
作者&投稿:少钱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译 词组 句子~


liquid medicine
be angry with sb.
just now
live in a host family
heard of
sleep early at some nights
can't stand laughing
love my school
a littel fever
be helpful to
in one's whole life

my computer doesn't work well.
It's important to eat a balance diet
It's very easy to have a healthy life style.
Eating dangshen and huangqi is good for the body
He didn't fall asleep/go to bed until his dad came back

恩 就这样了 你看看 手译的


1.目前的形势 current situation 2.意味着 it means that 3.在莎士比亚时代 at Shakespear's time 4.对...着迷 be fond of 5.出席 be present at 6.正要接近于 Getting close to 7.彼此信任 trust each other\/believe in each other 8.改变情形 change the situation 9.忽视某人的情感 ignore...

1. above 在……上-- below 在……下 2. after 在……后 -- before 在……前 3. all 全部 -- none 全无 4. alone 单独地 -- together 一起 5. always 总是 -- sometimes 有时 6. answer 回答 -- ask 询问 7. answer 答案 -- question 问题 8. back 背部 -- front 前面 9....

. Maturity 成熟 The drastic transformation from isolated centrally planned to internationally open market economy has occurred so fast that the change in the mindset and the adaptation of new modern business practice is still in the process of maturation.这种从计划经济到对外开放经济的强烈...

中文句子翻译方法(汇总) 做任何事情都要讲究技巧和方法,翻译也不例外,下面就为大家整理了一些中文句子翻译方法,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子.使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子。 如:八月中旬,修理组人员在...


求翻译 如是我士,愿舍我身,光明之火,光耀星河……

翻译:在这时薄冰开始融化,水波开始发出亮光…… 画横线的词语用的就是意译。有时整句也可以用意译。 例12:燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉!(《史记·陈涉世家》) 翻译:目光短浅的人怎么会知道抱负远大的人的志向呢! 2. 翻译文言文句子的具体用法:留、补、调、换、删、组 1、组——组词خ 把单音节词变成双ث多ج...

在线等各位英语高手中译英 运用多组 词组,使用从句 翻译下列5个句子
1 Last afternoon,there was a warmly dissicussion in our class about that "whether it benefits or not to study separately or in group?".2 Fifty five pertents of students among the class deem it good to study eparately,while the other forty five pertents deem it not 3 ...

高人帮帮忙 一段古文翻译

11.下列各组句子中加点词的意义不相同的一项是( C )(4分) A. 犭婴 弗得自致也\/无从致书以观 B. 犭婴 悉移至窟中\/男女衣着,悉如外人 C. 迹之至窟旁\/不露蛛丝马迹 D. 犭婴 据窟啸曰\/孙权据有江东 12.用现代汉语翻译文中划横线的句子。(3分) 句子:货固吾有者,尔何得有也? 翻译: 货物原本归...

崂山区18893407236: 英语翻译翻译词组或句子1.撞上某人2,把……分成3,跌倒4,自从那以后5,……的数字6,梦想做某事7,人们相信……8,……的安全 -
赖志龙凤:[答案] 这是九年级Unit9 课文中的词组 knock into divide...into fall down since then the number of dream of doing It is believed that the safety of

崂山区18893407236: 英语翻译翻译词组:1、自我感觉良好 2、另外 3、在公共场合讲话 4、我们的优点和缺点 5、和…一起翻译句子:1、你已经十四岁了,你应该照顾好自己.2、... -
赖志龙凤:[答案] 词组:1.feel good about oneself 2.in addition 3.speak in public 4.our advantages and disadvantages 5.along with... 句子:1.You are already 14 years old and should take care of yourself. 2.Mrs.Green cooked for the poor child by herself yesterday. 3.Did ...

崂山区18893407236: 10个翻译句子,10个翻译词组一、翻译句子1.我的生日在1987年8月9号.2.我爷爷今年九十岁了.3.他有64215410元钱.(注:64215410要用英语表达)... -
赖志龙凤:[答案] 1. I was born on August 9th, 1987. 2. My grandpa is ninety years old this year. 3. He has sixty four million two hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and ten yuan. 4. It takes him twenty five mitutes to get to school on foot. 5. Our new teaching building ...

崂山区18893407236: 翻译词组或句型1.生日快乐 2.几岁了?3.在八月 4.在九月五日 -
赖志龙凤:[答案] 1.Happy birthday 2.How old is ... 3.in August 4.On September 5th

崂山区18893407236: 英语翻译句子和词组1我可以有你的电子信箱嘛?2他喜欢上网聊天3我需要一些胶水修风筝4你想要写信给谁?5这是我的笔友,他来自日本1纽约的天气2看京... -
赖志龙凤:[答案] 1.May I have your Email address,please?2.He likes to chat on the Web.3.I need some glue to fix kites.4.Who do you want to write to?5.This is my pen pal who's from Japan._____________________________1....

崂山区18893407236: 英语词组和句子在线翻译,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
赖志龙凤: Nice to meet you to(我也很高兴认识你) hello !(你好) 26个字母 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 望采纳!

崂山区18893407236: 翻译词组和句子 -
赖志龙凤: 1.你还在为重调录音机而苦恼?就更别提你那数码多功能唱片机了2.没有人生来是为了失败的 daunted by the thought of :为...感到苦恼(因想到...感到气馁) set out 启程 出发

崂山区18893407236: 英语翻译词组翻译,词组造句,例句中文. -
赖志龙凤:[答案] 由于 因为 because of your mistake,we failed the task. 由于你的失误,使得我们没能完成任务

崂山区18893407236: 翻译词组句子
赖志龙凤: Straight to walk away To the corner of the road how to look at the map at the crossroads teacher told us another way to the museum when the traffic lights turns green ,you can pass can you tell me the way to the railway station? turn right at the ...

崂山区18893407236: 英语词组翻译 -
赖志龙凤: 1,give sb. a glance.例句:I gave her a glance.我看了她一眼.2,glance at sb.瞥某人一眼 3,stare at sb凝视某人 4,对某人瞪一眼:give sb. a dirty look5,瞟一眼:cast an eye on

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