
作者&投稿:仍屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Hello! I am very happy that you can understand Chinese. I learned of you by reading the article . What made me more exciting is the fact that there's also Chinese website, which allows us to communicate possible.
I am a young people with full interest in watch , especially traditional watchmaking. I really like your work Mk ZERO very much. It gives me the feeling full of mystery, and what surprised me more is its price. I want gold-plated movement and white enamel dial engraved with a line with the words "Une autre le 9 mars LW" as well as your limited edition black gold price. Please give me a sub-project quote. Aslo I want to know how long it needs for customing as well as shipping method and postage problems. My address is Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China, very close to Shanghai.
Look forward to your reply.


The nervous system is the adjusting center which controls the emotion of organism, intellection, motion , neuroendocrine function , immune function and circulatory function.

The nervous system has its special structure and characteristics of function:):①Blood-brain barrier can prevent the central nervous system from suffering damages of some toxic substances. ②The brain is very sensitive to oxygen and glucose metabolism disorders;③Protein synthesized by neurons are transported by axons to the appropriate locations of axons;④The formation and maintainenace of myelin depends on the unique membrane protein of the nerve system and the special lipid metabolism that exist in the myelin bilayer;⑤Neurotransmitter is the key material that maintain the normal physiological function of the nerve system;⑥The neurons'capability of regeneration is very weak, any interferences that comes from drug or toxicant in any link above possibly lead to the reaction of neurotoxicity of the nerve system.

According to the different targets of neurotoxicity, its fuctions can be classified as belows: myelin damage which possibly slow down the conduction and cause the disorder of nerve impulse conduction in the neighboring neurons;influencing the functions of neurotransmitter.

According to the damage of the nerve system caused by drugs or toxicants, the functions of neurotoxicity can be classified as belows: brain damage, cerebellar syndrome ,cranial nerve damage, extrapyramidal symptoms, spinal cord injury and psychosis.


The nerve system is the center of the human body to adjust its emotions, intellections, motions, neuroendocrine functions, immune functions and circulatory


The nerve system has its own special structure and functional characteristics: ① The blood-brain barrier can protect the central nervous system from the

damages by some toxic substances; ② The brain is very sensitive to oxygen and glucose metabolism disorders; ③ The protein synthesized by neurons are

transported to appropriate locations to axons via axonal transport; ④ The myelin forms and maintains the unique membrane protein depending on the nervous

system as well special lipid metabolism in the myelin double-layers; ⑤The neurotransmitter is a key material to maintain the normal physiological functions

of the nervious system; ⑥The nervous cells are of bad regeneration capacity. So drugs or toxicants may lead to neurotoxicity reactions of the nervous system

by interfering in any of the links above.

The effects of nervous toxicity varies depending on the targets of nervous toxicants, including: Myelin damages leading to slower conduction; disorder of the nerve impulse conduction near the nerve cells; and impacts on the neurotransmitter functions.

Based on the damages of drugs or nervous toxicants on the functions of the nervous system, the effects of nervous toxicity may be divided into brain damages, cerebellar syndromes, cranial nerve damages, extrapyramidal symptomss, spinal cord injuries and psychosis.

The nervous system is the adjusting center which controls the emotion of organism, intellection, motion , neuroendocrine function , immune function and circulatory function.The nervous system has its special structure and characteristics of function:):①Blood-brain barrier can prevent the ce...


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