
作者&投稿:频菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Learning English is an very painful experience for me.At the very beginning,it is very harsd for me to express myself in English.Whenever I tried my best to speak English in class, i would be laughed by my classmates. After that I had no cofidence to speak English any more.I suffered a lot in the class because I did not want to lose face in front of my friends.Gradually, I found it had nothing to do with my English study.I had made a fool of myself.I realized that the best way to prove myself is to study harder and caught up with others.So I seized every chance to speak English in class as well as in free talk.What's more,I did morning reading every day.I continued working till now.To my great joy, I can speak beautiful English now.The experience is painful but also helpful.



The new semester has begun for more than a week. I slowly adapt to the new life of high school.


High school gives me the biggest feeling that I am busy all day, because in class, the teacher will give us a lot of homework.


Read English at 7 a.m. After that, there are four classes in the morning and four classes in the afternoon.


The curriculum of senior high school is much higher than that of junior high school, such as Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, history and so on.


Sometimes I'm afraid to see so many books on my desk.


In addition, the content is much more difficult than before. Mathematics and physics are the most difficult for me.


At the beginning of the new semester, I must change my learning strategy to make my work more effective.


In short, although busy, my new school life is rich and beautiful.


The first English learning experiece in high school When I step in the senior high school, I feel that the study of every subject will be more complex.including English,we will learn a more standard English than before besides the increasing of English vocabulary.I feel a little nervous at the English study in high school because the words are getting harder to remember,what's more,the passages are longer and more difficult to understand.I have a strong feeling of challege.thinking that more work and pracice are needed in my future English study.I hope I will make it .with my efforts

感受生活高中作文 高中生活感受作文
自从进入高中生活,只感到一个字――累!我也不知道为什么?我感觉是比初中时累的太多太多了 ,哎...竟然把我的青春花季年华用在这里...虽然是为以后而学习,但...太不符合孩子了吧! 原来在初中曾经幻想我要是一名高中生多好啊,学哥学姐多潇洒...原来曾听说高中下午只有两节课就放学晚上没有晚自习...每个学期...



当第一次踏进高中教室的那一刻,一张张陌生的脸庞三年的初中生活就这样悄悄地远去了,留给我的仅有回忆,回忆那些人,那些事,那间伴随我三年一千多个日日夜夜的教室。没想到操场上那些以往嬉戏的、奔跑的身影,那些熟悉的面孔此刻已经成为幻影。如花的学校,已物是人非,不禁生出不尽的感慨。 进入我的视线,我比起初中...

刚升入高中 很不适应,现在压力很大~求帮助


⑷ 高中学校时间安排紧张,学生几乎没有自由支配的时间,同时高中的教学和初中相比,更需要你个人的努力和自控,而不是老师“照管”,刚进入高中时,相当一部分同学明知是学习时间,却不能约束自己,而去做一些与学习无关的事,这无疑会影响学习。 要想在高中的学习中,尽快完成从初中到高中的转变,我想需要你做到以下几点...

刚升入高中 老师让写一篇关于高中生活的 感想 目标 计划 打算之类的...

2013年,我以540分的河南中考成绩考到了县里有名的高中,当时中考成绩是全县前100名,班级排名第八,那年还得了奖学金。可以进入高中后,我的学习生涯便不像初中那样如鱼得水了。 高中数学满分150分,第一次考试,考的是函数,当试卷发下来时,我傻眼了。 试卷上写着45分,当时我以为只是自己选择题得分,但把试卷所有...

第一步,想一想,这次考试自己满意不满意,对什么满意,又对哪些方面不满意。再想想,这次考试有没有什么特殊的,例如:第一次考试、没有复习的考试……如果有这种特殊情况,那么这里就可以得出结论了: 1、 考得不好,说明不了什么问题,我努力,我就不信下回我考不好的! 2、 考得好,说明不了什么问题,一时侥幸,还...

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