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does Prison break season finale come out ?



我从书本上知道,有生命的星球必须有以下条件:1、有坚硬的外壳; 2、有生物生存的适当的温度 ;3、有适当的大气(大部分是氧气); 4、有足够的水; 5、这也必须是一颗行星,围绕着的中心天体必须是一颗稳定的中年恒星。生命存在的条件是非常苛刻的。我曾经痴迷地想象:“火星上会不会有生物呢?有生物的星球是怎样的呢?会不会是……”我很想揭开这个迷,因此,我很想做一个天文科学家,去发现人类的另外一个家园,去解答宇宙的不解之迷。
我当然知道做一个天文科学家并不容易,要有很高的学历,有很强的求知欲、想象性,还要有一种不怕困难、失败的精神。 “一个小孩想当天文科学家,未免太天真了吧!”不错,听起来的确很天真,但我深信,“只要有恒心,铁柱磨成针”。

说来话长,我想当医生还有原因呢…2003年4.5月份的时候,非典病魔肆掠北京城的时候,恐怖的气氛笼罩在北京上空,不断有疑似病历出现,弄得人心惶惶。就在这时,白衣战士们不顾个人安危,日夜奋战在这没有硝烟的战场上。在抗非典前线有这么一家医院----小汤山医院,发生了这么一场感人的故事:一名医生,从隔离开始就战斗在第一线,大家让他休息,他总是说:“我已经上了一线这么长时间了,有了一定的经验,可以更好的履行我的职责,重新换人又加大了感染源,我在干一段时间吧?”这位好医生已数月未跟家里联系,他把对家的思念深深得埋在心底,更加忘我的工作。终于,他被传染上了非典,因为发现得太晚,已到了危重的关头,他的家庭陷入了深深的悲痛之中,可这位医生在隔离区解手记者采访时,尽管眼里噙着泪水,无限留恋这美丽的世界,却坚定的说:“请把我的遗体交给医学组织用于解剖,尽早解决非典疫苗,让更多 的病人早日离开医院,早日回家团圆。”这位医生的无私奉献精神深深的打动了我,打动了大家,我们为他的殉职而痛苦。他牺牲时才36岁,还那么年轻,生命对他来说是那么短,我不由心里轻轻地说:“好大夫,您走好!”

自从2005年《越狱》在福克斯播放了以后,Wentworth Miller这个名字在著名搜索引擎Iycos上的排名就上升了614%,美国各大媒体的封面开始出现他的照片,新剧中最性感的男明星,荧屏上最热的新面孔等头衔接踵而至,他还成为福克斯官方网站1998年建站以来观众评分最高的演员,Wentworth Miller演活了自己在《越狱》中的角色,《越狱》也让Wentworth Miller一夜成名,然而为了这一夜,他走了长达10年的时间——12分工作,488次试镜,无数个“你不行”,还没等别人了解他的艰辛,他却已经习惯了在失败中解脱自己。他便是当今备受瞩目的美国电视界巨星Wentworth Miller.
Wentworth Miller在高中时代,曾是柔道绿带、文艺青年、校刊美编,发表漫画集,参加合唱团……
Have broadcast a hereafter since 2005 "escape from prison" in Fukesi, this first name row on famous search engine Iycos will have risen by 614% Wentworth Miller , every USA big mediums cover his photograph appears on go ahead , new drama is hit by the sexiest male star , new the hottest face waits for a title to arrive in quick succession on glimmering screen , the audience grades most highly since he becomes Fukesi government website building a station in 1998 actor, Wentworth Miller plays the part of the role that self hits the target in a lively way in "escaping from prison", One night has been become famous "escape from prison" also by Wentworth Miller , the time 12-tenths of job often reaching 10 has been leaked from he , is screen-tested 488 time but for this one night,"you innumerable are incapable " , have not waited for others to know his hardship yet, he has been accustomed to extricating self in failure but already self.
He is USA TV boundary giant star Wentworth Miller being focused attention upon fully nowadays. Wentworth Miller is in the high school times , Zeng is green belt of judo , literature and art youth , school magazine US weaves , announces the cartoon gathers , joins a chorus....

今天,荧屏上性感逼人的Wentworth Miller却有着异常艰辛的演绎之路。1995年从美国著名的普林斯顿大学毕业后,他没有像其它同学那样选择继续读书,或者进入华尔街工作,而是义无返顾地从纽约搬到洛杉机,只为实现当演员的梦想。 但在成为一名真正的演员之前,他却不行不为了生计而做各种零工来养活自己。

Today, the glimmering screen mounts pressing Wentworth of sex appeal Miller but has road of abnormal hardship deduction. That he chooses go on reading a book, or enters the Wall Street job like other schoolmate did after famous Princeton University graduates from USA in 1995,is that the righteousness nothing returns to secondary Gu field New York move to Luoyang China fir machine but , is to realize the fond dream going on the stage. Before but becoming real one actor, but, he not doing a block of wood for livelihood but composes to come to raise self various odd job.


All jobs have all been not meaningless , his ideal has been one famous player , he has done but many especially inconspicuous bottom jobs in a period of time very long before going on the stage, but that has been also a kind of accumulate, he all knows that because of he goes to be to discover many's people when being screen-tested (audition) "escape from prison" to the afterwards, have dog because of he helps them strolled, help them to have bought eat, Therefore that you discover a piece of very minor job composing many years ago may be to have bringing back a report to you many years hereafter,therefore not looking down upon any little jobs even though the salary that it pays is still few,but, It both may help you to realize your fond dream one day.


自从2005年《越狱》在福克斯播放了以后,Wentworth Miller这个名字在著名搜索引擎Iycos上的排名就上升了614%,美国各大媒体的封面开始出现他的照片,新剧中最性感的男明星,荧屏上最热的新面孔等头衔接踵而至,他还成为福克斯官方网站1998年建站以来观众评分最高的演员,Wentworth Miller演活了自己在《越狱》中的角色,《越狱》也让Wentworth Miller一夜成名,然而为了这一夜,他走了长达10年的时间——12分工作,488次试镜,无数个“你不行”,还没等别人了解他的艰辛,他却已经习惯了在失败中解脱自己。他便是当今备受瞩目的美国电视界巨星Wentworth Miller.
Wentworth Miller在高中时代,曾是柔道绿带、文艺青年、校刊美编,发表漫画集,参加合唱团……

Since the 2005 "escape" after playing in the Fox, Wentworth Miller the name of the famous search engine rankings on the Iycos an increase of 614 percent, the U.S. media began to cover his photos, the new drama of the sexiest male stars , the hottest new faces on the screen, such as the title of one after another, he also became in 1998 the official website of Fox mediawiki viewers score the highest since the actor, Wentworth Miller lived his own "escape" the role of the "escape" also Wentworth Miller became famous overnight, but for this night, he walked up to 10 years time - 12 hours of work, 488 at a screen test,
Numerous "You can not", and before the hardships his people, he has been accustomed to extricate themselves in the failure. He is one of today's high-profile U.S. television star Wentworth Miller.
Wentworth Miller in high school, was a green belt in judo, artistic youth, the United States for the school magazine, published comic book, to participate in choir ... ...

今天,荧屏上性感逼人的Wentworth Miller却有着异常艰辛的演绎之路。1995年从美国著名的普林斯顿大学毕业后,他没有像其它同学那样选择继续读书,或者进入华尔街工作,而是义无返顾地从纽约搬到洛杉机,只为实现当演员的梦想。 但在成为一名真正的演员之前,他却不行不为了生计而做各种零工来养活自己。

Today, sexy screen pressing abnormal Wentworth Miller has a hard road to perform. In 1995 the well-known from the United States after graduating from Princeton University, he did not like the other students did choose to continue to study, work or go to Wall Street, but drayton house moved to Los Angeles from New York, only to realize the dream as an actor. However, to become a real actor, he has not done is not to make a living and a variety of odd jobs to support themselves.


Not all of the work does not make sense, his vision is an actor, but the actors do a very long time before he did a lot of special especially obscure the work of the bottom, but it is a cumulative, because later He went to "escape" casting (audition) when he found that many people know, because he had to help them walk dogs, to help them buy food, so you do find a lot of years ago, worked for many years a very small will there is a return to you, so do not underestimate the importance of any work of a small, even if it no longer paid less wages, but may one day help you achieve your dream.

Since 2005 in fox broadcasting callies Wentworth Miller, the name in the famous Iycos search engine ranking rose 614%, American media cover began his new drama most sexy photo, the male star, the hottest new face on the screen as follows, he also became the title fox's official website in 1998, since the establishment, the highest rated actor audience Wentworth Miller lived his role in prison, callies Wentworth Miller overnight also nevertheless, in the night, he went up to 10 years - 12 points, 488 times audition, countless ", "haven't you not know him as others, but he has been accustomed to liberate yourself in failure. He is today's high-profile Wentworth Miller field of American superstars.
Wentworth Miller in high school, he was judo green belt, literary youth, yearbooks, published in some ManHuaJi chorus...

Today, the screen Wentworth Miller's sexy with abnormal of hardships. In 1995, the famous American from the Princeton university after the graduation, he didn't like the other students choose to study, or that enter Wall Street, but no moved from New York to Los Angeles, only realize her dream of becoming an actress. But in a real actor, but he can't not before doing odd jobs to earn various to support herself.

All the work is meaningless, his ideal is an actor, but the actors in a long time before he did a lot of special special insignificant in the bottom, but the work is a cumulative, because then he went to prison for the audition audition (when) found that a lot of people he knew, because he helped them to walk a dog, and help them to buy food, so you have found many years ago a small working years later will be paid off for you, so don't underestimate any small work, even if it is only pay less, but are likely to help you achieve your dreams.

Since the 2005 "escape" after playing in the Fox, Wentworth Miller the name of the famous search engine rankings on the Iycos an increase of 614 percent, the U.S. media began to cover his photos, the new drama of the sexiest male stars , the hottest new faces on the screen, such as the title of one after another, he also became in 1998 the official website of Fox建站viewers score the highest since the actor, Wentworth Miller lived his own "escape" the role of the "escape" also Wentworth Miller became famous overnight, but for this night, he walked up to 10 years time - 12 hours of work, 488 at a screen test,
Numerous "You can not", and before the hardships his people, he has been accustomed to extricate themselves in the failure. He is one of today's high-profile U.S. television star Wentworth Miller.
Wentworth Miller in high school, was a green belt in judo, artistic youth, the United States for the school magazine, published comic book, to participate in choir ... ...
Today, sexy screen pressing abnormal Wentworth Miller has a hard road to perform. In 1995 the well-known from the United States after graduating from Princeton University, he did not like the other students did choose to continue to study, work or go to Wall Street, but义无返顾moved to Los Angeles from New York, only to realize the dream as an actor. However, to become a real actor, he has not done is not to make a living and a variety of odd jobs to support themselves.
Not all of the work does not make sense, his vision is an actor, but the actors do a very long time before he did a lot of special especially obscure the work of the bottom, but it is a cumulative, because later He went to "escape" casting (audition) when he found that many people know, because he had to help them walk dogs, to help them buy food, so you do find a lot of years ago, worked for many years a very small will there is a return to you, so do not underestimate the importance of any work of a small, even if it no longer paid less wages, but may one day help you achieve your dream.

帮助的人:140万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 中文句子翻译方法(汇总) 做任何事情都要讲究技巧和方法,翻译也不例外,下面就为大家整理了一些中文句子翻译方法,希望对大家有所帮助! 一、分句法 把原文中一个单词或短语译成句子.使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子或干脆把原文的一个句子拆开...

He grew up on a small farm at what was then the edge of the settled part of the United States 1.中文意思:他在一个小农场长大,该农场位于那时的美国定居区边缘。2.原句主句:He grew up on a small farm.(他在一小农场长大)。3.而后面的at what was then the edge of the ...


me feel that I am alive…Other men, it is said ,have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou are enough!对于与你共度的时光,我视为一座芬芳的花园,熹微的曙光,以及为之歌唱的喷泉……你,只有你,使我感到充满活力……据说有人见过天使,但是我见到了你,仅此艳福足慰平生!

1. 同大多数人一样,我从小所受的教育使我认为生命是一个不断索取的过程。直到三十年前我才有了一个重大发现:给予会让生活变得更精彩。2. 飞机是运输食物的最快捷方式。当通过其他途径给人和动物运送食物难以实现时,飞机的作用就表现得尤其明显。3. 他站起来,穿过房间,迅速而猛烈地将门大打开来...

由于没有前后文,只能翻译出表面的可能意思,如下:I go down and join a lengthy file of people winding its way out into the open.我平静下来,加入了一长队蜿蜒至出口的人群之中。go down and join是谓语 a lengthy file of 一长队 winding its way out into the open 现在分词做后置定语...

Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to...

求翻译几段句子 人在 速求

3. some of us get dipped in flat ,some in satin,some in gloss,but every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent,and when you do ,nothing will ever compare.有些人平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中;可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个如彩虹般绚烂的人,从此以后,其他人,...

12 具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. (Franklin Roosevelt, American president)13 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful...

罗山县13685918503: 请大家帮我翻译《越狱》中的一句台词? -
爱力甘氨: 楼上的在忽悠呢,有没有看过越狱啊? retire有离去的意思.所以意思是:我会回到我的办公室里好好决定下该怎么判.retirewithdraw to or from a particular place 离开,去到 she retired into the bathroom with her toothbrush.她拿着牙刷去了卫生间.

罗山县13685918503: (越狱)中的男主角Scofield的中文翻译名字是什么 -
爱力甘氨: 迈克尔-斯科菲尔德

罗山县13685918503: 英语翻译:讲述了男主角被误判入狱,然后越狱成功 -
爱力甘氨: The story was about the actor who was wrongly imprisoned and then successfully managed to break out of prison.成功地 successfully 越狱 break out of prison 或 escape from prison

罗山县13685918503: 《越狱》男主角资料,谁英语好的来下.
爱力甘氨:"prison break" to play a leading role: Michael Scofield "Dinosaur Empire," the second play, starring: David Scott "Ghost Whisperer" The first one guest in the first quarter Place of Birth: United Kingdom Oxfordshire scenic north-west outskirts of town

罗山县13685918503: 帮我翻译下越狱这段话
爱力甘氨: michael scofield为了能被捉进fox River监狱里而抢劫了银行.原来监狱里因谋杀了副总统的弟弟而被判死刑的那个男人lincoln burrows,是michael的哥哥.michael想通过监狱室友sucre(一个因为在liquor store抢了东西而捉入监狱里的人,他想逃...

罗山县13685918503: 请大家帮我翻译《越狱》中的一句台词?
爱力甘氨: 楼上的在忽悠呢,有没有看过越狱啊? retire有离去的意思.所以意思是:我会回到我的办公室里好好决定下该怎么判. retire

罗山县13685918503: 求英语大神帮我翻译几个句子,英语课上要介绍《越狱》
爱力甘氨: 1、hello,everyone! Today I want to recommend an American drama "Prison Break". 2、This is the protagonist XX and XX. 3、It's the crimes of XX. 4、He looks very handsome and owns a lot of female fans. 5、He is the best friend of the ...

罗山县13685918503: Be the change you wish to see in the future .请准确翻译出这句话 -
爱力甘氨: 翻不出 ,越狱男主角坟杯上的一段,很鼓舞~与其希望世界如何变化,希望出现什么样的人物,不如自己努力做那改变世界的人物.大意就是这个.

罗山县13685918503: 求越狱的经典台词?英文(翻译) -
爱力甘氨: There's good chance of that ,yes极有可能,没错.Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.Don't you think it would be better...?先生,你的包里已经有50万刀了,你不觉得...(赶紧闪)比较好么?(比较搞笑,连银行职员都开始帮坏...

罗山县13685918503: 越狱结尾时 主人公墓碑上那句话怎样翻译
爱力甘氨: 迈克 斯科菲尔德 10,8,1974----11,4,2005 话说这个出生年是错误的 剧组的一个漏洞 丈夫,父亲,兄弟,叔叔,朋友 欲变世界,先变其身 甘地的话 SARA和MS第一次在医务室见面时MS为了接近SARA调查了她 那个是SARA上大学时的座右铭!

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