
作者&投稿:缪燕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

June the 9th was my birthday.I held a party and invited my best friend Judy.Judy took a present for me on that day.It was a oblong green backpack,40cm long and 30cm wide.I like it very much and I thanked Judy very much.I really had a great time on that day!

hi dear ,

How are you doing ?
Here we are going to have an international meeting , so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor . As I know you are great in Chinese now , so I think it would be fun if you join us , to work together it would be too much appreciate . The meeting will be on March 4th to March 7th , but we should be there advance , from 8 am tp 6 pm , during this time have 2 hours for lunch . Also , we still need one more , so I'm wondering if you may ask your friend who at that time can join us .

thanks a lot dear ,I'm looking for your answer .

All my best ,

Now enterprises to compare the value of employees' work experience, especially in the financial industry, if employees have specific industry experience is very easy access to business, for education does not have too many demands, of course, if we can take to better job postgraduate master's certificate, to work in promotion, pay, commentary titles are helpful! good "high, fine, sharp" professional treatment now is the era of knowledge economy, for this is our level relatively high, you want to seek better jobs, their knowledge content to be enough, for it gives rise to job graduate, some companies encourage employees to apply for job or graduate students, one to be more in-depth study and absorb new knowledge , came to be widely make contacts and expand the way for the development of their business! Recommended reading >>> non-diploma education really is not high gold content it "compound" talent is able to understand the development needs of society and the different sectors Law society shortage of talent is now, not only to understand a field, an aspect, while understanding customer needs and trends of the industry, this type of compound talents are now in short supply business, if there is a wide range of development companies will giving priority to, for this is not just a diploma alone can have a high income, but also verified the experience is more important than academic qualifications!

  ave too many demands, of course, if we can take to better job postgraduate master's certificate, to work in promotion, pay, commentary titles are helpful! good "high, fine, sharp" professional treatment now is the era of knowledge economy, for this is our level relatively high, you want to seek better jobs, their kno


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