(高分)写一篇介绍到中国旅游的英文文章 要求 800-1000字

作者&投稿:种浅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
作文(60分)阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分)一 个外国游客在中国旅游,他看~

作文(60分)一般在44-50分之间。谈论话题:“学会尊重”审题立意提示:必须对三则材料整体把握,前两则材料是从正面把握的,第一则是敬畏自然,第二则是敬畏生命,第三则材料是从反面表现的,不遵守交通规则,是对规则的不敬畏。三则材料共同点是“敬畏”。即所选话题可为“学会尊重” (个人尊严、尊重他人、敬畏生命)之类。三则材料只是提供一个话题,一个写作范围,所敬畏的不只是自然、生命和规则,也可以是其他。参考标准: 一等文:54分左右浮动。感情真挚,主题深刻,构思精巧;观点鲜明健康,论证有理有据;叙事清晰,故事性强,形象富有特征。二等文:48分左右浮动。真实可信,主题比较深刻,结构严谨;观点明确健康,有论证过程,材料稍陈旧;叙事完整,有一定的故事性。三等文:42分左右。基本真实,主题成立,比较完整;堆砌材料,不能很好论证观点,论据单一空洞。四等文:36分以下。其中言辞偏激者,0分;只写标题者,3分;只写一二百字者,只有开头,或因潦草难以辨认的文章,18—24分;字数接近要求,可是文章语句不够通 顺等情况 ,或抄袭文,可给28—32分。跑题文章有优点者,36分。 略


  The Summer Palace of Beijing
  This is a beautiful spot with exuberant(茂盛的) wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts(郊区) of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats(贵族) who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated(适应) themselves to the environment of the palaces, they built great imperial gardens there. The Summer Palace that has survived calamities(灾难) in history is one of those architectural masterpieces. This is a marvellous conception of a paradise(天堂) on the earth:

The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons. They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture. With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight, the lake and mountains become a lively whole.

The West Hill and the pagoda(塔) on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense.

Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful, the summer is leisurely exuberant, the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober, tranquil(宁静的) and clean.

The beauty of the Summer Palace is kaleidoscopic(千变万化的). First you enter spacious courtyards. Their owners have long passed away, but the peonies(牡丹), crabapples and magnolias (木兰) that have survived them still beam in elegance.

Walking out the grandiose imperial courtyards, through the Long Corridor while enjoying the misty lake, along the scarcely traversed West Dike(堤) and the ride in the forest, you suddenly spot the dream-like Jade Belt Bridge...

With elapse of time those roaming around the Kunming Lake are no more imperial relatives or nobles, but the common people. The beauty of the Summer Palace, however, is timeless. Year after year people greet the spring with the willow branches at the Spring Discerning Pavilion, sink into meditation facing lotus in a kiosk of the Garden of Harmonious Delights, and whisper with the frosted leaves at the tranquil back hill... Rain or shine, the Summer Palace is always enchanting.

The beauty of the Summer Palace is, of course, deliberated. The pavilions, kiosks, terraces, bridges, dikes, corridors are crystallisation of the thousand-year old Chinese landscape gardening. The scenic spots contain a nation?謘s profound philosophical and aesthetic tradition. The Summer Palace was not built for public benefit, but through the turbulent(动乱的) century, the Summer Palace has been displaying the height a civilisation once reached to people of different times and origins.

On 2 December 1998 the Summer Palace was listed in the World Legacy(遗产) of United Nations.

The council of the World Legacy remarked, Chinese imperial gardens with the Summer Palace as a representative is a convincing symbol of one of the great world civilisations.

(高分)写一篇介绍到中国旅游的英文文章 要求 800-1000字
The Summer Palace of Beijing This is a beautiful spot with exuberant(茂盛的) wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts(郊区) of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynas...

i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in September. now i will introduce myself briefly,

语文阅卷专家介绍,作文拿到满分60分,需要两位背靠背的阅卷老师同时给出60分,如果一人给60分,另一人给59分,考生作文的得分将按59.5分来计。满分作文给得比较审慎,可给可不给的作文肯定拿不到满分。 虽然今年高考生比去年减少4000来人,但高分作文的数量反而比去年多,无论是50分以上的一类文、55分以上的高分作文,还...

...有过深切的感受,写一篇500字左右的文章介绍一下 有高分

根据所给汉语提示写一篇短文介绍一下郭晶晶。要求,不少于60词 姓名:郭晶晶出生年月:1981\/10\/15出生地:保定爱好:音乐身高:1.63m体重:49kg跳水经历:1988年在河北保定训练基地开始跳水训练1993年入选国家跳水队2004年获雅典奥运会金牌2008年获... 姓名:郭晶晶 出生年月:1981\/10\/15 出生地:保定 爱好:音乐身高:1.63...


1. 写一篇介绍自己的文言文,200字 吾乃XXX,年芳十四,正值豆蔻年华,家住无锡城。性情和善平实,好读书,爱弹琴。在下阅书无数,诸如:梦里花落知多少、搜神记等等,吾可谓明于心,熟于脑。论另一特长,弹古筝,吾弹琴如一杯弹一曲,不觉夕阳沉,吾甚迷于筝也,自幼教于父母,筝龄过十载,琴曲如顺手拈来,古人颂李...

不限制字数,不限制题材,不介绍场景,完全的凭空创作好难的……不过还是稍微写一些吧。也算是祝你们更加幸福。题目:月光微亮 夜,一如既往的降临,喧闹的城市在耳畔依旧,我也依旧牵着你的手 月,一如既往的明亮,寂静的爱语在内心依旧,我也依旧陪在你身旁 小微,不知道与你一起度过了多少个月...

Last Summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our summer holiday. We left Nanjing at 8:00 on the morning of August 2nd, and we took the plane there. It’s a fast and comfortable journey, and we arrived in Beijing at 9:20. The weather was pleasant.We went to see ...

每到星期天,我都很开心。因为在这天,学校不用上课。我可以自由地玩耍。早上,我先到郊外去放风筝。午饭我可以吃我自己做的鱼。到了下午,我可以到篮球场上去打篮球,也可以到足球场上踢足球。晚上,我在家里看电视和写作业。我很喜欢星期天。因为星期天是快乐的!Spring I like spring. Because ...

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澧县17069703069: ?λ?请根据以下提示,以“The,Advantages,of,Travel”为题,写一篇英语短文,写作内容!1在中国旅游... -
茶叛康力: Bring commercial interests / Helps various countries and areas between food and customs/ Drive the development of other industries Such as transportation/broaden their vision /relax, relieve stress.

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茶叛康力: China is forever linked to its ancient civilization, friendly people, and many of the world's most revered treasures, such as The Great Wall, Terra-Cotta Warriors & Horses and the Yangtze River. Today, one can also find spectacular architecture and ...

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茶叛康力:[答案] Ladies and gentlemen,you're warmly welcome to China.(表示热烈欢迎)Now let me tell you something about the country. China is so large that its cilimates are quite different from the north to the south.(高分句型)(中国地域辽阔,南北气候差别大)...

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