
作者&投稿:蹉秆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

have been away
a bit
the whole night
on the second afternoon


cares about
a good example

第一行 for~with
第三行 去掉but
第三行 sure后面加whether
第五行 how~what
第六行 effect~affect
第七行 had~have
第八行 harm~harmful
第十行 building~built
第十一行 stop后面加to


Nobody know how to run these machines.  Know变为Konws
He began to do his homework at eight every evening. begin变为begins
---Why did she angry?---Because he shouted at her just now .did变为was
How many concerts does the pianist give.does变为did
My sister worked in that compeny since she graduated from college three years ago?worked变为has been working
I mailed a letter to you last month .Did you receive it? 后面变为 have you received it?
The train has been here ten minutes.here 和 ten 中间加上 for
I'm looking for my book.l have lostit a moment ago. 去掉后面的 have
Don't get off the bus until it stops. until变为before
Please tell me why you are absent from school yesterday. are变为were


Nobody (knows) how to run these machines.
He (begines) to do his homework at eight every evening.
---Why (was) she angry?---Because he shouted at her just now .
How many concerts does the pianist give.
My sister worked in that (company) since she graduated from college three years ago?
I mailed a letter to you last month .(Do) you receive it?
The train has been here ten minutes.
I'm looking for my book.l ( ) lost it a moment ago.
Don't get off the bus until it stops.
Please tell me why you (were) absent from school yesterday.

worked-has worked
Did you receive-Have you received
have lost-lost
stops-has stopped

1. wanted改为wants
2. find 后面加 it
3. finding the store 的the改为a
4. possible 改为 impossible
5. or all the streets 的or改为while
6. all the streets is not 的is 改为are
7. high改为higher
8. Anyone who go in的go改为goes
9. in or out of 后面加a store
10. wider改为wide




Had worked
Have you received it

For ten minutes

know==knows began===begins did===was give===hold worked===has worked
mailed===sent here ten===here for ten have lost===lost 对的


保证准确率!1. which 改成 where 或 at\/in which 定语从句his father once studied缺少地点状语at this university,所以用关系副词where或at\/in which 2. that 改成 why 或 for which 定语从句I was late缺少原因状语for the reason,所以用关系副词why或for which 3. which 改成 where 或 at...

I hardly remember my grandmother.She used to 【holding- hold:因为used to】 me on her knees and sing old songs. I was only four when she 【passes-passed:时态错误】 away. She is just a distant memory for me now. I remember my grandfather very 【much - well\/clearly:remember...

76、start 变成 starting 77、computers 去掉s 78、develops 变成 developed 79、这题对的 80、would 变成could 81、components 去掉s 82、去掉so 83、bought 变成 buy 84、operated 变成 operating 85、PCs 前面加 about 86、so 变成 out 87、machines 变成 computers 88、He 变成 I 89、age ...

高兴为你详细解答 请采纳!!5 gone改为went 句子是一般过去时, gone应改为动词过去式.6 talk改为 talking 他们坐在草地上, 有说有笑。talking and laughing 并列 7 writing改为 written be written by hand 手写 8 sending改为 sent be sent, 要用动词的过去分词 9 lock改为 locked be ...

高二 英语 改错2 请详细解答,谢谢! (5 17:19:44)
高二 英语 改错2 请详细解答,谢谢! (5 17:19:44) Hedevotedhimselftoturnahobbyintoabusinessofhisown... He devoted himself to turn a hobby into a business of his own. 展开 4个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己解释? kenty453 2009-09-05 · TA获得超过1224个赞 知道大有可为答主...

36.is改成are,因为主语是individualism and independent thinking是复数,所以用are 37.value后加s 因为在这里value是可数名词。value既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词,关键看意思,如果是价值,则是不可数名词,如果是价值观则是可数名词,在这里是价值观的意思,为可数名词,字典上面都有。38....

set your goals high (把你的目标定得高一点)是一个常见的固定搭配 your goals 是宾语,high是形容词,作宾补 如果high是副词修饰动词set,那么意思就变成“高高地定你的目标”,这个表达不伦不类。(high也有副词的用法)

36.or - and 37.value- values 因复数表示价值观。且后面用复数谓语。38.specially - special 用形容词作宾补。39.on themselves- by themselves 靠自己。是固定结构。这个题我同意你的观点。40.come up by - come up with 想出,提出 。 这也是固定结构。41.to express - express 动词learn...

The worst matter which(把which 改为that。先行词被最高级修饰关系代词用that) i'm afraid of happened in the end This kind of glesses made by experienced craftsmen is worn(把is worn改为wears,因为这是一个本来是及物动词的wear用作了不及物动词,表示事物的属性,用主动式表示被动意义...

你好:Nobody know how to run these machines.Know变为Konws He began to do his homework at eight every evening. begin变为begins ---Why did she angry?---Because he shouted at her just now .did变为was How many concerts does the pianist give.does变为did My sister worked in ...

化州市13717306143: 英语改错.急1.Turn left of cinema.2.The post office is near the hospital in the left.3.Amy is one year old than Tom. -
重柔爱德:[答案] 1 of改成at 2 in改成on 3 older 前两个是介词的固定用法,最后一个根据句意用比较级

化州市13717306143: 英语句子改错10处(可以删去多余单词,可在一单词前再加一单词或用其他单词替代它),急求答案,范文如下The English Corner in Zhongshan Park is a ... -
重柔爱德:[答案] The English Corner in Zhongshan Park is a place【删in】 where people go to practise their spoken English 【删there】.Every Sunday afternoon they gather around,【talk 改成 talking】 with each other in English.Among them 【have 改成 there are】 ...

化州市13717306143: 【急需答案】两道英语改错题.One day,I was cooking in the kitchen as the telephone rang.I went to answer immediately.She was my close friend,Lisa.When we ... -
重柔爱德:[答案] One day,I was cooking in the kitchen 《 when 》the telephone rang.I went to answer immediately.《 It 》 was my close friend,Lisa.When we were talking on 《 the 》phone,the fire alarm 《 was 》sounded.I ran back to the kitchen.The room《 was 》 full ...

化州市13717306143: 请高手答几到英语改错题(急)1.I didnt my homework yesterday.2.Who finds it just now?3.He often gose home at 7:30 last month.4.How is jane yesterday ?5.... -
重柔爱德:[答案] 1.I didn't do my homework yesterday. 2,2.Who found it just now? 3.He often went home at 7:30 last month. 4.How was Jane yesterday? 5.She waited for you two hours ago

化州市13717306143: 英语改错(急)找错(找出句子中的一个错误单词,并改正)/1.I used to see him reading in the library everyday./2.Soon we get used to live in the country with ... -
重柔爱德:[答案] 1 read 2 living 3 Hanging 第一题的改错不是很确定,但是第三题我觉得test要加s,成为复数

化州市13717306143: 英语改错 !急求有人能帮我改几句话,有急用啊、不要被社会淘汰Not to be out of the community3、提高自身的素养Improve their own quality4、交许多好朋友... -
重柔爱德:[答案] 1,Don't be eliminated by the society 2,Raise the cultivated manners of oneself 3,Hand over many good friends 4,We can acquire much knowledge 5,For the country the house does contribution 6,Work personal interview clothes tidy,make good ...

化州市13717306143: 一道改错题(英语)急、谢谢!What does these signs mean?【改错】 -
重柔爱德:[答案] What do these signs mean? 不能用单三式,因为these和signs都是复数.

化州市13717306143: 急求答几个英语改错题1.He told us he had joined the party in 2000.2.i would have gone to Shanghai yesterday,but i had missed the flight. -
重柔爱德:[答案] 1.He told us he joined the party in 2000. 2.I should have gone to Shanghai yesterday,but i missed the flight.

化州市13717306143: 英语改错题 正确答案和 还有翻译 特急!1.A train left to Beijing an hour ago.2.He will be back in five hours.翻译1.So the man began to"picture" his pain.In his... -
重柔爱德:[答案] 1、去……地方 用leave for,所以把to 改成for 2、没错 翻译 1、于是这个人就开始描绘他的痛苦.在他的痛苦中他看到一只恶犬.它咬他的背,这使他很疼 2、在你自己的脑海中召唤“医生”,保持开心和健康

化州市13717306143: 求高手帮忙做道英语题 急!高手帮忙做一下英语改错题 老师明天讲 正确75%的给分 说一下具体怎么改 在括号里 垃圾自重 谢谢了 改错题如下 It was time for ... -
重柔爱德:[答案] It was time for supper. The Bakers was sitting 1:( 第二个was改为were ) at the table and waiting their daughter Jenny 2:( waiting 后加for ) to return back from work .It was late. The parents 3:(return 改为come ) are worried about her. At last Jenny ...

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