
作者&投稿:司马富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求这几短话的英语翻译 。。在线急等~

1、要不要加入我们的初一小组一起做饭?Would you like to join our first team cook together?
2、老时间的青铜器课程非常有趣。The old time of course very interesting.


A word, I have a method, you can see some interesting English magazine, thiswill help you learn.
4、我去看一看。。。。。。。。她在,但请你等十分钟好吗?I went to see........ She was in, but could you wait ten minutes?
5、她在吃饭所以不能接电话,但是她的东西已经收拾好了。She is eating so can not answer the phone, but her thingspacked.

6、你确定是在图书馆吗?Are you sure it was in the library?
Well I'll tell her.
8、你可以加入他加入的社团。You can add him to join the club.
9、你可以在图书馆主动向他搭讪。You can take the initiative to chat him up in the library.
You should wear clean and tidy, beautiful.

I'm keen on music. I'm good at playing the piano. I also play a little flute and pipe.

In general, I'm easy to get along with.

(在饭店) in a restuarant

男:其实我今天有话要对你说。 Actually, I have something to tell you.

女:说吧。 Please.

Would you merry me? I swear we will be happy.(pass the ring box.)

Are you joking? (take the ring box and open it.)

What's the matter?

Look! (show the empty box)

Ah! where is the ring?

女:哼! 你总是这样。忘记约会时间。忘记我生日。
(You are always like this, forgeting the dating time and my birthday. Do you remember how long we have been together?)

Em.....2 years and 40 days

2 years and 41 days! Actually, I also have something to tell today. I am going to marry Jack next week. You are welcome to our wedding. (woman left)


男:。。。。。(趴桌上哭) (cry on the table)


Sir, did you oder the flowers?

男: (边擦着眼泪)请问可以退钱吗?
Can I refund them please? (wipe tears)

I wanna tell you something today


Marry me , I will give you happiness

Are you kidding me ?



Ahhhhh!Where is the ring?

enh,you always did like this,forget the date,forget my birthday. Okay,how long have we been together?

uh````2years and 40days

2 years and 41days!In fact I have something to tell you today as well.I gotta marry Jack next week. I hope you can come to our wedding.Bye~


sir,is this the flower you booked?

can you pay the money back to me ?

-Er..I've got something to tell you today.
-Go ahead.
-Would you marry me? I'll give you happy life.
-Are you kidding?
-Look by yourself.
-Oh!Where's the ring gone?
-That's you! Always forget my birthday, forget date time.... Hung on! How long have we been together?
-En.... two years and forty days.
-Not really! two years and forty-one days. Actually, I've also got something to tell you today. Jace and I would get married next week. I hope you can attend our wedding. See you.
-Excuse me,Sir. Did you order this flower?
-Could I get the refund?

(in restaurant)

男:其实我今天有话要对你说。Well,I want to say something to you today

女:说吧。 OK

男:嫁给我吧。我会给你幸福的。(递戒指盒) Marry me,and I will make you happy (passing the ring box)

女:(接过,打开)你在和我开玩笑吗?(accepting,opening) Are you kidding?

男:什么? What?

女:你看。(给男看,里面空的)You see(let the man see it,which is empty)

男:啊。戒指去哪了。。。 Ah,where has the ring gone?

女:哼! 你总是这样。忘记约会时间。忘记我生日。 Hng!you are always like this
你说吧,我们在一起多久了? tell me,how long have we been together?

男:恩。。。。2年40天。en, two years and forty days

女:2年41天! one day more!
其实我今天也有话要对你说。我下周要和Jack结婚了。我希望你能来参加我们的婚礼。 in fact I have something to say,I will marry Jack next week.I hope you can attend our marrige

(女走)the woman went away

男:。。。。。(趴桌上哭) cry on the desk

快递:先生。请问这是您订的花吗? sir,excuse me,are these the flowers you booked?

男: (边擦着眼泪)请问可以退钱吗?(wipe off the tears)May I return the money?

(At the hotel)

M: Actually, I have something to say to you.

F: Well.

M: to marry me. I will give you happiness. (Delivery box rings)

F: (received and opened) and I joke you do?

M: What?

F: You see. (For men, the inside empty)

M: ah. Where the rings. . .

M: Hmm! You always the case. Forget about time. Forget my birthday.
To speak with us how long?

M: ex. . . . 2 years 40 days.

Female: 2 years 41 days!
In fact, if I have to tell you. Jack next week and I want to get married. I hope you can come to our wedding.

(Female walk)

M:. . . . . (Down the table to cry)

Express: President. I would like to ask you this is set to spend it?

M: (side wiped tears) I would like to ask you to refund?

At hotel.
M:I have something to tell you actually.
W:Go head.

1、I'm an office worker。 我是上班族。2、I work for the government。 我在政府机关做事。3、I'm happy to meet you。 很高兴见到你。4、I like your sense of humor。 我喜欢你的幽默感。5、I'm glad to see you again。 很高兴再次见到你。6、I'll call you。 我会打电话给你。

关于英语对话范文篇一 A: Will you go the Mathew’s wedding party this Saturday?你参加马修周六的婚礼吗?B: No unless I get invited. I hate weddings.不去,除非我接到请贴。我讨厌婚礼。A: What for? Weddings are so romantic. Isn’t it brave when someone decides to ...

20句简单的英语口语对话,如下:1.Hello, … 你好。2. Hi, … 喂,你好。3. Good morning\/ afternoon\/evening. 早上\/下午\/晚上好。4. How are you(this morning\/afternoon\/evening)? 你今天早晨\/下午\/晚上好吗?5. Fine, thank you\/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢...

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日常英语口语对话有很多,例如 Rachel,youareoutofmyleague你跟我不是同一类人2、Youaresocute.你真好\/真可爱你还在为学习英语口语发愁吗?朋友给我推荐了一家在线英语培训机构学习英语口语挺不错的,分享他们的免费试听课给大家:【点击免费领取试听课】为什么要选择阿卡索学习口语呢?1.首先,我们的师资...

现在是几月?66. It’s December. 现在是十二月。67. What year is this? 今年是哪一年?68. It’s the year of 1 今年是1999年。69. What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干什么?70. Does the shop open at am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上9点开门吗?71. It opens at am on ...

英语日常交际用语 1.问候 Greetings (1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好(或:喂) Hi.你好(或:嗨) --How are you?你好吗 --Fine,thank you,and you?(very well,thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢谢你 (2)Best wishes(regards) to sb.问候汤姆好 Please gi...

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噢,是的。只需要走几分钟的街区。在交通灯那里向左转,你就会看到它了。A:Thank you very much.非常感谢你。有关七年级英语对话三 A:Excuse me, do you know where the police station is?B:No, I'm sorry. I don't. I'm not from around here.A:OK, thanks anyway.C:Hi, Keith...

1、电话铃响时 The phone's ringing\/There's the phone. \/ There's a phone call for you.电话响了。\/有电话。\/有找你的电话。Could you get it?\/is someone going to get that?\/Somebody answer the phone!谁能去接一下电话?\/你去接吗?\/快去接电话!A: There goes the phone again...


连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 求一段英语对话的翻译!很急! -
双卸保欣: A:你好,饺子屋.B:你好,我想买些吃的.A:好.B:我想要一些鸡肉,鱼和卷心菜.A;嗯B:和16个饺子.A:你想要什么口味的饺子?B:羊肉和胡萝卜口味.A:好,还需要什么吗/B:哦,是的,我还要一些汤.A:好,那么你想要什么汤?B:西红柿汤.A:好,你还要什么饮料吗?B:一大杯茶和一小杯橘汁.A:好.请问你的地址是?B:和平路15号.A:你的电话是?B:***A:一共是人民币32元

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 几句英语翻译,急...在线等 -
双卸保欣: 1.There are four reasons for me to surf on internet. 2.There is the latest information on the net, and I can know it as soon as possible. 3. There are many online studying education resources. I can learn a lot of knowledge. 4. I can meet many friends. ...

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 急求一段两人的英语问路对话,十几句这样,大约三分钟读完.(附带翻译谢谢) -
双卸保欣:[答案] A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital? B:Of course ,walk along this road ,and turn left at the second turning ,andthen walk sraight about 200miles,and you will see a big sign of ...

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 急求一篇英语双人对话,5分钟英语,5分钟翻译的,谢谢各位了. -
双卸保欣: 1Hi,nice to meet you2,nice to meet you too .1 did you finish you home work ?2oh ,my god,we have home work?1what ?you did not do you homework? I guess you must had a funny weekeds,did't you? 然后你自己说说周末干什么了,,说些简单的去打球啊,出去买东西逛街然后帮谁干活等等开通是大写不过你说的就不用讲究了

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 用英语翻译几句话, 急 ,在线等
双卸保欣: 、 after drilling samples of 2 without drilling samples of 3 to replace the fuse after 4 practice test time is 114 hours, equipment acquisition of images of the most long time limit is 70 hours

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 英语幽默对话 急求 要中文翻译的 2人演绎的 -
双卸保欣: 经典对话一: 男:Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?) 女:Actually I'd rather have the money.(不必,我我宁愿留下那些钱.) 经典对话二: 男:Can I have your name?(直译:我能有你的名字吗?) 女:Why? Don't ...

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 急!把这几句话翻译成英语 -
双卸保欣: He wears school clothes every day,he is putting on school clothes They are having dinner in the restaurant When and Where are you going to drink tea? I am listening but I can hear nothing She is telling us about her family history

连山壮族瑶族自治县17629281797: 请高手翻译几句英语!在线等,急~~`~~ -
双卸保欣: 1,i get a good insight in music,and i'm good at playing piano,besides,i've been playing kinda other musical instrument such as flute,clarinet.2,i'm kind,and i'm good to be gettin' on well with.

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