
作者&投稿:冷曼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstract: Sorting is an important basis for computer programming, computer technology is an important application, the computer has turned out many of the output are some rules in an orderly manner in accordance with the output. This data structure from the point of view, a simple analysis of the insertion sort, sub-rule sort, quick sort, such as sorting algorithms for some commonly-used algorithm and the realization of the process, the various algorithms to calculate the running time and operating efficiency, and object-oriented language java algorithm is given some simple examples of code and procedures, through the example of the operation procedures and analysis, from the comparison of some aspects of the performance of different sorting algorithm, for our learning algorithm and the actual programming will certainly help.

Qian spirit park community behavior and environmental missing macaques RongNaLiang research
In this
Qian lingshan park is China's only with large macaques group of city parks. People play monkey is a big characteristics, happy. This group of macaques artificial hurl food since 1985, now since domesticated on artificially put food most by wild life style has transformed half wild. In recent years the surge, population macaque natural food and its appropriate leads to regional opposite inadequacy, life than the park environment RongNaLiang; Destruction of natural ecological environment form, park area is unbearable vegetation macaque population the survival and development of. Also led to frequent maulings monkeys. Faced with such situation, understand the missing state macaque population of environmental RongNaLiang community behavior and the study, can in order to strengthen the management of macaques to tourists, reduce the damage to the park and harassment, ecological environment protection to provide the reference.
This research in early April 2011 to 2011 mid-may to guizhou lingshan playground - kylin hole - zoo tourism channel sides and distribution around the rhesus monkey group of missing 14 days, a total of accumulative total more than 130 hours of observation research, statistical results show that:
(1) guizhou spirit has certain feeding behavior macaques sequence, in different eating conditions and environment, its eating sequence different;
(2) guizhou between the spirit while feeding monkeys attack behavior basically has fight, rob food, pursued, expelled, stared and brayed, and in different eating conditions and environment, the attack occurred frequency different;
(3) guizhou spirit of zona-binding attack and feeding behavior to decide its social ranks;
(4) guizhou spirit macaques unique community behavior is in long-term formed under the humanized environment;
(5) visitors behavior mainly feeding, suggestive and attack; And the response of the monkeys for accepting, fear, attack, fled, and brayed or crack teeth, have no reaction, etc, different macaques individual (age, identity, gender differences of different types of tourists) behavior has a different response;
(6) guizhou spirit fill, the number of monkeys have not only for park overall are affected and destruction, but also to its own existence the influence.
In addition to the above research contents of guizhou outside, still made management countermeasures spirit macaques, hope can effective reference for relevant departments to provide.
Keywords: macaques; Keeping free-roaming population; Community behavior characteristic; Environmental RongNaLiang; Qian spirit park

Emphasis on criminal reconciliation of victims, perpetrators and the public of the overall balance between the interests of, is people-oriented, the concept of a harmonious and orderly in the field of criminal justice is all about.

The author believes that the criminal settlement system exploration and practice at home and abroad for decades, is the development trend of judicial reform and the trend, China should be in the promotion of social harmony and stability and the affordability of existing public, based on the steady implementation of the implementation of the criminal settlement.

In addition to the introduction and conclusion of this article outside the first part is divided into the following three parts: an overview of the criminal settlement system. This part of the system from the origin of the criminal settlement, experts and scholars say, the meaning of the author on the understanding of the criminal settlement, and from the main, content, legal content of three of its careful analysis of specific.

In addition, criminal reconciliation at home and abroad to study and explore the theory of practice, and clearly pointed out that the establishment of a criminal in our country has become an irresistible trend of reconciliation system, and many can learn from the valuable experience. Part II: the introduction of criminal reconciliation in our country the need for and feasibility of the system.

This section from the from the dispute in favor of resolving conflicts and promoting social harmony and stability; help reduce crime further enhance the effectiveness of crime prevention; effective conservation of judicial resources, to improve the efficiency of the judiciary, the existence of our country with criminal reconciliation of the cultural, legal, policies, practices and social infrastructure in terms of reconciliation in our criminal system, the introduction of the necessity and feasibility of a comprehensive exposition and argumentation. Part III: Construction of China's criminal system specific idea of reconciliation. This section is the focus of papers.

It can fully mobilize all sectors of society, organizations and community enthusiasm to participate in resolving all types of crime arising from the contradictions and problems, to maximize the restoration of criminal damage social harmony and stability, of great significance. China should be based on traditional Chinese mediation, full of useful experience from abroad, and actively explore the establishment of criminal reconciliation and improve the system.

I spent a large portion of China's introduction of the criminal settlement from the urgent need to address many issues, including personal values-based and national-based issues, criminal law the principle of reconciliation with the existing relationship between the problem and increase non-custodial sentences and other types of issues to explore in detail and ideas put forward. China to build reconciliation from the criminal of the basic principles to be followed, the application of the conditions and scope of application, the application of attention to matters such as stage, as well as several areas in the proposed reconciliation of our criminal system to build specific ideas.

Paper Keywords: building a harmonious society envisaged in the criminal settlement

English Abstract

Emphasis on criminal reconciliation of victims, perpetrators and the public of the overall balance between the interests of, is people-oriented, the concept of a harmonious and orderly in the field of criminal justice is all about. It can fully mobilize all sectors of society, organizations and community enthusiasm to participate in resolving all types of crime arising from the contradictions and problems, to maximize the restoration of criminal damage social harmony and stability, of great significance. China should be based on traditional Chinese mediation, full of useful experience from abroad, and actively explore the establishment of criminal reconciliation and improve the system.
The author believes that the criminal settlement system exploration and practice at home and abroad for decades, is the development trend of judicial reform and the trend, China should be in the promotion of social harmony and stability and the affordability of existing public, based on the steady implementation of the implementation of the criminal settlement. Should grasp the main aspects: First, in the form of legislation to clear the legal status of criminal reconciliation; The second is to clearly define their conditions of application, scope and application of procedures to prevent the application of non-uniform scale or lack of supervision to the detriment of the authority of the rule of law; c is to increase the judiciary at all levels of society, including publicity staff to address the ideological and non-uniform, do not know the place and do not have a strong sense of responsibility and so on. The fourth is to strengthen security measures, including amendments to relevant laws and regulations to improve, the types of non-custodial sentence increases, the establishment of the State Compensation Fund and so on.
In this paper, a number of experts and scholars with their own ideas for many years the work of law enforcement practice, to build in our criminal system, specific idea of reconciliation. In addition to the introduction and conclusion of this article is divided into the following three parts outside
Part I: an overview of the criminal settlement system. This part of the system from the origin of the criminal settlement, experts and scholars say, the meaning of the author on the understanding of the criminal settlement, and from the main, content, legal content of three of its careful analysis of specific. In addition, criminal reconciliation at home and abroad to study and explore the theory of practice, and clearly pointed out that the establishment of a criminal in our country has become an irresistible trend of reconciliation system, and many can learn from the valuable experience.
Part II: the introduction of criminal reconciliation in our country the need for and feasibility of the system. This section from the from the dispute in favor of resolving conflicts and promoting social harmony and stability; help reduce crime further enhance the effectiveness of crime prevention; effective conservation of judicial resources, to improve the efficiency of the judiciary, the existence of our country with criminal reconciliation of the cultural, legal, policies, practices and social infrastructure in terms of reconciliation in our criminal system, the introduction of the necessity and feasibility of a comprehensive exposition and argumentation.
Part III: Construction of China's criminal system specific idea of reconciliation. This section is the focus of papers. I spent a large portion of China's introduction of the criminal settlement from the urgent need to address many issues, including personal values-based and national-based issues, criminal law the principle of reconciliation with the existing relationship between the problem and increase non-custodial sentences and other types of issues to explore in detail and ideas put forward. China to build reconciliation from the criminal of the basic principles to be followed, the application of the conditions and scope of application, the application of attention to matters such as stage, as well as several areas in the proposed reconciliation of our criminal system to build specific ideas.

Paper Keywords: building a harmonious society envisaged in the criminal settlement

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