
作者&投稿:於园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A是认出的意思 B是发现的意思 C是查明 洞察的意思 D是吸引的意思


When 引导的时间状语从句,从句用将来时,主句用一般现在时表将来。所以用I come不用I will come

  1. worthy可作表语,也可作定语.作定语时意思为“有价值的”、“值得尊敬的”、“应受到赏识的”;用作表语时意思为“值得……的”、“应得到……的”,其后接of sth.,也可以后接to do sth

    列句:That is worthy of note.那件事值得注意.

  2. worthwhile与worthy一样,既可作表语,又可作定语.表示某事因重要、有趣或受益大而值得花时间、金钱或努力去做,一般做“值得的”、“值得做的”、“有意义的”解.后可接of sth.用作表语时,可接动名词或动词不定式.

    列句:"We have been wrothwhile of the event for years ." the native government said.我们已经关注这重大事件很久了.当地政府说.

  3. 同上在你的“we shall prove worthwhile of the party's trust"中prove 是系动词,以为证明起来,看起来,似乎等.那么根据主系表规则,worthwhile of的固定结构做的是we的表语成分,也就因此同上述的worthy的第二种用法相同.

  4. 另外,注:“worthy of+动名词”与“worth+动名词”在形式上完全不同:worthy of后面接被动式的动名词;而worth后面接主动式的动名词,虽然在形式上是主动的,但其意义仍然是被动的.试比较:The second-hand house is worthy of being bought.= The second-hand house is worth buying.      

  5. 英语中的这三个单词高中具体就掌握be worth doing(主表被), be worthy of being done /of sth ,be worthwhile of doing/of sth的结构就可以了,高考的三者同时出现的机会是很渺小的,所以不必钻牛角尖。我是今年的高中刚毕业生,英语145喔.祝你高考成功!

高中英语,短文改错,为何第二行anyone 后要加else?可否不加?_百度知 ...
这是比较级中的统一范围比较必须把自己排除,自己不能与自己比较,所以是比其他的任何人 例如:He is taller than any other students in his class.他比他班上任何其他同学都高。必须要加一个other,把自己排除了

高中英语改错题,第2题,答案已给出,解释一下为什么这样做??并翻译句 ...
同上在你的“we shall prove worthwhile of the party's trust"中prove 是系动词,以为证明起来,看起来,似乎等.那么根据主系表规则,worthwhile of的固定结构做的是we的表语成分,也就因此同上述的worthy的第二种用法相同.另外,注:“worthy of+动名词”与“worth+动名词”在形式上完全不同:worth...

1.有个only,只有一个。用one。如果没有only,就可以用a了。He has a dictionary.2.同理,有个enough,强调时间的少。只要一分钟,不是两分钟。

1. teach → teaches who指代the person,为单数,所以动词也用三单形式。2. who → that 只有that可以指代人物两者,即:the things and the people.3. that → which that不能用于非限制性定语从句中。4. 去掉it which和it重复,都指代先行词the dictionary.5. which → who 先行词the one即...


第二行 第二个to-from, 远离学校和家,be away from 第三行 easy-easily, 副词修饰动词get 第三行 Therefore-However, 这里是转折关系 第四行 去掉but,让步状语从句中although和but只能出现其中一个。第五行 me-I, 这里是主语,用主格 第五行 organized前面加an,这里group是可数名词 第六行 ...

第一行,Glaly 改为Glad, 前面省略 I am,后面加形容词glad, 表示我很高兴。第二行,that 改为 if 我想问我 (是否)有这个荣幸 第二行,for 改为 with 和我一起去看,而不是为我去看 第三行,mention 改为 过去时 mentioned, 曾经提到过 第四行,knowledges 去掉 s, 知识不可数...

【答案】:把appear改为disappear 【解析】“当你住在摩天大厦的三十层里”,可以推测这里要表达的是归属感的消失,而不是产生归属感。

英语改错~~~谢谢 20分(2道题)
所以应该用 I have been catching a bad cold for a week and I can't get rid of it.第二题的话,很明显是想用定语从句,在此句中应该是非限定性定语从句,即,+which的句型,所以第二句就应该改为.We got on the bus,which took us straight to the park....

1。The children have great fun flying kites in the park.have great fun+V.ing形式 2.He doesn't know how to do next. 意思是:他不知道怎样去做。He doesn't know what to do next. 意思是:他不知道下一步要做什么。

达孜县13216856642: 请给我一些高中英语的短文改错题,答案也要..... -
竺典氨咖: 1.I'm going to move Beijing. 2.He study science really hard. 3.He is going to do what does he wants to do 4.Uncle John is going to visit anywhere beautiful. 5.Cathy is a student at a art school in Shanghai. 6.--Where does she want to work? --May be Beijing or Harbin.

达孜县13216856642: 高中英语改错题 1.One day on his way to home,Ted saw an accident.__2.In this way first aid was offering to the girl.__3.I prefer staying at home to play with him ... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] 1.去掉to 2.offering改成offered 3.play改为playing 4.repair改为repaired 5.were改为was 6.of改为for 7.has改为have 8.to go改为going

达孜县13216856642: 高中英语改错题 I blieve that anyone can make themselves well to eat .Cooking is a lot of easier for us than most of us might think.last Sunday my parents were ... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] 1. a lot of easier → a lot easier2. was left lonely → was left alone3. I have a good → I had a good4. wonderful meal → a wonderful meal5. buying some beefsteaks → bought some beefsteaks6. then re...

达孜县13216856642: 一道高中英语短文改错题One afternoon after I was on my way home,the weather changed suddenly.Dark clouds were gathered.I began to feel worried because ... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] 1.were gathered- were gathering. 2. to feel worried - to be worried 3. both a raincoat or umbrella- a raincoat nor an umbrella (两个错误) 4. about me- on me 5. It soon started to rain- it started to rain soon. 6. I turn- I turned 7. ways- way 8. with- without ...

达孜县13216856642: 高中英语388页改错1.While orbit the sun,the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to the earth,答案orbit + ing2.Mr Wang said that the... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] 1 这里While的时间状语从句省略了主语,该从句的动词应该用分词形式.判断是过去分词还是现在分词,就要看该动词与主... 又因为这个强调句是作know的宾语,所以把特殊疑问词why提前了. 7 这题用第一题的判断方法来做,就很容易得出答案了.主...

达孜县13216856642: 两道高中英语改错题 -
竺典氨咖: 1 答案是对的 teacher 是可数名词,不能单用,其前得有修饰语,如: 冠词,形容词性物...

达孜县13216856642: 谁能给我30道英语改错题,并附有答案的 -
竺典氨咖: 具体问题:My heart sank when I open the front door and 1.______ saw Mrs. Liu. Whatever she called, she stayed for 2.______ hours and hours. But this time, she stayed for 3.______ several hours till nearly 6 o'clocks. I had lots of 4.______ ...

达孜县13216856642: 高中英语改错题求教,请给出答案并解析.The way reading the storied is taught by English teacher.In one class,I learned it rained……Tom is a good boy,except ... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] The way of reading the stories is taught by an English teacher. of短语作定语.单数可数名词前要加冠词. In class,I learned it rained…… 在课堂上,-- Tom is a good boy, except that he is sometimes a little careless. except that---除---之外 Little do I know ...

达孜县13216856642: 请看下这篇高中英语短文改错题Dear MichelleIt`s three months after you left for Austrilia,and with a great pleasure I got your letter yesterday.In your letter you told ... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] 绝对正确! 1. after → since 2. 去掉a 3. what → that 或 去掉what 4. have → had (估计楼主把seen错打成been了) 5. English和spoken中间加入is 6. √ (whether被楼主错打成ewhether了) 7. make → making 8. kindly → kind 9. photo → photos 10. hear ...

达孜县13216856642: 高中英语改错题,10个,大小写不算..on my first day in britian ,claire went to the school with me .he told me i have to go back by myself after school.on hearing ... -
竺典氨咖:[答案] on my first day in britian ,claire went to 【a】 school with me .he told me i 【had】 to go back by myself after school.on hearing this ,in order not【to 】forget the way ,i paid attention to the biue...

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