
作者&投稿:冉骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一题主要是方位名词的用法 第一题是情态动词的用法 码字不易 希望采纳

checked 格子 (后半句有提到说喜欢方块)
zigzag Z字型 (后一句有提到像斑马)
striped 条纹的 (后一句有提到说vertical lines 竖线条)
spiral 螺旋形 (后半句有提到说在身上看到很多眼睛)
spotted 斑点的 (后一句有提到说看起来很脏)

school uniforms 校服
sweat 流汗
black suits 黑色套装
brand 品牌
worth 值得
trend 趋势
perfect 完美
trust 信任

1.You left _D__“h”when you wrote the word “exhibition”.
A.a B.the C./ D.an
因为字母“h”的音标为“[eit∫] ”“ei"为元音,故应用”an“

2. .---Would you like to join us in playing football?
A.Yes, I’d like B.Yes, I’d love C.Thanks,I’d love to D.No, I wouldn’t like

我怀疑你答案给错了,应该回答:Yes, I’d like to,Yes, I’d love to/No,thanks

3.Every morning Miss Li ____ fifty minutes _____ to school.
A spend, walking B.spends, walking
C. spends, to walk D.takes, to walk

如:it takes Miss Li fifty minutes to walk to school

Miss Li做主语,花费时间应用spend

spend some time doing sth.

4.There is little coffe in the cup, ____?
A.isn’t it B.is there C.isn’t there D.is it


5.Tomorrow will be my mother’s_B__ birthday.
A. forty B.fortieth C.the fortieth D.fourtieth


6.I saw him ___ on the beach.
A. lying B.to lie C.lies D.lay

选A,我看见他躺在沙滩上,用see sb doing sth 强调看见某人做某事的全过程

7.--- Do you like Jane’s new coat?
---Yes, very much. I’ll ask Mum to buy ___ for me.
A.a B.it C.the other D.one

8.Granny looked ___ at the nauthty boy .
A.lovely B.angrily C.friendly D.happily
9.Our monitor is kind___.We have learned___ from him.
A.to others, a lot B.to the others,lots of
C.to others,a lot of D.to the others,lot of

选A learn a lot 表示学了很多

10. Have a ____rest, and you will be____ soon.
A.good, nice B.good, better C.well, better D.nice, good

选B 好好休息,你很快会好起来,better,表示身体康复,比以前好

11..---Would you like some coffe?
---Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffe ___ milk.
A.to B.with C.than D.of

prefer sth to sth else,相比于什么,更喜欢什么

12. Lucy likes French(法语) and she can ___ it well.
A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell
选B 会说一门语言用“speak”

13. Please don’t ___ your coat. It isn’t warm here now.
A.put on B.wear C.put up D.take off

选D。take off 意为脱下(衣服)
如:The plane will take off soon

14. Did you stop ___ hello to Mrs Smith when you went past路过?
A.said B.to say C.saying D.says
选B,你路过的时候,有没有停下来和smith 夫人打招呼呢??

15. Computers can work out maths problems ____ than we do.
A.much quickly B.more quick C.even quicker D. more quickly.
选D,首先这里应该填副词quickly 来修饰动词work,其次副词的比较级用前面加more 来表示

16. On a bus in North America, people will say “____”if they knock into someone.
A.Excuse me B.Sorry C. Excuse me and.Sorry D. Excuse me or Sorry
外国人一般用sorry用的慎重,更常用Excuse me

17. I usally have _____ red wine with my lunch. It’s good for our health
A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

应该选B 表示喝一点红酒,不选little,因为little 表示“几乎不”,表否定

不选few或a few 因为它们都用来修饰可数名词
,wine 是不可数的

18. Zhongshan Park is five miles_____.
A. from here far B. away from here C. far from here D. from here away

选B five miles away from here 固定搭配

19.How long ______ in Beijing?
A. was he B. will he stayed C. have he stayed D. did he stayed
选A 其他三项是错的

20..The news report is very interesting. (改为感叹句)
____ _____ the news report is!
____ _____ interesting news report it is!

前者用how interesting

后者用what a






1.He wasn't (badly)hurt in the car accident.be badly hurt,伤得严重,是副词 2.Tom was punished by the teacher because of his (behaviour).填名词形式,行为。3.I made my son (stop)crying.make sb do, 让某人做。4.The workers were made (to work)ten hours a day be the ...


1,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:(把以下祈使句改为反义疑问句)Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends.Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends, will you?2,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:Let's do...

1 (1) waking 此句用现在进行时表示经常性,习惯性的动作,表示他的儿子总是在早上6点醒来.(2) especially 用副词形式表示强调,翻译为”尤其”(3) clearly 用副词修饰动词,表示看得怎么样,结合句子翻译为我什么都看不清楚.(4) wonderful 用形容词形式修饰名词time.下面的几题也是这样做的,...

1、We stay at home,for it is raining now 2 It is 2 0'clock, my son usually plays games in the park.3 I often have a cup of tea in the garden with my husband in the evening 4 He always meet his friend in the afternoon 5 Hans cleans the blackboard everyday...

What are we?答案是:鞋子--shoes 1.What colour are you like?->What colour do you like?2.He wants to wore it.->He wants to write it.3.I'm going to make a cake to you.->I'm going to make a cake for you.4.We need to working hard.->We need to work hard.5....

答:Sheisverybeautiful. 问:Whoishe?He'sourEnglishteacher. What'sintheschoolbag?答:Therearesomebooks.(答案不是唯一的) 问:Howoldisshe?She'stwenty-sixyearsold. Howwasyourvacation?答:Itwaswonderful. 问:Whatdidyoudo?Ididmyhomeworkateighto'clock. Didthewaiterworkhard?答:Yes,...

I didn't played football yesterday.Did you help them clean their room yesterday?Yes ,I did.I saw a film last weekend.Did you go hiking yesterday?

2. The number of my student card is 253 .3. They aren't dancing in the classroom.4. Ann is playing ping-pong with her classmate.5. Lucy is drawing some pictures on the blackboard.

8.to bring 解析:(forget to do sth,忘记做某事)9.buying 解析:花钱做某事,spend doing 10. to go 解析:would like to do sth.

青川县19258082991: 下面这些英语题怎么做啊?A.根据首字母提示写单词完成下面的句子.(5分)1. Our English teacher always asks us to read a______ - in the morning.2. Though... -
长孙点血府:[答案] A.根据首字母提示写单词完成下面的句子.(5分)1. aloud2. fast3. open4. death.5. lisenseB. 根据汉语提示填写单词完成下面的句子.(5分)1.missed2.himself3. silly4. allowed5. strictC.用所给单词的正确形式完成...

青川县19258082991: 这些英语题怎么做?1. We must find a way to cut prices - _____ - reducing our profits too much. A. Without B with C. despite D. for 2. - ____ - some students are... -
长孙点血府:[答案] ACDAC BBBDA

青川县19258082991: 这些英语题怎么做用英语翻译下列句子.你不仅能欣赏一部很棒的戏剧,还能享受和朋友们唱歌跳舞的乐趣.2.热烈欢迎所有学生和老师参加. -
长孙点血府:[答案] 1.Not only can you enjoy such a wonderful play,but also you can enjoy the happiness of singing and dancing with friends.2.Welcom all the students and teachers to join!谢谢采纳,祝学习进步!

青川县19258082991: 这些英语选择题怎么做啊1.Hardly a day goes by___I write to my family A.when B.since C.but D.before2.___the Foreign Minister but the Prime Minister too A.... -
长孙点血府:[答案] 1、C But在这里表示否定,“除了”的意思,与前面的hardly形成双重否定. "除了我写信给家人的日子,(其余的时间)我度日如年" (这个翻译 是我自己的理解……) 2、B 这题不用倒装语序,B正确 (not only...but also ...

青川县19258082991: 这些英语题怎么做 -
长孙点血府: (2)go=> goeslook=>lookslisten=> listendrink=> drinkssing => singsswim=> swimsfly=> fliesrun=>runshave=> hasdo=> doesplay=> playsjump=> jumpssleep=> sleepspass => passeswork=> workswatch=> wathesopen=> opensdraw=> draws(3)...

青川县19258082991: 这些英语题怎么做?
长孙点血府: 1 have class 2 have to go to

青川县19258082991: 这些英语题目怎么做? -
长孙点血府: 1.the coldest 2.cheaper 3.hoter 4.more careful 5.more 6.easier 7.farther 8.more exciting 9.intellgent 10.worse;worse 11.more difficult;more difficult比较级的题目嘛,还挺拿手的

青川县19258082991: 这些英语题怎么做啊?
长孙点血府: 1. All the teachers and students are __preparing for_______ the coming sports meet. 2. Have you ever ___been_______ to the farm? It's very beautiful in autumn. 5. We should also speak English ___out fo class___. 8. He tried to _comfort___ his ...

青川县19258082991: 这些英文题怎么做? -
长孙点血府: ask;use;keep;Don't forget;put;follow;pass;wait

青川县19258082991: 这些题怎么做,英语学霸帮忙,急需急需,帮忙,急需 -
长孙点血府: 1, on his own2, bit by bit3, at once4, prepare for5, over and over again

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