
作者&投稿:歧韵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Good evening ,everyone
Welcome to CCTV news today
First is a breaking news
We all know that this world is going to be crazy
Just Lately,
A gay couple express love and kiss publicly in the Ti'an Men Square which symbolize the PRC's country image
This cause the censure and watch of the tourists
But this couple still act according to their onw will,regardless of other's opinions
他们旁若无人的拥抱 亲吻 抚摸
They hugged,kissed and fondled as if there is no one else present
and didn't care what other people said
Not all the public are against this overwhelmingly
their views to this incident are mixed
Some people,even declared to be their fans
They support this couple openly
We can't help thking that
What happen to our country
What happen to our society
A country old civilisation with a long history of 5000 years
However,his people don't have a firm and right vaules
When face the impact of the new things
Can this old civilisation stick to its mores and traditional virtues ?
This is still very questionable
I dont' have discrimination agians gays
But I can't understand why this couple do this kind of thing which is harmful harmful to society's morals and can still get some people's support
究竟是社会进步了 还是人们的脸皮变厚了
This is a kind of progress of society or just because of some people's brazen attitude?
Now we are going to know more details of this incident

An inspection report on the battery. To customs transit use. Want to help translate the next master. It is more professional, please do not bring the software translation. I sub-few, but wish to master to be taken seriously.

Translation requirements are as follows:
Lead-acid battery MSDS

■ Risk Overview
◆ health hazards: rechargeable batteries on the skin, mucous membranes and other organizations have strong incentives and corrosion. Charging mist can cause conjunctivitis electrolyte gas, conjunctival edema, corneal opacity,; cause respiratory irritation. Which cause digestive tract burns after oral ulcer; severe cases may have gastric perforation, peritonitis, renal damage, shock. Light skin burns were erythema, severe cases, ulcers form, the more scar contraction after the plaques affect function. Splashing into eyes can cause burns within, or even corneal perforation, blindness and even the whole ophthalmia. Environmental hazards: a hazard to the environment, water and soil can cause pollution.
◆ Explosion risk
This product is encountered during charging and discharging the risk of fire explosion exists.

■ Operating Disposal
Operators must receive special training, strict compliance with operating rules. Proposed operators wear safety glasses, wear rubber acid suit, wear rubber gloves acid. Keep away from fire, heat, workplace smoking. Away from flammable, combustible. Avoid reducing agent, alkali, alkali metal contacts. Moving lightly when unloading. With the appropriate types and quantities of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage. Dilution or preparation of the electrolyte, the acid should be added to the water to avoid boiling and splashing.

■ Storage
Stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Library temperature does not exceed 45 ℃, relative humidity less than 75%.

■ Waste Disposal
Waste disposal methods: should be relevant to the disposition of qualified units.

■ Transport Note
This product must be reported prior to shipment. To complete the time of shipment packing, loading should be conservative. Transportation process to ensure that no leak, did not fall, not fall, no damage. With flammable or combustible material is prohibited, reducing agent, alkali, alkali metals, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed transportation. Transportation emergency transport vehicles should be equipped with leak-processing equipment. Transportation should prevent exposure, rain, anti-high temperature. Road transportation in accordance with the provisions of routes.
■ First aid measures
◆ Skin Contact: If splashed on skin, electrolyte test first go with a dry cloth, then rinse with plenty of water, and finally rinse with baking soda solution, seriously should be immediately taken to the hospital.
◆ eye contact: immediately filed eyelid, with a large number of mobile water or saline thoroughly washed at least 15 minutes. Medical treatment.
◆ Inhalation: rapidly from the scene to fresh air. Keep the airway clear. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stop immediately mouth. Medical treatment.
◆ Ingestion: Wash out mouth, to blues or egg white. Medical treatment.
◆ NOTE: The body to prevent skin contact. With a cotton puff of sulfuric acid to the skin, then a large number of mobile water rinse, and finally with 0.01% of the soda water (or dilute ammonia water) immersion. Do not directly wash!!

■ Fire-fighting measures
◆ risk features: battery charging and discharging process of precipitation reaches a certain concentration of hydrogen gas when the flame will experience an explosion or combustion.
◆ Hazardous combustion products: hydrogen, oxygen.
◆ fire fighting methods: Firemen must wear a fire suit body acid.
◆ extinguishing agent: dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.

Report on the survey of university students' online shopping

In the wake of the popularity of networks and the continued fall of the cost of production of computers,shopping on the net has gradually been transformed from a latest object into a part of adults' daily life. Networks are in the process of pounding at
people's traditional consumpption habit and thinking, life styles, using its unique advantage to gradually penetrate into peoples' mind. Consequently, I carry out a one time survey into the situation of university students'online shopping.

1. Objective of the survey
To understand, through this survey,current university
students'online shopping's purchasing attitude, as well as their
future expectation of online shopping's development
2. Survey's methods and targets
Method of analysing the survey.Carry out questionnaire survey on 50 students currently at universities. and then add up, analyse to reach the conclusion.
3. Survey's result
(i) Analysis of the overall situation of university students online shopping
1. Online shopping's power of attraction is evry great to university students. Through this survey which shows that 74% of the students have online shopping's experience.And among those who do not have online shopping's experience, only 2% have never viewed the online shopping's websites
2. In the days while online consumption and traditional consumption coexist, the reasons, that the majority of university students chose to shop online, are convenience,low price, its ratios are 34% and 42% respectively, having a satisfactory variety of goods is also part of the reasons, naturally,there are also those minority who do it out of curiosity and trend.
All those online shoppers, who took part in the survey,chose a third party ( Alipay or TenPay)when it comes to selecting thier method of payment for goods purchased.This illustrates that third party payment is the most popular way of making payment.
3. Among those websites that offer online shopping facilities,Taobao is the msot frequently visited website by university students,it accounts for 84%.
4. Among the shoppers, the demands for goods are mainly those products that would satisfy their mental needs.
The top four items that people buy are softwares for games/hardwares & softwares for computers/digital products (36%),
fashions: jewellery/fresh flowers/perfumes/gifts (28%),video products (14%), Sports and leisure goods: physical training/keep fit/camping (10%)
5. There is a time and space difference between online shopping and traditional mode of shopping. 12% of those online shoppers agree that goods are cheap but good, this is consistent with what it said,
20% say goods are genuine and the price is fair, however, there are also shoppers being fooled by the online sellers. After the purchase, 36% of the shoppers said they were generally satisfied
with what they bought, and 18% are satisfied.

(ii) The effect taht online shopping conducts have on university students' network knowledge.
Using " Having any online shopping experience?" as the standard,to compare the marks they gained in the areas regarding their awareness with respect to online purchasing risk,degree of trust towards network, network environment, from this we could see that online shopping conduct has a certain degree of effect on university students' knowledge towards network.
1. The perception of risk is higher among university students who do not have online shopping experience.Among those that have been surveyed, 68% have worries about network safety(credit card details, personal details etc.,) and the percentage for those worry about after sale service guarantee, quality of goods,speed of delivery are 62%, 58% and 40% respectively, others concerned about the tedious registration procedures, delivery charges etc.,

2. As for the difficulties encountered by university students who have online shopping experience.Categories of merchandise and the number of website mostly account for 30%, unclear description of goods take 38%, and the way of accounts settlement is 8% among all participants in this servey, other issues such as insufficient stock,complicated display of goods, uneasy to operate and website speed too slow etc.,account for 24%.
3.The development prospect of online shopping is perceptible.80% of the participants' mutual recognition has been more and more accepted by others, the space for development is huge, it can be seen that online shopping would develop more and more and would become the main way of shopping for the people. There are also 12%
of people who reckon online shopping would not develop a great deal in the short term,among this group of people, many of them have no online shopping experience.

(iii) Concise research analysis (简要研究分析)

The foundation of online shopping market has increasingly become stablized, Taobao, PaiPai, Yique etc.,online shopping websites have already become the market places for the vast number of network users. As a result of our country's continued speedy economic growth,the improvement of people's living standard, the enormous scale of China's telecommunication networks, the rise of computers'rate of popularization, the development of computer technology as well as government's impetus, online shopping is becoming more and more exciting, it will gradually develop and take shape to become people's principal form of shopping.

注: 网络购物 Online shopping (这是英国地道的书面语和口语)
网络 Network (单独时的翻译)

Net purchase of University Students Survey
As the network popular, the ever decreasing cost of computer, online shopping has slowly from one novel to the people gradually become part of everyday life. Network is an impact on people's traditional consumption habits and ways of thinking, way of life, its special advantages of gradually people. So my shopping through the Internet on college students conducted a survey of the situation.

First, investigate the purpose of
Through this survey of contemporary college students know the consumer attitude toward online shopping and the future development of Net purchase expectations

Two, the survey methods and survey
Survey analysis. Through 50 at the school conducted a survey of university students, and then statistical analysis, and come to the conclusion.

Three, the findings
(1) University Students online shopping overall situation analysis
1. Online shopping a lot more attractive to college students. Through this survey, there is online shopping experience accounted for 74 percent of university students. Online shopping experience without the college students, one of only 2% of people do not have to visit the website.

2. In the online consumer with the traditional consumer co-exist today, the majority of University Students select the reason online shopping is convenient, cheap, their respective proportion of 34%, 42%, but also because there is a part of merchandise are complete, of course, have less partly out of curiosity, fashion. At online shopping selection of respondents in the settlement, the selection of all third-party payment (payment or financial pay-Bao Tong), This shows that third-party payments are currently the most popular billing method.

3. At the website for online shopping in Taobao students are most often go the website, accounting for 84%.

4. There is shopping in person to demand to meet the spiritual needs of the products. Purchase merchandise before the four were game software / computer hardware and software / digital products (36%), fashion: jewelry / flowers / perfume / gifts (28%), audio-visual products (14%), sports and leisure products: Sport / Fitness / camping (10%),

5. Online shopping and traditional forms of shopping have time and space differences. Purchase one of inexpensive items have 12%, in line with what, 20% real, but also online sellers have been deceived. Purchase items, the purchase of merchandise on the degree of satisfaction has 36% of people feel in general, there is the satisfaction of 18%

(B) of online shopping behavior of college students the effects of cognitive network
To "have the online shopping experience," as the standard to compare their perceived risk of online shopping, network trust, network environment, such as questions on the score, we can see that online shopping behavior at a certain extent, will affect the perception of university students on the network.

1. There is no online shopping experience of university students on the network to a higher risk perception. All respondents to network security (credit card information, personal information, etc.) have worried that 68% of after-sales service guarantee the quality of the goods, delivery speed concerns separately accounted for 62%, 58%, 40%, the other also cumbersome registration procedures have to, distribution costs

2. Has a network of college students to experience online shopping difficulties. The number of merchandise categories and too many web accounts for 30% of merchandise description was not clear 38%, while clearing the way at all which also accounted for 8%, and other questions in the inventory shortage interface complex and difficult to operate and too slow, such as web 24%

3. The prospects for the development of online shopping are perceived. 80% of respondents agree that there is more and more being accepted, a large space for development of this opinion, we can see that online shopping will be more and more people to development and forming the main form. Also has 12% of people still think there will not be much short-term development, which has a lot of online shopping are not experienced.

Four, a brief analysis of
Online shopping market environment more and more stable foundation,淘宝,拍拍, eBay and other online shopping has become a vast number of Net users place for online shopping. As China's sustained and rapid economic growth, improve people's living standards, China's telecommunications network scale growth, enhance the penetration of computer, computer technology, as well as the development of the Government to promote more and more hot-line shopping market, will gradually develop and the formation of people to the main form.

Students buys survey report
Along with the network popularization, the cost of the computer has been declining, online shopping slowly from a fresh gradually become part of everyday life. Network is pounding people's traditional consumption habits and thinking, lifestyle, with its special advantages and gradually. Therefore I on college students' online shopping on the poll.

A survey
Through the investigation of the contemporary college students' attitude and the network shopping consumption of e-commerce development future expectations

Second, the investigation methods and research objects
Survey analysis. Through 50 undergraduates has carried on the questionnaire survey and statistics, analysis, and the conclusion.

Third, the survey results
(a) the overall condition of college students in online shopping
1 shopping online appeals to the students. Through the survey, online shopping experience for students 74. Without online shopping experience of college students, which not only 2% of the visit shopping website.

2 in the online consumer and traditional consumption today, most of the students of coexistence in online shopping choice is convenient, cheap price, the proportion of their respective 42 percent, and for some, of course, complete because few of curiosity and fashion. The respondents in online shopping in settlement of choice when everyone chose the third-party payment (pay treasure wealth or FuTong), this is the third most popular payment settlement.

3 in the available online shopping website of university students is the treasure, often go website, 84%.

4 a shopping mall in order to meet the demand of the spiritual needs. Four kinds of commodities purchased in computer software and hardware/software/digital products (36%), fashion: jewelry/flowers/perfume/gifts (28%), audio and video products (14%), sports and leisure products: sports/fitness/camping (10%),

5. Online shopping mall with a traditional form of time and space. Purchase inexpensive items of 12%, with what is consistent, genuine 20 %, but also have been online sellers cheating. Purchases of goods purchased, after the satisfaction degree of 36 percent of people feel satisfied, 18%

(2) the network shopping behavior on college students' cognitive. Network
"Whether have online shopping experience" is a standard, compare their perception of the network shopping at risk, network, network environment problems such as the credibility of scoring, can see the network shopping behavior in a certain extent affect college students on the network.

1 no online shopping experience for the students of higher risk perception of Internet shopping. All of those surveyed, network security (credit card information, personal information, etc.), and worry about 68 percent of after-sales service, quality assurance, delivery of the goods, the speed of about 62%, respectively, 40 %, other 58% of registration formalities and distribution, etc.

2 the students with the network shopping experience for the difficulties in online shopping. Goods and the number of sites of 30 %, many of the goods described not clear and settlement of 38%, all people are accounted for 8 %, other problems in inventory shortage, interface, easy operation and complex site is too slow

3 the development prospect of online shopping is the perception. Eighty respondents agree more and more be accepted by people, the development of a space, can see 购物会 online shopping and development and form the main forms of the people. Also have 12% of people think short-term won't have too big development, which has many is not online shopping experience.

Four, brief analysis
Online shopping market environment more and more stable, clean, clap, ebay etc online shopping network has become the majority of Internet users online shopping. With China's sustained economic growth, the improvement of people's living standard, China telecom network scale expansion, the popularization of the computer, the computer technology to improve the development of government and market, online shopping, will gradually more hot forming and development of the main forms of the people shopping.

The university student net buys the report of investigation to be popular along with the network, the computer cost unceasing drop, on the net the shopping already slowly gradually turned the people daily life from a fresh thing a part.The network is attacking people's traditional expense custom and the thought, the life style, but by its special superiority gradually sink deep into the hearts of the people.Therefore I the shopping situation have carried on an investigation to the university student net on. First, the investigation goal as well as future will buy the development through this investigation understanding present age university student to the network shopping expense manner to the net the expectation Second, investigation method and investigation object investigation analytic method.Through has carried on the questionnaire survey to 50 in the school university student, then the statistics, the analysis, and has drawn the conclusion. Third, on the investigation result (1) university student net the shopping overall situation analyzes 1. On the net the shopping the attraction is very big to the university student.Demonstrated through this investigation that, has on the net the shopping experience university student to account for 74%.But does not have on the net the shopping experience university student, in which only then 2% person not to glance over the shopping website. 2. on-line expenses and traditional expense coexisting today, the majority university students choose on the net the shopping reason are convenient, the price are cheap, its each one occupies the proportion is 34%, 42%, also some part is because the commodity is complete, certainly also has the few parts is out of curiosity, the fashion.The on-line shopping when is chosen by the surveyor in the settlement way, all people have all chosen the third party payment (payment treasure or wealth pay pass), this explained the third party payment is the settlement way which at present most receives welcome. 3. In may supply on the net in the shopping website, washes valuably is the website which the university students most often go, accounts for 84%. 4. has in the shopping person the shopping demand to satisfy the product which the spirit needs primarily.The purchase first four kind of commodities are in turn the game software/computer software and hardware/numerical code product (36%), the fashion: Jewelry/fresh flower/perfume/present (28%), audio and video product (14%), movement and leisure product: The sports/fitness/camps (10%), On 5. nets shopping and traditional form shopping having time and spatial difference.Purchase goods excellent in quality and reasonable in price have 12%, with consistency which said, genuine goods at reasonable prices 20%, but also has by the net on the seller is deceived.After the purchase goods, has 36% person to purchase commodity satisfaction to feel general, satisfaction has 18% (2) network shopping behavior to university student network cognition influence by “whether has on the net the shopping experience” is the standard, compared with them in sensation network question and so on in shopping risk, network confidence level, network environment scores, may see the network shopping behavior to be able to affect the university student to a certain extent to the network cognition. 1. does not have on the net the shopping experience university student to be high to the network shopping sensation risk.Completely by surveyor in, to network security (credit card information, individual information and so on) the worry has 68%, but to the post-sale service guarantee, the cargo quality, the allocation speed worry has accounted for 62% separately, 58%, 40%, other also have to registers the procedure to be tedious, allocation expense and so on 2. has the network shopping experience university student in the difficulty which the shopping meets to the net on.The line of goods and the website number accounted for 30% too much, the commodity description have accounted for 38% not clearly, but settled accounts the way also to account for 8% in the middle of all people, in other questions the goods in stock insufficiency, the contact surface was complex, not easy to operate and the website speed too slow and so on has 24% On 3. pair of nets the shopping prospects for development are a sensation.Some 80% is approved by the surveyor more and more is accepted by the people, the development space is very big this viewpoint, may see on the net the shopping to be able more and more to develop and to form the people shopping the main form.Also some 12% person thought in the short-term cannot have the too big development, this in which has very many does not have on the net the shopping experience. Fourth, on the brief research analysis network the shopping market foundation environment is more and more stable, washes valuably, the racket, nets and so in Yi Qu the shopping network has become on the general web cam net the shopping place.Continues the fast growth along with our country economy, the lives of the people level enhancement, the Chinese telecommunication network scale strength, the computer popular rate enhancement, the computer technology development as well as government's impetus, on the net the shopping market is more and more irritable, can develop and form the people shopping gradually the main form.一定对哦!

1.樯橹灰飞烟灭 曹军船只的樯(桅杆)和橹(船桨)全被烧得灰飞烟灭。2.良庖岁更刀,割也;族庖月更刀,折也。好的厨师每年更换一把刀,因为他用刀割断筋肉;一般的厨师每月更换一把刀,因为用刀砍断骨头。3.卒皆夜惊恐。戍卒们一到晚上就惊恐害怕。4.复北上,行于石罅中。再往北上,走在狭谷...

文言文高手come on !!!求翻译啊亲!!!~~~


分类: 教育\/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述:原文:济阴之贾人,渡河而亡其舟,栖于浮苴之上,号焉。有渔者以舟往救之,未至,贾人急号曰:"我济阴之巨室也,能救我,予尔百金!"渔者载而升诸陆,则予十金。渔者曰:"向许百金,而今予十金,无乃不可乎!"贾人勃然作色曰:"若,渔者也,一...



跪地叩求越南文翻译高手帮我翻写成越南文 急急急
我一定会来找你的!我很想你很爱你的!宝贝,照顾好自己,不要让我担心你!co thoi gian hay lien lac voi anh, anh rat nho em. Tet goi cho anh nhe, anh se den tham em. anh se rat nho em va yeu em mai. em yeu, hay giu minh nhe, dung cho anh lo nhe....


1、顺手折了一支花,正巧碰见驿使,于是就让驿使把花带给在陇头的朋友。2、驿差:古时传递书信、文件的使者 3、指远距离的翻山渡水。形容路途遥远,行路辛苦。 跋涉:翻山越岭、趟水过河。4、天涯若比邻:四海之内有知己朋友,即使远在天边,也感觉象邻居一样近。

播,鄱,翻,蕃,幡,潘,嬏,翻,璠,橎,轓,蟠,膰,燔,襎,磻,皤,蹯,鱕,勫,飜,鷭,墦,磻,僠,鐇,审,旙,譒,噃,嶓 播 播种 翻 翻山越岭 锻、缎、煅、椴 锻炼 绸缎 给些分吧,希望能帮助到你

沙湾区15234479819: 【急】英语高手来!!!...
华购欣诺: 1、I not only don't like singing but also don't like computer. 2、I am thinking about going to Canada.

沙湾区15234479819: 英语高手来!!!!!!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!!!! 请将下面的文字翻译成英文的! -
华购欣诺: Maximum, progression, differential coefficient 哈哈哈,楼主,这样的翻译你要是用了,论文还能发表/通过毕业吗?海涅定理及其应用 (Heine Theorem and its Application) (作为标题,应该明白,实词首字母大写,虚词不用,这也是学术作品...

沙湾区15234479819: 求英文高手翻译一篇检验报告(中译英) -
华购欣诺: An inspection report on the battery. To customs transit use. Want to help translate the next master. It is more professional, please do not bring the software translation. I sub-few, but wish to master to be taken seriously. Translation requirements are ...

沙湾区15234479819: 急!求英文高手翻译一段房地产类的一段公司报告!谢谢啦! 房地产营销的研究 中国的房地产市场正处于发展 -
华购欣诺: Real estate marketing research of China's real estate market is at the primary stage, from countrywide uneven development. Domestic large and medium-sized cities and coastal economic developed area in the real estate industry of the market-...

沙湾区15234479819: 急求英语高手翻译一篇英文报道!
华购欣诺: 来了来了,新鲜的答案出炉了,请楼主过目~~~ In the Jan. 22, 2008 7:40 am, at the corner of a highway, an overspeed truck knocked over a car. This accident leaded two people died and one got serious injury. It made an hour traffic block and ...

沙湾区15234479819: 英语高手来翻译!急呀!! -
华购欣诺: 1. I'm thrilled by the upcoming of the movie which is adapted from my favorate novel.2.John is content to sit in front of TV set everyday.3.He said he will make his children with some special skills, for example drawing,singing, and dancing.4.He is not ...

沙湾区15234479819: (着急)帮忙翻译一个很断的报告(英文高手帮忙) -
华购欣诺: TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT 传输确认报告 TIME :03/08/2007 11:20 时间:03/08/2007 11:20 SER.# :G6K556553 序列号:G6K556553 DATE.TIME 03/08 11:20 日期.时间:03/08 11:20 FAX.NO./NAME 02152380455- 传真号码:/...

沙湾区15234479819: 请高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文,很急,谢谢拉! -
华购欣诺: 我的结束就是一无所有 一片空白 每个人都是瞎子 我想要一条新的路 开始美丽的生活 我曾经在该死的女同性恋里的世界疯狂 我再也不要这样... 过去已经愚蠢够了 我不打算继续自我伤害 来自我家里的所有爱可以足够支持我继续我的道路 其他的在...

沙湾区15234479819: 高手麻烦帮忙翻译一句简单的英文!!!急~!急~!急~! -
华购欣诺: when you were not in the office, an advertising company named Lanyun called in and wished to set up business relationships. Here's thier email, p...

沙湾区15234479819: 急求翻译~~英语高手来
华购欣诺: 他们站在上面已经三天了They have been on the top for three days.让我走吧Let me go.不行,你走之前必须亲我一下.No way,you must kiss me before you leave.不行,你让我亲我就亲,那我不是很没面子No way,if I kiss you as you let me do ,I will lose face.(亲亲)(kiss me)你在看什么(what are you looking at?)那个人好怪啊(What a strange man.)他好像条狗啊(He looks like a dog.)

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