
作者&投稿:终桂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.I would like to be your penfriend.-----
i want to be your penfriend.

2.The architect is from Italy.
the architect comes from Italy.

3.My favourite hobby is playing basketball.
I like playing basketball best.

4.How walks to shchool every day.
He goes to shchool on foot every day.

5.What does your mother do?
what's your mother's job?

6.He walks to shchool every day.
He goes to shchool on foot every day.

7.She is keen on collecting stamps.
She likes collecting stamps very much.

8.Mary likes reading.
Mary likes to read.

9.Myfather drives me to shchool every day.
I go to school in my father's car every day.

10.How much do you weigh.
How heavy are you?

1.the bike cost at least 500 yuan.
It will cost you at least 500 yuan in bying th bike
2.it's nice of you to help me.
You are nice to help me
3.city air is dirty,so it is wise of you to wash your hair often.
City air is dirty,you'd better wash your hair often
4.simon is not carefl enough to do the job.
It's it not careful enough for Simon to do the job
5.i am less hard-working than our monitor.
I am not so hard-working as our monitor
6.Mary doesn't speak English as well as Jane
Mary doesn't speak Englsh better than Jane.

1.Sorry!I can‘t follow you。Can you repeat it?
Beg you parden? / Would you please say it again?

2.What a hot day it is today!
Today is freaking hot.

3.You should go to bed on time.
You should sleep on time

4.To begin with,let me introduce my new friend to you.
First I will introduce my new friend to you.

5.What are you,Smith?
What's your job Smith?

6.Sam can't catch up with his classmates.
Sam cant follow his classmates.

7.I'll finish high school next year.
I will complete my high school next year / in 2012.

8.What's the time by your watch?
What's the time on your watch?

9.What's the date of today?

10.Many foreign friends attended the meeting.
A lot of overseas friends presented in the meeting.

11.My father seldom comes to see me.
My dad rarely visits me.

12.I went to return the book to the library.
I returned the book to the library.

13.Would you repeat your words.
Can you please say it again? / Parden?

14.The newspaper is free to everybody.
The newspaper is free of charge for everyone.

15.I'm afraid I have to be off now.
I'm afraid I have to go now.

16.I realized that I was wrong.
I noticed that I was incorrect.

17.please halp yourself to some fish.
Please get some fish by yourself

1 抱歉,我跟不上你的节奏,重复一下可以么?
2 今天天气真热啊!
3 你应该按时上床睡觉
4 开始时,我把我的性朋友介绍给你吧
5 史密斯,你在做什么呢?
6 萨姆跟不上全班同学
7 我明年高中毕业
8 你的表几点了?
9 今天几号了?
10 很多外国友人参加了这次会议
11 我爸爸几乎不来看我
12 我去图书馆还书
13 你能重复下你说的话吗?
14 报纸对每个人是免费的
15 我现在恐怕得先走了
16 我发现我错了
17 请自便吃点儿鱼吧!

14 ·报纸是免费给大家。


1.Sorry.Beg your parden?
2.How hot today is.
3.First of all,let me introduce my new friend to you.
4.You'd bettergo to bed on time.
5.What is your job ,Smith?
6.Sam falls behind his classmates.
7.I am going to finish high school next year.
8.Could you please tell the time?
9.what date is it?
10.Many foreign friends joined the meeting.
11.My father does not often comes to see me .
12.I returned the book to the library.
14.Everybody could have the newspaper for free.
15.I'm afraid I must leave now.
16.I knew I was woong.
17. Please have some fish by yourself .

基本句型:英语中千变万化的句子归根结底都是由以下五种基本句型组合、扩展、变化而来的:1)主 + 动例如:I work. 我工作。2)主 + 动 + 表例如:John is busy. 约翰忙。3)主 + 动 + 宾例如:She studies English. 她学英语。4)主 + 动 + 宾 + 补例如:Time would prove me right. ...


Chinese live on the rice. 中国人以大米为食。People trying to live on 10 yuan a day. 人们试着每天考10块钱过活。I need to look after my mother. 我要照顾我妈妈。We are looking after this cat. 我们正在照看这只猫。We need to look ahead. 我们需要向前看。You need to look ...

1.I wanted to be a painter when I was a young kid, so I was deeply interested in drawing.2.When I was a young kid, I drew blue sky, white clouds on the paper and my happy smile below.3.I'll do my best to draw well and be a real painter in the future....

)31. i made a mistake.(我弄错了。)32. i''m terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。)33. i must apologize!(我必须道歉!)34. i feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。)35. it''s not your fault. (那不是你的错。)以上就是环球青藤小编整理的日常生活必备的英语口语句子一文,希望对大家有所帮助!

1. You're so careful that you pick out so many mistakes in my article.2. The market is convenient for me to by everything.3. In my opinion, Tim can't possibly finish the work before the 21th this month.4. I want to cut my hair short because I'm busy and short ...

我们将于12月2日早上到达河南郑州。We will arrive Zhengzhou, Henan in the morning on December 2nd.谢谢你的邀请(用两种回答)Thanks for your invitation. Thank you for inviting me.他们计划去上海去看望他们的老师。They plan to go to Shanghai to visit their teacher.猫迷英语专家团提供...

麻烦大家帮我找有关于俚语的初中英语解释句子如:Itrainscatsanddogs=itrainsheavily;等等,总之像上面这样有用到英语俚语的解释句子都帮我找找,多多益善。(急!)谢谢诸位的帮助!... 麻烦大家帮我找有关于俚语的初中英语解释句子如: It rains cats and dogs=it rains heavily;等等,总之像上面这样有用到英语俚语的...

翻译以下句子要英语高手,初一的学生句子翻译。 1.她喜欢穿连衣裙。我妈...
1.她喜欢穿连衣裙。我妈妈在医院工作,她工作很忙,但是很认真,我爱我的妈妈。She likes wearing dress.My mom works in the hospital.She is very busy and hard with her work.I love my mom.2.我喜欢看书。我就读于第十中学,在这里我交到许多新朋友。我每天都很快乐。I like reading.I ...

他不管多忙,每晚总要看体育新闻。However busy he is, he always watches sports news every evening.她虽然个子矮小,但却是队里打得最好的。(though\/as 倒装 Though\/as short he is, he plays best in the team.一旦尝了这种面条,你永远忘不了它们的美味。(once)Once tried, the taste of...

掇刀区13026473922: 帮忙转换一个英语句子的同义句 -
尘官羟基: make a right turn at the hotel,You will see the bridge streetturn right when you get the hotel and you will see the bridge street

掇刀区13026473922: 在英语里什么叫做同义句转换? -
尘官羟基: 就是指用两种方法表达同一种意思,如:We should be quiet.=We shouldn't make noise.

掇刀区13026473922: 英语同义句转换
尘官羟基: 1enjoyed ourselves 2has got 3more than 4why not go 5what do for

掇刀区13026473922: 英语句型同义句转换帮忙讲解一下?
尘官羟基: 同意句转换 1 we are all anxious about him 2 the children had fun yesterday 3 please call me back later 4 it will be sunday tomorrow 句型转换主要考同一意思的不同表达法来解决 看平时句法和词法的积累,实在想偷懒,就把意思翻译成中文,然后...

掇刀区13026473922: 英语中如何将句子改为同义句 -
尘官羟基: 一般句子中的主语 谓语 时间地点等状语都是要出现的,句尾的状语,谓语动词等都可以改变成同义语 I was at home last night 同义句: I 主语不变, 在家就是没出去 was at home 可以改成was not out , 时间状语last night 可以改也可以不用改,要是改可以用yesterday evening,勉强吧

掇刀区13026473922: 英语同义句转换,用英语解释句子 -
尘官羟基: 一、同义句: 1.He spent three days finishing the work. = He spent three days on the work. = He spent three days in finishing the work. = It took him three days to finish the work. = The work took him three days to finish. 2.His bicycle is different from ...

掇刀区13026473922: 用英语来解释英语句子.就是改为同义句.1.can you get me a packet of electricity_______________________________________2.Batteries contain electricity... -
尘官羟基:[答案] 1.Can you buy some electricity for me?2.Electricity exists in batteries.3.He was able to paint when he was five.4.Electricity can be got through the chemicals.5.She was a worker in the factory.

掇刀区13026473922: 用英语解释句子也就是写出同义句(用英语)1,We went to Shenzhen International Gardren and FLower Expro Park by metro.2,More and more visitors around ... -
尘官羟基:[答案] 1.we took a subway to Shenzhen International Gardren and Flower Expro Park. 2.there are more people in the world come to Shenzhen 3.you must concentrate in class 4.tom works harder than Jack 5.I will be glad to see you 6.animals will die if there is ...

掇刀区13026473922: 英语解释句子(是同义句转换哦),急---------------------------------It was cold outside,but we felt the warmth of the fire inside.Dry earth takes in water quickly.The ... -
尘官羟基:[答案] john runs faster than jim the twins are different from each other in character it was cold outside while it was warm inside

掇刀区13026473922: 英语同义句转换怎么做 -
尘官羟基: 所谓同义句转换就是将一个句子用另一种形式表达出来,而且意思不变.因此,掌握的句型越多,做题就越方便、快捷、容易.但每种练习的方式总有一定的规律可循. 1. 用具有相同意思的词或词组进行转换.如: 例:She has a good time in ...

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