
作者&投稿:苗莎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个寒冷的冬天早晨,一位老妇人去看医生。进医生办公室时,她告诉医生,她的右腿很疼,有的时候连走路都走不了。 然后问医生到底是什么原因,她之前从来没有过这样的感觉。 医生仔细看了下,说, “您这个年龄段来说,您的身体是健康的。我认为,原因在于您的右脚已经到了老化的年龄.当我们老的时候,很多疾病都会发出来的。这个症状肯定会在春季结束。 “我不这么认为,医生!我的左腿没事,它和右腿的年龄是一样的啊。”

- 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔的亲属对此非常震惊,所以很多人想要质疑遗嘱。
- 遗嘱有形式上的缺陷,这也许会使得它在法国遭到质疑。
- 人们并不清楚阿尔弗雷德在哪个国家有他合法的居所。他9岁前是瑞典公民,但是之后他以非公民的身份居住在俄国,法国和意大利。诺贝尔还曾打定主意把他去世时的最后一个家安在瑞典。而居所所在地区会决定哪个国家的法律可以管理这份遗嘱和财产。如果决定把居所所在地定在法国,遗嘱不仅将会受到质疑而且会被收取法国的税。
- 因为诺贝尔曾经想要挪威议会来选择和平奖获奖者,很多人觉得他缺乏爱国精神。
- 用于奖金的基金并不存在,所以必须创建。
- 诺贝尔在遗嘱中命名的颁奖组织无法在诺贝尔去世前承担职责。同时,没有计划来支付这些组织为该奖金工作的报酬。
- 如果某年的获奖者空缺,遗嘱没有声明应该采取什么措施。



Where are you?
I'm on the No.1 Bus.
What about you?
I'm in the park.
How about you recently?
Very nice, there are lots of happy things happened.
Do you have time tommorrow?
Yes. What's the matter?
I want you to accompany to go shopping, and have a meal with you by the way.
OK. We connect a little later.

-hello!how are you?
-how are you
-where are you?
-on the 1 bus.where are you?
-in the park
-how are you going recently?
-fine.there are many happy things.
-have you time tomorrow?
-yes.what's the matter?
-would you please go out for shopping with me? and i'd like to invite me for dinner.
-ok,no problem.i'll contact you later.

Hello Hello
How are you
Where are you
At my car one way
What about you
Me in the park
The recent good Mody
Quite good, there will always happen quite a lot of fun things
Tomorrow what you FREE
FREE, how the
I want you to accompany me go out buy something, the way you have dinner
Good contact our call again later
See you soon
See you soon

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1。做出贡献的人太多了,无法一一提及。(far too)There are far too many contribution makers to mention.2。半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了。(in the middle of)Some noise woke us up in the midddle of the night.3。他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。(nothing more than...

Hi!Where are you?I'm on the No.1 Bus.What about you?I'm in the park.How about you recently?Very nice, there are lots of happy things happened.Do you have time tommorrow?Yes. What's the matter?I want you to accompany to go shopping, and have a meal with you by the...

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Pu Shu is an outstanding singer. He hates propaganda, social and disguise. He only wants to make his own music and sings out his own feelings. He never cares about whether he could become popular. What he wants to do is to be himself and shows people a real Pu Shu with ...

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王宜大山: baby,you are mine,you are always mine

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王宜大山: just now she was expecting somebody coming to her.2. It gives me an opportunity to return others' help.3. It is more likely you have been hit by a thunder.4. The ancient French also...

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王宜大山: 1.做出贡献的人太多了,无法一一提及.(far too) There are far too many contribution makers to mention. 2.半夜里,嘈杂声把我们吵醒了.(in the middle of) Some noise woke us up in the midddle of the night. 3.他不应该对我说的话感到生气...

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王宜大山: AbstractWith the constant deepening of economic reforms, the establishment of a socialist market economy and enterprise development has entered a brand time. Brand is a product of the development of market economy, has the brand, there is ...

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王宜大山: 1.对贫困的担心使他忧虑重重. The worry about poverty upsets him.2.汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生. Tom is no less intelligent than the first student in class.3.我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友. I only have nodding acquaintance with ...

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