
作者&投稿:绪哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


感觉是在考察 fear afraid likely 的不同含义,都是我自己翻译的。

1、English is also spoken as the second language as well as one of the official languages. 除了作为官方语言,英语也作为第二语言(来沟通)
2、Is Japanese similar to English? 日语和英语相似吗?
3、What's your plan of action.你的行动计划是什么


1、English is also spoken as the second language as well as one of the official languages.
2、Is Japanese similar to English?
3、What's your plan of action.



1.学好英语能使我们更好地获得世界上现金的高新技术信息。(have access to)Learning English well can enable us to have a better access to the world’s advanced and new technologies currently available.2.如果你们坚持一意孤行,那么听便吧。但是,你们要承担一切后果。(so be it)If you ...

are you in a hurry, Sir?20.我给你打了几次电话,但是没人接。I called him several times, but got no answers.21.我从中国打来的(电话)。This is from China.22.你需要确认一下我的票吗?Do you need to check my ticket?手工翻译。保证正确简单。都是平时自己常用的!笑纳!

2.he has better sense than be carried away by success。这我不可能告诉你了(本意为:与被胜利冲昏头脑相比他更有理性)3.a small shift in the heat of the ocean will set in motion a weather pattern意思是:一件小事也会产生意想不到的后果。(本意:在酷热的海洋运动中一个小的移动都...

September 7.哪一天是一星期的第一天?——星期日 Which day is the first day of the week? Monday 8.他的第十三个生日是什么时候?---8月6日 When is his 13th birthday? August sixth.9.它们学校举行英语艺术节吗?不举行 Is there a English art festival in their school? No....

2,the jets from Washington National Airport that normally fly around the presidential monuments like hungry gulls are,for the moment represented by the one that fell.2,从华盛顿国际机场起飞的飞机正常飞行在总统遗迹像饥饿的海鸥,目前代表一个倒下。3,instead of devoting large of our days ...

and nice mood from riding bikes.5.我从骑自行车中获益良多。因此我建议,让我们一起骑自行车吧 5. Bike riding benefits me a lot and I suggest we ride bikes together.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

100句有翻译的英语句子(不要太深奥的平常就行 初中的 每句至少要有12...
2007-09-12 急需100句有趣的英语句子(有翻译) 41 2016-03-16 求5~10句关于环境方面的英语句子!简单的初中的句子就行了!... 47 2014-05-26 英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译 677 2013-11-26 求比较有内涵的英语好句30-40句。不要太长,附带翻译。好的... 7 2012-11-19 求英语造句...

You know Chinese too well.5.很多人崇洋媚外。A lot of people worship and have blind faith in foreign things.6.我们对基因的了解才刚刚开始。What we know about gene is just a start.7.我要成功!I want to succeed!或:I want to be successful.参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

Hamburger is harmful for health.汉堡对人的身体不好 My hobby is playing the piano.我的爱好是弹钢琴 Xiao Ming is a good boy.小明是好孩子 Would you like come to our home for dinner?愿意来我家吃晚饭吗?Can you speak Englishi?你会说英语吗?How much is this computer?这台电脑多少...

1.On the other hand, making telephone calls is much faster, so they are more appropriate when you need a quick reply.另一方面,打电话非常快捷方便,因此当你需要一个快速的回复他们是很容易做到的.2.Some of the best letters are written in a burst of inspiration, so keep your writing...

新市区19553646538: 帮我翻译三个英语句子(汉翻英),在线等啊 -
酉温珍香: 1. The success can only be brought up by the positive attitude.2. Face the difficulties bravely.3. Self-confidnet is of great importance, so trust yourself.

新市区19553646538: 用英语翻译三个句子. -
酉温珍香: smoking does harm to health(...do harm to...) he spends too much time in playing computer games(spend...in dong....,in可省略) she makes her life by singing in the club.(make ones life)

新市区19553646538: 英语 翻译句子 在线等 好的加分.1我们昨天三点到四点在上课.(过去进行时)2他给了我满满一瓶水(full of)3当我在看电视的时候,我妈妈进来了.(when或... -
酉温珍香:[答案] 1. We were having classes from 3:00--4:00 yesterday. 2. He gave me a bottle full of water. 3. When I was watching TV., my mother came in. 4.The police were always keeping guard at the gate. 5. To our surprise, we all failed the examination. 6. Nearly all ...

新市区19553646538: 3句句子英语翻译 -- .1.他建议我尽可能早点动身,不要错过去北京的早班车(suggest)2.年龄在20岁至30岁的年轻人可以在那家公司里得到很高的职位(... -
酉温珍香:[答案] He suggest that we should set off as early as possible,not to miss the train heading for Beijing. Young people who range from 20 to 30 could get a very high position in thai company. Today is very cold,wear more clothes in case of catching cold.

新市区19553646538: 翻译英语3句话 急要快点 在线等拉,不难的题 -
酉温珍香: 1. in that he was ill2.performance整个人群都很激动因为这个著名科学家的表演.3 than4, during 这道题答案不唯一. 我觉得in也可以 还有很多答案、

新市区19553646538: 3个英语句子的翻译 -
酉温珍香: 1,努力使我的两种生活互不干涉. 2,不用说谎感觉不错. 3.没想到我没有向你隐藏我的家庭的秘密,但你却好像在向我隐藏我的家庭的秘密.

新市区19553646538: 帮忙翻译3个英语句子 -
酉温珍香: 1. It is time for your turn to take photos for me.2. As time passes, he gets used to the life in the countryside. 3. They fell in love at first sight

新市区19553646538: 翻译3句英文句子 -
酉温珍香: The students here learn Germany instead of English Students should develop a good habit of hanging in homework on time Our class is made up of 45students,30 of which are boys

新市区19553646538: 翻译三个英语句子. -
酉温珍香: 1 对人好比自己好看更重要.2 如果你想要使自己好看,你就要对人好.3 如果你经常帮助别人,你就会变得越来越美丽.

新市区19553646538: 请英语大神帮忙中译英以下3个句子,谢谢 -
酉温珍香: (1)I have realised that scrupulously - undertaking grows of predicament. ("量入为出"在中文中是一个名词短语,所以我用复合词scrupously-undertaking, 英文的复合词相当于"短语". grow是系动词,of predicament相当于difficult)(2)The ...

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