my first day at senior high 相关语法

作者&投稿:劳晴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求,四川省高一专用教材英语第一章My First Day at Senior High的知识点,其中需要单词拓展,句型讲...~

My first Day at Senior High
单词拓展 Words and expressions

enthusiastic adj. 热心的
enthusiasm n. 热情,热忱
enthusiastic about / over / for… 对……充满热情
enthusiasm about / for … 对……显示/有热情
The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman
called Ms Shen.
She is very enthusiastic about helping others.
The little blind girl has great enthusiasm for
amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的
amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazingly adv. 令人惊讶地
be amazed at /
by … 对……感到惊奇
be amazed to
see/ hear/ find … 吃惊地看见/听到/发现……
be amazed that…
amaze vt. 使吃惊;使惊讶 amazement
n. 惊愕;惊异
The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and
the classrooms are amazing.
I was amazed to hear that he had gone abroad.
He was amazed that I was only twenty.
His rapid progress in English amazed the
?It amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time.
?It is amazing that you can’t swim.
?To my amazement, he was able to recite
the poem.
?The boy is __________ at the ___________ news.(用amaze的适当形式填空)
information n. [U]信息
The screens
also show photographs, text and information from websites.
For further information, please dial the following
a piece of
information 一条信息
some / much/
little/ a lot of information
拓展:inform v. 通知 inform sb of sth 通知某人某事
?I forgot to inform him of the time for the meeting.
辨析:information 不可数名词,“消息,资料”
news 不可数名词,“新闻,消息” a piece of news 一条新闻
message 可数名词,“消息,口信” leave sth./sb. to sb. 把某物/某人留给某人
He left a
message saying that he would be a little late.
instruction n. (常作复数) 指示;说明
follow one’s
instructions / directions 遵循或听从某人的指导
under sb’s
instruction 在某人的教导下
Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we
worked by ourselves.
Read the instructions on the medicine bottle
before you take the medicine.
?When you
do an experiment, you should _____________________(听从老师的指导).
_________________________(在教授的指导下),he succeeded in finishing
his academic paper.
拓展:instruct vt. 教;指导;命令 instructive
adj. 有教育意义的 instructor n. 指导员;教练
method n. 方法
We are seeking methods to protect our
environment at present.
辨析:method 强调解决某个问题的办法;
way 最普通常用词;
means 为达到一个目的或产生某种结果而采用的方法,手段
the means/ in the way/ with the method
?We must
help him by all possible ____.
?I worked out this problem in this ____.
?The scientist is showing the ______ of scientific farming to the
bored adj. be bored with… 对…….感到厌烦
boring adj. 令人厌烦/倦的
bore vt. 使厌烦/倦 n. 麻烦;令人厌烦的人或物
I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s
You would be bored to death in a job like
audience was ________ with the ________ lecture.
7. embarrassed adj. (感到)尴尬的/难堪的
embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的;令人难堪的
embarrass vt. 使尴尬;使难堪
embarrassment n. [U]窘迫 [C]令人窘迫的人或事
Some students were embarrassed at first but
everyone was very friendly.
____________ them with personal questions.
?He was ______________ by many debts.
?Hearing the _____________ question, she forced an ____________
?He could not hide his _________________.
attitude n. 态度;看法 (后跟to, towards)
Describe your attitude to / towards studying
What’s your father’s attitude to / towards the
description n. 记述;描述 describe vt. 记述;描述
write a description of… 描述……
give (sb) a description of
The teacher asked us to write a description of the street
where we lived.
Can you give us a description of what you have seen?
The scenery was beautiful beyond description.
impress vt. 使印象深刻
impress sb. with sth. = impress sth. on / upon sb.
impress sb. 某物/人给某人留下深刻印象
(sb.) be
impressed by / with sth. 某物给某人留下深刻印象
impressed me most is / was…
Li Kang is very impressed with the
teachers and the technology in his new school.
My father impressed me with the
value of hard work.父亲使我铭记勤勉的重要。
?The girl impressed us all with her liveliness and sense of humor.
?What impressed me most was his great courage in face of danger.
impression n. 印象 impressive
adj. 印象深刻的
make an
impression on sb.给某人留下深刻印象
disappointed adj.(感到)失望的
disappointing adj.令人失望的 disappoint vt. 使失望
disappointment n.失望 to one's disappointment 令某人失望的是
The final score disappointed us all.
Are you very disappointed about / at
losing the game?
The girl had a disappointed look on her face.
? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't agree with you
there after all.
?To his disappointment, none of them
could understand him.

句型--------------Language points

1. I live in Shijiazhuang,
a city not far from Beijing.
a city not far from Beijing是名词短语作Shijiazhuang的同位语,其中not far from
Beijing作a city的定语,相当于定语从句which is not far from Beijing。
You must have heard of Charles
Dickens, the great British writer.
The manager gave the report to us
2. We're using a new textbook and Ms
Shen's method of teaching is nothing likethat of the
teachers at my Junior High
1)nothing like有两层意思:
①用于表达not at all like,意为“一点儿也不像”。
Mary is nothing like her mother.
It looks nothing like a
②用于表达nothing better than,意为“没有什么能比得上”。
There is nothing like sleeping
when you are tired.
There is nothing like a hot bath
after a day's climbing.
2)代词that, one, the one, it的区别:
The weather in Kunming
is better than that in Wuhan.
The population of China is larger
than that of any other country in the world.
?The blackboards of No.1 High
School is quite different from those of other schools in Liaocheng.
They bought five pencils for my
children, two red ones and three green ones.
one 是特指,指代前面提到的同类人或物(可数名词)中的一个,其复数用ones。
This picture is the one that
I drew yesterday.
I lost my dictionary
yesterday. I haven't find it so far.
(1) The finger I put into my mouth was not
________ I had dipped into the cup.
(2) I need a bike. Lend me
(3) I want to use your bike.
Could you lend ________ to me?
(4) The study of idioms is as
important as ________ of grammar.
(5) --- Do you have a camera?
-- No, but Tom has _______. He
bought ________ a week ago.
3. And we have fun.
fun n.〔U〕娱乐;乐趣;玩笑(前面不能加不定冠词)
It is great fun to go swimming in hot summer.
have fun (= have a
wonderful time)玩得高兴
Have fun at the party tonight.
in a fun way用有趣的方式
We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities.
full of fun有趣 The man is full of fun.
for fun当作玩笑 He
is learning French for fun.
make fun of sb.取笑某人 Don't make fun of others.
funny adj. 可笑的,滑稽的
?He looks very funny in his father's jacket.

? He is having a lot of fun playing with his
4. I don't think I will be bored in Ms Shen's class.
I don't think 是否定前移现象,其中not否定的是think后面的宾语从句中的谓语动
I don't think he will come to the
party tonight, will he?
She thinks you know English,
doesn’t she? (注意主句主语人称)
类似可以用于否定前移的动词还有:believe, suppose, expect, imagine等。否定前移句
5. Ms Shen wants to help us improve
our spelling and handwriting.
improve vt.&vi.改善;提高;改进(make…better)
Our living conditions have been greatly
The patient's health is improving
government aims to __________ the quality of people's living conditions.
6. We worked by ourselves.
by oneself (= without help,
alone) 独自地;单独地(在句中作状语)
I can do it (all) by myself.
Can you finish the work by 5
o'clock by yourself?
We must do our homework all by
for oneself亲自地 It's a good habit to think for yourself.
of oneself自动地 The door opened of itself.
7.In other words, there are three
times as many girls as boys.
1)in other words = that is to say; in
another word 换句话说;也就是说
You have finished your work today; in other words, you can leave now.
You didn't do well in the exam.
In other words, you failed.
相关短语: in a / one word简言之;总之
in words用语言;在口头上
have a word with sb.和某人交谈
have words with sb. (=quarrel with sb.)和某人争吵
keep / break one's word遵守/违背诺言 get in a word插话
2)注意there be 句型中倍数词的位置。本句也可改为:
Girls are 3 times as many as
boys in our class.
Generally speaking, the train
runs six times as fast as the boat.
Generally speaking, the train
runs six times faster than the boat.
The population of this town is
twice as large as that one.
The population of this town is
twice larger than that of that one.
There are half as
many new words in this module as in that
New words in this
module are half as many as in that one.

8. I'm looking forward to our
look forward to (doing) sth.盼望着某物/做某事
We are all looking forward to our
I look forward to seeing you soon.
? I'm looking forward to _________________
our school.(你来参观)
? *The new semester / term all the
students were looking forward to cameat last.(注意句子结构)
attention to注意 be used to习惯于 stick to坚持 belong
to属于 devote
oneself to致力于 get down to着手做
lead to导致;通向 refer to参考;查阅;指……而言

Unit 1 Friendship
Unit 2 English around the world
Unit 3 Travel journal
Unit 4 Earthquakes
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero

Unit 1 Cultural relics
Unit 2 Cultural relics
Unit 3 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
Unit 5 Music
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
Unit 3 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
Unit 5 Music
Appendices 附录
Notes to the texts 课文注释
Grammar 语法
Words and expressions in each unit 各单元生词和习惯用语
Vocabulary 词汇表
Irregular verbs 不规则动词
Changes in international phonetic symbols for English 英语国际音标变化表

My first Day at Senior High
单词拓展 Words and expressions

enthusiastic adj. 热心的
enthusiasm n. 热情,热忱
enthusiastic about / over / for… 对……充满热情
enthusiasm about / for … 对……显示/有热情
The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman
called Ms Shen.
She is very enthusiastic about helping others.
The little blind girl has great enthusiasm for
amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的
amazed adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazingly adv. 令人惊讶地
be amazed at /
by … 对……感到惊奇
be amazed to
see/ hear/ find … 吃惊地看见/听到/发现……
be amazed that…
amaze vt. 使吃惊;使惊讶 amazement
n. 惊愕;惊异
The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and
the classrooms are amazing.
I was amazed to hear that he had gone abroad.
He was amazed that I was only twenty.
His rapid progress in English amazed the
?It amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time.
?It is amazing that you can’t swim.
?To my amazement, he was able to recite
the poem.
?The boy is __________ at the ___________ news.(用amaze的适当形式填空)
information n. [U]信息
The screens
also show photographs, text and information from websites.
For further information, please dial the following
a piece of
information 一条信息
some / much/
little/ a lot of information
拓展:inform v. 通知 inform sb of sth 通知某人某事
?I forgot to inform him of the time for the meeting.
辨析:information 不可数名词,“消息,资料”
news 不可数名词,“新闻,消息” a piece of news 一条新闻
message 可数名词,“消息,口信” leave sth./sb. to sb. 把某物/某人留给某人
He left a
message saying that he would be a little late.
instruction n. (常作复数) 指示;说明
follow one’s
instructions / directions 遵循或听从某人的指导
under sb’s
instruction 在某人的教导下
Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we
worked by ourselves.
Read the instructions on the medicine bottle
before you take the medicine.
?When you
do an experiment, you should _____________________(听从老师的指导).
_________________________(在教授的指导下),he succeeded in finishing
his academic paper.
拓展:instruct vt. 教;指导;命令 instructive
adj. 有教育意义的 instructor n. 指导员;教练
method n. 方法
We are seeking methods to protect our
environment at present.
辨析:method 强调解决某个问题的办法;

:What is the difference between this textbook and the one you used at Junior High?
结构提炼(what isthe difference between..and... )语意(这本教材和你在初中的区别是什么 )
造句:( What is the difference between this school and that one? )
2:(1) I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing 其中far from划线
(2)The problem is far from easy其中far from划线
归纳语意:(1)离...远 (2) 远非
即学即用: 他的回答远非令人满意
His answer is ( far from satisfation. )
3:Do you know what these phrases mean?
(1) It is impolite to make fun of others . make fun of 开玩笑
(2) I am learning to cook, just for fun . for fun 为了开心
(3) The children had fun at the party yesterday. had fun 玩得开心
(4)What fun it will be when we all go on holiday together.What fun多么的快乐
1:我们在踢球中获得很多的快乐we had much fun(in) playing football.
2:看奥运会比赛多有趣呀!What a great fun it is to watch the Olympics
4:oneself相关短语:(1) I am not oneself today ( 我今天不舒服)
(2)She used to sit by herself and read 她过去常常独自坐者,看书
(3)You have to decide for yourself (你得自己决定)
归纳:by oneself
for oneself
be oneself

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