
作者&投稿:包楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


We will try our best to finish this work as soon as possible.
You had better to do excercise half an hour each day.
When I arrive at the cinema, the film has already started.
She does not go to bed until her mother comes back.
It is necessary for us to grasp a foreign language.

The creeping flow model is singular and therefore unrealistic in the corner of each of the two fluid phases at a moving line of contact.
Shear stresses, pressure, and viscous dissipation rate increase without bound as the contact line is approached. Neither the shape of the solid surface nor the nature of the bulk fluids is primarily responsible.
当接触线存在接近时,剪压力,压力和黏稠的驱散速度增加外面跳跃.剪应力,压力和粘性耗散加息没有必然的联系线接触。无论是形状的固体表面的性质,也没有大量的液体主要负责。From a mathematical viewpoint these deficiencies of the model stem from the velocity discontinuity on the boundary: the adherence condition is imposed (Eqs. [8] and [9]) at the solid where r > 0 but at r = 0 perfect slip of the contact line itself is demanded.
从数学角度看这些有缺陷的模型来源于速度间断边界:遵守条件强加( Eqs. [ 8 ]和[ 9 ] )在固体其中r “ 0 ,但在r = 0的完美支路接触线本身就是要求。
Now singularities in mathematical physics usually signal failure of one or more hypotheses underlying the model, for nature abhors local infinities.
The most obvious culprit here is the adherence, or "no-slip," condition but there are other suspects: where pressure in the liquid plunges and viscous dissipation mounts there may be ;short of that there may be steep gradients of viscosity and density and appreciable compressibility effects;
just as ordinary fluid no longer follows bulk equations of state when it is in interfacial transition zones, so also may it behave still differently when it is in contact-line zones the Newtonian constitutive relation may very well fail as the contact line is approached in either fluid phase;

accumulation or depletion of surfactant or heat in the interface might cause an interfacial tension gradient in the interface near the contact line.在接口中表面活性剂金色热的积累或者耗尽可以给一界面张力坡度在朝派造成靠近接触线接口.
The presence of the corners of fluid insures that there is a neighborhood of the contact line in which long-range inter- molecular forces (electrostatic and dispersion forces) take on special importance,
最明显的原因是这里的加入,或“无滑移, ”条件,但还有其他嫌疑人:在压力中的液体和粘性耗散霍金安装可能存在;短期的,有可能是陡峭的坡度的粘度和密度和可观的压缩作用;就像普通流体不再遵循批量状态方程时,在界面过渡区,所以它的行为也可能仍然时有不同的接触线地区的牛顿本构关系很可能失败的接触线无论是处理流体相;积累或用尽或热的表面活性剂的界面可能造成界面张力梯度的界面附近的接触线。
The presence of the corners of fluid insures that there is a neighborhood of the
and a still smaller neighborhood the linear dimensions of which approach molecular dimensions and in which the conventional continuum approach either fails or must be drastically reinterpreted.
On this scale the contact line is seen as a zone and it is not at all clear how it might grade into the three zones that merge into it (44).


The creeping flow model is singular and therefore unrealistic in the corner of each of the two fluid phases at a moving line of contact.悄悄流模型的奇异的,因此是不现实的角落里的每一个阶段的两个流体在移动接触线。 Shear stresses, pressure, and viscous dissipation rate increase without bound as the contact line is approached.剪应力,压力和粘性耗散加息没有必然的联系线接触。 Neither the shape of the solid surface nor the nature of the bulk fluids is primarily responsible.无论是形状的固体表面的性质,也没有大量的液体主要负责。 From a mathematical viewpoint these deficiencies of the model stem from the velocity discontinuity on the boundary: the adherence condition is imposed (Eqs. [8] and [9]) at the solid where r > 0 but at r = 0 perfect slip of the contact line itself is demanded.从数学角度看这些有缺陷的模型来源于速度间断边界:遵守条件强加( Eqs. [ 8 ]和[ 9 ] )在固体其中r “ 0 ,但在r = 0的完美支路接触线本身就是要求。
Now singularities in mathematical physics usually signal failure of one or more hypotheses underlying the model, for nature abhors local infinities.现在奇异的数学物理信号通常失败的一个或多个假设的基本模式,对大自然的憎恶当地infinities 。 The most obvious culprit here is the adherence, or "no-slip," condition but there are other suspects: where pressure in the liquid plunges and viscous dissipation mounts there may be ; short of that there may be steep gradients of viscosity and density and appreciable compressibility effects; just as ordinary fluid no longer follows bulk equations of state when it is in interfacial transition zones, so also may it behave still differently when it is in contact-line zones the Newtonian constitutive relation may very well fail as the contact line is approached in either fluid phase; accumulation or depletion of surfactant or heat in the interface might cause an interfacial tension gradient in the interface near the contact line.最明显的原因是这里的加入,或“无滑移, ”条件,但还有其他嫌疑人:在压力中的液体和粘性耗散霍金安装可能存在;短期的,有可能是陡峭的坡度的粘度和密度和可观的压缩作用;就像普通流体不再遵循批量状态方程时,在界面过渡区,所以它的行为也可能仍然时有不同的接触线地区的牛顿本构关系很可能失败的接触线无论是处理流体相;积累或用尽或热的表面活性剂的界面可能造成界面张力梯度的界面附近的接触线。 The presence of the corners of fluid insures that there is a neighborhood of the contact line in which long-range inter- molecular forces (electrostatic and dispersion forces) take on special importance, and a still smaller neighborhood the linear dimensions of which approach molecular dimensions and in which the conventional continuum approach either fails or must be drastically reinterpreted.在场的角落流体的保险,有附近的接触线中长程间分子部队(静电和分散部队)采取的特殊重要性,以及更小的社区的线性尺寸的办法分子层面在这种传统的连续法要么失败或必须大幅度重新。 On this scale the contact line is seen as a zone and it is not at all clear how it might grade into the three zones that merge into it (44).这种规模的接触线被看作是一个区域,它是不太清楚如何年级的三个区合并为它( 44 ) 。





之后他生气的问:这是我的其中一条领带么?是的,它是你的。汤姆回答。而且那件T恤也是我的,那是我的其中一件T恤么?是的,它也是你的。汤姆回答。而且你还系着我的腰带。霍华德先生说。是的,我系着,爸爸。汤姆回答,你也不想你的裤子掉下来吧?你会想这样么?参考资料:我自己翻译的哦 ...

帮您翻译了第一段,实在不好写,而且这中文写的也有点乱...Macroeconomy in France looks blue. Many international institution and economists believe that economy growth in recent years can be difficult for French people. But after 2006, its economy has begun growing, family consumption has...

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and replace work clothes that are worn or altered in sizes.4、如果您的员工人数增加了,我们将增加额外的工作服。If you have employees added, we will add additional work clothes.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。

我的态度、我的地位和我的自尊都被一个德国人给击碎了;在这个事件中,我生活在这个国家三十年,通晓了英语,也未影响德国入侵的定义。为了明了危机关头的各种问题,有必要回顾两种在这个国家被认为理所当然的、美国人由此而往往认为是普遍的美国模式。第一句的主句为 My manners, my status, and my ...

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沙湾县13960838925: 帮帮忙 英语翻译
柘朱小儿: 1. My brother dreamed of becoming an astronaut. 2. I am your real friend. 3. Salesmen who persuade us to buy his product.

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柘朱小儿:物是人非的英文 The shoe is on the other foot, It is a horse of different color.

沙湾县13960838925: 帮帮忙用英语翻译一下
柘朱小儿: There are advantages and disadvantages for internet shopping; It is not only convenient due to its 24/7 business hour and no waiting in line but also cheaper. On the other side, we might be cheated because there is no way to check the item in ...

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柘朱小儿:[答案] 1、让我想想.Let me think of it. 2、你在哪买的裤子?Where did you buy these trousers? 3、我们有各色的毛衣,仅仅20元钱.We've got variously colored sweaters,and only cost 20 yuan. 4、我妈妈想买一个红提包.My mum wants to buy a ren handbag. ...

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柘朱小儿: 你什么,当你长大 我是一名中学生.我一直努力在我的研究,因为我设立了我决心要成为一名老师,当我长大了.当我还是个孩子,我想成为一名老师,因为我觉得,作为一名教师,我可以惩罚学生谁犯的错误.现在,我仍然想成为一名老师,因为我觉得当一名教师,我可以教我学我的学生.如果我的学生获得好成绩, 我会感到高兴,并充满了成功.作为一个老师是我的梦想,我会尽我所能,为实现我的梦想praperations.

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柘朱小儿: 你从来不知道甚至在你悲伤时都有人痴迷于你的笑容.

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柘朱小儿: 1.我是败了主要原因是因为我缺乏自信(lack of)the main reason of my failure is the lack of confidence. 2.在这项工程上我们花了大量的金钱和时间(spend)we spent lots of money and time on this project. 3.这项研究成果将很快被应用于实践...

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