字的英文翻译 如美国日本等
主要国家 Afghanistan 阿富汗 Argentina 阿根廷 Austria 奥地利 Australia 澳大利亚 Belgium 比利时 Switzerland 瑞士 Chile 智利 China 中国 Colombia 哥伦比亚 Denmark 丹麦 Cyprus 塞浦路斯 Czech Republic 捷克 Germany 德国 Spain 西班牙 Egypt 埃及 France 法国 Haiti 海地 Hungary ...

阿燕的英文翻译_百度翻译 阿燕 全部释义和例句>>A Yan

I like watching hansome guysI like seeing hansome boys.都很好

性感妖精 翻译英文怎么写
sexy fay 这个比较简单的

阿阿好9898998 翻译成英文
American Culture in the United States is a big country, and China's trade exchanges especially frequent. Therefore, the United States should also somewhat culture to find out. Lai, assistant manager of one of the United States for his superiors, he said : "I work at Kodak in ...


青白江区18591658145: {言}字英文翻译怎么写阿,谁知道? -
夔匡枣仁: 言 是 语言 还是 说的话 啊 语言就是Language 说的话就是 word

青白江区18591658145: 琪 和 言 英文怎么写阿,谁告诉我下? -
夔匡枣仁: 这种无意义的词直接用拼音就行了.言么可以理解为说话,要是名字的话就直接拼音了.

青白江区18591658145: 帮忙翻译一下!
夔匡枣仁: 誓言的英语单词是Pledge 像这些简单而单纯的问题大可不必提问,要提就提一些有含量的问题,明白了么? !!!!

青白江区18591658145: “留言” 用英语怎么写?要四个英文字母一下组成的 有谁知道的告诉我,速要
夔匡枣仁: NOTE

青白江区18591658145: 英文翻译:你能告诉我在哪下车吗? -
夔匡枣仁: 晕 你对了还问 哦 除了get off (at) 不是to ------------------------ 不是 第一句完全正确 是第二句:Sure,you get off to the next station.把to 改at才对 因为都说at 其实口语来算你说to都可以 口语嘛 人家可以明白你就算对的了 好像我听很多英语歌 它们(don't\dosn't) (the\the ) 都可以互换

青白江区18591658145: 帮帮忙写下英语留言条?帮帮忙写下英语留言条?
夔匡枣仁: Dear friend,I know what you want to come to the message I am pleased to. Let me ... 让我告诉你上学的交通方式.我建议你骑自行车上学.骑自行车是学生常用交通工具....

青白江区18591658145: 英语翻译救济人病,裨补时厥.言者无罪,闻者足戒,言者闻者,莫不两尽其心.这两句的翻译,今天要用,这两句谁能帮我翻译下阿,真的是急用. -
夔匡枣仁:[答案] 救济人病,裨补时厥. 解救人民疾苦,弥补时政的缺失. 言者无罪,闻者足戒,言者闻者,莫不两尽其心. 用诗讽谕的人没有罪过,听到这种讽喻的人可以作为戒鉴,进行讽谕的和听到这种讽谕的人,没有不尽自己心力的.

青白江区18591658145: “言多必失”以下几种英语译法哪一个比较好? -
夔匡枣仁: Talktiveness grants you future remorse. 和中文的意思一样 但是根据语境 也许可以 I prefer tongue-tied knowledge to ignorant loquacity 是美俚语 I am not the most talkative guy in the world - Steet Ulrich

青白江区18591658145: 用英语翻译下面的句子.
夔匡枣仁: 这句话不能直译..直译表达不出原句的意思. You have misunderstand me,please tell me what do you think. 你误会我了,告诉我你是怎么想的.. 我相信这样能满足你要表达的意思吧.. 希望楼主采纳..

青白江区18591658145: 英语翻译下面7个句子,谁帮忙翻译下:1.你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?2.警察想知道她张得什么样儿.3你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?4在报告中他们... -
夔匡枣仁:[答案] 1.你能告诉我在哪儿可以买到口香糖吗?Could you tell me where I can buy chewing gums?2.警察想知道她张得什么样儿.The policemen want to know what she looks like.3你知道她穿的是什么衣服吗?Do you know what s...

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