
作者&投稿:仪时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

devote oneself to motherland

参考1.Contribute to my share for development of my county

参考2.Do my bit for development of my county
Do one's bit: 尽自己的一份力量

One must do one's bit for one's country.

1.Whether you're engaged in what kind of occupation, as long as you do well, you do for a force of the motherland.
2.No matter what kind you are in the profession,you do for a force of the motherland as long as you have done excellent!

No matter what occupation you are, you will contribute to the motherland as long as you do a good job.

Whether you're engaged in what kind of occupation, as long as you do well, you make the motherland a force.

No matter which line you are in, if only you done well/fineness, you will contribute yourself to our motherland.

Whatever occupation,as long as you do your very best,you've contributed something to the country.

1.Whether you're engaged in what kind of occupation, as long as you do well, you do for a force of the motherland.2.No matter what kind you are in the profession,you do for a force of the motherland as long as you have done excellent!

英语翻译 你从事的工作真不错!我只是个从事普通工作的普通人,英语也很...
You have a nice job. I'm just an ordinary person with a trivial job, and also my English is not good. Do you mind?

英语 翻译 假如你想从事这项工作, 你必须先接受三个月的训练。(take...
If you want to take up this job,you should first be trained for three months.

从事于 : be engaged in 例句: I am engaged in construction work.我从事建筑工作。致力于: be dedicated to I am dedicated to promote cooperation between the two companies.我致力于促进两公司之间的合作。

what are you ?这是一种不太常用的问法,因为这样对对方有一点的不尊重.常用的有 what do you do ?what is your job?what's your work?下面两个是深奥的用法,一般都不用的.what are you working on ?what do you live on?还有就是What line of business are you in? 你从事哪一行?其...

英语翻译: 我从事什么什么行业
这个简单,例如我从事教育行业 :I am engaged in the education sector be engaged in...表示从事...职业。附加:建筑行业Construction industry 电子行业Electronics industry 服装行业Apparel industry 地产行业The real estate industry 外贸行业foreign trade ...

一、where 英 [weə(r)] 美 [wer]释义:1、adv.哪里,在哪里;到哪里;某种情势或位置 2、conj.在…的地方 3、n.地方,场所 二、work 英 [wɜ:k] 美 [wɜ:rk]释义:1、v.使工作;使运作;操作;经营 2、n.工作,操作;著作;工厂;行为,事业 第三人称单数: ...

翻译英语句子 不要在线翻译的 要人工的 根据括号提示内容翻译
That engineer hasn't come home since 3 years ago.Those who likes to help others are very easy to get along with.He was so nervous that he couldn't say a word, the first time he was on a plane.He was too excited to control himself.It would be very difficult to ...

五年以后,他成为了一名优秀的设计师,英语怎么翻译 五年以后,他成为了一名优秀的设计师 Fiveyearslater,hebecameanexcellentdesigner 如何成为一名优秀的设计师ted 这个还是得靠你自己啊,自己努力学习呗,成为优秀的设计师也是需要时间和能力的啊,勤学网有很多的设计教程,可以从这里开始学习,自己学习中多动手操作练习,开始...

作为一名药剂师,你要确保氰化物没有和阿司匹林混在一起;作为一名工程师,你要确保一切在你的掌握之中”。 “作为一名律师,你要确保当事人没有因为你的无能而被处以电刑。这些都是有用的工作,有着人人尊重的技能,可以给你带来基本的满足。无论你还从事什么,这些技能很可能会是你养家糊口的本领。它们会给你带来...

南郊区18648972705: 跟career的是什么介词中文是“无论你从事什么职业……”怎么翻译?whatever career you take/whatever career you take as这两种对发?答案是Whatever ... -
衅贩天王:[答案] Whatever career you follow 用follow显得更高级一点,一般用用take也可以了 whatever career you take as不对,要说Whatever you take as career...

南郊区18648972705: 翻译英语:无论你从事什么样的职业,只要你做的出色,你就为祖国尽了一份力. -
衅贩天王: 1.Whether you're engaged in what kind of occupation, as long as you do well, you do for a force of the motherland. 2.No matter what kind you are in the profession,you do for a force of the motherland as long as you have done excellent!

南郊区18648972705: 英语翻译我发自内心的喜欢你,无论你在从事什么样的职业,谢谢你这段时间在我工作之余和我的交流.我不清楚你的家庭情况怎么样,希望你一生都幸福.我... -
衅贩天王:[答案] Linh hồn của tôi giống như bạn,không có vấn đề gì sự nghiệp bạn đang tham gia vào,cảm ơn bạn cho thời gian này trong công việc của tôi và tôi AC.Tôi không biết làm thế nào là gia đình của bạn,tôi hy vọng bạn hài lò...

南郊区18648972705: “无论你从事什么职业,英语都十分重要”用英语怎么讲? -
衅贩天王: No matter what your career is, English is very important

南郊区18648972705: 跟career的是什么介词 -
衅贩天王: Whatever career you follow 用follow显得更高级一点,一般用用take也可以了 whatever career you take as不对,要说Whatever you take as career...

南郊区18648972705: 无论你做什么工作,我都会支持你的 英语翻译 -
衅贩天王: No matter what you do, I will support you No matter what work you do, I will support you

南郊区18648972705: 英语翻译其实我觉得不管你得职业是什么,职业本身是没有贵贱之分的,只要我们用心去做,就一定能够取得成功 -
衅贩天王:[答案] As a matter of fact, I think that the occupation itself shouldn't be discriminated high or low. No matter what your job is, you will be successful if you do it with your heart.其实,我觉得职业本身并没...

南郊区18648972705: “无论你做什么”用英语怎么说 -
衅贩天王: No matter what you do,

南郊区18648972705: 英语翻译无论你现在在哪里或者在做什么工作,你曾经的教师历程都会是一生值得我为你骄傲的.祝福你.下面的翻译有什么问题哦Whenever you are and ... -
衅贩天王:[答案] 后半句有问题1 时态不应该用was2 be proud of 用法错误be proud of 后面跟的内容是引起骄傲的内容,那样写会变成以记住为自豪建议后半句改成:The past experience of your teaching is worth to be proud of.表达方...

南郊区18648972705: 翻译:无论你做什么工作,我都会帮助你的.(no matte)
衅贩天王: No matter what job you have done, I will help.

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