
作者&投稿:职咸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

对不起= = 我表达能力欠佳



In accordance with what Chinese law regulates ,Whoever makes noises to affect others' normal life will be the first to be given a warning ; if the warning does not work on the person , This person will be fined 200-500RMB .As far as I have known , Money is not a problem for you , however, Please be much aware that you not only stand for yourself but also represent the image of your country.

Over couples of months , I am being harassed by the noises that are made by you every day , I would like to inform you here : If you don't stop making those noises immediately, I will solve the problem between us by means of legal procedures . Don't think that you are foreigners and you can enjoy the privilege in China and you can do whatever you want to do to make those noise to affect others' lives .If you disagree with me , The person who will come to knock at your door is the policeman .



The patient in bed 20 is Jane Smith.


6.in a friendly way

1. familiar early-newspaper 熟悉de早报纸 2. on the front gate 在大门口 3. guided by a program 指导方案 4.switching on the TV 打开电视机 5.an electronic voice 电子声音 6.communitication experts working 7.on the brief story 简短的故事 8.a simple touch 短暂的触摸 9.makes the...

I just need a computer, which won’t take up too much space, to carry out study on line where I can access much study materials. And wherever I am and whenever it is, I would be able to carry out study as long as I have a computer with me.3:distance education 有很多...

笔译:After reading the Robinson Crusoe this wonderful novels, a tall image is always in my eyes, he is a brave Explorer, Navigator Robinson. His tenacious perseverance, spirit, achieved his dream of sailing.Robinson is the hero of the book. During a voyage, Robinson travelled boat...

obtained credits

英语高手帮下忙,帮我翻译并随意写几句话what pressures do you...
1 你有怎样的压力?你如何处理它们?2 这学期遇到什么困难了吗?如何解决的?3 大学第一学期结束了,你有什么想法(思考)吗?4 你准备如何度过即将来临的寒假?汉语答案给我,我给你翻。

请各位英语高手帮个忙翻译一下下面这几个词: 大杂居,小聚居、中东地区...
Big mixing-up, small inhabit, Middle East, Shanghai Oriental pearl TV tower, zhoushan islands

5) minimum 50% transparency of shop frontis required.店前需要最低50 %的透明度 6) no explored cabling and outlets are permitted.不允许有探索布线和外接口 7) submission for Walton Brown approval shall include all necessary layouts, elevations, sections, details, 3D perspective rendering ...

to play,enjoy the famous tourist attractions of China and foreign countries. But I know this is out of the question.What I can do now is to learn more knowledge.When I grow up, I can invent a machine which can make people fly, and only then my dream will come true.

One early morning of May first, we went by car to arrive at the pure mountain of mountain to start climb a mountain.Still just start us the fascination is thriving, but just climb to halfway up a hill, an is already the big sweat, out of breath.But I thoughted of" the...

湛河区18779325639: 英语翻译英语高手们,帮忙翻译下这段话,对我来说有点难度,多花些宝贵的时间,一定要翻译的完美,好的话我再加分,相信你们的实力!曾经我是那么... -
羿凤嘉立:[答案] Once I loved you so much.I have been dedicated to you.I treated you with my whole heart and soul.Enough I have done for you.I didn't do you wrong.But how about you?You cared about nothing,and regarded our love as something easy to destruct and ...

湛河区18779325639: 英语翻译英语高手们帮忙翻译下:由于A公司的原料短缺,我们生产急需临时用了B公司的同类产品替代,临时替代品无物料号. -
羿凤嘉立:[答案] 当我们遇到了不能解决的问题的时候,一个陌生人的简单的好意就能提供一个解决办法,能鼓舞我们的士气,甚至改变我们的生活.另外,他们的行为可能给我们再生活中效仿的榜样.甚至当我们遇到个人问题了,我们也会选择用我们...

湛河区18779325639: 英语高手帮忙翻译下句子.1、他用他的第一个月工资给他妈妈买了一件毛衣 2、卫兵命令我们立即离开 -
羿凤嘉立:[答案] 1.He used his first month salary to buy his mother a sweater2.Guards ordered us to leave immediately

湛河区18779325639: 英语高手来帮忙翻译下!~看见很多人:有的人在游泳,有的人在打沙滩排球,有几个男孩子在踢足球,有些女孩子在唱歌跳舞,还有人躺在沙滩上,沙是... -
羿凤嘉立:[答案] To see a lot of people: some people in swimming, and some people playing beach volleyball, there is at some boys play football, some of the girls singing at dancing and have people lying on the beach, sand is hot, but water is very cool .

湛河区18779325639: 高手帮忙翻译一下英语
羿凤嘉立: 1win sb' respect find sb difficult to please the 1st man-made satellite to talk (or speak) to oneself walk along the beach in one's life to set sail for sp 有副作用 颠倒 从14中拿出3个 候选人;候补者

湛河区18779325639: 英语高手们 来帮忙翻译下 谢谢了 -
羿凤嘉立: Hi, Sorry to disturb you guys again. First I want to claim that I only applied once and my user name is "sean 147","tom258" doesn't belong to me. I bought my computer from one of my friends, so I'm wondering if he used my information to apply ...

湛河区18779325639: 英语高手帮忙翻译下句子. 1、我替你叫辆出租车好吗?2、新式机器将会为你节省许多劳动 -
羿凤嘉立:[答案] 1,I call you a taxi? 2,The new machine will save you a lot of labor 希望lz采纳哦.

湛河区18779325639: 英语高手帮忙翻译下啦?!高手们快点来
羿凤嘉立: Our well has gone dry. His face turned (into) red. They ate what was left. I would like a cup of tea. His admitted his mistake. She booked herself a new dress. She cooked his husband a delicious meal. He brought you a dictionary. I showed him my ...

湛河区18779325639: 帮忙翻译下,英语高手进
羿凤嘉立: 1: flooded 2: no 3: Heart: 4. 5: bottom

湛河区18779325639: 英语高手帮忙翻译下,谢谢!
羿凤嘉立: If I you could be happy in case of my leaving, I wish to give up, only wish that you know that I once really love you... 能力有限,希望你满意!

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