
作者&投稿:岛涛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我们接受来料加工、OEM、DEM 等多种合作方式,希望能够为您提供您所需要的帮助,携手共谋永久发展!
We accept various cooperation modes such as processing with supplied materials, OEM, DEM, etc. We hope to render the assistance that you require and prosper together with our joint efforts!

合作方式 我司始终贯彻以多元化的服务模式,完善的服务体系,为您和您的公司提供全方位的服务。
Modes of Cooperation: We consistently promote a diversified service mode and a perfect service system to provide you and your company with multi-faceted services.

1. Processing with supplied materials: Some of the labels are used to purchasing their own raw materials, our company is only responsible for the creation of samples and the production at later stage.

2. Product development, raw material procurement and bulk production: In order to ensure uniformity in the overall styles of the product, many labels prefer to provide us with design drawings or dress samples and let our company to conduct product development and bulk production.

3. Overall designs, development and production: Some labels want to enrich their product varieties, so they would opt for allowing our company to engage in style designing, sample development and bulk production in accordance with the typical styles of their labels.

In order to properly protect the interests of every label, our company will sign a development agreement with each label before commencement of cooperation, so as to ensure our clients’ information and style designs will not be leaked to other labels or companies.
For the benefits of our customers to understand the product quality and the bulk production process, the approved prototype samples will be submitted to our customers for sample sealing before the start of bulk production, and during the course of production, our company will provide production process feedbacks in writing to our customers at all times.

“Your requirement is what our company strives for!” 或
Your demand is what we strive for!


1. All of our products are 100 percent reliable, not imitations.
2. If you buy one of our products reached 300 U.S. dollars, we will be free shipping (FREE SHIPPING).
3. As a result of our product shipments faster, is a picture showing the product at any time for a variety of reasons out of stock. Therefore, we will try to re-election of your style with a similar style to help you adjust.
4. We are professional international children's clothes and infant supplies OEM factories. We accept your advice or any form of cooperation.
5. You pay 5-7 days after you receive will be able to purchase the product.
6. If you have any questions or suggestions, we welcome any time.

Dear Miss Wang,

Next Saturday my solo concert will be held, I sinerely hope you could come,and I have prepared VIP box for you.If you are coming, I hope we can sing a song together,you can choose the song as you like. I'm looking forward to your presence!

Yours Jay Zhou

Dear Miss Wang
Next Saturday is my time to a concert, and I very much hope you can come to my concerts, I have to arrange your VIP seats to you, if you wish, you and I hope to sing a song together at the same table , the song selected by you. Look forward to your visit.
Jay Chou

Dear Miss Wang:

My concert will be held next Saturday. I wish very much that you would come to my concert. I have arranged a VIP seat specially for you. And I'm so honored to invite you to sing a song with me in the concert, which will be choosen by you. I would be so delighted if you accept it. I'm looking forward to your attendance.

Yours faithfully

Zhou Jielun

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嘉峪关市15928396852: 请英文高手翻译一下这篇邀请函谢谢
戎窦右旋: To: the Embassy (或High Commission) of the Republic of South Africa in the People's Republic of China Mr. xx, an employee of the xx Hotel in Cape Town, is the son of xxx, a national of the People's Republic of China. He has been studying ...

嘉峪关市15928396852: 急需一篇汉译英的邀请函翻译,邀请函中午以写好 -
戎窦右旋: Invitation letter Dear Mr. Principal. Hello! This activity will be held at the college of chemistry of Hebei normal university on xx. Xx, and the teachers and students of Hebei normal university are looking forward to your coming to the chemistry institute of Hebei normal university

嘉峪关市15928396852: 求高手翻译邀请函,俄语!!!吉尔吉斯斯坦 -
戎窦右旋: 您好!我是安塔若夫.乌马尔.阿利耶维奇,(生于)1987年10月17日,(护照号码)№AN3775194,诚邀陈金韩(音译)(生于)1991年1月8日,身份证号码:652302199101080023,至吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克市做客,游历当地风景名胜.恭候光临此致 敬礼安塔若夫2015年3月16日

嘉峪关市15928396852: 求翻译:邀请函的翻译,要求人工翻译,谢谢邀请函兹邀请您和您的夫人于8月1日至5日来我校法学院进行学术访问并作学术报告.我方将承担差旅,食宿等费... -
戎窦右旋:[答案] The Invitation You and your wife are kindly invited to visit our law school and to present your Academic Lecture from 1st to fifth of August. Your travelling expenses and accomondation will be in our account for this visit.

嘉峪关市15928396852: 简短翻译,跪求翻译准确,谢谢!无需机器翻译,翻译的好必采纳物流协会邀请函尊敬的 先生/女士您好!为了进一步了解物流行业在中国的发展情况,xxxx国... -
戎窦右旋:[答案] 前面一样 To further understand the development status of logistics industry in China, Logistics research team from XXX International Business class 1 intends to carry out research activity named "the development status of logistics industry in China" ...

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戎窦右旋: DreamandRealityThebeautifullegeng,Chang'eflyingtozhemoon,impliesthedreamofChinesetoexploretheMoon.Forthousandsofyears,weChinesehavebeenworkinghardforitonegenerationafteranother.Themoonorbiter,Chang'eOne,...

嘉峪关市15928396852: 英语出国邀请信,求译成中文
戎窦右旋: You will find your invitation letter, J-1 Funding Attestation Form and the Patient and copyright agreement form. 你会在(这个信封/邮件里)找到你的邀请函,J-1资金证明书,病人协议书和版权协定书. Also, the Visiting or Consulting Appointment...

嘉峪关市15928396852: 翻译一篇邀请函!给100分!谢谢 高手来!尊敬的 先生/女士: 您好!由江苏省人事厅会同江苏省省委组织部联合及举办的“江苏省海外高层次人才招聘座谈... -
戎窦右旋:[答案] 纯手工翻译!仅供参考!尊敬的 先生/女士:Honorable ladies and gentlemen, 您好!(Good afternoon、morning!)由江苏省人事厅会同江苏省省委组织部联合及举办的“江苏省海外高层次人才招聘座谈会” 将于1995年1...

嘉峪关市15928396852: 求这封邀请函的中文翻译~谢谢~ -
戎窦右旋: 亲爱的李灵

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