
作者&投稿:经夏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



This song It's our first sang two people to listen to, I hope you both can listen to understand, read and understand our hearts.

Volunteers to be organized school students to remote areas of teaching, two-week period. To participate in activities be optimistic personality, willing to communicate with people. Operation of agricultural machinery will be priority interview. Mountain rain, please self-rubbers. 6 pm to welcome students this week, the office for interview.

自己翻译的 希望能帮助你理解

Volunteers to be organized school students to remote areas of teaching, two-week period. To participate in activities be optimistic personality, willing to communicate with people. Operation of agricultural machinery will be priority interview. Mountain rain, please self-rubbers. 6 pm to welcome students this week, the office for interview

Volunteers to be organized school students to remote areas of teaching, two-week period. To participate in activities be optimistic personality, willing to communicate with people. Will operate agricultural machinery priority interview. Wetter mountainous areas, please self-rubbers. Welcome to the afternoon of this week, six Student Union office for interview.

The school will mobilize volunteers students to remote areas, a two-week. Attend to an optimistic character, the person must communicate with people of agricultural machinery. Will operate preferred interview. Mountain more rain, please self-provided boots on Saturday afternoon. Welcome to the student office for an interview.

1、将来会有更多的树 There will be more trees in the future.2、人们不用走在路上上班,他们能飞在天上 People won't need to walk to work. They can fly in the sky.3、我从来不喜欢一个人住(独居)I never like living alone \/ on my own.4、明天的天气怎么样?What will the weat...

你真的是越来越帅了! you are becoming more and more handsome.这真是要多差有多差! it would not be worse.我只是想告诉你,没有最差只有更差! i do wnana tell you, no could be worse.你真是丢人到家了! you are really disgraced.你真是太没出息(起子)了,简直就是饿死鬼投胎!

1.有了白色农业,植物可以种在水里。(with)With the white agriculture, plants could grow in water.2.我想住在有山有水的地方.(place with)I would like to live in a place with hill and water.3.现代技术的引进使这家小工厂受益非浅.(bring benefit to)The introduction of modern techno...

2.此酒含有成熟细致的黑果(黑果不用翻译)带有单宁(tannin)的酸味,余味悠长,单宁柔和,正进入适饮时期。Containing ripe and delicate 黑果,with a soft, sour tannin twist and long lasting flavour,(因为前面又单宁后面又单宁所以把两句并做一句了,如果一定要在说一次的话是:with a sour tanni...

to introduce myself here.三、我希望我将来是一名律师,因为现在,我就已经对法律很了解了。I hope I could be a lawyer, because right now I have been quite familiar with laws.四、我哥哥是一名老师,也是一名商人。My older brother is a teacher as well as a bussinessman\/merchant....

즐거운 시간을 보내실길 바랍니다.3.我韩语不好,请多多包涵!저는 한국어 잘 못하서 많이 &#...

谁帮我把这几句话翻译成英语!?不要乱翻译啊!急 在线等你们
Hi, it has been a while since we contacted each other.我知道你一定过的很好!I know you must be doing well.虽然我们是最熟悉的陌生人,但永远抹不掉的是回忆!Although we are the most familiar strangers, but memories are what we can never forget.真心祝福你幸福!Wishing you happiness ...

韩文翻译 请帮我将这几句话翻成韩文 1.啊~真有趣! 2.光是站着就有趣...
있어요!2.光是站着就有趣(光是站在那里就很有趣)그냥 서고 있어만도 재미있어요.3.呱呱(鸭子叫声)곽곽4.帅气!멋진다!

1迈克儿打碎了那个被贴标签的橱窗,这个受害者痛恨张贴胡乱画的标签 2电视图像在摇摆,其声音和电视画面不同步 3在他为这件事投入了这么大的赌注后,却证明是一个很大的羞辱 4不是的,一个人可以烫自已喜欢的发型,就像在音乐史上犹豫灵魂音乐、摇摆舞音乐、蓝调音乐、爵士音乐的音乐家一样 ...

1.Please live a happy life just like a kid.请像个孩子一样过一种快乐的生活。2.Please keep smiling all the time as kids always do.请像小孩子经常做的那样一直保持微笑。3.I don't know I've missed what, what I know is that fortunately I didn't miss you. The most luck ...

京山县13127634003: 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢!~只要你快乐就是我最大的幸福,全世界你是我的最爱,让我牵着你的手直到永远.我会用一生的时间来爱你.谢谢... -
封儿路盖:[答案] Making you happy is my greatest happiness. you're my love among the world. Hold my hand,I'll love you with my all life

京山县13127634003: 英语翻译哪位帮我用英语翻译下面几句话啊?1他们把门推开了.2他请我们参加做游戏.3我要你把真相告诉我.4每天早晨我们都听到她大声读英语 -
封儿路盖:[答案] They pushed the door open. He asked us to join in the game. I want you to tell me the truth. Every morning we hear her reading English loudly.

京山县13127634003: 这几句话用英文怎么说帮我翻译下以下三句1.我可以离去 祝福你2.她真的比我好吗3.我假装很快乐 -
封儿路盖:[答案] 1、I can leave and best wishes to you . 2.Is she really better than me 3.I just pretend to be happy .

京山县13127634003: 帮我把这几句话翻译成英文,尽量用最简单的单词,我是小学生! -
封儿路盖: 1:Lost the wolf, sheep did not survive2:No permanent friends, no permanent enemies 这完全是最简单的啦,一个不多一个不少.

京山县13127634003: 帮我把这几句话翻译成英语.谢了,
封儿路盖: 1.请问你可以帮我一个忙吗 could you please do me a favor 2.可不可以给我借一百快钱? can you lend me one hundred yuan 3.下个月还你. will pay you back next month. 4.相信我!believe me! 好了,给分

京山县13127634003: 谁能用英语帮我翻译这几句话啊
封儿路盖: 1.This is what 2.What color is it 3.Please hear you, feel how? 4.Petals have a few tablets? 5.Give you 6.Do you think how it? 其实有些复杂你想不起来或者不会的,都可以去Google翻译 翻译网址 http://translate.google.cn/?hl=zh-CN

京山县13127634003: 英语翻译帮我把这几句翻译成英语句子!1.我本不该告诉他这个坏消息 2.他们躲在那里差不多两年,从来不敢出去 3.不要嘲笑他,有时候你做得还不如他好 -
封儿路盖:[答案] 1 I shouldn't have told him the bad news 2 They have hidden there for almost two years and had no courage for coming out. 3 Don't laught at him,sometimes you don't do as good as him.

京山县13127634003: 谁帮我把这几句话翻译成英语?
封儿路盖: I hope we will be friends for ever,even if we are apart one day,we'll never change.

京山县13127634003: 麻烦帮我把这几句话翻译成英文
封儿路盖: 原谅我吧 . forgive me please 并不是真的我想 . it is not that I really wanted 很多不是我们能决定的 . many thing we can't decide 快点长大吧 . grow up quickly 你答应我的我都记得 i remember all you promised to me. 不是说好彼此都不再联络的么 . ...

京山县13127634003: 休说苍天不由人,我命由我不由天!帮我这两句话翻译成英文! -
封儿路盖:[答案] 楼上翻译得很好啊,在下也来凑个热闹. 根据英语谚语Man propose,god dispose (某事在人,成事在天)给的灵感,我翻译为: Don't say God propose,to my fate I superpose!

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