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The University of Reading is a university in the English town of Reading.

Established in 1892, receiving its Royal Charter in 1926, the University has a long tradition of research, education and training at a local, national and international level. It was awarded the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in both 1998 and 2005.


Coat of arms of the University of ReadingThe University owes its origins to the Schools of Art and Science established in Reading in 1860 and 1870. These became part of an extension college of Christ Church College of the University of Oxford in 1892, which became known as University College, Reading.

The new college received its first treasury grant in 1901. Three years later it was given a site, in London Road, by the Palmer family of Huntley & Palmers fame. The same family's continued support enabled the opening of Wantage Hall in 1908 and the Research Institute in Dairying in 1912.

The college first applied for a Royal Charter in 1920 but was unsuccessful at that time. However a second petition, in 1925 was successful, and the charter was officially granted on March 17, 1926. With the charter, the University College became the University of Reading, the only new university to be created in England between the two world wars.

In 1947 the university purchased Whiteknights Park, which was to become its principal campus. In 1982 the university merged with Bulmershe College of Higher Education, in the process acquiring its third campus.[1]

The University maintains over 1.6 km² of grounds. Whiteknights Campus, at 1.23 km², is the largest and includes Whiteknights Lake, conservation meadows and woodlands as well as most of the University's departments. The smaller London Road Campus is the original University site and is still home to the School of Continuing Education and the Great Hall, which plays host to the University graduation ceremonies. The Bulmershe Court Campus in Woodley is home to the Institute of Education and the School of Health and Social Care.

The University also owns 8.5 km² of farmland in the nearby villages of Arborfield, Sonning and Shinfield. These support a mixed farming system including dairy cows, ewes and beef animals, and host internationally renowned research centres of which the flagship is the Centre for Dairy Research.

The University is particularly successful at Rowing. This is due to their prime location in the Thames Valley and the superb facilities that the students enjoy.

In the 2004-5 academic year, the university had 4,024 staff and 15,326 students. Probably the best known current member of the university community is the cyberneticist Professor Kevin Warwick.

Reading University Students' Union is the affiliated student organisation which represents the students' interests. With around 3,000 international students from 120 countries, the university adds considerably to Reading's dynamic multi-cultural environment.

Reading also has a large number of Junior Common Rooms that are independent from the Students' Union and the University.

Research and Business Development
The university had a research income of almost £24.5 million in 2003-4, of which around 10 percent of annual research income derived from industrial or commercial sponsors. Over £2 million of funding has been secured in 2004 for business development and the commercial activities at the University.

In the Research Assessment Exercise in 2001, five departments were awarded the top rate of 5* - Archaeology, English, Italian, Meteorology and Psychology and fifteen departments were awarded the rating of 5. The Department of Meteorology was awarded a distinguished Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in 2005 and is internationally renowned for its training and research in weather, climate and physical oceanography.

Reading was the first university to win a Queen's Award for Export Achievement in 1989. Since then several initiatives to link the academic and commercial communities have followed. Reading Enterprise Hub, one of a network of SEEDA sponsored business incubators, opened on campus in 2003.

Museums and Botanical Gardens
Reading University maintains four museums and a botanical garden. The largest and best known of these is the Museum of English Rural Life, which has recently relocated from a location on Whiteknights Campus to a site nearer the town centre on the London Road Campus. The Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology, the Cole Museum of Zoology, the University of Reading Herbarium [[RNG]] and the Harris Garden are all located on the Whiteknights Campus.

Student accommodation
Student accommodation is provided in a number of halls of residence offering a mix of fully-catered and self-catering accommodation, along with other self-catering accommodation.

Bulmershe Hall is located on the Bulmershe Campus. Bridges, Childs, Wessex, Whiteknights, and Windsor Halls are located on the Whiteknights Campus. St. George’s, St. Patrick’s, Sherfield, Sibly, Wantage, and Wells Halls are located in the residential areas surrounding Whiteknights, as is the self-catering accommodation of the Reading Student Village, Hillside Court and Martindale Court.

St. David's and Mansfield Halls latterly formed part of Witan Hall (see below) on the London Road Campus, and are not currently in use. The former St. Andrews Hall closed in 2001, and is now the home of the Museum of English Rural Life.

St. George's Hall and The Reading Student Village are leased back to the University from UJC. The cost of leasing back the Student Village to the University, according to the University accounts, was £1.5 million for 2003/2004 and £1.3 million in 2002/2003.

Associated institutions
Formerly associated with Reading University was Gyosei International College, a Japanese/British bi-cultural institution established on part of the University's original London Road Campus. Subsequently the college's links with the Japan-based Gyosei organisation were broken, and it became a charitably funded institution called Witan Hall. Recently this has in turn been purchased by the University of Reading, and has ceased student recruitment.

The University of Reading Law faculty is also associated with Taylors College in Malaysia. Taylors College conducts a 'twinning' program whereby students complete half of their degree in Malaysia and the other half at the University of Reading. Malaysian Law students in Reading generally achieve a second class upper average, and have set a high standard for Malaysian Law students.

Located on Reading University's Whiteknights campus is The College of Estate Management (CEM). The College was founded in 1919 and granted its Royal Charter in 1922. It was originally based in London but moved to Reading in 1969, leading to the foundation of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Studies (URS) at the University. The College provides education and training for students and members of the property and construction professions worldwide through distance learning. Courses are delivered by the provision of printed material sent to students by post and through web-based learning.

我有同学在那里上过 现在他回国了

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汗,官方的就去官网查被。The University of Reading is a university in the English town of Reading.Established in 1892, receiving its Royal Charter in 1926, the University has a long tradition of research, education and training at a local, national and international level. It was ...

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英国最有价值的私立学校有哪几所?1.瑞丁博鲁科特学校 坐落于伯克郡的这所学校招生11到18岁六年级学生,它一共有超出700名学生。2014年,学校的高中学历率为73.8%,除此之外,2015年是45.74%。学校还有一些造型艺术、歌曲或学术研究等方面的奖学金,能够帮助学生缓解经济负担。2.布拉德福德文法学校...


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承德县13212768308: 想了解英国瑞丁大学 -
樊软盐酸: 汗,官方的就去官网查被.The University of Reading is a university in the English town of Reading.Established in 1892, receiving its Royal Charter in 1926, the University has a long tradition of research, education and training at a local, national ...

承德县13212768308: 英国瑞丁大学亨利商学院怎么样?
樊软盐酸: 丁大学位于坐落在泰晤士河谷心脏地带的瑞丁市,伦敦以西60公里的地方.该校得主建筑都很现代化.大学始建于1892年,由牛津大学创办,学校于1926年获得英国皇家...

承德县13212768308: 英国斯旺西大学与瑞丁大学哪个好 -
樊软盐酸: 雷丁大学今年的times排名是33名,斯旺西大学今年的times排名是43名,单纯根据排名来看是斯旺西比较好一点.但是具体到每个专业的划分上又有不同的比较了.地理位置方面也是不一样的.如果你想留学的话,可以私信我了解更多.

承德县13212768308: 英国瑞丁大学、英国威尔士大学哪个学校好 -
樊软盐酸: 英国瑞丁大学好.很高兴能回答您的问题,请您过目,只要及时采纳就是对我们答题人最好的回报.若您还有什么不懂的地方可随时追问,我会尽力解答.如果问题解决后,请点击下面的“选为满意答案”.

承德县13212768308: 去英国读瑞丁大学学费一年多少 -
樊软盐酸: 专业不一样学费不一样.我申请的READING的研究生,一年学费是1万零几,你注意是不是申请的ICMA,那个比较贵,一万8的样子好像. 主要还是看你专业,但是我觉得READING还是比较便宜的. 房租你大概按90镑一周算.生活费看人吧,我刚到英国,还没有算过月生活费呢,但是签证的时候要求是准备12个月5400的生活费,你可以按这个标准看看.这里说的都是英镑价. 你说的4-6万是生活费么?那还差不多.不然连学费都不够.. 但是如果你说的是本科的话我不大了解. 生活费看人的,有人天天去逛街天天去下馆子,那不一样的.

承德县13212768308: 河南工业大学国际学院的学生到英国瑞丁大学留学,雅思要多少,需满足什么条件? -
樊软盐酸: 你是去英国读硕的吧,雅思6.5.说实话,雷丁大学综合实力不怎么样的.如果你的平均成绩高,能有85,雅思能考到7的话,完全可以申请到英国大学排名前30的,像爱丁堡大学,谢菲尔德大学等,可以联系索引教育,郑州有办公的1159207019,祝你好运了!@

承德县13212768308: 请问去英国的瑞丁这个地方留学,可以去哪个学校? -
樊软盐酸: 除了Reading U,还是有几个college可以提供本科跟专科课程的.College of Estate Management Impact International College 至于Thames Valley University,也有个Reading campus.说实在,建议你读也选Thames Valley University的,虽然说排名极度垃圾,但好歹是中英教育局都认可的.至于那些local college虽然可以出大专跟部分本科文凭,但中国方面这是不认的.你这分数分数进Reading U实在太难了.但可以选GNVQ读1-2年,看能不能考上个好学校.GNVQ相当英国的职业中学,也就是中专了.

承德县13212768308: 英国工业设计硕士有哪些好的院校啊? -
樊软盐酸: 这位同学提到的这几所英国院校, 都是在工业设计和产品设计领域很知名的院校, 其中以皇家艺术学院和伦敦艺术学院的门槛为最高.申请设计类的课程,作品集占有很大的比重.这位同学可以提供更详细的一些学术背景,以便做好方案.

承德县13212768308: 北京理工大学与英国瑞丁大学合作举办会计学专业怎样 -
樊软盐酸: 北京理工大学中外合美国犹他那个是纯粹误人子弟的 还有是继续教育学院承办的 很难毕业 还是英国的项目比较好 毕业之后有北理和外国两张毕业证 英国了兰开夏大学联合的那个没有北京理工的毕业证书合作办学的学生不注册为北京理工大学的学生,北京...

承德县13212768308: 河南工业大学中外合办如何? -
樊软盐酸: 国际学院是河南工业大学对外合作办学,如果家庭条件允许的话可以选择出国. 国际学院的各专业所学课程中英语最多,包括英语听力、英语写作、英语精读、英语口语.其中英语写作和英语口语都是由外教授课,并且外教很容易相处. 国际...

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