
作者&投稿:成王黄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


中考同义句 句型精选50题

1.Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

______ _______you lock the door when you leave.

2.The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

The little girl wanted to know______ ______ be taken to Paris.

3.French is not the first language in any of these countries.

French is the first language in ______ _______ these countries.

4.My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

My uncle left the room______ _______ anything to us.

5.He wasn't good at English. I thought.

I____ _____ ______he was good at english.

6.Both Mike and Mary have been to Beijing.(否定句)

______Mike______Mary______been to Beijing.

7.It took him an hour to write the letter.

He _______an hour_______the letter.

8.We should knock a long stick into the earth.

A long stick _______ ________ _______into the earth.

9.She paid 400 yuan for the new bike.

The new bike_______ ______400 yuan.

10.How about playing basketball with us?

____ ______play football with us?

11. "Will Wang Feng come here in a minute?" she asked.

She asked______Wang Feng______ come here in a minute?

12.Jim didn't visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

Jim stayed at home yesterday_______ ______visiting the museum.

13.There are more people in China than in India.

The________of China is________than that of India.

14.The talk is very important.

The talk is_____great______.

15.He can't catch the bus if he doesn't run fast.

He can't catch the bus______ he______fast.

16.You should let someone repair the TV set.

You should______the TV set __________.

17Jim wants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.

Jim wants to go boating and________ _______his parents.

18.The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

The ice on the lake was not ______ enough______people to____ _____.

19.How many people are there in France.

______ _____the population of France?

20.We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

The International Kite Festival____ _______in Weifang every year.

21.They say that Mr liu can speak German.

______ ______that Mr Liu can speak German.

22.My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

My sister likes_______ ______than going shopping.

My sister prefers____ _____rather than______ shopping.

23.I feel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

I_______like to____to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

24.He doesn't do any other things. He is only on internet.

He is always on internet______ _____doing other things.

25.The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

The picture was put up in the park____to the playground as_______.

26.It seems that he has had a cold.

He seems_____ ______had a cold.

27.The tree is so tall that we can't reach it.

The tree is______tall______us ______ _____.

28.I'm interested in the old museum in this city.

The old museum in this city______ ______ _____me.

29.They knew everything only after you told him.

They knew______ _______ you told him.

30.There are many trees around the house. It's my house.

The house______many trees around is _______.

31.I won't pass the exam if you don't help.

I won't pass the exam ______ your_______.

32.Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.

Father Christmas is ________ ____ a real person in history.

33.He doesn't know much Japanese.

He ______ only a______Japanese.

34.If you ask him, he will you tell you the truth.

_______him,______he will tell you the truth.

35.She likes to make her own clothes. She doesn't like to buy them in shops.

She prefers making her own clothes_____ _____buying them in shops.

36.Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterday's newspaper.

Tom didn't read yesterday's newspaper,_______ ________Jack.

37.I heard he was singing in the next room.

I heard_______ ______in the next room.

38.Peter is 150 centimeters tall,so is Mike.

Mike is the same_______ ______Peter.

39.The doctor told him to stop smoking.

The doctor told him to _____ _______smoking.

40.Please don't make our room dirty.

Please _____ our classroom____.

41.The heavy rain stopped them from leaving home.

The heavy rain_______ them _______ at home.

42.This book isn't as interesting as that one.

This book is _______interesting than that one.

43.There are more people in this city than in that city.

The _____ of this city is_______than _____of that one.

44.This book has nothing to do with English.

This book is_____ _______English.

45.Bob had no teacher,but he learned English well at his young age.

Bob________ ______English when he was young.

46.There's nobody but a passenger in the bus.

There's______ one passenger in the bus.

47.Bob's lonely because it's difficult for him to make friends.

Bob's lonely because he______ ________at making friends.

48.Plant more trees every year and the desert will become green in a few years' time.

If you plant more trees every year,the desert will______ ______ with green trees in a few years' time.

49.The jacket cost so little that he bought it.

The jacket _____ ______ ______for him to buy.

50.His father is working.

His father is ______ _______

答案:1.Make sure 2.when to 3.none of 4.without saying 5.didn't think that 6.Neither nor has 7.spent writing(on) 8.should be knocked 9.cost her 10.Why not 11.if/whether would 12.instead of 13.population larger 14.of importance 15.unless runs 16.have repaired 17.so do 18.thick for skate on 19.What is 20.is held 21.It's said 22.reading better 23.would go 24.

instead of 25.next usual 26.to have 27.too for to reach 28.is interesting to 29.nothing before/until 30with mine 31.without help 32.based on 33.knows little 34. Ask and 35.instead of 36.neither/nor did37.him singing 38.heitht as 39. give up 40.keep clean 41.kept staying 42.less 43.population larger that 44.not about 45.taught himself 46.only 47.is bad 48.be covered 49.was cheap enough 50.at work

1. How do you think about the film?
2.Tom never tried to catch Jerry.
3.He came across with a good idea. 4.What was the reason of your buying this toy?
5.Suppose yourself to be a millionaire!
6.I want to know who took my bag away.
7.Trees can help(to) hold soil together and absorb water if raining.
8.Flood is due to the cutting down trees..
9.I joined an English Club in order to improve my English.
10.Linder has collected less comics than Lucy.

初中英语同义词组1.arrive in/at=get to=reach
2.be fine=be well=be OK
3.be from=come from
4.be in=be at home
5.be full of=be filled with
6.be late for=come late for
7.be on a visit to= visit
8.be able to=can
9.be away=be out
10.be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.
11.be pleased=be glad=be happy
12.buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb
13.be up=get up
14.catch up with=keep up with
15.catch a bus=take a bus
16.catch a cold=have a cold
17.come into=step into
18.come on=come along
19.come down=get down
20.do well in=be good at
21.do the shopping=go shopping
22.drop off=get off
23.enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.
24.have a good time=enjoy oneself
25.fall down=fall off
26.get the telephone=answer the telephone
27.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.
28.give sb.the message=give the message to sb.
29.give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.
30.give a concert=have a concert
31.get on well with sb.=be good to
32.give…a call=give…a ring
33.go down=go along
34.go for a swim=go swimming
35.go on doing sth.=go on with sth.
36.go up=go along
37.go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep
38.have a look (at)=look at
39.have a swim=go swimming
40.have got=have
41.hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from
42.help sb with sth=help sb to do sth
43.hold a meeting=have a meeting
44.hold on=wait a minute
45.hurry up=be quick
46.knock at=knock on
47.last from…to=be from…to
48.like doing sth=like to do sth
49.look out=be careful
50.love to do sth=like to do sth
51.make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do
52.pay for=spend on
53.prefer…to=like better than
54.ring up=call sb
55.send for sb=ask sb to come
56.show sb sth=show sth to sb
57.take care of=look after
58.take exercise=do sport
59.take a message=leave a message
60.think about=think of
61.teach oneself=learn all by oneself
62.turn off=turn down
63.turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right
64.walk on=go on
65.walk to=go to …on foot
66.walk along=go along
67.at school=in the school
68.a lot of=lots of
69.a lot=very much
70.a quarter past two=two fifteen
71.at times=sometimes
72.at last=in the end=finally
73.a bit=a little=a few
74.a moment ago=just now
75.at once=right now
76.at noon=in the middle of a day
77.at that moment=at that time=just then
78.at the moment=at the same time
79.at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office
80.all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world
81.a moment later=later on
82.after a while=a moment later
83.all the same=all the time
84.as soon as possible=as quick as possible
85.in line=in a queue
86.in the southern part of=in the south of
87.in the day=in the daytime
88.much of China=many places of China
89.more than=over
90.no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more
91.not far from=near to
92.North China=the north of China
93.of course=certainly
94.plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of
95.two and a half years=two years and a half
1. arrive in/at=get to=reach
I arrived at the airport at 10.=I reach the airport at 10.注意这里不能用arrive in
2. be fine=be well=be OK
I’m fine=I’m well.=I’m OK.
3. be from=come from
He is from China.=He comes from China.
4. be in=be at home
He is in.=He is at home.同理:be out= be not at home
5. be full of=be filled with
The bottle is full of orange.=The bottle is filled with orange.
6. be late for=come late for
I’m sorry, I’m late for the meeting.=I’m sorry, I come late for the meeting.
7. be on a visit to= visit
He is on a visit to China.= He is visiting China
8. be able to=can
He was able to ride a bike at the age of 5.=He could ride a bike when he was 5.
9. be away=be out=be not at home
10. be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.
He is busy doing his homework.=He is busy with his homework.
11. be pleased=be glad=be happy
The coach was pleased with their performance.=The coach was glad with their performance.=The coach was happy with their performance.
12. buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. to sb
My mother bought me a book.=My mother bought a book to me.
13. be up=get up
Be up, Tom!=Get up, Tom.
14. catch up with=keep up with
I can catch up with others.=I can keep up with others.
15. catch a bus=take a bus
Can I catch a bus?/Can I take a bus?
16. catch a cold=have a cold
Oh, no! You’ve caught a cold.=Oh, no! You’ve had a cold.
17. come into=step into
He came into the classroom.=He stepped into the classroom
18. come down=get down
Come down! That’s dangerous.=Get down! That’s dangerous.
19. do well in=be good at
He does well in swimming.=He is good at swimming.
20. do the shopping=go shopping
I’ll do the shopping.=I’ll go shopping.
21. drop off=get off

22. enjoy doing sth.=like doing sth.
I enjoy reading.=I like reading.
23. have a good time=enjoy oneself
We had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
24. fall down=fall off
I fell down.=I fell off the bike.
25. get the telephone=answer the telephone
I got the telephone.= I answered the telephone.
26. give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.
27. give sb.the message=give the message to sb.
28. give sb. a talk=give a talk to sb.
29. give a concert=have a concert
They gave a concert.=They had a concert.
30. get on well with sb.=be good to
I got on well with my neighbors=I’m good to my neighbors.
31. give…a call=give…a ring
I gave a call to you.=I give you a ring.
32. go down=go along
33. go for a swim=go swimming
34. go on doing sth.=go on with sth.
35. go up=go along
36. go to sleep=get to sleep=fall asleep
37. have a look (at)=look at
38. have a swim=go swimming
39. have got=have
40. hear from=receive a letter from=have a letter from=get a letter from
41. help sb with sth=help sb to do sth
42. hold a meeting=have a meeting
43. hold on=wait a minute
44. hurry up=be quick
45. knock at=knock on
46. last from…to=be from…to
47. like doing sth=like to do sth
48. look out=be careful
49. love to do sth=like to do sth
50. make up one’s mind to do=set one’s mind to do
51. pay for=spend on
52. prefer…to=like better than
53. ring up=call sb
54. send for sb=ask sb to come
55. show sb sth=show sth to sb
56. take care of=look after
57. take exercise=do sport
58. take a message=leave a message
59. think about=think of
60. teach oneself=learn all by oneself
61. turn off=turn down
62. turn right at the…crossing=take the …turning on the right
63. walk on=go on
64. walk to=go to …on foot
65. walk along=go along
66. at school=in the school
67. a lot of=lots of
68. a lot=very much
69. a quarter past two=two fifteen
70. at times=sometimes
71. at last=in the end=finally
72. a bit=a little=a few
73. a moment ago=just now
74. at once=right now
75. at noon=in the middle of a day
76. at that moment=at that time=just then
77. at the moment=at the same time
78. at the doctor’s=in the doctor’s office
79. all over the world=across the world=around the world=in the world
80. a moment later=later on
81. after a while=a moment later
82. all the same=all the time
83. as soon as possible=as quick as possible
84. in line=in a queue
85. in the southern part of=in the south of
86. in the day=in the daytime
87. much of China=many places of China
88. more than=over
89. no longer=not…any longer=no more=not any more
90. not far from=near to
91. North China=the north of China
92. of course=certainly
93. plenty of=quite a few=a lot of=lots of=large number of=a great many of=a good deal of
94. two and a half years=two years and a half

please come in = don't stay out
go=don't stop
wake up=don't sleep

中考同义句 句型精选50题

1.Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

______ _______you lock the door when you leave.

2.The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

The little girl wanted to know______ ______ be taken to Paris.

3.French is not the first language in any of these countries.

French is the first language in ______ _______ these countries.

4.My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

My uncle left the room______ _______ anything to us.

5.He wasn't good at English. I thought.

I____ _____ ______he was good at english.

6.Both Mike and Mary have been to Beijing.(否定句)

______Mike______Mary______been to Beijing.

7.It took him an hour to write the letter.

He _______an hour_______the letter.

8.We should knock a long stick into the earth.

A long stick _______ ________ _______into the earth.

9.She paid 400 yuan for the new bike.

The new bike_______ ______400 yuan.

10.How about playing basketball with us?

____ ______play football with us?

11. "Will Wang Feng come here in a minute?" she asked.

She asked______Wang Feng______ come here in a minute?

12.Jim didn't visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

Jim stayed at home yesterday_______ ______visiting the museum.

13.There are more people in China than in India.

The________of China is________than that of India.

14.The talk is very important.

The talk is_____great______.

15.He can't catch the bus if he doesn't run fast.

He can't catch the bus______ he______fast.

16.You should let someone repair the TV set.

You should______the TV set __________.

17Jim wants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.

Jim wants to go boating and________ _______his parents.

18.The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

The ice on the lake was not ______ enough______people to____ _____.

19.How many people are there in France.

______ _____the population of France?

20.We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

The International Kite Festival____ _______in Weifang every year.

21.They say that Mr liu can speak German.

______ ______that Mr Liu can speak German.

22.My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

My sister likes_______ ______than going shopping.

My sister prefers____ _____rather than______ shopping.

23.I feel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

I_______like to____to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

24.He doesn't do any other things. He is only on internet.

He is always on internet______ _____doing other things.

25.The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

The picture was put up in the park____to the playground as_______.

26.It seems that he has had a cold.

He seems_____ ______had a cold.

27.The tree is so tall that we can't reach it.

The tree is______tall______us ______ _____.

28.I'm interested in the old museum in this city.

The old museum in this city______ ______ _____me.

29.They knew everything only after you told him.

They knew______ _______ you told him.

30.There are many trees around the house. It's my house.

The house______many trees around is _______.

31.I won't pass the exam if you don't help.

I won't pass the exam ______ your_______.

32.Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.

Father Christmas is ________ ____ a real person in history.

33.He doesn't know much Japanese.

He ______ only a______Japanese.

34.If you ask him, he will you tell you the truth.

_______him,______he will tell you the truth.

35.She likes to make her own clothes. She doesn't like to buy them in shops.

She prefers making her own clothes_____ _____buying them in shops.

36.Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterday's newspaper.

Tom didn't read yesterday's newspaper,_______ ________Jack.

37.I heard he was singing in the next room.

I heard_______ ______in the next room.

38.Peter is 150 centimeters tall,so is Mike.

Mike is the same_______ ______Peter.

39.The doctor told him to stop smoking.

The doctor told him to _____ _______smoking.

40.Please don't make our room dirty.

Please _____ our classroom____.

41.The heavy rain stopped them from leaving home.

The heavy rain_______ them _______ at home.

42.This book isn't as interesting as that one.

This book is _______interesting than that one.

43.There are more people in this city than in that city.

The _____ of this city is_______than _____of that one.

44.This book has nothing to do with English.

This book is_____ _______English.

45.Bob had no teacher,but he learned English well at his young age.

Bob________ ______English when he was young.

46.There's nobody but a passenger in the bus.

There's______ one passenger in the bus.

47.Bob's lonely because it's difficult for him to make friends.

Bob's lonely because he______ ________at making friends.

48.Plant more trees every year and the desert will become green in a few years' time.

If you plant more trees every year,the desert will______ ______ with green trees in a few years' time.

49.The jacket cost so little that he bought it.

The jacket _____ ______ ______for him to buy.

50.His father is working.

His father is ______ _______

答案:1.Make sure 2.when to 3.none of 4.without saying 5.didn't think that 6.Neither nor has 7.spent writing(on) 8.should be knocked 9.cost her 10.Why not 11.if/whether would 12.instead of 13.population larger 14.of importance 15.unless runs 16.have repaired 17.so do 18.thick for skate on 19.What is 20.is held 21.It's said 22.reading better 23.would go 24.

中考同义句 句型精选50题

1.Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

______ _______you lock the door when you leave.

2.The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

The little girl wanted to know______ ______ be taken to Paris.

3.French is not the first language in any of these countries.

French is the first language in ______ _______ these countries.

4.My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

My uncle left the room______ _______ anything to us.

5.He wasn't good at English. I thought.

I____ _____ ______he was good at english.

6.Both Mike and Mary have been to Beijing.(否定句)

______Mike______Mary______been to Beijing.

7.It took him an hour to write the letter.

He _______an hour_______the letter.

8.We should knock a long stick into the earth.

A long stick _______ ________ _______into the earth.

9.She paid 400 yuan for the new bike.

The new bike_______ ______400 yuan.

10.How about playing basketball with us?

____ ______play football with us?

11. "Will Wang Feng come here in a minute?" she asked.

She asked______Wang Feng______ come here in a minute?

12.Jim didn't visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

Jim stayed at home yesterday_______ ______visiting the museum.

13.There are more people in China than in India.

The________of China is________than that of India.

14.The talk is very important.

The talk is_____great______.

15.He can't catch the bus if he doesn't run fast.

He can't catch the bus______ he______fast.

16.You should let someone repair the TV set.

You should______the TV set __________.

17Jim wants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.

Jim wants to go boating and________ _______his parents.

18.The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

The ice on the lake was not ______ enough______people to____ _____.

19.How many people are there in France.

______ _____the population of France?

20.We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

The International Kite Festival____ _______in Weifang every year.

21.They say that Mr liu can speak German.

______ ______that Mr Liu can speak German.

22.My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

My sister likes_______ ______than going shopping.

My sister prefers____ _____rather than______ shopping.

23.I feel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

I_______like to____to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

24.He doesn't do any other things. He is only on internet.

He is always on internet______ _____doing other things.

25.The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

The picture was put up in the park____to the playground as_______.

26.It seems that he has had a cold.

He seems_____ ______had a cold.

27.The tree is so tall that we can't reach it.

The tree is______tall______us ______ _____.

28.I'm interested in the old museum in this city.

The old museum in this city______ ______ _____me.

29.They knew everything only after you told him.

They knew______ _______ you told him.

30.There are many trees around the house. It's my house.

The house______many trees around is _______.

31.I won't pass the exam if you don't help.

I won't pass the exam ______ your_______.

32.Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.

Father Christmas is ________ ____ a real person in history.

33.He doesn't know much Japanese.

He ______ only a______Japanese.

34.If you ask him, he will you tell you the truth.

_______him,______he will tell you the truth.

35.She likes to make her own clothes. She doesn't like to buy them in shops.

She prefers making her own clothes_____ _____buying them in shops.

36.Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterday's newspaper.

Tom didn't read yesterday's newspaper,_______ ________Jack.

37.I heard he was singing in the next room.

I heard_______ ______in the next room.

38.Peter is 150 centimeters tall,so is Mike.

Mike is the same_______ ______Peter.

39.The doctor told him to stop smoking.

The doctor told him to _____ _______smoking.

40.Please don't make our room dirty.

Please _____ our classroom____.

41.The heavy rain stopped them from leaving home.

The heavy rain_______ them _______ at home.

42.This book isn't as interesting as that one.

This book is _______interesting than that one.

43.There are more people in this city than in that city.

The _____ of this city is_______than _____of that one.

44.This book has nothing to do with English.

This book is_____ _______English.

45.Bob had no teacher,but he learned English well at his young age.

Bob________ ______English when he was young.

46.There's nobody but a passenger in the bus.

There's______ one passenger in the bus.

47.Bob's lonely because it's difficult for him to make friends.

Bob's lonely because he______ ________at making friends.

48.Plant more trees every year and the desert will become green in a few years' time.

If you plant more trees every year,the desert will______ ______ with green trees in a few years' time.

49.The jacket cost so little that he bought it.

The jacket _____ ______ ______for him to buy.

50.His father is working.

His father is ______ _______

答案:1.Make sure 2.when to 3.none of 4.without saying 5.didn't think that 6.Neither nor has 7.spent writing(on) 8.should be knocked 9.cost her 10.Why not 11.if/whether would 12.instead of 13.population larger 14.of importance 15.unless runs 16.have repaired 17.so do 18.thick for skate on 19.What is 20.is held 21.It's said 22.reading better 23.would go 24.

instead of 25.next usual 26.to have 27.too for to reach 28.is interesting to 29.nothing before/until 30with mine 31.without help 32.based on 33.knows little 34. Ask and 35.instead of 36.neither/nor did37.him singing 38.heitht as 39. give up 40.keep clean 41.kept staying 42.less 43.population larger that 44.not about 45.taught himself 46.only 47.is bad 48.be covered 49.was cheap enough 50.at work

1 考试前 我非常紧张 I am very nervous before the examination.2 露丝今晚不应该参加聚会 Lucy shouldn't attend the gathering tonight.3 孩子们应该早点睡觉 Children should go to bed early.4 我妹妹正在她的房间里听音乐 My sister is listerning music in her room.5 对我们来说 学会自学...

初中英语 翻译句子5--14
5. The teacher often reminds us to be careful with spelling.6. He ran out of the library in a hurry \/ hurriedly.7. He is not only my neighbour but also my friend.8. In the past\/last few years, Yangzhou has changed a lot \/ great changes have taken place in Yangzhou.9...

1. Sixty million years prior to the appearance of human beings, dinosaurs once existed on Earth.2. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens.3. Some dinosaurs were winged, and they were able to fly as fast as birds today.4. Walt Disney is well-known for the cartoon characters...

1.Sorry!I can‘t follow you。Can you repeat it?Beg you parden? \/ Would you please say it again?2.What a hot day it is today!Today is freaking hot.3.You should go to bed on time.You should sleep on time 4.To begin with,let me introduce my new friend to you.Firs...

帮忙把几个句子翻译成英语 初中水平
手工翻译:(上面有人电脑翻译的)1.这个盒子重5公斤 The box is 5 kg heavy.2.五年前我住在北京 I lived in Beijing 5 years ago.3.我们大家都相信JACK是一个诚实的男孩 We all believe that Jack is an honest boy.4.他不知道说什麼好 His donnot know what to say.5.树叶已经变黄...

翻译过来是:1 \\ is careful your spelling 2 \\ carefully not to have to sprinkle the ink on the table 3 \\ she is how brave girl 4 \\ although he in the home, he all did not feel lonely 5 \\ he falls down from the bicycle, his leg wound that fierce he could not move 6...

你在聚会上玩的愉快吗?Are you happy on the party?她看着我眼里充满了仇恨。She watched me ,with hatred in eyes .在回家的路上,我发现了一辆自行车。On the way home, I found a bike.这是我个人的想法。This is my personal opinion.注:其实这些句子一点都不难,好好想下,你应该能翻译...

Reducing using energy and water could help us save money They provide many endangered animals with homes and help educate the publics protect them.A person polite never laugh at people when they are in trouble.places of interest PS,貌似前两句都是英语书上原文。同学,好好努力啊 ...

13.许多中国人试图用不同的方式提高他们的英语。Many Chinese tried to improve their English by using different ways.14.这些演员在舞台上显得轻松自如。These actors appear relaxed and freely on the stage .15.我们应该尽力在奥运会举办之前取得进步。We should try our best to make progress ...

翻译:巨石阵是在很长一段时间内缓慢建造的。over 是介词,over time:随着时间的推移,over 表示时间,有during 的意思,随着...,在……的期间 其他翻译问题可以问我们彼岸哦!

崇信县19359052041: 初中英语(用英语解释句子)用英语解释句子:1、I am interested in dancing.2、Thanks a lot.3、What about going swimming this evening?4、Trees can ... -
邰苗鲜竹:[答案] 试试 1.I like dancing. 2.Thank you very much. 3.Let's go swimming this evening,shall we? 4.Trees can give a lot of messages to each other. 5.The desks are made of the wood which comes from trees.

崇信县19359052041: 【初一英语题目】(用英语解释句子)例:Let's go to Xili Lake, shall we?翻译为:Would you like to go to Xili Lake?1.What do you like dong?2.I'd like to travel ... -
邰苗鲜竹:[答案] 1 What's your hobby? 2 I want to travel around the world. 3 There will be a show in two days. 4Yao Ming is from China. 5 Zhou Bi-chang does well in singing in "Voice Of Super Girls"

崇信县19359052041: 问3个关于初中英语句子的题目1.翻译句子他比我更擅长于打篮球He is - _ - than me at - _ - basketball.2.按所给提示用单词适当形式填空Look at the blackboard ... -
邰苗鲜竹:[答案] 1better playing 2to remember better 3like most Many sheep are on the hill

崇信县19359052041: 初中用“英语”解释句子,不是中文解释句子!1.Peter apologized for his laughing at others.2.lt is so fun to swim in the sea in summer.3.Jack has a three - year... -
邰苗鲜竹:[答案] 1.Peter said sorry to the ones whom he laughed at. 2.It is so interesting to swim in the sea in summer. 3.Jack's sister is there years older than him. 4.She feel that she is too old .She want to go back to the past. 6.He joined the army five years ago. 或许你...

崇信县19359052041: 初中英语题,求正解.解释~!1.____that pair of - _ - a little cheaper? A.Is;glass B.Are ;glass C. Is ; glasses2.Don't talk to anyone about the bad news. - ___not ... -
邰苗鲜竹:[答案] 第一题c apair of是一双 单数,但后面接的是名词副数 2c 语境可知特别是我妈妈别让她知道 3 c 由前面的make和后四个词可知是一般现在时 故选c

崇信县19359052041: 几道初三英语语法题:形容词与副词补全或解释句子1.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大Asia is four times - __ - ___ - of Europe.= Asia is four times - __ - ___ - ___ - ... -
邰苗鲜竹:[答案] 1.the area; as large as; larger than; smaller than 2.the book can be understood easily. 3.she helps others willingly. 4.greatly; a large population; greatly; the large population

崇信县19359052041: 初一英语题目 用英语解释句子. -
邰苗鲜竹: 楼主是说paraphrase吗? 1 i usually go to school by the underground 我经常乘地铁上学 2 the tiger is so strong that all little animals are driven to death. 森林里老虎称霸,使得小动物都死去了. 3 our teacher ask charles to answer within ten minutes. ...

崇信县19359052041: 初中英语单选题我急需初中英语的选择题,100道,带答案和解释的
邰苗鲜竹: 1. A: Can I help you, sir? B:Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday , but it _____.A... 汉语中把“服务”看成不及物动词,而英语中的serve是及物动词.4.(C) 动词-ing形...

崇信县19359052041: 一些初中英语翻译句子,急 -
邰苗鲜竹: 1.I have to help my sister do some housework.2.I am not feeling too well, I need to go see the doctor.3.Please come join our party. You will have a great time.4.Tom can't go to the party. He has to prepare for a chemistry test.5.Vince can't go to the ...

崇信县19359052041: 初三英语解释句子 -
邰苗鲜竹: say hello to ask us to help him with words and feelings care if I can stand here was roughly finished in the frame do you like the play and have been indulged in it ?tell me my birthday is coming in case that I forget it.I deeply thank you for your help he ...

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