
作者&投稿:佴和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With the improvement of income level, tourism has become the people demand. Why do people to travel? This seemingly childish question to answer well is not very easy. Because people's purpose in different situation, experience, and the structure of knowledge about different will have different answers. I think people travel main purpose of five

One is for growth. The so-called "practice," is also. People see life through tourism have seen or not actually seen people's mind, satisfy the demand to see, a growth of knowledge. If go to Europe saw Versailles, saw many gothic, etc.

Twoit is for cheerful affection or disappear frowsty outlet. "Be in the mountains, bullying small". Nature's beauty can make people happy, loving life, positive emotions, many troubles are left behind. If we can see the sea, the vast immensities shreds, mind and spirit is broad and shock.

Three is to comprehend life. Through to the scenic spots and historical sites, revolutionary tour, often can make us to appreciate the person of revolutionary martyrs and difficult course of life, also inevitable to have the new knowledge and experience.

Four is to experience life or pursue emotional appeal. People always yearn experience oneself do not experience of life. Like living in the south in winter to the northeast to feel cold, to sit sleigh, smooth, and the north of skiing to hainan island to feel YeFeng chaton and go to swim in sanya etc. In addition to the manufacturer, watching taste local features performances, etc., are experiencing life.

Five is exercise. Some tourist completely is for the purpose of the exercise. Like riding a bicycle to travel, etc.

Of course, the purpose of tourism may also be compound, but anyway, to improve the quality of tourism, must have certain knowledge accumulation, geography and geology, history, literature, religion, aesthetics, architecture, landscape related knowledge, this only big harvest of tourism, or see xia, may be seen as valley is a small hill.

The new school has already been built.


Using statistical analysis method, biological research literature records of jilin province, wild tonic food and sleep, 1, 3, nodding euphorbia oleander 4 families, QianCao 5, 6 families, 荵 flower flower 7, 8 of the applied of order yuan, at $order attribution and the main characteristics of the morphological characters and evolutionary genetic relationship status. Results indicate: jilin wild plants were 5 genera tonic families about 20 species, including a tonic 10, flat, flower bud of 2 kinds, 1 kind of anchor, wing 1 genera, induces calyx teeth dish of five children, Sleep of two kinds of food division 2, 1 kind of food and sleep XingCai belong to one, Two species of apocynaceae 2, 1 kind of apocynum oleander, 1 genera, Nodding euphorbia division 3 of 10 species, including 8 species, very cane 1 genera, nodding euphorbia GongLiu belong to one, March 18 of rubiaceae, one of three propellers grass, LABS, QianCao vine 13 kinds of two, 荵 spend three, 1 genus of three 荵 flower, Spinning flower of 10 species, including cycles of two, three, petunia dodder genera belong to one, Anti-freckle families, 8 genera and species, including mountain, glaze of 1 eggplant, fake grass genera belong to one kind of crane lice, nahor two kinds, radix arnebiae lice, WuWangCao genera belong to one kind of purple tube grass, 1 genera and food. Within the division between homology of plants, but feature differences are the basic morphological characteristics and the significant correlation, so the results of this study supports will be divided into five families of tonic, including a tonic and flat rapunzel has higher homology of close, wing calyx of evolutionary status, induces the highest position; tonic evolution Bachelor degree in each kind of 5 genera and basic characteristics of fingerprints, therefore has significant correlation study results support the conclusion above $order belongs, Sleep food plants within the coco feature differences between homologous sex, but all the basic morphological characteristics and the significant correlation, this study results support will sleep food division into 2: Two genera apocynaceae in plants, and the basic morphological characteristics has significant correlation, thus results will be divided into 2 apocynaceae support of two, Nodding euphorbia rose in the basic morphological characters who has significant correlation, one of its salix and nodding euphorbia rose, think of correlation coefficient between higher, homology of close relationship, Very vine and nodding euphorbia rose of correlation coefficient, lower that both homology, with distant kin. According to order yuan assignment summation, very vine value of minimum, nodding euphorbia evolutionary status of evolutionary highest position. Rose. Therefore, this study results support will be divided into three genera in nodding euphorbia rose section 10 species, Within the secco plant coco anti-freckle basic morphological characteristics, which has significant correlation and anti-freckle correlation coefficient of false crane lice, that both homology is higher, with close kin, Purple mountain grass and cone of correlation coefficient, eggplant that both homology is far lower. According to order yuan assignment summation of grass, glaze value of minimum, false crane evolutionary status of evolutionary highest position.) This result will be divided into 8 families anti-freckle support

Keywords: 1, jilin, tonic food and sleep, three families, nodding euphorbia oleander 4 families, QianCao 5 families, 荵 spent 6 families spend seven families, spin and anti-freckle 8 families, yuan, homology, paternity

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the Using statistical analysis method, biological research literature records of jilin province, wild tonic food and sleep, 1, 3, nodding euphorbia oleander 4 families, QianCao 5, 6 families, 荵 flower flower 7, 8 of the applied of order yuan, at $order attribution and the main ...

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With the improvement of income level, tourism has become the people demand. Why do people to travel? This seemingly childish question to answer well is not very easy. Because people's purpose in different situation, experience, and the structure of knowledge about different will have ...

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勇阁林青:[答案] don't match prefers rather than the less every eight hours

铜陵县15789234693: 汉译英文 谢谢大家 -
勇阁林青: Dear buyer,亲爱的买家 Thank you for buying two commodities from me. 谢谢你购买我的两件物品.One of them has not the color you asked for, but we have black one. 另外1件没有你要的颜色,但有黑色的.I try to contact you but get no ...

铜陵县15789234693: 汉译英,要快一点.先谢了(我可能每天请你们翻译一个,我们老师让写英语日记,麻烦大家了,我很懒的). -
勇阁林青: It rained today and it was very cool and comfortabel. I had a wonderful supper. I felt very happy today.

铜陵县15789234693: 汉译英```急``麻烦大家帮我翻译一下:1:我是你的头号粉丝(FANS)2:全世界都是你的配角. -
勇阁林青:[答案] 1, I am your No.1 fan. 2, People of all the world are your subordinate roles.

铜陵县15789234693: 汉译英,五句话,麻烦大家了 -
勇阁林青: 1.You should pay attention to the way of rejection2.a little big3,any information about where he's going4.get on well all the time5.her mother doesn't agree at all

铜陵县15789234693: 帮忙翻译一句?汉译英(很乱,麻烦各位了) -
勇阁林青: i planned to begin to work in Italy on the nineteenth.but ther was no plane ticket to book on the seventeenth.because there is no plane directly flying from beijing to milan,i have to fly to holland first ,which makes me to take a longer timeto get to milan....

铜陵县15789234693: 英语翻译翻译的时候这样子'谢谢了例:苹果 - apple下面是我要翻译的,麻烦大家了,能翻译多少是多少`谢谢.恋 - 希望 - 天使 - 记忆 - 期待- -
勇阁林青:[答案] 期待-expectation 记忆-memory 天使-angel 希望-hope 恋-love 以上全表示名次,有些可以作动词

铜陵县15789234693: 英语翻译麻烦你们了. -
勇阁林青:[答案] Don't be scared,you will never be alone,I will be always with you .

铜陵县15789234693: 英语翻译麻烦大家帮我翻译一下以下英语单词(短句),可能有点多,有劳大家了.OlympiadBaltimoreopening ceremonyproducebreedstandardcaretens of ... -
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