
作者&投稿:军应 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a first b nurse c teacher d work哪个发音不同?
first 中的ir, nurse中的ur, work 中的or都发长元音[ɜ:],而teacher中的字母组合er发短元音 [ə],因此,发音不同的是teacher。

第 一 的 英 文 缩 写 是: NO.1 ,单词:first first 读法 英 [fɜːst] 美 [fɜːrst]1、作形容词的意思是:第一的;最初的 2、作副词的意思是:首先;第一 3、作名词的意思是:最初;(序数词)第一 短语 1、first aid急救 2、first importance头等重要 3...

1st 2nd 3rd 我想知道9XX后面是什么
“9XX”后面应该是是“9th”如:first (1st)、second (2nd)、third (3rd)、fourth (4th)、fifth (5th)、sixth (6th)、seventh (7th)、eighth (8th)、ninth (9th)、tenth (10th)

是的,d1可以表示第一天。在first、second、third、fourth、fifth后加day也可以表示这个意思。缩写为:first—1st、second—2nd、third—3rd、fourth—4th。其中1st,2nd,3rd为特殊形式,其它的都是阿拉伯数字后加th。而d1就是one day的中文化的缩写。day由一个字母d来表示,意思就是天的翻译,而one...

We have an eight-day___and today is the first d
类似于 school, trip, tournament之类的都行 只要是集体活动

第1 第2 第3到第99的英文*(序数) 例如 :第一 first 第二:sevond...
1到99的序数英文单词:一、第1 first 第2 second 第3 third 第4 fourth 第5 fifth 二、第6 sixth 第7 seventh 第8 eighth 第9 ninth 第10 tenth 三、第11 eleventh 第12 twelfth 第13 thirteenth 第14 fourteenth 第15 fifteenth 四、第16 sixteenth 第17 seventeenth 第...

S舱为联程、缺口程等特殊舱位。W舱为普通舱35折,W这个是超值经济舱。航空公司票价一般分为头等舱、公务舱、经济舱三种等级。每种等级又按照正常票价和多种不同特殊优惠票价划分为不同的舱位代号。头等舱代码一般为F、A ;公务舱为C、D等等。 经济舱的代号如:有的航线经济舱划分为Y、K、M、N、L...


(SELECT @xi:=0) xc0 ) X,(SELECT '2018-11-01' - INTERVAL DAY('2018-11-01') - 1 DAY AS first, DAY(LAST_DAY('2018-11-01')) AS last) YWHERE x.d <= y.last或者 SELECT ADDDATE(y.first, x.d - 1) as dFROM(SELECT 1 AS d UNION ALLSELECT 2 UNION ALLSELECT...

第一滴血 史泰龙

归盛13151108279问: 高一英语课文My First Day at Senior High原文 -
敦煌市依降回答:[答案] My Name is Li Kang.I live in Shijiazhuang,a city not far from Beijing.It is the capital city of Hebei Province.Today is my first day at Senior High school and I'm writing down my thoughts about it. My new school is very good and I can see why.The teachers ...

归盛13151108279问: 一篇My first day at senior high 的英语作文简单一点就可以了 不要太 -
敦煌市依降回答: 作文如下: I knew that my first day of ninth grade would be challenging. There would be higher expectations than eighth grade and the teachers would be stricter.我知道我九年级的第一天会很有挑战性.学生的期望值会高于八年级,老师也会更严...

归盛13151108279问: (My first day at mcdonald's)的中文翻译
敦煌市依降回答: 我初在麦当劳 追问: 其实这是一篇英语课文,能帮我翻译全部吗,谢谢,,新标准高职高专,公共英语系列教材《实用综合教程2》第三单元fast food第一篇课文(My first day at mcdonald's)的中文翻译 回答: 其实是 周日我在麦当劳 补充: 有中文

归盛13151108279问: my first day in university 为题的英语作文120字左右 -
敦煌市依降回答: My first day at university It was at 10th September that I come to my university. The first impression of this campus was the beautiful scenery. Green trees and colorful flowers could be seen everywhere. Besides, modern teaching buildings stand in the...

归盛13151108279问: 高一英语必修一课文my first day at senior high的翻译 -
敦煌市依降回答: 我上高中的第一天我的名字叫李康,我住在石家庄,一个离北京不远的城市,它是河北省的省会.今天是我上高中的第一天,我正在写关于这一天我的一些想法.我的新学校很不错,而且我知道这是为什么.老师们非常热情,友好,而且教室...

归盛13151108279问: 英语作文 My First Day at Senior High -
敦煌市依降回答: This is my first day at a Senior High School. Everything is new for me. I 'm so excited about my new life. I cannot wait to meet my new teachers and make some more new friends. I feel like I'm growing up. This is a new start of my life. I'm much closer ...

归盛13151108279问: 写一篇英语短文作文 My Day1Iat﹉ -
敦煌市依降回答: 我的一天 Today is Sunday. It is sunny. I don't go to school. I want to go shopping. I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast. I go out at 8:00. The shop is nearly . I go there on foot. Many people are in the shop. I buy a ...

归盛13151108279问: 高一必修一my first day at senior high 和my new teachers 翻译 -
敦煌市依降回答: my first day at senior high:我在高中的第一天;my new teachers:我的新老师们.

归盛13151108279问: 以“My First Day at Senior High"为题目写作文100词左右 -
敦煌市依降回答: my name is Liuzhenhua.The first day of school, I carried the schoolbag on the back and move toward Lingshui Junior High School with a hopeful mood.I'm in class 18, I'm glad to meet my new head teacher Miss Gan who is a math teacher, is very kind...

归盛13151108279问: my first day at school翻译 -
敦煌市依降回答: at school 在上课;在求学 my first day at school意思就是“我上学的第一天” at school 在上课;在求学 my first day at school意思就是“我上学的第一天”

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