请英语高手帮我翻译一段话 要人工翻译!!谢谢

作者&投稿:苌茜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Men are talented ugly, beautiful not to make money, earn money regardless of the family, centered unpromising, smart is not romantic, romantic is unreliable, sound was yellow, anyway, which is a pity!

劳保用品采购和管理 Be responsible for the purchase and management of labor protection articles.
劳动合同管理和工伤管理 Be responsible for labor contract management and industrial accident disposal.
组织安排对员工培训,租赁房屋 Organize trainings and rent houses for the employees.
参与相关工作的计划安排和组织落实 Take part in relevant work planning, arrangement and follow-up.
行政和后勤事务管理 Be in charge of administrative and logistics affairs.
协调部门之间的工作 Coordinate the work between and among departments.
节假日安排 Make arrangement for holidays.
组织策划公司年会 Organize the Corporate Annual Meetings
以及完成上级交办的其他任务等 And accomplish other work assigned by the superiors.
被公司评为优秀员工并晋升为主任 Having been awarded Outstanding Employee and promoted as a Supervisor.


Dear Bill,

Nice to receive your mail. You can call me Sunny. June is coming, welcome you to visit China again. I am now in Zhengzhou Henan Province China. I will arrive in Shanxi in May due to the need of my work. Hope to hear from you as well.




Dear Bill:

I am glad to hear from you, Bill.You can call me Sunny.
June is coming soon. Welcome to China again!
I am now in Zhengzhou in Henan Province, China. Because of my job, I plan to go to Shanxi in May.
I hope to hear from you more.



Dear Bill
Thanks for your letter.You can call me Sunny. June is coming soon.Welcome you to come to China again!I'm in China zhengzhou, henan now.Because the job needs.I will arrive Shanxi in May ! I hope can receive your letter again!



Hi.dear Bill,im so glad to receive your letter,you can call me Sunny.June is coming,welcome back to China! Now im in Zhengzhou,Henan,China, i will go to Shanxi in May for business! Hoping to hear from you again....Sunny

我亲爱的朋友,你身体好吧?我叫BILL,我现在在美国的家里,我支于六月份回中国。我希望你一切顺利,也希望能常收到你的来信。 我得说再见了。BILL
Dear bill,
Nice hearing from you. You can call me Sunny. June is coming nearer and nearer. Welcome you to China for another time. I'm in Zhenzhou, the capital of Henan, China. I will go to Shanxi in May because of my work there. I'm looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you again.
Love from

绝对人工 ..




Dear Bill,
I'm very happy to get your letter.
You can called me Sunny.
June is coming .
Welcome to China again.
I'm in Zhengzhou Henan.
Because of my job.
I have to arrive in Shanxi on May.
I hope see you letter soon.

..我初三的 ..


1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...

With the development of crime due to the drug and gambling in this city,the government seems can't find out the solution.4.在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的 In those days,i read whatever i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一...

1Johnson先生去年教我们德语 Mr. Jonhson taught us German last year.2奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事Grandma told us an interesting story last night.3Mary把钱包交给校长了 Mary gave the wallet to the schoolmaster 4请把那本字典递给我好吗 Would you please pass me that dictionary?

1. The out-urban intersection can be sought from a look,out of the window, at the harmony between dwellers and habitations.介词很好,我喜欢!意思理解得还行吧?2.穿过城市的边缘,看见的是窗外穿插的节奏。这种穿插的乐趣让你的旅行充满这城市的诱惑 Through the outskirts of the city, catch...

go for a ride 骑车兜风,骑马出游 如:Go with me for a ride.和我出去兜风吧 come back down 回到 如:Hang up the phone and then i come back down. 挂上电话,然后我会回来 Sometimes the system(可以理解成人生) goes on the brink(边缘,很难跨越的意思) 人生难免会遇到许多瓶颈...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll ...

我受不了那么繁重的功课可是我必须...I am so pity.我是那么的遗憾.to be that student means you have no time think for yourself,have no time to take care your own emotion.做那种学生意味着你美时间想自己的事儿,没时间理会自己的情绪.What you should do is to be burdened 你要做...

It took me more than a year after being on this site that I started to chat with other people. Now I have friends from all over the world and English isn't the first language for several of them. I get a few notes each week, mostly through the Shoutbox.我在这个网站待了...

1 抵用券 vouchers 2 吸管 straw 3 调料 seasoning;flovoring 4 听装可乐(主要突出“听装”二字)canned coke 5 续杯 refill 6 点心勺---dessert spoon (中匙;点心匙)中柄勺---middle handle spoon 长柄勺---long handle spoon 汤勺---spoon 刀---knife 叉--- fork Do you need invoice?

希望可以帮到你: The incredible beauty that I can hardly believe all the way. 那位帮忙翻译一下,用英语 Posterior hemivertebrae excision and pedicle screw fixation for the treatment of congenital scoliosis 那位英语高手帮忙翻译一下? 在阿肯色州的海洋,那里的水是蓝色的漂亮的矢车菊,并明确晶体,它是非常,...

崆峒区17835536374: 求英文高手帮翻译以下这段话,一定要人工翻译!谢谢 -
陟制安普: 标题:致即将分别的同事 很开心在这个酷热的六月和大家在这里相识,我知道你们大部分都是在校的学生,而且成绩出类拔萃;都是很懂事的孩子,懂的利用假期来赚取自己的学费,我很欣赏你们.到现在已经和你们相处了差不多两个月的时间...

崆峒区17835536374: 请英语高手帮忙人工翻译一句话,谢谢,急用啊,请勿机翻
陟制安普: J.Do you remember when I came with you ? J,Do you know the time when we have known can be calculated by year? How large the world,it isn't easy for us to meet.Thank God,let me meet you among so many many people!

崆峒区17835536374: 求助英语专业高手!!人工翻译一小段英文!!帮帮我吧 -
陟制安普: "Technology - a People Business" Although this slogan seemed a bit apart from the original wording, but it elaborated on Nokia's corporate culture not only vividly but incisively. In fact, from product development to human resource management, ...

崆峒区17835536374: 急!求英语高手帮助翻译下列英文故事片段,要人工翻译的!谢谢了!很急!请大虾们帮忙啊! -
陟制安普: 一个半月后,科林送了我一份生日礼物,他左翻右找,终于在衬衫里面找到了,这是艾米丽--巴纳斯的一个签名活动,是我崇拜的一位作家. “很抱歉门票的日期是下个周末而不是今天,但是我认为第二次庆祝你的生日也是一样的”他宽慰的说...

崆峒区17835536374: 来个英语高手帮我翻译一段话吧!高分悬赏必须是亲自翻译的.绝对不能是用有道词典各种词典复制翻译的,这个很重要,不要有语法错误.谢谢各位了! 并且... -
陟制安普:[答案] 保证人工翻译,人称统一用she,请放心采纳 And she is proficient in using OFFICE software and ADOBE photoshop, such as ps, ai, dw, fl, etc. She also has some contact and understanding for the modeling software, such as Maya and 3D-MAX. Her ...

崆峒区17835536374: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段文字,...
陟制安普: Today Kate called you at 11 a.m., but you were in class. She said she'd like to sign up for the summer english training courses. Kate let you call her back at 3 p.m. , and Kate's number is 4261103

崆峒区17835536374: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
陟制安普: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

崆峒区17835536374: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢~~~~~~~~~~ -
陟制安普: Dear valuable customer Regarding the product ***,PO ***, sorry to tell you that please change your order to 37 barrels (7030 KG) because of the following reasons:●2 barrels are deformation and shortage of paint from our vendor, this will affect ...

崆峒区17835536374: 求英语高手帮忙用英语翻译一段话,急,在线等 -
陟制安普: 例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人...

崆峒区17835536374: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段话!十分感谢 -
陟制安普: there is few belief between you and me , you always don't trust me,try to push me hard and fight with me for other person, we have too many problems,maybe you want to leave me ,you have not been trusting me for all these days ,no matter how i love ...

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