
作者&投稿:劳宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

B) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词中选出最恰当的10个,并将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(每小题1分)
hear listen how successfully place hurt
what before them because natural life
Deal with conflict
Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you don’t know how to deal with anger and conflict .Conflict is part if everyone’s __66____. It will show up at school, at work and at home .It’s Ok to feel angry, annoyed or sad. These feelings are __67____,but different people deal with ___68______in different ways .Some people shout, call people names ,or even hit the person who has __69____them .Others do their best to keep away from disagreements but very few deal with conflict ___70________.
Dealing with conflict is a step by step progress. _____71______you start discussing the problem ,calm down ,count to 10 and imagine a relaxing ___72______.Then ,say what is really bothering you ,but watch how you express yourself .Don’t complain. Share ___73___you feel by using “I “ For example ,don’t say “You are always ordering me to do this or to do that ,”but “I feel sad___74__you don’t pay attention to what I think .
You want people to ____75_____your opinion so make sure you practice what you want to say .Listen carefully to the other person and accept that he or she might see the problem in a different way .Be open minded and willing to say sorry.
66. life 67. natural 68. them 69. hurt 70. successfully
71. Before 72. place 73. how 74. because 75. hear

VII 短文填空
look, year, change, deep, home, cold, can, work, take, father
Every day, on her way to work, Amelia had to pass a slum(贫民窟). As a social 61 , she had not paid much attention to it. This 62. one day when she met a ragged(衣衫褴褛的) boy named Sam. Sam knew she was the head of social services, and that she 63. help. He reached out his hand and said, “Can you help me? I’m 64. for my dad.” His hands were so 65. . Amelia said, “What’s up?” “My mom is terribly sick. Her birthday is coming. I know my 66. coming back would be the best present. My dad had left us before I was two 67. old,” said the boy.
Amelia was 68. moved and asked Sam to take her to his home. He led her to a small house. Amelia saw a woman lying on the bed. The woman knew she was dying. She said to Amelia, “Please find a 69. for my son.”
Amelia 70. her hand and nodded with tears(眼泪). She got an idea! Her husband and she had no children, and looking forward to having one. Later Amelia brought Sam home. Ever since then, the new family have had happiness and laughter.
61. worker 62. changed 63. could 64. looking 65. cold
66. father’s 67. years 68. deeply 69. home 70. took

二、短文填空。用下面方框中单词的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次) 。将答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)
check  China  difficult  easy  farm  forget
little  many  other  peace  amazing  serious
Look at the picture, what do you see?
 1   , some people say it’s an old man, while others say it’s a young woman and an old  2   . It is a problem with many answers. Why?
When you look at a problem from different
views, you get different answers. Just turn it in your mind  3  bit, and you may see it in a completely new way.
Some people only form an idea in their mind “A problem has only one answer, and all the  4   are wrong.”
Some even laugh at the different answers others come up with. Well, they’re wrong! If people only believed in one answer, we might still think the world is square(方形的)!
What’s one plus one? That’s easy, two! Right? Well, that’s one right answer, but not the only answer. You might think of 11, or some  45  characters like “二” or “十”! What’s a mom plus a dad? You might think of two people, or a man and a woman, or a whole family! So, even the  6   questions can have many answers.
Of course, some problems do only have one answer. If each of the questions in a math test had  7   than one answer, it would be quite a problem for teachers  8 .
Look at things in different ways, face your life with a  9  mind, and you’ll see a completely different world.
After reading my article, if I ask you again: “What do you see in this picture?”, will you still give the same answer now? I’m sure this picture will be  10  to you.
1. Amazingly 2. farmer 3. a little 4. others 5. Chinese
6. easiest 7. more 8.to check 9. peaceful 10. unforgettable
B. Choose the best words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文)(12分)
Be yourself
We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had nicer clothes or m ore money. Everyone likes to feel that lie or she is special.____75____ , many of us grow up believing that we’re not special at all. We believe we are not good enough just as we are.
Most parents want us to be the best we can be. Very often, they____76____us to others. By doing this, they try to encourage us to do better. They mean well, but the message we often get is that we’re not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is by being better than someone else, but we are often____77____ .There will always be someone out there who is better than we are at something. Plenty of people around may not be as smart as we are, but they are better at sports. Or they may not be as good-looking, but they have more money. It is ____78____ for us to be better than everyone else all the time.
We all want the things that we believe will make us better people. But very often we don’t realize that we already have____79____us the very things that we want. These things make us different from others. When we are growing up, ____80____sometimes forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough. Maybe no one told them when they were growing up. Anyway, it’s up to us to remind them from time to time that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are is enough.
75. A) Again B) Next C) Besides D) However
76. A) describe B) compare C) introduce D) prefer
77. A) lonely B) forgetful C) disappointed D) nervous
78. A) helpful B) impossible C) necessary D) unfair
79 A) inside B) among C) around D) for
80. A) friends B) scientists C) parents D) doctors
75. D 76. B 77. C 78. B 79. A 80. C

on first give change it letter while because cheap fast
The British love sending text messages. They send more than 2.5 billion every month. And most people now understand the language of text, with its numbers and missing 61 . In fact, when a student at a Scottish school wrote the whole article “in txt”, his teacher 62 him “C+ 4 f4t ” (“C+ for effort ”).
Although texting(发短信) is a 6 3 way of staying in touch with your friends, it can also bring problems. In 2005, a British teenager became the 64 person in the world to receive treatment for an addiction(沉溺) to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about £4,500 65 texts.
For some people, text messaging has 66 their lives. For example, James Trusler from Sussex in England travels around the world taking part in texting competitions and TV shows. He’s the world’s 67 texter and recently set a new world record 68 he was appearing on Australian TV. He texted: “The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serraslmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human.” 69 took him 67 seconds. James sends a lot of text messages—about 2,500 a month. But he doesn’t get big bills 70 he works for a large mobile phone company!
61. letters 62. gave 63. cheap 64. first 65. on
66. changed 67. fastest 68. while 69. It 70. because

五、短文填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分:满分 15 分)
some time know while doing always inside special hands
Every country has its own customs(风俗)and traditions. A custom is a special way of
66 something. A tradition is a custom that is passed down over 67 .These customs
and traditions make different cultures in different countries. We should 68 about other people's
customs and cultures. And we should 69 respect(尊重) them.
For example, in America, people wear their shoes in their homes. But in 70 Asian
countries like Japan and Korea, people take off their shoes before going 71 their homes.
In many Asian countries, people use chopsticks 72 Americans and Europeans eat with forks
and knives. But in India and some other countries, people often eat with their 73 .There are
many other differences. But all of these cultures are 74 . We should try to know and learn
about them.
66. doing 67. time 68. know 69. always 70. some
71.inside 72.while 73. hands 74. special


Mr Liu is (1)teacher (2)English.He is not young,but he is
not old.He (3) a round face(一张圆脸)and black hair(头发).He
is tall.(4) are fifty students in his class.They (5) him.
Now it's five in the afternoon.(6),some students (7) in the
classroom.Mr Liu is there,too.He is helping (8) with their
English.He is a good teacher (9) a good friend of (10) all,too.
1.a.a b.the c.an d.this
2.a.in b.with c.on d.of


3.a.is b.have c.has d.is having
4.a.Here b.There c.Those d.These
5.a.all like b.likes c.like all d.all look
6.a.See b.Look c.Walch d.Look at
7.a.study b.studying c.are studying d.are study
8.a.they b.their c.theirs d.them
9.a.and b.but c.then d.or
10.a.they b.them c.their d.theirs

A:Hi,Wang Tao!Come and Let's go and _______hasketball.
B:__________,I can't.
A:What are you __________ now?
B:I'm doing _________lessons.Go and ask Zhang Hong.
A:Thank you.________is he?
B:He is ______home.
A:Is Zhang Hong _________?
B:Yes.Come _________,please.Hi,Li Bin.
A:Zhang Hong,______you play basketball _________us?
B:Certainly!Let's go.

What _______ you have _____ _______?
Two _______ of bread and _______egg.

Jack ________ _________ late ________ school.

It _______ _______ _______in Nantong.

Shall we ________some _______ _______ Mum?
That's _______ good ________.

The _______ students ________sports _______ _______afternoon.

1-5 adcba 6-10 bcdab


1.do;for breakfast;pieces;an
2.is never;for
3.doesn't aften snow
4.buy;flowers for;a;idea
5.second-year;have;every Thursday

七年级英语试卷 词型转换 十道题
1.There is a knife in the box.There ___ ___ ___ in the box.2.She's a woman doctor.They're ___ ___.3.Our teacher often tells us a story.Our ___ often ___ us ___.4.The sheep is over there.The ___ ___ over there.5.Please pass me a piece of bread.P...

9、butterfly蝴蝶 bee蜜蜂 firefly萤火虫 dragonfly蜻蜓。 任选其二,前两种单词较简单而且是常用词汇。10、six 6.。 因为6颠倒过来,就可以当做9,9比6大。11、这个单词是sixty。 sixty是一个由5个字母组成的单词,并且去掉2个字母后,左边的单词含了一个6。符合题意。

11 Be quiet 12 Where is; from 13 What is; doing 14 Those children are 15 I don't like this movie because it's too scary.16 go to (看不清图)17 No swimming 18 an elephant 19 is eating (看不清图)20 is reading a newspaper ...

1. four-days 和 four day 这两种表达方式是错误的,用“—”连接的话就是一个单词 所以day不需要加S, 反之,如果不用“—”连接,day就要加S 2. four-day 构成了一个形容词 可以用来修饰holiday 而four days 只是一个名词词组 类似的例子还有:The boy is four years old .He is a four...

【十几道英语选词填空翻译题】 采纳加分!!!
10. be cautious when holding those glasses; they are easy to break.小心那副眼镜时,它们很容易破裂.三 1。这些无意识的行为和反应,他们可能部分解释我们的“感受”和“快速判断”。2。夜晚的医院,但是年轻的海军陆战队员整晚坐在光线昏暗的病房里,握着老人的手和充满希望和力量的话。4。这科学...

练习一练习一练习一练习一 1. (很少有人不抱怨工作单调乏味),but they will feel more bored if they do not work. 2. Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend, (结果却被告之她到时). 3. The chief reason for the population growth is ...

9, my dream is to become a doctor. If I work hard, my dream will come true.10, I spent an hour to finish the homework.11, the train is not a bit boring, because I can communicate with people.12, how do you think of your trip? Very exciting.13、Two minutes' walk....

10.How many __pieces__ (piece) of paper are there?选择填空:1.选择B learn from doing sth 从做某事中学到……2.选择C what to do 做什么 3.选择C The shape of sth 某物的形状。4.选择B finish doing sth 固定用法 5.选择A we 第一人称 要用复数。6.选择C 7.选择C what a...

3.What is yours ,but is used more by others than by yourself?什么东西是你的,但被人使用比自己使用得多?答案:your name.4.Ten plus ten is ten. Ten minus ten is ten . Who am I?十加十等于十,十减十是十.我是谁?答案:glove.手套+十只手指还是十只.手套-十只手指还是十只....

初一下学期:unit 1 pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲 Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大 France 法国 the United States 美国 Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国 country 国家 Sydney 悉尼 New York 纽约 Paris 巴黎 Toronto 多伦多 Tokyo 东京 live 住 lauguage 语言 world 世界 in English 用英语 Japanese 日本人 ...

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骆岚平坦: 1. B. Do 一般疑问句 2. B. Sure 3. C. speak 4. A. some cat 是中心词 复数 5.B. No, I don't. 6.B. wants to 第三人称单数 7. D. very much; at all much是副词修饰动词like not ...at all 一点也不 8.C. so 9. B. does; come from 来自 come from =be from ...

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骆岚平坦:[答案] 一 1 age 2 happy 3 frist 4 six sixth 5 fifth 6 Chinese 7 years 8 parties 9 brother's10 twenty--four 二 1 when does the store have a sale?2 what's the age of you 3 February 13th is my birthday.4 what d...

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骆岚平坦: 1.what is the story about? 2.which is the floor of the fire exit? 3.why didn't the fireman want to take Charlie? 4.where is the library? 5.Mary has a new dictionary. 6.blind(瞎的) 7.end (尽头) 8.barking(狗吠) 9.lie 10.allow

全椒县19468116232: 七年级英语练习题.....急急急急急急急急急急 -
骆岚平坦: 1 radio2 allow3 blind4 means5 pets6 led7 helpful8 woke9 finally10 towel


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