
作者&投稿:隆柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hitler himself committed suicide 希特勒自杀

as Soviet forces were closing on Berlin 由于苏联军队封锁了柏林
in a bid to capture the city 来围捕他 (封锁城市的目的就是为了围捕希特勒)
in a bid to是企图,打算做某事

after graduation,
several months before we travel
the first time ....
having a biking travel

The success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Calileo that all nature is designed in accordance mechanical laws.

句子长不要紧 关键是看清楚主句结构
The success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature是主语对吧,你这里理解的是对的,of后的内容往前翻译,所以主语的关键词是of前面的对不对?就是the success。那么of后的内容就是修饰the success的部分,肯定放在名词之前修饰啊。
那么下面看动词。要记住大部分英语(尤其这类长句子)肯定是遵循主谓语结构的,主谓之后加宾语补语状语什么的再另当别论。你的另一个翻译的问题就在于做谓语的动词找错了,所以读起来很乱。真正的谓语是suggested to
帮你浓缩下句子结构The success suggested to Calileo sth.

the success of machanics 的确是在说力学的成功,那么是在哪方面的力学在句子后面有补充,即in!discovering reliable and useful laws of nature(发现一些可信的有用的自然定律),这里需要注意的是,laws of nature是一个固定短语,即自然定律,这也就能说的明白了,所以不要因为很多个of 就乱了,要注意in 也是有在哪些方面的 这个意思 和固定短语的出现,楼主翻译的意思就是把原句的in 去掉啦,去掉in 的话,这个句子就会有两个谓语哦


有一些英语就是这样 淡定 我已经习惯了。


1.我们明天能否外出游玩取决于天气状况。We can go outing tomorrow depends on the weather condition.2. 他难以独自应付眼前所面临的困难。He is hard to deal with the eye alone facing difficulties.3. 不管怎么忙,你都不应该忽视体育锻炼和健康。No matter how busy, you should not ignore ...

求这几句英语谚语的翻译 在线等
when you meet your friend, your face shines-you have found gold.当你遇见你的朋友,你的脸上闪耀着你找到了金子。friends are like wine;the older,the better.朋友像酒,越老越好。a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情.a friend to all is a friend to none.一个朋友是一个...

1电梯有些失灵了(operate)The elevator doesn't operate well.2他的计划看起来太困难,但是没多久就被证明很实用()His plan seemed too difficult,but it proved to be true before long.3进来以前把你身上的泥弄掉(remove)Remove the mud from you before you come in....

1。 Our chemistry teacher is very strict with us.2. Just think about yourself, and you should not blame others.3. I was involved in reading the book, and didn't hear you.4. Tom is enthusiastic about the plan to build the tower.5. I cannot understand the story that you ...

(在饭店) in a restuarant 男:其实我今天有话要对你说。 Actually, I have something to tell you.女:说吧。 Please.男:嫁给我吧。我会给你幸福的。(递戒指盒)Would you merry me? I swear we will be happy.(pass the ring box.)女:(接过,打开)你在和我开玩笑吗?Are you...

英语翻译句子 在线等。
1.I looked at my watch,and found ithat it was twenty minutes slow.2.The whole class burst into laughter.3.A crowd of people gathered at the gate of the lift.4.The watch was made in Switzerland in 1988.5.The watch belongs to me mang years.6..I tried hard to help you...

1.随着乌鲁木齐新星医院(Urumqi New Star Hospital)药房(Pharmacy)经营规模的不断扩大.2.在研究中,了解用户的需求,提出了要解决的重点问题 1.As to the increasingly enlargement of operating scale in Urumqi New Star Hospital Pharmacy.2. In the study, we understand the needs of the ...

his daughter did well in her job.7.毕业的日子即将来临 Graduation is approaching.8.学习外语最好的途径是学习口语 The best way to learn a foreigh language well is to study oral language.9.不是所有的学生都在打呵欠(yawn)Not all the students are yawning,自己翻译的,希望帮到你~...

求将几个句子翻译成英语。 在线等
1、今天的课主要讲如何写新闻总结。(focus on;summary)Today's class was focused on how to write news summary 2、老师让我们将难懂的单词划线并查字典找出其意思。(underline)The teacher let us underline the difficult words and look them up in the dictionary.3、我想我将用到一篇关于...

宠物能成为很好的朋友,但得好好照顾他们。Pets can become really great friends, but we\/you need to take good care of them.同学们正在学习各种不同的动物和怎么么样照顾他们。The students are currently studying many different animals and how to take care of them.自己翻译的,希望对你有...

沙河口区15528809560: 在线等英语高手帮我翻译这句话,迅速采纳 -
钟咽咽炎: YG15 ball tooth are packaging. This evening we can send to Shanghai, scheduled Wednesday Sailing date. Detailed list sent to you tomorrow morning 翻译出来的就是上面这句,希望对你有帮助

沙河口区15528809560: 请帮忙翻译两句英语.在线等有满意立即采纳 -
钟咽咽炎: yet ,其实就是还没有的意思.she didn't come yet.她还没来. 这里就是还没有形成的历史. 2.身材矮小. 应该是在说mr alex,my landloard

沙河口区15528809560: 把一句英语翻译成汉语~~在线等~谢谢!~ 很快采纳~ -
钟咽咽炎: 你今天讲演得真好! / 你今天的讲演真不错!/ 你今天的演示很好!

沙河口区15528809560: 把一句话翻译成英语 -
钟咽咽炎: 你好,可翻译为:I can like a person afresh just like having had feelings for you before.满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

沙河口区15528809560: 中译英,求翻译一句句子
钟咽咽炎: 四年之约,彼此不忘 Four-year promise, we won't forget .

沙河口区15528809560: 英语翻译,在线等,必采纳. -
钟咽咽炎: 你好,我的名字叫彼得.我来着加拿大,现在跟我的父母居住在中国.我喜欢中国,当然也喜欢中国菜.我在家吃早饭,早饭吃一颗鸡蛋,一点面板再喝一碗粥.我不喜欢喝牛奶.我的午餐时间不是很充足,所以我通常在学校吃午饭.学校的午饭很棒的,有许多不同品种的饭菜.我经常吃米饭,肉和蔬菜.有时候吃面条和饺子.我一直都在家和父母一起吃晚餐.晚餐我们吃鱼,肉,菜,甜点和水果.

沙河口区15528809560: 翻译一句简单的英语句子在线等 -
钟咽咽炎: 你好应为:He gives away all his houses to that city.望采纳~

沙河口区15528809560: 在线急求英语翻译 就一句话...在线等
钟咽咽炎: 你好、它的意思是: 她怕水,我很惊讶她采取了潜水.希望我的回答对你有帮助喔、望采纳哩、谢谢你的支持勒、祝福你永远永远幸福哈

沙河口区15528809560: 用英语翻译几个句子,满意必采纳
钟咽咽炎:当我准备付款时,我发现她failed to charge me for an item --->> When i was ready to pay my bills, i found out that she failed to charge me for an item. 我毫不犹豫地tell her about the unchargeditem --->> I didn't hesitate to tell her about the uncharged ...

沙河口区15528809560: 在线等,翻译一句话,人工译的立马采纳,并额外加50分 -
钟咽咽炎: Despite the university, I learned some of the categories of Business mathematics courses, but courses far below the requirements of engineering students required by the request, and my economics course, relatively speaking, the results are not ...

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