
作者&投稿:尤纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think a big tree of culture picture. Growth of the big tree and soil that he rely on, climate, the environment has close relations, like different environments, the climate will be pregnant with different culture. When we saw a big tree, it was its trunk that saw at first, represent essence the most in culture , the most general thing. A lot of trunks on the branch , the trunk represents subculture, it stems from culture, there are one's own characteristics . Some are the mainstream in the subculture, some are non-mainstream. Certainly, the branch can also be grafted, think of the integration of Chinese and Western culture, but if grafting improperly will present the conflict. We cut the branch open , will find an important phenomenon ----Annual ring . The big tree always has annual ring , there is not annual ring that can only call the sapling . If we say that the culture of a nationality is the small sapling , this nationality does not have history, still very young. Finally, we can regard leaves as various kinds of culture phenomena and culture incidents , it is that the phenomenon was wanted in the past after all, always finished, for example finallied return to the ancestral home.

Handan, I finally see you. Please allow me a good taste of this city, feel your breath.

I have my own dreams to pursue. I can't stop at any harbor now.
The most important thing for me to do is work hard and make money.
Once determined, I can be stopped by nobody.
I really appreciate people around me who encourage and support me. I'm grateful to my parents too.
Now I am a person who has survived the illness and doesn't want to waste time on anything else but to work hard and enjoy life.

I have my hopes and dreams, I can not stop from reaching them.

My main goal is to work hard and earn a lot of money.

Once I choose to do something, no one can stop me.

I want to thanks to the people who supported me and my parents who supported me the most.

Me, right now, I had experience illness and pain, and I don't want to waist anytime on everything, the only way is to escape my hard work and enthusiasm life.

I have my expectation and personal pursuit. I can not stop myself even for a while.

Working hard and earning more money are most important to me.

As long as you make a decision, no one can stop you.

I appreciate those who encouraged and supported me and I am indebted to my parents.

And now, after getting over the sorrows(得病还是啥?the diseases), I am not going to waste time on any other things except devoting myself to the job and having an enthusiastical life.

I have my own dreams and destination. I cannot stop anywhere even for a short while before achieving those dreams.

The main task for me now is to work hard and try to earn more money.

You know sometimes when one has made up his/her mind to do something, no one can stop him/her.

I'm so grateful to people around me who gave me so many supports and encouragement, and also my parents of course.

Now, I've recovered from the illness; now, I don't want to waste anytime anymore, all I want to do is to work hard and live an enthusiastic life.

I own my own pursuit and aspiration, and I cannot even have a rest at any haven. The most important thing I ought to do now is to work hard and strive to make money.
Nobody can obstruct the decision that once be made by myself.
Thanks the people who are around me and my parents so much for giving their supports and encouragements.
And now, I went through the pain that I used to face. What the more important is not to waste time on any useless things, but to work ecstasingly and to live passionately.

I have my own dream and ambition,I can't take a short break by any ports, even it only takes a brief time.
The most important thing for me is to work hard and making money as more as possible in this period.
As a man makes his own decision,there's nothing can stop him.
I felt an great gratitude to poeple who always accompanied me.for they gave me great encouragement and support.the same to my parents...
Now,I survived from illness;at this time of now,I don't want to wastes any time on any unnecessary things.The only thing I have to do is to work selflessly and live with great passion...

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我读初二了,想好好努力 请各位学哥学姐们帮帮忙,告诉我你们的学习方法...
首先呢 希望你明确初二的重要性,因为你在这一年要是努力冲上来了就没什么问题了,当然,特别聪明的人初三也来的及 其次呢,你应该好好总结过去一年里你什么地方做的好,什么地方还有欠缺,在学习习惯上有没有问题,学习方法需不需要换一下,这个得你自己看看自己,比如你是不是在课堂上完全跟着老师的...

各位好心的朋友,先在此谢过大家了,谁有比较好的计算机练习试卷,帮我发到我的E-mail里面去好吗?我的E-mail地址是:liuer0567@126.com... 各位好心的朋友,先在此谢过大家了,谁有比较好的计算机练习试卷,帮我发到我的E-mail里面去好吗?我的E-mail地址是:liuer0567@126.com 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热...


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你已经是一个母亲,你应该明白这些。你的相亲,不仅是为你自己,也为了你的孩子,你的父母。你需要的 是一个有责任感的男人。希望你从棋局中走出来!但凡在外面打工,年龄大,又是单身,家还不是本地的,你不感觉很奇怪吗?但凡正常的男士都会结婚了,即使不结婚也想安个家啊!但他的家在哪里...

阳城县19712655580: 英语翻译我想请各位大神帮我把这段话给我翻译成英文谢谢.baby对不起,我没有不相信你,怀疑并不是不信任,我在乎你才会这样. -
景桦升白:[答案] baby, i am so sorry to question you! i do believe in you, the reason why i do this is because i really care about you. 也许你可以加上一句,i can't affort to losing you.(我无法承受失去你的痛苦)

阳城县19712655580: 请各位帮忙把一段中文翻译成英文.谢谢 -
景桦升白: My favourite lady,she might not be so perfect, but she is the most special for me. Even though i cant always guess her thoughts, but she always does things unexpectedly that made me feel the emotions of life. Every moment i spend with her is the happiest times in my life that i would never forget. 祝楼主好运~:)

阳城县19712655580: 请帮我把一段话翻译成日语 -
景桦升白: 夏休みに一绪に勉强した日々は私にとってとても忘れがたい大切な思い出です.あなたはいつも意识的に距离を置いていますが、みんな知っていることなのでわたしもこれ以上はいいません.わたしは分不相応なことを考える勇気もありま...

阳城县19712655580: 请大家帮我翻译一段话,翻译成英文
景桦升白: You heard the last to graduate, will have to embark on new jobs, I would like to sincerely congratulate you. Wishes to you on the road in the future take all plain sailing, in addition to our work and study, we would like to maintain regular contact since, ...

阳城县19712655580: 请大家帮忙把一段话翻译成英语 -
景桦升白: For paying less import tarrif, we hope you could provide a lower price but it will not reduce your profit, because I will pay you USD 10000 at first, and then remit the balance to your account directly, or ask carrier to deliver the balance to you. How's your...

阳城县19712655580: 请帮我把一段话翻译成英语,...
景桦升白: There is a dream in my heart,if this dream can take me to fly in the heaven, I am willing to give everything,even my life

阳城县19712655580: 请帮我把一段话翻译成英文(要准确哦,急急急) -
景桦升白: 第1章表明,经济问题和环境问题通过物质守恒定律紧密联系在一起.经济活动可以被视为物质和能量转换的过程.由于我们不能从绝对意义上消灭物质和能量(热学第一定律),他们将以废弃物的形式重新出现,并将最终被释放到环境中去....

阳城县19712655580: 帮我把一段话翻译成英语 -
景桦升白: All the family care about you, inclouding your cousin and I. You should be cautious about marriage, because it is so important a thing in our life. Really wish you happy forever ! And no matter what will happen in the future, the family are always with you....

阳城县19712655580: 请大家帮帮忙 帮我把下面的文段翻译一下 写成我们现在能理解的现代汉语 因为这样才我能翻译成英语 谢谢仰天只影临风孤立日落暮云低可见残阳如血现端... -
景桦升白:[答案] 仰天只影,临风孤立.日落暮云低可见,残阳如血现端倪. 划策刻谋,悉心利计,难将纷争避.刀剑为章,话此一刻缘起. 临风... 补漏已迟,凄恨世,绝靡计,不施匿迹. 这样的话就不用翻译了吧. (大意:形单影只地望着天空,迎着晚风伫立.可望见天边...

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