
作者&投稿:厉菊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

近年来,我国的非正规就业以其空 前的规模和速度发展,而且已呈现出不 断扩大的趋势。非正规就业对社会生活 各方面的影响都十分深刻。本文拟从劳 动关系的角度,探讨我国非正规就业领 域中的社会保障问题。造成非正规就业社会保障问题 的主要原因是,适用于正规就业 的社会保障制度难以适用非正 规就业人员。大量调查研究显示,目前大部分非正规就业 人员游离于社会保障制度之外。他们随时受到因缺乏社会保障而产生的威胁。因此,非正规就业人员的社会保障 问题解决得如何将直接关系到就业问题 的解决程度和就业质量。
造成非正规就业社会保障问题的主要 原因是,适用于正规就业的社会保障制度 难以适用非正规就业人员,而这又是由非 正规就业劳动关系的特点所决定的。 无论是在正规部门从事非正规就业的人员还是在非正规部门的从业人员, 一个共同的特点是大多没有劳动合同。 结果导致劳动关系当事人权利和义务的 缺失,或者说不受《劳动法》的调整,劳 动者的劳动权益,包括社会保障权益不 受法律的保护。劳动法律关系的缺失, 一是由非正规就业人员的脆弱地位所决 定,二是非正规就业本身的特点所致。 此外,现有的社会保障制度从框架 到具体内容,都是按照传统的大型企业 的正规就业和城镇从业人员的特点而设 计和运作的。这种建立在就业稳定性和 缴费连续性基础之上的模式,不完全适 合非正规就业的特点。
其一,套用正规就业的社会保险关系转移办法对于非正规就业人员比较困 难。这也是一些已参保的非正规就业人 员离开参保当地时选择退保的主要原 因。另外,各地的缴费标准、待遇标准 等不同,也给转移账户带来不便。
其二,以劳动合同为基础的社会保险关系不适合非正规就业的实际情况。非正规就业人员不适用现有社会保 障制度还表现在其他方面。如缴费多少 与享受的退休待遇脱节,这直接影响非正规就业人员参加社会保险的心理预 期; 另外,现行正规就业的社会保障制 度主要面向单位而不面向个人,个人参 保手续复杂,使很多非正规就业有参保 意愿的人望而却步。
建立和完善 非正规就业人员的社会保障制度主要是 源于其社会边缘的地位而对他们进行必 要的社会保护,是实现社会公正和和谐 社会的举措,而不是要把非正规就业人 员参加社会保险作为解决原城镇人员社 会保险基金缺口的一项利好之举。虽 然,非正规就业人员参加社会保险在客观上对增加社会保险基金的收入有利, 但在制度的设计上要避免用非正规就业 人员缴纳的社会保险费去填补正规就业 社会保障制度转轨的财政缺口。非正规 就业的主流群体的收入一般很低,很多 人的收入与当地的最低工资水平持平。 因此,非正规就业从业人员进入社会保 障制度只能是低门槛,而不能通过制度 的设计将其一部分利益转移到国家和企 业或原正规社会保障制度的参保群体身 上。否则,就是对非正规就业这一脆弱 群体的剥夺

In recent years, our country's non-regular employment by its unprecedented scale and speed development, and has presented the tendency which expands unceasingly. The non-regular employment is very profound to the social life various aspects' influence. This article plans from the work relations angle, discusses in our country non-regular employment domain the social security question. Creates the non-regular employment social security problem the primary cause is, is suitable is suitable the non-regular employed people with difficulty in the regular employment social security systems. The massive investigation and study demonstrated that At present are majority of the non-regular employed people to drift away outside the social security systems. They momentarily receive because of lack the threat which the social security produces. Therefore, how does the non-regular employed people's social security question solve the direct relation employment question solution degree and the employment quality.
Creates the non-regular employment social security problem the primary cause is, is suitable is suitable the non-regular employed people with difficulty in the regular employment social security systems, but this is also decided by the non-regular employment work relations characteristic. Regardless of being engaged in the non-regular employment in the regular department the personnel in the non-regular department's jobholders, a common feature are mostly do not have the labor contract. The result causes the work to relate the litigant right and the voluntary flaw, or not "Labor law" adjustment, worker's work rights and interests, including social security rights and interests not legal protection. Work legal relationship flaw; first, decided by the non-regular employed people's frail status, two right and wrong regular employment's characteristic result. In addition, the existing social security systems from the frame to the actual content, defer to traditional Major industry's regular employment and the cities jobholders' characteristic design and the operation. This kind of establishment above the employment stability and the payment continuous foundation's pattern, suits the non-regular employment not completely the characteristic.
First, applies mechanically the regular employment the social security relations shift means to be quite difficult regarding the non-regular employed people. The primary cause which this was also some insured the non-regular employed people who left when insured locality chooses draws back guarantees. Moreover, the regional payment standard, the treatment standard and so on are different, also gives the shift account to bring inconveniently.
Second, take the labor contract does not suit the non-regular employment as the foundation social security relations the actual situation. The non-regular employed people are not suitable the existing social security systems also to display in other aspects. If pays expenses how many with the retired treatment which enjoys to come apart, this immediate influence non-regular employed people participate in the social security the psychology anticipated; Moreover, the present regular employment's social security systems mainly face the unit, but does not face individual, individual insured procedure is complex, enables many non-regular employment to have the insured wish person to shrink back at the sight.
Establishes and consummates the non-regular employed people's social security systems is mainly stems from its social edge the status, but carries on the essential social protection to them, is realizes the social equity and the harmonious society's action, but is not to participate the non-regular employed people the social security achievement to solve an original cities personnel social insurance fund gap advantage good action. Although, the non-regular employed people participate in the social security to increase the social insurance fund the income to be advantageous objectively, but must avoid the social insurance charges which in system's design pays with the non-regular employed people filling the regular employment social security systems switch's financing gap. The non-regular employment's mainstream community's income is very generally low, many person's income and the local minimum wage level is impartial. Therefore, the non-regular employment jobholders enter the social security systems only to be able to be the low thresholds, but cannot shift through system's design its part of benefits to national and the enterprise or on the original regular social security systems' insured community body. Otherwise, is to non-gets employed regularly this frail community's eliminating

美国南方女子郝思嘉,爱上了艾希利,但他却选择了韩媚兰。Southern Women's Scarlett, in love with Ai Xili, but he chose Korea Melanie.郝思嘉赌气嫁给韩媚兰的弟弟查尔斯。南北战争中查尔斯战死,郝思嘉和商人白瑞德相识,但拒绝了他的追求。Scarlett pouted marry Melanie's brother Charles Han. Charles died in the Civil War, Scarlett and Rhett Butler businessmen met, but rejected his pursuit.后来白瑞德由于她仍忘不了艾希利而离去。Rhett Butler was because she could never forget Yi Xili left韩媚兰临终前把她的丈夫和儿子托付给郝思嘉。Korea Melanie death before her husband and son entrusted to Scarlett.但她在即将得到艾希利时,突然明白自己真正需要的是白瑞德。But when she was about to get Yi Xili, suddenly aware of their real need is Rhett Butler.郝思嘉貌似是渴望富有、并为此不择手段的欲望女神。但无论是面对战争的硝烟、父母的去世还是生活的贫穷艰难,在和她承受同样的痛苦的人们当中,她都是最刚并最先从艰难中走出来的一个。Scarlett looks like a desire for the rich and unscrupulous desire for this goddess. But both face the smoke of war, 父母 death or life of poverty and hardship in her bear the pain among people Tong Yang, Ta is the most difficult in Gangbing out of the first to come from a.当郝思嘉面对已是满目伤痕泰勒庄园时,她的坚韧和刚强令她这个家中的长女担起家长的重担。在影片的末尾,她还坚定地告诉我们:Tomorrow is another day When Scarlett is everywhere face wounds Taylor estate, her tenacity and strong and make her eldest daughter in the family to take up the burden of parents. In the film's end, she firmly tells us:Tomorrow is another day 个人感觉郝思嘉的内心很善良,只不过身处乱世无可奈何——乱世佳人! Personal feeling of Scarlett's heart was good, just living in troubled times reluctantly - Gone with the Wind!

随着社会信息化的发展,为了让管理更快捷、更准确,实现人事管理的信息化已经成为各个企业的当务之急。本课题是为企业人事管理提供现代化技术支持的管理信息系统,该系统包括了员工信息管理、部门管理、用户管理、考勤管理、工资管理主要模块。其图形用户界面利用C#.Net进行开发,后台数据库的开发使用SQL SERVER 2000。在该系统的数据库设计中,运用数据库规范化的方法来设计数据库表,使得数据库中的各表基本上满足了三范式(3NF)的约束。第三范式有效地解决了数据冗余和维护操作的异常问题。而数据库的访问方式采用ADO.NET数据访问,其特性是支持面向流的数据访问,有效的提高了系统性能。本课题的实施将会促进企业的无纸化办公,避免人工管理中出现各种差错,提高企业管理效率,使得管理者能够更加方便的了解到企业内部人事状况。
With the development of information society, in order to allow management more efficient, more accurate information of the implementation of personnel management has become a top priority of all enterprises. This issue is to provide personnel management for the enterprise to support the management of modern information technology system, which includes the information management staff, department management, user management, time management, payroll management module. Its graphical user interface using C #. Net development, database development background using SQL SERVER 2000. Database in the system design, the use of a standardized approach to database design database tables, making the tables in the database to meet the basic needs of the three paradigms (3NF) bound. The third paradigm to effectively solve the data redundancy and maintenance of the abnormal operation problem. And database access using ADO.NET data access, and its features are support for the flow of data access, effective improve the system performance. The implementation of this task will be to promote the paperless office, managed to avoid all kinds of errors appear to improve the efficiency of business management, making it easier for managers to understand the situation of internal personnel.

Not to use online translation over to me, this one will know the look.Does not require a much better translation, grammar, basic words right on the list! Translate the following period are as follows: With the development of information society, in order to allow management more efficient, more accurate information of the implementation of personnel management has become a top priority of all enterprises. This issue is to provide personnel management for the enterprise to support the management of modern information technology system, which includes the information management staff, department management, user management, time management, payroll management module. Its graphical user interface using C #. Net development, database development background using SQL SERVER 2000. Database in the system design, the use of a standardized approach to database design database tables, making the tables in the database to meet the basic needs of the three paradigms (3NF) bound. The third paradigm to effectively solve the data redundancy and maintenance of the abnormal operation problem. And database access using ADO.NET data access, and its features are support for the flow of data access, effective improve the system performance. The implementation of this task will be to promote the paperless office, managed to avoid all kinds of errors appear to improve the efficiency of business management, making it easier for managers to understand the situation of internal personnel

With the development of information-based society, in order to make management faster and more accurate and also to realize information-based personnel management,which is very emergent to each corporation, this topic provides corporation's personnel management with management information system supported by modernized technique.This system contains some main modules like employee master data management, administrative authority, user management, attendance management and payroll management. Its logo of user interface is developed based on C#.Net. The back-end database is developed based on SQL SERVER 2000. In the system's design database, it uses the idea of database standardization
to design the database table, which enables each table in the database basically restricted by 3NF. The 3NF can efficiently solve the problem of data redundancy and the abnormal problem of operation and maintenance. But the accessing way of database uses the ADO.NET data, whose characteristic supports stream-oriented data to access, and it can improve system performance efficiently. The enactment of this topic can surely promote paperless business in corporations and can avoid various errors during the labour control. It can also improve business management efficiency and can make manager know the personnel status inside the company more expediently.

With the development of information society, in order to allow management more efficient, more accurate information of the implementation of personnel management has become a top priority of all enterprises. This issue is to provide personnel management for the enterprise to support the management of modern information technology system, which includes the information management staff, department management, user management, time management, payroll management module. Its graphical user interface using C #. Net development, database development background using SQL SERVER 2000. Database in the system design, the use of a standardized approach to database design database tables, making the tables in the database to meet the basic needs of the three paradigms (3NF) bound. The third paradigm to effectively solve the data redundancy and maintenance of the abnormal operation problem. And database access using ADO.NET data access, and its features are support for the flow of data access, effective improve the system performance. The implementation of this task will be to promote the paperless office, managed to avoid all kinds of errors appear to improve the efficiency of business management, making it easier for managers to understand the situation of internal personnel.

With the development of social informationization, in order to make the management more efficient and accurate, to reach the personnel management informationization has become a top priority of all enterprises. This task is to provide personnel management with the information management system of modern technology support, the system includes the staff information management, department management, user management, time management, payroll management module. Its graphical user interface use C #.
Net development, database development background use SQL SERVER 2000. In the datebase design of this system , to design datebase table by using the standardized approach which make the tables in the database to basically meet the restrictions of the three paradigms (3NF). The third paradigm effectively solve the data redundancy and maintenance of the abnormal operation problem. While the accessing way of the database access adopt the ADO.NET data accessing, and its features are support for the flow of data accessing, effectively improve the system performance. This task will promote the paperless working in enterprises, avoid all kinds of errors appear in manpower management and improve the efficiency of business management, making it more convenient for managers to realize the internal personnel situation .

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请高手帮我翻译一下 很着急 谢谢啊
can improve the space resolving power and sensitive ability of detectors. Considering three-dimensional object image can be obtained by scanning detectors, the sharing focus microscope is becoming a powerful tool in biologic microscopically imaging.可累死我了,你这个摘要也太晦涩了……...

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博白县17388737334: 高分悬赏 求高手将这段中文翻译成英文!(不要用翻译机,保证语法正确)最新全国电话的光纤电缆由玻璃制成将来可能有一天,连我们的电视也会成为高... -
集郊茵胆:[答案] The fiber cable of national telephone was made by glass !

博白县17388737334: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
集郊茵胆: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

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集郊茵胆: I showed the picture(s) of the buttery which you sent me to the provider yseterday.He said that they were the buttery-AG1, whose price would be far lower than that of the buttery-...

博白县17388737334: 请英语高手帮我翻译一段话 -
集郊茵胆: I'm an outgoing girl(boy), who is really socialable, and fond of challenging. Maybe because of my character, I like marketing very much.For the reason of family circomstance, I was independent in my early age. I was always enrich myself during my ...

博白县17388737334: 高分找英语高手帮忙帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英语谢谢@@@英语单词
集郊茵胆: The system for learning English words uses a database management system written with VISUAL FOXPRO. First of all, I shall introduce the topical background of ...

博白县17388737334: 英语翻译请外语高手帮我翻译下,高分(用翻译软件的就免了,我希望是简单易懂的,因为对方也不是纯英语国家的人,是印度人)邮件如下:我们能理解... -
集郊茵胆:[答案] Hi,(后面加上收信人姓名) I'm glad that we can understand each other, my buddy. (用buddy比较亲热、口语化) Yang ... for Yang didn't keep his promise. 这一段逻辑主语有点乱:lz的意思是杨答应回国后打款给客户,钱到了“我”再去见客户...

博白县17388737334: 请高手帮我翻译一段话成英文....
集郊茵胆: I never give up their ideals. Because when I want to give up when I found from it is so close. Perhaps, basketball and rap has brought me a lot of boring and a sense of failure, but when you really appreciate what you are after, but also to those who ...

博白县17388737334: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这篇短文,中翻英,急需,谢谢中国自古是一个礼仪之邦,有着五千年的优良传统!然而随着时代的变迁,人们思想的转变,最传... -
集郊茵胆:[答案] China is an ancient nation with amenity and 5,000-year tradition !However,as times change,people's thinking changes,the ...be extended from generations to generations,and not pass away of us with the passage of time!

博白县17388737334: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
集郊茵胆: I'm very sorry to tell you that a customer has come to our factory and signed a contract of 5000 kilograms products purchase order, so we can not supply you the products you need. But we hope sincerely that you could place your first order to us after ...

博白县17388737334: 来个英语高手帮我翻译一段话吧!高分悬赏必须是亲自翻译的.绝对不能是用有道词典各种词典复制翻译的,这个很重要,不要有语法错误.谢谢各位了! 并且... -
集郊茵胆:[答案] 保证人工翻译,人称统一用she,请放心采纳 And she is proficient in using OFFICE software and ADOBE photoshop, such as ps, ai, dw, fl, etc. She also has some contact and understanding for the modeling software, such as Maya and 3D-MAX. Her ...

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