
作者&投稿:厨人德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3. pandas

4. B
Boys and girls, look at these animals.
4. Those dogs are fat and cute.


1,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:(把以下祈使句改为反义疑问句)
Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends.
Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends, will you?
2,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:
Let's do it together.
Let's do it together, shall we?
3,Turning the following statement into a yes-no question:(把以下句子改为一般疑问句)
I have already finished the assignment the teather gave us last week.
Have you finished the assignment the teather gave us last week yet?
4,Turning the singular nouns or noun phrases into plural forms wherever possible with other necessary chances:(在句中适当的地方,将单数名词或名词短语改为复数形式)
A traffic accident often occurs at a crossroads.
Traffic accidents often occur at crossroads.
5,Using subjunctive mood :(使用虚拟语气)
A neighbour acted quickly and thus stopped the fire from spreading to the other floors.
If the neighbour had acted quickly, he would have stopped the fire from spreading to the other floors.
6,Using a non-finite verb(使用非限定动词)
I don't think she would admit that she had sold the house.
I don't think she would admit to have sold the house.
7,Combining sentences using comparative degree(more than)(使用比较级将句子重新组合)
Susan is intelligent.Mary is not that intelligent.
Susan is more intelligent than Mary.
8,Rewrite the following sentence using a disjunct"(将句子拆开,重新书写)
It is natural that as a beginner he isn't a good driver yet.
It is a natural thing.
The thing is that as a beginner he isn't a good driver yet
9,Rewrite the following sentence as required:(Using "either you or I "as the subject)
(按要求重新书写句子:将"either you or I "作为主语
We were responsible for the mistake.
Either you or I am responsible for the mistake.
10,Combining the sentences into one that contains a relative clause
You sent my son an English-Chinese dictionary.Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for sending my son an English-Chinese dictionary.

1,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:
Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends.
-Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends, would you?
2,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:
Let's do it together.
-Let's do it together, shall we?
3,Turning the following statement into a yes-no question:
I have already finished the assignment the teather gave us last week.
-Have you already finished the assignment the teacher gave you last week?
4,Turning the singular nouns or noun phrases into plural forms wherever possible with other necessary chances:
A traffic accident often occurs at a crossroads.
-Traffic accidents occur at the crossroads.
5,Using subjunctive mood :
A neighbour acted quickly and thus stopped the fire from spreading to the other floors.
-If the neighbour wouldn't act quickly, he could not stop the fire from spreading to the other floors.
6,Using a non-finite verb:
I don't think she would admit that she had sold the house.
-I don't think she would admit to have sold the house.
7,Combining sentences using comparative degree(more than)
Susan is intelligent.Mary is not that intelligent.
-Susan is more intelligent than Mary.
8,Rewrite the following sentence using a disjunct"
It is natural that as a beginner he isn't a good driver yet.
-As a beginner, it is natural that he isn't a good driver yet.
9,Rewrite the following sentence as required:(Using "either you or I "as the subject)
We were responsible for the mistake.
-Either you or i were responsible for the mistake.
10,Combining the sentences into one that contains a relative clause:
You sent my son an English-Chinese dictionary.Thank you very much.
-We thank you very much because you sent my son an English-Chinese dictionary.

life tan ash jhnsjiah ajsj nhjhun jhuasubj fdfbdbf dbfdbfbfd djbfjdbfjf



1,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:(把以下祈使句改为反义疑问句)Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends.Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends, will you?2,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:Let's do...

1, as slim as 2, be willing to do sth 3, offer the seats to whoever need 4, be ready to do sth at any time 5, travel all over the world 6, one of my best friends 7, weak eyesight 8, good sense of humor 9, telling interesting jokes 10, pass the desk 11, knock...

从句呢 一般来说没逗号选that最多,有逗号的选which咯,但是最近做的题里面很多把that和where放在一起,同时出现的话,where的可能性比较大拉 完型 完型的话常常上下文有提示或是一模一样的词语,当然就选那个拉,你说你不喜欢英语,但是读完型的时候总不至于完全不读直接猜吧~,反正有那么多时间,你...

1 (1) waking 此句用现在进行时表示经常性,习惯性的动作,表示他的儿子总是在早上6点醒来.(2) especially 用副词形式表示强调,翻译为”尤其”(3) clearly 用副词修饰动词,表示看得怎么样,结合句子翻译为我什么都看不清楚.(4) wonderful 用形容词形式修饰名词time.下面的几题也是这样做的,...

做英语阅读理解,首先。要先看问题,带着问题找答案。看题时,找到题目中的关键词,方便时间紧迫时,直接在文中快速找出关键词,联系上下句找答案。然后就是做题。一定要把找到的题目的答案在文章中画出来。便于仔细对比答案,选出最佳答案。更有利于检查时方便准确。   (自己总结的)四、...

1.Feelings: great,happy,angry,pleased,glad,excited,surprised,nice,kind,friendly.Weather:cool,cold,hot,warm,rainy,sunny,cloudy,snowy Activities:playing ping-pong, playing football\/basketball\/volleyball\/table tennis,playing the piano\/violin\/guitar, going running, going shopping, going walking,...

关于考研英语真题怎么做 你可能需要这个
01,吃透单词 拿到一篇文章,里面的所有单词都要搞懂,同学们经常会陷入一个误区,就是执着于那些看起来比较长的难词,而忽略一些常见单词和特殊领域专业词。考研大纲要求掌握的单词其实只有5500个,掌握了这些单词基本上做题时词汇量就不会成为大障碍。考研英语需要的词汇量并不是很大,需要的是你的深度...

单项选择题在英语试题中很常见。其考查的内容也是丰富多采的。要答好这类试题,考生要有扎实的语言基本功,也要有一定的解题技巧。笔者认为,要做好这类题目应注意运用以下一些策略。一 . 突破思维定势 在做了大量的试题之后,考生对一些类型的题目会产生思维定势。因此,当考生碰到似曾相识但实际已经...

长宁区13555165934: 这些英语题怎么做啊?麻烦大家帮我看看,好吗?谢谢. -
隗树他达: 1,Turning the following imperatives into the tag question form:(把以下祈使句改为反义疑问句) Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends.Don't let the children stay up too late on weekends, will you?2,Turning the following imperatives ...

长宁区13555165934: 大家帮帮我,告诉我这几道英语试题怎么做! -
隗树他达: C farmers went collecting swimming cycle them doesn't...

长宁区13555165934: 这些英语题怎么做?
隗树他达: 1.The ice is too thin to walk on.解析:too to= so that 本句还可以改成 The ice is so thin that we can't walk on ut. 2.The listening is too hard. 3.which to take 解析:由于主句和从句主语一致,简单句可以省略主语.即 疑问词+主语+谓语=疑问词+to+谓...

长宁区13555165934: 有一些英语题不会做,大家可以帮帮我吗?谢谢. -
隗树他达: 1、difficult2、collections第二个要用复数 除非前面有A

长宁区13555165934: 麻烦大家帮帮忙解决这些英语单选题,最好简单说说原因. -
隗树他达: 1、B.不定式在这里表目的 2、A. So I do 表示我确实是这样. 而 B. So do I则表示我也是 3、B You'd better no do sth是固定搭配 4、B.so...that如此...以至于 5、B 6、B. so it does强调确实如此 7、A. but 表转折 8、 B 不定式在这里表目的 9、A have sb doing sth让某人一直做某事 10、B

长宁区13555165934: 能帮我看一下这道题怎么做吗?谢谢大家初一英语 -
隗树他达: The boy is not good at Chinese.Kate often helps me with my English.I use the computer to do my homework .I either to listen a CD or exercise after school.

长宁区13555165934: 几道英语题,麻烦大家帮忙解决拉,谢谢啦 -
隗树他达: 1.narrow 2.boys' 3.across 4.public 5.dustbin 6.dissolveed 7.feather 8.surf 9.corner 10.neatly

长宁区13555165934: 高中英语麻烦大家教我怎么做这题The picture - _(hang) on the wall is painted by my uncle 为什么答案是hanging而不是hung,不应该被理解成为被挂着的图画... -
隗树他达:[答案] 第一,照片挂在那里不是一天两天的,这里描述的是一种状态. 第二,鲜果是自己种的,有种被动在里面,说的是鲜果的由来.

长宁区13555165934: 请大家帮我做一下以下英语题啊!
隗树他达: 1.pay the bill 2.depend on 3.think of

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