
作者&投稿:产利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A guy had to rush to an airport,when he was checking up time while waiting at a bus station, a thief pinched his wallet from his luggage,but luckily that thief was caught by a police officer red handed right away as he just saw his crime.


I work at the mall, my job is to Purchasing Guide, our brand from Italy, leather bags and wallets are all produced!

The most essential and also the most important means of production for farmers is the land upon which rests the farmers' livelihood. In addition to that, land has long been the the important means of protection for China's rural area and the very basis for rural social security. An alarming number of farmers who have lost their land emerges as the ever increasing urbanization and industrialization pick up speed, the landless farmers are the weak group in the current society, any unfavorable policies to the farmers will likely have a great negative impact on their livelihood and development. As the farmers lose their material foundation for their livelihood,their right of sheer existence is under imminent threat, so the state is obliged to establish correspongding social security mechanism for the landless farmers. Considering the current situation faced by China's landless farmers, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the establishment and perfection of the social security mechanism for China's landless farmers after the careful researches on the landless farmers and the various problems occured.

Kew words: landless farmers, importance, problems, social security mechanism.


Land is the most fundamental and also the most important material for producing that farmers depend on for their existence. Apart from this, it is the foundation of rural social security, as it has the important function of protection of our nation's land over a long period of time.The emergence of large numebr of land-lost farmers as a consequence of continuous acceleration of urbanization and industrialization,and at the same time,the issue of land-lost farmers' emergence ensues, land-lost farmers are being regarded as disadvantaged group in today's society. Their existence and development would be greatly affected if the policy to protect them
in not beneficial. The nation has the responsibility and duty as well,to set up a social security system for the land-lsot farmers, who have lost their material base for existence and their right to existence has been threatened. This article starts off from the current situation being faced by the land-lost farmers,through the research of land-lost farmers' state of affairs and the issues that emerge, to put forward interrelated proposals for the setting up and perfection of a social security system for our land-loast farmers.

Key words: land-lost farmers; important; issues; social security system

The land is the farmer livelihood most basic also is the most important producer goods.In addition, also has the important safeguard function since long ago in our country countryside land, is the countryside social security foundation.Sped up unceasingly along with the urbanization and the industrialization appear massively have lost the farmer, simultaneously following appeared has lost the farmer question, loses the farmer to take now a society's part of weak trend community, if disadvantageous could affect their survival and the development enormously to its safeguard policy.Loses the farmer to lose its survival the material base, the right to subsistence is threaten, the country has the responsibility also to have the duty for to lose the farmer to establish the social security systems.The article loses the present situation from our country which the farmer faces to embark, loses the question through the research which farmer's situation as well as appears, lost the farmer social security systems establishment and the consummation to our country put forward the correlation proposal.

The land is the most basic farmer survival is the most important production material. In addition, in the rural land has long has an important safeguard function, it is the foundation of rural social security. With the accelerating the urbanization and the industrialization of the land-losing farmers, and subsequent land-losing farmers problems appeared in today's society, farmers as part of the disadvantaged groups, if its security policy will greatly influence the disadvantage of their survival and development. Farmers lose its survival foundation, the existence threatened, countries have responsibility for land-lost farmers have obligation to establish the social security system. The land-losing farmers from China faced by the current situation of the study of the farmers, the situation and problems of Chinese farmers, the social security system to establish and perfect the puts forward related Suggestions.

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