
作者&投稿:表饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My name is * * * * 24-year-old, graduated from yingkou vocational and technical college, now studying in liaoning engineering technology university civil engineering specialty. Have certain knowledge about etiquette, was in graphic design studio work, accumulated a certain amount of experience. My personality extrovert, honest, kind-hearted, adaptable, serious and responsible work. I really like your hotel, and also love to apply for the job, I hope your hotel can give a chance, at last, I wish your esteemed hotel become hotel a shining pearl! Thank you!

She is my daughter and is immersed in the turbulence of her 16th year.她是我的女儿,她在16岁那年,被浸入到湍流中
Following a recent bout with illness, she learned her best friend would soon be moving away.
School was not going as well as she had hoped, nor as well as her mother and I had hoped.
She exuded sadness through a muffle of blankets as she huddled in bed, searching for comfort.她蜷缩在床上的时候,用被子裹着自己,并发出一丝丝的哀伤的声音,以此寻求安慰

I wanted to reach out to her and wrench away all the miseries that had taken root in her young spirit. 我想接触她并赶走那些在她童年时就扎根在心里的悲伤

Yet, even aware of how much I cared for her and wanted to remove her unhappiness, I knew the importance of proceeding with caution. 可是,虽然知道我多么在乎她和多么想驱除她的不快乐,我知道前进必须带着小心。

As a family therapist I've been well-educated about inappropriate expressions of intimacy between fathers and daughters, primarily by clients whose lives have been torn apart by sexual abuse.作为一个家庭治疗师,我已经主要地再那些家庭被性虐待弄得支离破碎的病人的身上,学到了亲密的不恰当表达

I'm also aware of how easily care and closeness can be sexualized, especially by men who find the emotional field foreign territory and who mistake any expression of affection for sexual invitation. 我也知道关心和亲近是多么容易被性特征化,特别是那些在异国找到感情领域的男人,还有那些很容易把感情表达当作是发出性邀请的男人

How much easier it was to hold and comfort her when she was two or three or even seven. 如果她是两岁、三岁或七岁,那该是多么容易去抱抱她和安慰她啊

But now her body, our society and my manhood all seemed to conspire against my comforting my daughter. 可,她的身体,我们的社会还有我男人的身份,都似乎把我对女儿的关心变成了阴谋

How could I console her while still respecting the necessary boundaries between a father and a teenage daughter? 怎样才能在关心她之余又尊重了父亲和一个青少年女儿之间的必要界线

I settled for offering her a back rub. She consented. 我只好给她扫扫背,她同意了

I gently massaged her bony back and knotted shoulders as I apologized for my recent absence. 我为我最近没有关心她而道歉,同时,我扫了扫她瘦骨嶙嶙的背和瘦瘦的肩膀。

I explained that I had just returned from the international back-rubbing finals, where I had placed fourth.我解释道,我刚才国际揉背大赛回来,并得了第四名

I assured her that it's hard to beat the back rub of a concerned father, especially if he's a world class back rubbing concerned father. 我使她确信对于一个担心的父亲来说,要做揉背大赛上拿名次是多么难,特别是一个工薪阶层的担心的父亲

I told her all about the contest and the other contestants as my hands and fingers sought to loosen tightened muscles and unlock the tensions in her young life.

I told her about the shrunken antique Asian man who had placed third in the contest.

After studying acupuncture and acupressure his entire life, he could focus all his energy into his fingers, elevating back rubbing to an art.在他退休后,他学了针灸和针压,他可以把力都集中在手指是,并把揉背提升成一种艺术

"He poked and prodded with prestidigitatious precision," I explained, showing my daughter a sample of what I'd learned from the old man. 他刺得精度很高,我解释道,并示范给我女儿看我从这男人身上学到的东西

She groaned, though I wasn't sure whether in response to my alliteration or my touch.

Then I told her about the woman who had placed second. 我告诉了她第二名的那个女人

She was from Turkey and since her childhood had practiced the art of belly dancing, so she could make muscles move and ripple in fluid motion.

With her back rub, her fingers awakened in tired muscles and weary bodies an urge to vibrate and quiver and dance. 当她给别人揉背时,她的手指能在劳累的肌肉和疲倦的身体震动和跳舞并唤醒这些肌肉和身体

"She let her fingers do the walking and the muscles tagged along," I said, demonstrating.

What the comic world filled with positive attitude and high passion brings us is not only the joy , most importantly , she can lead us to find the sky which belongs to us in today's complicated world . The reason why I put "she" as the comic world is that she is lovely enough to be an angel . She influences every generation and makes our childhood filled with memories and moves , and also lets us have a strong faith in our life. We can never use anything to describe the meaning of her existence , but our inner passion buries the misfortunes around us. Because of her connotation and widespread, she breaks down the boudries of age, and she is so easy to be accepted.
The comic world has really changed me a lot, from the time of "saint saiya" which I could not understand when I was in kindergarten, to the time of "slam dunk " which made our blood boiling. What have we got on earth? In fact, we cannot figure it out. But the things deeply from our heart are indeed worthy to enjoy.

In a positive and passionate youth to the world of animation is not only our joy, and she let us in the complex reality of their own society to find the sky, the reason for me to put "her" on behalf of the word animation, because In my mind, like an angel, she's cute as moving. She affects people of every time, so full of our childhood memories and touching on the life others have a more strongly hope. The meaning of her existence can not be anything to match the reality, flowing from the heart of the boom seemed to drown all of the unfortunate side ..also because of her because of her extensive, and even to break the boundaries of age, and makes it easy for the public acceptable.
Let me change the animation is really too much, from kindergarten on a matter of fact, when looked at simply do not watch the "Saint Seiya" first contact beginning Japanese anime, and then let our blood boiling, "Slamdunk" What we get in the end, in fact, no one said that was not clear, but the kind of quiet at the inner world of thoughts and feelings to things that are worthy of us really understand.

好长,我只记得圣斗士星矢是saint saiya(?)灌篮高手是slam dunk


汉译法 请高手帮忙翻一下,谢谢。
1. Si je dispose de suffisamment de temps, je vais je pour rendre visite aux enseignants du cycle secondaire.2.我建议你到农村去度假;我想,今年夏天海边会有不少人。2. Je vous conseille de passer votre vacances à la campagne; Je pense que cet été il y aurait beaucoup de...

1.和我们一起打篮球 play basketball with us 2.一位有着罕见天分的女性 a woman with rare gift 3.要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言(使用adjust...to)proper languages should be adjusted to audience'ages 4.年轻人经常被比作早晨八酒点的太阳(compare..to..)the young are usually compared to...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll n...

翻译为:一个高标准的清洁只有通过良好的清洁管理。为了配合最新清洗系统和技术外,我们还要在英国科学研究所清洗英国委员和清洗管理研究所美国。在2009年12月,中国被认可的运动与国际COJTC在上海的地位。我们现在提供按摩NSRS培训,所有我们根据COJTC认证系统的工作人员。我们已经取得了ISO 9001,ISO 14001...

They plan to go Shanghai for shopping this autumn.They are going to Shanghai for shopping this autumn.(be going to do sth. 表示打算好将来要做什么,表未来时态)在我家花园里没有玫瑰花.There is no rose in my garden 你爸爸每天在哪里吃饭.有的时候在公司吃,有的时候在家吃.Where ...

ass:打你屁屁 ppl:people,人们 plz,pls:please,请 bull *** , *** :胡说,废话 sorry ass:可怜的家伙,鄙视的意思 so so:一般 cutie:甜心 d\\\\\\*amn:靠,他xx的 包子:某人长得难看或者笨就说他包子 粉:很,非常 菜鸟,小虾,初哥:就是初级水平的新人 老鸟,大虾:高手 ...

我们一激动就上前,可能连命也没有。因此我们帮助别人的时候要有勇有谋,才能做到事半功倍。In this society, we help others need some preparation and some skills, such as the gunman, we might even came exciting life. Therefore we help others to YouYongYouMou, can make effort....

1: the realistic down-to-earth, seek truth from facts, practical, all to the interests of the company for the ( translation )2: solid and meticulous elaborate organization, steady work, grab get right on the job really, cogent do good own job 3 rapid response: we should ...

但我也有不为人知的保守的一面。At school\/work I would say that I'm a very hard worker and I usually put in more effort than required, and I often get praised for this.在学校\/工作中我可以说是相当勤奋的人,我通常付出更多的努力并且得到老师\/上级的赞许。希望回答对你有帮助 ...

我需要用英语表达这个。但我水平很低,自己翻译了一便感到很不好,哪位高手可以帮忙翻译让我参考学习一下。非常感谢。还有这两句话:无论彼此多么靠近,你们身心合一;无论你们相隔多远,彼此分秒思念和祝福.不胜感激 解析:我的翻译,你可以仔细对照一下,希望我的翻译能帮助你一点哦:)~The class, ...

遵义市19235646219: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段对话,不要翻译器的,最好是地道的美语,谢谢 -
崔耐小儿: A It seems that you have already made a new life goal B Of course. The time is running, and people are growing up. However stupid a people used to be, he will be sober one day.A But what's my life goal?应该比较地道了.还有问题追问哦亲~

遵义市19235646219: 哪位高手帮我翻译下2个句子?谢谢了..不要机器翻译的 -
崔耐小儿: beautiful breast of King's gold,with luxury pride, nature highlights,eternal charm.

遵义市19235646219: 求英语高手翻译~~急!(不要翻译机翻的!)
崔耐小儿: in May, 1946, Sony Corporation's founder well depth was big and Akio Morita founded “the Tokyo Correspondence Industry Joint-stock company” together, latter in 1958, changed the name as the Sony Joint-stock company, the headquarters is ...

遵义市19235646219: 【高分悬赏】求英语高手帮我翻译几句话~不要网络翻译机的那种,那些翻译来的都不正确,语法错的严重,请真正懂英语的人帮忙亲自翻译下,有高分酬谢... -
崔耐小儿:[答案] 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without form,and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.And the Spirit of Creators moved upon the face of the waters.」 (地...

遵义市19235646219: 有哪位日语高手替我翻译一下下面这段话~~ 不要翻译机翻译的,要地道点的.主要翻译第一句和最后一句~~ -
崔耐小儿: 人们将巨大的纸张扎成的人偶、纸糊的鸟兽放到花车或汽车上,吹着笛子,敲着大鼓,人声鼎沸地从小城的街道通过.到了晚间,里面点上灯火,充满了梦幻般的气氛.从6日到7日间,将这些东西装到船上,运到海上去,那景象非常壮观.

遵义市19235646219: 哪位高手帮忙翻译下~谢谢了 不要机器翻译 急用 -
崔耐小儿: 使用限制/其它注意事项:1.这些设备/仪器将被分配给一些特定的人或是NRC,协议国授权的人.2.最初的ues培训和所有的保修/保养应该由NDC或者是被NRC或协议国特别授权的人来做.3.搬迁应该由NDC或者是被NRC或协议国特别授权的人...

遵义市19235646219: 急急急!哪位高手帮忙翻译以下英文,不要机器翻译,在线翻译.谢谢! -
崔耐小儿: 这是一份合同吧.翻译如下:【货船会在一个安全的港口(安全的停泊点)卸货.货船停泊处应由买家提供.停泊处要求有不低于12米的吃水线(海水),也不能有船长和船梁方面的限制.】

遵义市19235646219: 请英语高手帮忙!翻译一下,不要翻译机! -
崔耐小儿: 现今,“1”已经成为我们社会中广泛吸引大众注意力的问题,尤其是对于那些碰到这个问题的人们.如同在这幅画中生动描绘的一样,这些是2,3.这是我们应当多加考虑的事情.尽管这些图片令人恼火,然而它揭示的是当今社会中的一个普遍现...

遵义市19235646219: 有没有日语高手可以帮忙翻译一下 谢谢!! 不要翻译机的 -
崔耐小儿: 商品の予约申请书の输出入を分类し申请者:企业のコード:企业の资质:aa类カテゴリaカテゴリb c类dに分类される住所:连络先:商品名(中、英文):他の名称:商品の说明(规格、モデル、构造的原理、性能の指标は、性能、用途や...

遵义市19235646219: 哪位高手帮翻译成英文(不要翻译器翻译的)急!...
崔耐小儿:With the development of high technology in the past few years ,the competition between companies has become more and more firce . As a result ,the competion and development between the person with high ability as well as the reflection of their ...

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