
作者&投稿:阙顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


We have been trasteando with a series of present Activex controls in a Windows 2000 completely patched server, and the result has been that 25 of these activex are vulnerable of one or another way (from stack overflows to simple refusals on watch by the absence of certain parameters) One of the modules that it gave but game is the components of the service “average Windows”, whose failures have been patched bulletin of Microsoft MS07-027 in the last The component that we are going to comment is {d4fe6227-1288-11d0-9097-00aa004254a0} NMSA Session Description Object (Ver 1,0) managed by the bookstore mdsauth.dll. This component has a safe method called SaveAS that when it is invoked writes the specified file in the disc. The problem is that the content of the file is not completely controlable, reason why single certain text chains, specified like parameter, will arrive to be written in disc in certain parts of the file. From this form, the impact that can be obtained could get to be the following one: - Refusal on watch: sobrewriting bookstores or valid files of the system, like for example c:\boot.ini - Execution of code: perhaps although this assumption has not been verified, is possible, saving the file in “%userprofile% \ Start up” like a file .bat, to get to execute some of the commandos specified in the parameter of the component. For this last assumption, we have an added problem, and is that these chains are kept in Unicode (UTF16). In theory it would be possible to specify some chain that after some type of encode gets to be valid when becoming to utf16 and to get there to execute commandos. If it is possible or no, you we left it like exercise for house. Finally, I enclose a test to you of concept of the vulnerability.


我们一直trasteando一系列本控件在Windows2000的完全补丁服务器而其结果是,25个activex亟需一个或另一个方式(从stackoverflows 简单就拒绝收看了缺少某些参数),其中一个单元,它使但是游戏 是组件服务"一般窗口", 他们的失败已打上补丁公告微软ms07-027,在去年联赛中,我们是否要评论 (d4fe6227-1288-11d0-9097-00aa004254a0)砂届描述对象(ver1,0)管理书店mdsauth.dll. 这个组件有一个安全的方法称为saveas是,当人们援引写到指定文件在圆盘. 目前的问题是,文件的内容并不完全controlable,为什么单文某连锁 要指定参数,将会达成,必须以书面形式在圆盘的部分档案. 从这一形式的影响,这可能是下列之一: -拒绝守望:sobrewriting书店或有效的档案制度, 像例如C:\boot.ini-执行代码:也许虽然这一假设尚未得到证实,有可能的话, 文件保存在"%userprofile%\启动"就像一个文件. 蝙蝠 去执行部分的突击队指定参数的组成部分. 这次最后的假设,我们有一个问题,就是这些店都存放在unicode(utf16). 在理论上,将可能在一些具体的链条,经过某种形式的编码传到有效期 当渐成utf16,要到那里去执行突击队. 如果有可能或没有,你离开它像运动家. 最后,我附上一个考验你的概念上的弱点.

程序: xxx.exe

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承杜舒肝: 这是西班牙文,下面是英文:We have been trasteando with a series of present Activex controls in a Windows 2000 completely patched server, and the result has been that 25 of these activex are vulnerable of one or another way (from stack ...

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