
作者&投稿:友版 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

so say l
我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此
so say all of us
我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此
and so say l
我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此
and so say all of us
我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此
as much as to say
等于说, 仿佛说
as who should say
[古]可谓, 可以这样说
before one can say Jack Robinson
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before one can say knife
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before one could say Jack Robinson
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before one could say knife
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before you can say Jack Robinson
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before you can say knife
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before you could say Jack Robinson
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
before you could say knife
[口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上
Easier said than done.
have no say in sth.
对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权
have a say in sth.
对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权
have not much say in sth.
对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权
have one's say
说出要说的话, 畅所欲言
say one's say
说出要说的话, 畅所欲言
say out one's say
说出要说的话, 畅所欲言
have sth. to say for oneself
have the say
[say-so] [美]有最后决定权
He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like.
give one his say
have one's say
把话说完, 把想法说出来
hear say
听说, 据说
I can't say!
[口](一种表示否定的委婉说法)我不知道, 我说不上
I couldn't say!
[口](一种表示否定的委婉说法)我不知道, 我说不上
I cannot say much for
对...我认为不怎么好, 对...我不敢恭维
I dare say
我想, 大概
I'll say
I say!
(= Say !)[口](引起对方注意)嘿, 喂, 听着, 瞧!(表示惊奇)嗨!
I should say
我想, 大概, 也许
I won't say no.
我不反对; 乐意接受; 奉陪
I wouldn't say no.
我不反对; 乐意接受; 奉陪
It is said that ...
据说, 听说
It says in
[口]在...上写道, 在...上说
It says on
[口]在...上写道, 在...上说
Learn to say before you sing.
先学说再学唱; 凡事要按部就班。
Least said, soonest mended.
[谚]少说为妙, 多说坏事。
let ussay (=say)
比方说, 例如; 假定; 姑且说
needless to say
不用说, 不出意科
No sooner said than done.
说到就做, 说到做到。
not say much for
对...不作好评, 对...评价不高
not to say
虽然不能说, 即使不能说
So you say!
that is to say
即, 就是, 换句话说, 就是说; 更确切地说
that is
即, 就是, 换句话说, 就是说; 更确切地说
That's what you say.
(表示怀疑, 不相信等)这不过是你说的! 只听到你一个人这么说!
There is much to be said on both sides.
两方面都可以讲出许多道理来; 公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。
They say
人家说, 据说
What do you say to sth.
[口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?
wold you say to sth.
[口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?
What do you say to doing sth.
[口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?
wold you say to doing sth.
[口]你赞成不赞成做某事? 你喜欢不喜欢做某事?你对某事有什么意见?
what I say
What sb. says goes.
某人说话是算数的[信得过、行得通的]; 照某人的话办。
What will Mrs Grundy say? (=What will the worldsay?)
不知人家会怎么议论? 不知社会上的人会怎么批评?
when all is said and done
说到底, 毕竟, 归根到底
You can saythat again!
[口]我完全同意! 你说对了!
You don't say (so)?
未必吧! 不会吧! 真的吗?
You may well say
[口]你完全有理由(这样)说; 你不妨(那么)说。
You may well say so
[口]你完全有理由(这样)说; 你不妨(那么)说。
You said it.
[美口]正是这样; 你说对了; 我同意。
Say away!
[口]说吧! 说出来吧!
say for oneself
为自己辩护, 辩解; 为自己找借口
say no
否定, 否认, 拒绝, 反对
Say no more!
[口]不用再说下去了! 你的意思我完全懂了!
Say on!
[口]说下去! 继续说!
say out
直说, 坦率说出
say over
say to oneself
自言自语; 心里想
say well
说得好, 说得对
say when
[喻]停止, 制止
say yes
肯定, 承认, 同意, 赞成
Says you!
[美俚]我不信! 去你的! 胡说!
Sez you!
[美俚]我不信! 去你的! 胡说!

say sth. to sb. say to oneself it 's hard to say say no to sb. I have nothing / something to say.

say about 发表对什么的看法 eg, Did your parents have much to say about your being
so late home last night?
say after sb 跟着......说(读) eg,"say after me",the teacher said.
say sth against sth (说.....)以反对 eg, Mother is sure to have something to say against
your desire to leave home.
say of sb/sth that clause 对......有某种说法,就......谈看法 eg, People say of her that
she uses black magic. 人们说她使用巫术。
say on 非正式语,接着说 eg, Say on, we’re still listening.
say out 说出来 eg, Say your piece out and pay attention to our feelings.把你的话说出来,并注意我们的情绪。
say over 背诵 eg, He practised saying his speech over until he was letter perfect.他练习背诵自己的演说稿,直到把它完全记熟。
say to 1.对.....说,告诉。eg,I want to say something to you in private. 我想私下对你说一些事。 2.是否同意做某事agree or not to do sth. eg, What do you say to going for a walk? 去散步好吗?
say to oneself 暗想 = think oneself eg, "What shall I do?" he said to himself.
to say nothing of 更不必说 eg, He hadn‘t seen the art galleries, the museums---to say nothing of the theatrical district. 他连艺术画廊,博物馆这些地方都没看,更谈不上去看剧院区了。
to say the least (of it) 至少可以说 eg, Such a view is incorrect ,to say the least . 至少可以说这样的见解是错误的。
have ( say ) one's say 有(利用)机会发表意见。 eg, She came here one month ago
, but she always wanted to have her say about everything. 她刚来一个月,可是总对什么事情都想说几句。
say for 为......讲话(辩护) eg, You were driving at ninety miles an hour. Have anything
to say for yourself? 你当时的驾驶时速已达90英里,你有什么要辩解的吗?

1/say goodbye 说再见;
2/say a few words 说几句;
3/say hello 打招呼;
4/say love 示爱;
5/say out 坦白的说出来 ;
6/say yes 同意,允诺.
7/say on 说下去;
8/say over 背诵;
9/say nothing 什么也不说;
10/say no 拒绝.

say to oneself 自言自语 say over 背诵say to pay薪酬发言权

say to是“认为”的意思

say what you like ,不管怎么说

say a few words 说几句 say over 背诵 say out 说出来 say for 为~~~讲话(辩护)say for oneself 为自己找借口 say to oneself 心里想,自言自语 say after跟着~~说\/读 say much for 说~~~质量极好 记住这些,就够了。2. 十个含有feeling的英语句子 N-COUNT 感情;情绪 A feelin...

I dare say 〔插入语〕大概;许是,我想。 I say=〔美口〕;喂;喂喂;哎呀;我是说…〔加强语气〕;哎呀 (

say on 非正式语,接着说 eg, Say on, we’re still listening.say out 说出来 eg, Say your piece out and pay attention to our feelings.把你的话说出来,并注意我们的情绪。say over 背诵 eg, He practised saying his speech over until ...

名言短语1. and so say I (或 all of us)我(们)的意见也是这样;我(们)也是这么说的2. as much as to say等于说,仿佛说3. before you (或one) can say knife (或Jack Robinson)说时迟,

英语中say的用法 【请高手讲清楚】
say的用法通常用在口语中。say作及物动词用作插入语。表示举例-比如说 Any books,say,magazines are OK.其他书,比如说,杂志可以。表示假设-姑且说 The number left was not great, say ,only ten.余下的数目不大,姑且说,只有十个罢了。表示大约 If you read, say, twenty pages a day, ...

say的中文意思是v.说;讲;比如说;表明。n.发言权;意见。一、say的常见短语。1、not to say近乎;甚至可以说。2、say against(说…)以反对。3、say for为…讲话辩护。4、say over背诵。二、say的词汇搭配。1、say rain预报有雨。2、say approximately大概地说。3、say distinctly清楚地说。4...

so say all of us 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 and so say l 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 and so say all of us 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 as much as to say 等于说, 仿佛说 as who should say [古]可谓, 可以这样说...

say out( v.+adv. )say over( v.+adv. )say to( v.+prep. )say to oneself to say nothing of to say the least (of it)safe的用法例句:1. All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来的二手材料。2. ...

say hi 什么意思
直接来说,"say hi"是一个简单的短语,它的字面含义就是向某人传达一种亲切的问候,即“说一声你好”。这个表达通常用于口语中,用于表示对别人的友好和打招呼,比如我们可以说"say Hi to sb.",意思是向某人问候或打招呼。类似的表达还有"say hello to sb.",它的功能相同,都是用于告别时向对方...

say的意思是“说”或者“讲话”。详细解释:基本定义 在日常用语中,say是一个常用的动词,用来描述人讲话的行为或者是表达意见、想法的过程。其基本含义为“说”。语境应用 1. 在日常对话中,我们经常使用say来描述某人所讲的内容。例如:“He said hello to me.”在这里,say表示了一种简单的讲话...

铁山区18041328149: 初中关于say的短语 除了it'said that that is to say say hello(sorry.goodbye...) -
卞伯惠迪:[答案] say sth.to sb.say to oneself it 's hard to say say no to sb.I have nothing / something to say.

铁山区18041328149: say的短语解释 -
卞伯惠迪: 关于短语say goodbye to分析 They came to say goodbye to me.他们来向我道别. 【短语】say goodbye to意思是“告别、告辞”.例如: It's time to say goodbye to you.该向你告辞了. 【扩展】类似的结构还有: say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢 say sorry to sb.向某人道歉 say yes to sb.同意某人的看法 say no to sb.拒绝某人

铁山区18041328149: 英语中say的用法 【请高手讲清楚】 -
卞伯惠迪: say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话.如:“I want to go there by bus” , he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去.”Please say it in English .请用英语说.say to oneself say for oneself It is said that say sth say that 如有帮助望采纳

铁山区18041328149: 英语句子中,什么时候用say,什么时候用speak? -
卞伯惠迪: 1、speak———“说”、“讲”、“演讲”.做及物动词时,宾语常是表示语言的词.例如:Do you speak Chinese?你说汉语吗?Mr.Wu is going to speak at our class meeting.吴老师将在班会上发言.2、talk———“讲”、“说话”、“...

铁山区18041328149: 英语单词“say”引导说话内容时,将之放在内容前、中、后,具体用法是什么(包括引号怎么用)?举例说明 -
卞伯惠迪: vt. 1. 说,讲: 例句: What did you say? 你刚才说什么? Say no more ! 别说,我全懂了! 2. 表明,宣称,声明: 例句: Please say it clearly and simply. 请简明扼要地说清你的意思. 3. 把…说确切,确定: 例句: It's hard to say what is ...

铁山区18041328149: 用动词say 或 tell 与以下短语造句 -
卞伯惠迪: He says you are great.He tells me (that) you are great. 下面是和“说”有关的词的用法:speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析. ▲ ...

铁山区18041328149: 初中英语,speak talk tell say 用法.和相关的固定短语. -
卞伯惠迪: speak后面语言种类 talk 是对话 两人的 tell 单方面说的 say 后面是说的内容!够简单吧!

铁山区18041328149: 英语中4个说怎么用(say,speak,talk,tell) -
卞伯惠迪: say : 最普通常用词,指用语言表达思想,着重所说的内容.它是及物动词,后面要跟宾语. speak : 侧重于说话动作的本身,着重说话的能力而不在内容,可以是长篇大论的演讲,也可以是三言两语的交谈,甚至指简单的开口发声说话,它是不及物动词. talk : 普通用词,侧重指与人交谈时的连续说话,可指单方面较长谈话,和speak一样,着重说活动作而不侧重内容,所以它也是不及物动词. tell : 普通用词,指把某事告诉或讲述给某人听,口语或书面语均可用,它需要支配两个宾语,一个叫做直接宾语,一个叫做间接宾语.直接宾语可以是一个从句. 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

铁山区18041328149: 有关have、thanks、help、make、say的短语,不要复杂,初一的 -
卞伯惠迪: have sb. do 让某人做某事 have one's hair cut (请人理发 have to 不得不;thanks to 幸 help to (do sth) 帮助去(做某事)help sb (for sth)(为某事) 帮助某人;make sb do迫使某人做某事say goodbye to向谁告别

铁山区18041328149: 在英语句子里什么时候用 say,什么时候用tell,什么时候用speak,什么时候用talk? -
卞伯惠迪:[答案] speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb say说 say sth to sb talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth say ,speak talk 和tell辨析.▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它...

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