
作者&投稿:佴巩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Volunteers are those who prefer to contribute their time and energy, without any material reward situation for the improvement of social services, promote social progress.
  Volunteering has four characteristics: voluntary, unpaid, public welfare, organized. Some people thought that those who engaged in volunteering work as "cheap labor" or only those who have a lot of treasures will participate in volunteering work are incorrect. In fact, everyone has the right and ability to participate in social affairs, the promotion of social progress, and everyone has to promote social progress and prosperity of the obligations and responsibilities. Students at the school can participate in volunteer association of the school. If you have a job, you can try to communicate with the local Communist Youth League organizations or civil volunteer organization. In the rest of the existing semi-official volunteer association, there are volunteer organizations caring people spontaneously formed.
  V‍olunteering organization is a glorious and nonprofit organization. We should participate to help those people who need help indeed.

For those who have been exposed to bitcoin, more or less, must have heard of the “Bitcoin Pizza Day”. In short, it's about a Crypto geek got himself two large pizzas delivered for 10,000 Bitcoins on May 22, 2010. Or as we’d call it today, about 28,133 RMB. I believe many people are calculating the present value of those two pizzas now.



A company will also keep a budget in order to see whether spending money on things like advertising is a good idea. take a look at the graph below. it is the same as the one above, with one important addition: it has a line for advertising.

Company managers will look at this budget and decide whether to advertise again, based on how much money they make or lose. 公司经理们会根据这份预算来看他们的盈亏状况来决定是否需要再次投广告。

For all of these reasons, keeping a budget keeps you aware of how much money you have, whether it's $20 or $20000.companies do it,and you can do it,too.


新,是代表进步的符号。New, is the symbol of the representative progress.比如,新的篇章。For example, a new chapter.比如,新的旅程。For example, new journey.比如,新的城区。For example, the new city.一个肉眼可见的进步,中国内蒙,赤峰新城。A visible progress, China's Inner Mongolia...

A different light We can't wait to say G'day 100% Pure New Zealand Vietnam.从不同的角度,我们不能等到说G'day 100%纯净的新西兰越南。 A Destination for the New Millennium There's no place like Hong Kong Hong Kong will take your breath away! Come to Bangladesh before the to...

Dear XXX,Sorry to answer you after such a long time. I'm ill and don't feel fine, so I won't contact you for sometime to come. My parents are engaged in business. They opened this supermarket three years ago. Of course, things didn't go smoothly at first, but they a...

I have remitted the postage and refund to you. You're supposed to check out. I have forwarded the application form of assessment revision. I'd quite appreciate it if you could make changes to the assessment.

Free D2D(door-to-door) service 2.对新手进行电脑培训 Offer PC training for freshman 3.只要一个电话,技术人员就会免费上门服务 Technicians will provide D2D support on a phone demand 4.增值服务:宽带网络申请、家庭网络布设等。Value-added service: Internet access application, home networking ...

1、这件衣服款式您满意吗?我们店里大小号都有。Is this type fit you?We have all size.2、您试穿这一件看看,这件比较适合您。You can try it.It will fit you 3、我们店都是从韩国进的服装。All the clothes came from Korea 4、很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。It ...

there be 的谓语动词be是就近原则,比如there is a photo and some apples,用is不用are 第一句there is some bread这里bread是不可数,所以谓语是is 第二句there are two pieces of bread,这里是two pieces不是bread是are 供参考

请帮我翻译一下,由中文翻译为韩文,不要转换器!!很急!!谢谢! 100 我来自中国的帆船之都—青岛,像大多数留学生一样,我怀揣着对未来的梦想来到了韩国,而韩国也正如我在中国时听闻的一样,经济发达,环境优美,在这样的氛围下,我想,我的学习和生活... 我来自中国的帆船之都—青岛,像大多数留学生一样,我怀揣...

Some friends can not meet with each other because everybody is busy now.


扶风县13171351789: 帮忙翻译几个句子(不要翻译器翻译的哦) -
出狐爱赛: 1.you are the ``` in my heart.2.i take great pity in witnessing the story end, so does every one else as i believe.3.when i am confronted with drawbacks, having y...

扶风县13171351789: 帮忙翻译一下,翻译成英语.句子是 :”或者我下载一个你用的聊天软件.我想和你更方便地聊天.”不要翻译器的,要语法正确的! -
出狐爱赛:[答案] 你好,应该是: Maybe I can download a chatting software same as yours. I want to chat with you conveniently 你用的,也就是和你一样的 same as yours conveniently 方便地 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

扶风县13171351789: 帮忙翻译一下英文(不要用翻译器)
出狐爱赛: 您好!翻译为:I can't bare a whole day's doing homework. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

扶风县13171351789: 帮忙翻译个英语,不要翻译器的 -
出狐爱赛: I'm good, please don't worry about me, hope you have a great life

扶风县13171351789: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话,不要翻译器 -
出狐爱赛: 我只是害怕失去一个原本不属于我的东西,这也是我矛盾纠结的原因:It's just that I'm afraid of losing something that wasn't originally mine; this is the reason why I'm conflicted and at a loss. 句子翻译以后,选择用 ; 这个分成号,觉得比逗号要更恰当一点.自己认真翻译的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

扶风县13171351789: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下.不要百度翻译器里面翻译,因为是错的不准确. -
出狐爱赛: 不怕遇到神一样的对手,就怕组上猪一样的队友.I am not afraid of GOD-like opponents but afraid of GOOSE-like teammates.(注:在英文中一般不用猪来形容人蠢,而是用鹅goose) 击中不到人,真的很吓人.It really horrify/shock us a lot by your continual missing.(missing 动名词,表示未击中)

扶风县13171351789: 求翻译!!不要翻译工具翻译的!谢谢! -
出狐爱赛: 1.Wars are mainly started by conflict among politicians of different countries, not the military itself. So the war is also seen as a result of extreme means of pol...

扶风县13171351789: 帮忙翻译一下 急急急 不要用翻译工具
出狐爱赛: 1、He is late because he is stuck in the traffic congestion.2、we beated our opponent by three minutes'advantage.3、we can pass this examination only if we review good enough.4、He is very poor,but he is very happy.5、i will be sacked if i am ...

扶风县13171351789: 请英语好的帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译器的 谢谢老师不好意思今天没有去上课,因为我发烧了,现在已经有所好转了.特此给您发了这封邮件,希望您见谅. -
出狐爱赛:[答案] Dear teacher: I am sorry for I didn't go to school today because I had a fever, now I feel better. Hereby I send you the Email, I hope you can forgive me. 希望能帮到你,不明白还可以追问. 你要快点采纳哟,嘻嘻!

扶风县13171351789: 请帮忙翻下中文 谢谢 比较急 (请不要用翻译器) -
出狐爱赛: 这个是银行收取的付款手续费 This is the payment commission charged by the bank.

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