
作者&投稿:致炎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What is without a soul?
Is the Mermaid.
What is this?
There is no forest for the Fish to an empty shell.

Our company mainly for Australia, France and other areas to provide for the small gifts, promotional alcohol
Donations, According to the requirements of customer main production or purchase. Contains a variety of products, such as: shopping bags, cosmetic suits, wine bottle, tall red wine, champagne cup, ma dini cup, whiskey glass, plastic disposable recycled to the red wine, Ceramic cup, flower seeds... Etc. With our family members for employees, and a strong sense of responsibility, high enthusiasm, We beginning from 2004, accumulated rich experience, can design various convenient and safe for the exquisite gift packaging.

BA FEI is a world especially the second powerful person.He is also a well-known investment house.In 1930, he was born in the United States.13 years old, he starts invest.In 1947, he entered the guest method second university.Now, BA FEI especially of the property total amount is about USD 44,000,000,000.He decides to donate oneself's 80% properties to the philanthropic work on June 25th in 2006.

Buffett is the second richest man in the world as well as being a well-known investor .Born in 1930 in the US ,he began his investment career only at the age of 13.In 1947,he entered
the University of Pennsylvania .Now the total property of Buffett is about 44 billion dollars.On June 25th in 2006,Buffett decided to donate 80% of his properties to the Charitable Giving Program .

Bafeite is the world's second richest. He is also a well-known investment house. 1930, he was born in the United States. 13-year-old, he began to invest. 1947, he entered the University of Pennsylvania. Now, the total assets Bafeite about 44 billion U.S. dollars. In his June 25, 2006 decided to own 80% of the property donated to charities.

Bafeite is the world's second richest. He is also a well-known investment house. 1930, he was born in the United States. 13-year-old, he began to invest. 1947, he entered the University of Pennsylvania. Now, the total assets Bafeite about 44 billion U.S. dollars. In his June 25, 2006 decided to own 80% of the property donated to charities.

Bafeite is the world\'s second richest. He is also a well-known investment house. 1930, he was born in the United States. 13-year-old, he began to invest. 1947, he entered the University of Pennsylvania. Now, the total assets Bafeite about 44 billion U.S. dollars. In his June 25, 2006 decided to own 80% of the property donated to charities.

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一、职工培训管理 A. Employee training management 职工培训要想取得较好的预期效果,能够为企业的发展不断培养适合的人才,我们首先必须加强对职工培训的管理。以往一些企业对职工培训管理主要体现在培训的定期性、职工的出席签到等一些日常行为方面,而忽略了职工培训必须站在企业经营战略的高度去进行有效的管理。

请帮我把下面一段话翻译成英语!大感谢! 我觉得我们相遇确实是一种珍贵...
the emotional and I have no spare time to bet on a virtual network at home at a time of happiness.译:我觉得我们相遇确实是一种珍贵的缘份。彼此语言不通、却能够心灵相通。只是我们相隔得太远了。相隔的不仅是距离、还有时差。我们甚至没有牵过手、接过吻、没有恋人的真实的回忆。你只是...

Today, I introduce you my hometown Xinyang.My hometown Xinyang is a beautiful place in the southern part of Henan Province.It has a long history ,beautiful sceneries and rich tourist resources.There are Jigongshan Park in the clouds, Lake Park South Bay, health resort Font pool, ...

Caterpillar-卡特彼勒(我的公司)Perkins-珀金斯(卡特彼勒旗下的公司)领导让我翻译一个英文PPT,我英语不是很好,求大虾们帮忙,能翻多少就多少,跪谢!Therefore we are having a safety stand down to cascade this important message.(所以我们有一个安全的不在场人员来发布这个重要的信息)Between May...

The first hope is that someday, you can buy a round water bed. Will be placed in this bed my warm home, in the coming days and happy to sleep, doing a lot of dreams. The second hope is that I hope I can adopt a little girl to do his own children. I would like ...


1 psychologische Beschreibungen angezeigt werden begleitet von 19 Jahrhundert "to turn" dieser Theorie und allmählich durchgesetzt. Dabei ist Zeit, sich in einer Reihe von modernistischen Werke, dieser Abschnitt die Werke zu unterwandern den narrativen Modus, erstellen einen neuen ...

When the love is a true love, she can survive everything.当爱是真爱,她可以拯救一切。Every problem is a test for the feelings and strength of one relationship.每一个问题都是感情和关系强度测试。The true love is help.真正的爱是帮助。When you really love someone you are ready to...

prefer?P:Doctor, you are right.Health is a way more important than fortune.I need to change my job. I really appreciate your advise.D:I think after a month, when you come here next time, it'll be a huge different.呃,累死我了,怎么这么长。不管怎样,希望能够帮到你。

用地道的广州话应该这样说:青春,好快要散band了。我嘅青春好快要散band了,我好快会告别一段纯真嘅青春,一段年少轻狂嘅岁月,一个充满幻想嘅时代。果D令我习惯嘅人、习惯嘅物,亦会慢慢离我而远去 好难讲出口嘅苦涩...穿过风花雪月嘅细路个年代,我嘅青春梦里落花知道几多...呢个寂寞嘅旅途...

南关区18314258806: 帮我把下列一段文字译成英文..我的名字叫李华,在A中学读书.上个礼拜天我来到你们图书馆看书,不过发现了一些不太好的现象,在这里我想向您反映出来... -
察朗澳蒲:[答案] Hello,my name is Li Hua,in the A secondary school.Last Sunday I read in your library,but discovered some not-so-good phenomenon,Here,I would like to ask you reflected,in the hope that you can take som...

南关区18314258806: 谁帮我把下面一段翻译成英文,急用 -
察朗澳蒲: 望采纳 Divided people honest, kind, outgoing, cheerful, likes the movement and read a book. Everything is people-oriented, good popularity, easy to allow people to accept, adapt an ability strong, hard-working, diligent in learning and studying, the courage to challenge the unknown field, strong dedication spirit.

南关区18314258806: 谁能帮我把下面一段话译成英文!亲爱的···:在一个时候,告诉你一些事.你爱的···不错,我并不会与她争锋吃醋,但不能能否认,还是有一点点嫉... -
察朗澳蒲:[答案] Dear · · · : In a time, tell you something. You love the · · · yes, I will not die with her jealous, but can't can deny that it is still a little jealous, because I care about you, I want to che...

南关区18314258806: 谁帮帮我将下面一段中文翻译成英文
察朗澳蒲: Li Ming is our classmates, 17 years old this year. He is not tall, to have short hair. His parents are all doctors, hospitals in Beijing. His home not far from the school. He studies very hard so the teacher and the students all like him. He often helps the ...

南关区18314258806: 英语翻译谁能帮我把下面一段文字翻译成英文?无 题 - 无法言说的爱我爱着一个人,但我说不出口.我暗恋她,曾几何时,她清新的身姿总徘徊在我的心中,她... -
察朗澳蒲:[答案] I fall in love with someone,but i can't speak.I love her so much,but she didn't know.I don't know when,her shadows is always around in my heart,her bright eyes are always in my mind.I miss ,I love her

南关区18314258806: 谁能帮我把下面一段话翻译成英文?
察朗澳蒲: The last house The old carpenter of over sixty years of age requests the retirement from the owner, prepare to go home children with wife share the happiness of family reunion.The boss return true loathe to give up he, repeatedly request not next, ...

南关区18314258806: 谁能帮我把下面一段话翻译成英语 -
察朗澳蒲: Sorry, I just don't have the feelings to you. You are a sound guy, and despite that emotions can't be forced, I have tried to like you. I only treat you as my big brother. I'm afraid that if I don't make this clear, it's unfair to both of us. The earlier we talk out the less it hurts. Sorry.

南关区18314258806: 谁帮我把下面这段文字翻译成英文??谢谢,急啊! -
察朗澳蒲: 我不愿意当个警察.因为我喜欢安稳的生活,警察的生活太不稳定.而我是我家里的独生女儿,警察的工作太危险,如果我有什么意外,我的爸爸妈妈会非常伤心,并且他们老了之后也不能得到他们的孩子的照顾.还有就是,我不爱运动,我比较喜...

南关区18314258806: 帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英文.
察朗澳蒲: In the next life one can not rely on food to provide energy and nutrition can buy a drink, a bottle of 10 ml of the nutrient solution can maintain the energy of the body for 10 days. People used the car is no longer a mechanical vehicle, and has all rely ...

南关区18314258806: 你好~能帮我把下面的一段文字翻译成英文吗?非常感谢!
察朗澳蒲: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: I am a strict demands on themselves, work hard, practical, disciplined person. At work, I can happily get along with my colleagues to maintain a good working relationship. Hotel work for me over the years accumulated...

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