
作者&投稿:东融 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. People usually think that language is the vehicle of culture, hence to kill language is the same with to kill the culture.
2. The thing that has to be pointed out is that English Globalization will result in a homogenous world where language diversity will be destroyed.
3. Whether the government shoud sponsor the traditioanl artists and musicians has become the concern of the public.
4. The impact of tourism upon the local culture is obvious.

1想出,制定出 work out
2.经过(时间)过去 As time going by或As time goes by
3.在20世纪六十年代in the 1960s
4.结果 as a consequence ,as a result ,finally,eventually
5.每年一次 once a year
6.聚会 have a party
7.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do something
8.毕竟 after all
9.在····的帮. with the help of sb 或with sb's help
10.在某种程度 to some degree
11.共同 have something in common
12.在···看来as far as sb's concern或 in one's opinion
13.和···分享 share with
14.处理 deal with
15.和···交流 communicate with
16.组成 弥补 make up of ,consist of ,
17.单独 independently 或 by oneself
18.人类 human beings 或mankind
19.终点线 the finishing line
20.一位挚友 a good friend

He spent two days to work out a plan
或It took him two days to work out the plan
The second world war broke out in the 1960s
As time goes by ,he becoms older and older


电脑不够电了 明天再给你写吧

1. go(es) to his home 如果是进行时就是going to his home
2. give(s) Tom a book
3. give(s) this to Tom
4. talk(s) about something
5. talk(s) with sb.
6. through radio
7. like(s )to write letters
8. How to you think the script?
9. need to do sth
10. get some money
11. pay for summer camp
12. as same as
13. won't(will not)
14. find out(discover)
15. plan a birthday party for his best friend.
16.somebody else

1. Go his house
2. Give Tom a book
3. Put it to Tom
4. Talk about something
5. ... Conversation with the ...
6.by Radio
7. Likes to write
8. Do you think what the script how to
9. Necessary to do something
10. Get some money
11. To pay for summer camp
12. ... ... The same with
13. Not
14. Found
15. For his good friend plan a birthday party
16. A person other

1. Go his house
2. give Tom a book
3. give it to Tom
4. Talk about sth.
5. talk with sb. =talk to sb.
6. by Radio
7. Like to write letter
8. what do you think of the script
9. need to do sth.
10. Get some money
11. pay for summer camp
12. The same as
13. can not
14. find out
15. For his good friend to plan a birthday party
16. A person another

go to hie home
give Tom a book
give it to Tom
talk about sth
talk with sb
by/across video
like to white
what do you think about this play
need to do
get some money
pay for summer camp
the same...as...
unable/will not
for his good friend plan a birthday party
anther one

go to his home
give tom a book
give it to tom
talk about something
talk with

1.一盘;一壶 2.沸腾;煮沸的 3.爱斯基摩皮船; 小艇 4.(天气)晴朗,阳光好 5. (打电话)叫天气预报(有点奇怪,没见过这个句子,只能字面翻译)6.(首字母大写)【专有名词】冰块望远镜;冰块 7.网球运动 8.被堵在交通堵塞中 9.你也去穿雨衣!(因为是命令式,go在句首是强调作用,没有...

哇,太多了,幸亏你今天遇见了我!1.让某人独自呆着 2。尽可能干某事。(as quickly as possible 尽可能快)3.足够的钱(这是短语吗?如果有深层意思,那我不知道了)4.没必要干某事。(there is no need to fight!没必要打架)5.该轮到某人干某事了(it's you turn to clean the bathroom!

一.相近介词和介词短语 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership \/ care of 在~~领导\/关心下 2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun\/sunshine 在阳光下 under the...


慢下来 以……为基础 记住……在手边 明智的选择 保持改变 远离……急于……一句话说 总而言之 在任何情况下 用简短的方式 负责,掌控 普遍 大体上 赞同 自助餐派对 安静的晚宴 鸡尾酒派对 酒会 午餐派对 接见 自带啤酒和………茶会 商务中心 购物中心 左侧的行李 饭厅 酒吧大厅 存折 ...

consider have done go all out to do 全力以赴 offer to 主动提出干某事 be anxious to do 急于想干某事 be the last to do be worthy of being done 某事值得干 be worthy to be done 与上一个同义 某事值得干 can't help doing 1情不自禁干某事 consider sb to be...

两个【西班牙语】词组帮忙翻译下1 Da un paseo 2 Pone la tele_百度...
1.散步 2.打开电视 dar和poner都是第三人称单数,根据人称来变化,这两个是固定词组的用法

how about...?2.study for ...3.why not ...?4.tastes like ...5.find out...5.looks like6.have time7.nothing besides ...8keep (on) doing sth9.in one's spare time (free time)望采纳,谢谢!

1.young monkey比较口语 2.fantastic and shrewdly fantastic的意思:幻想的, 奇异的, 稀奇古怪的 shrewdly的意思:机灵的 所以 fantastic and shrewdly 是古灵精怪的意思 3.wicked !slightly immoral or bad for you, but in an attractive way:a wicked grin a wicked sense of humour 4.elf 小...

1.twice a week 2.a little water 3.decorate the tree 4.help sb (to) do sth\/with sth 5.sweep the floor 6.call\/phone\/telephone\/ring\/make a phone call to me 7.wear a coat 8.drive a car 9.leave Emei for Leshan 10.have an afternoon tea 11.surf on the internet 12....

新会区17170358515: 英语词组,帮忙翻译下,明天要交作业. -
进郑生脉: 1. go(es) to his home 如果是进行时就是going to his home 2. give(s) Tom a book 3. give(s) this to Tom 4. talk(s) about something 5. talk(s) with sb. 6. through radio 7. like(s )to write letters 8. How to you think the script? 9. need to do sth 10. get some ...

新会区17170358515: 英语翻译明天要交的作业啊,有没有神人给翻译一下吧In all,Wellman figured that he had done 5,000 pull - ups up the rope on the climb.However,when the two ... -
进郑生脉:[答案] 总之,Wellman认为他做了5000个引体向上攀爬绳子.然而,当两人第一次见面时,他们从不谈论攀升.”他知道是我受伤.”Wellman说.直到有一天Wellman决定,他想爬起来,他们开始训练了.一半圆顶并不顺利的爬.一度的摇滚了,Cor...

新会区17170358515: 急啊!帮忙翻译英语的句子~明天就要交作业的! -
进郑生脉: 1.The film's look at yesterday2.Must write a book3.We used to get up early4.He yesterday playing the game, not watching TV5.The earthquake so serious, many people died6.He was so polite a student, we all like him7.Water is used for drinking

新会区17170358515: 英语翻译我明天就要交作业了,快.快.fastest.fastest.Do you like noodles and dumplings?These foods are popular in both China and Italy.There aremany kinds ... -
进郑生脉:[答案] 你喜欢面条,饺子吗? 这些食物在中国和意大利是很受欢迎的.在中国有很多种面条.,每一种面条都有专有的名字.例如,刀削面叫knife-cut noodles”.我们用刀削生面团来制作刀削面.意大利也有许多种类的意大利面食,但是他们...

新会区17170358515: 请教英文翻译,明天就要交作业了 -
进郑生脉: Tom was walking his pet dog when a cat jumped out from nowhere. While I was talking to my friend on the phone,another friend of mine came to see me.

新会区17170358515: 英语翻译急明天交的作业 -
进郑生脉:[答案] 相见欢(李煜词作) 无言独上西楼,月如钩.寂寞①梧桐深院锁清秋②. 剪不断,理还乱,是离愁.别是一般③滋味在心头. 词语注释 ①寂寞:指长着梧桐的深院孤寂清冷. ②锁清秋:被一片清秋气氛所笼罩.锁:锁住、笼罩. ③别是一番:另有一种. 作品...

新会区17170358515: 英语题,急!明天就要交作业了!帮忙!1.what word can be seen if I jump into the water?2.what has a tongue but can't speak?3.ftom what number can you ... -
进郑生脉:[答案] 1.what word can be seen if I jump into the water?我跳进水里会看到什么词?其实是个英语文字游戏,就是我把单词“我(I)”放到单词”“水(water)”中间Waiter -wa I ter2.what has a tongue but can't speak?什...

新会区17170358515: 帮忙5个单词翻译,带音标,明天交作业啊
进郑生脉: sweetly ['swi:tli] adv. 甜美地;温柔地;惬意地;讨人喜欢地night [nait] n. 夜晚,晚上;黑暗,黑夜 adj. 夜晚的,夜间的cried [kraid] v. 哭泣;喊叫(cry的过去分词)start [stɑ:tid] vt. 开始;启动 vi. 出发 n. 开始;起点 sounded [saundid]( sound [saund]的过去分词)

新会区17170358515: 写出下列词语的缩略形式(大家帮忙下,急,明天就要交作业了,1、I am( ) 2.heis( ) 3.what is( )4、it is( ) 5、that is( ) 6、who is( ) -
进郑生脉:[答案] 1.I'm 2.he's 3.what's 4.it's 5.that's 6.who's

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