
作者&投稿:亥玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


具体价格不好说 一般签合同的时候会把驳船价格包括进去 你签合同的时候就应该注意

bill of lading (sometimes referred to as a BOL,or B/L) is a document issued by a carrier to a shipper, acknowledging that specified goods have been received on board as cargo for conveyance to a named place for delivery to the consignee who is usually identified. A through bill of lading involves the use of at least two different modes of transport from road, rail, air, and sea. The term derives from the noun "bill", a schedule of costs for services supplied or to be supplied, and from the verb "to lade" which means to load a cargo onto a ship or other form of transport.

It is quite evident that a bill of lading can be used as a traded object. The standard short form bill of lading is evidence of the contract of carriage of goods and it serves a number of purposes:

It is evidence that a valid contract of carriage, or a chartering contract, exists, and it may incorporate the full terms of the contract between the consignor and the carrier by reference (i.e. the short form simply refers to the main contract as an existing document, whereas the long form of a bill of lading (connaissement intégral) issued by the carrier sets out all the terms of the contract of carriage);
It is a receipt signed by the carrier confirming whether goods matching the contract description have been received in good condition (a bill will be described as clean if the goods have been received on board in apparent good condition and stowed ready for transport); and
It is also a document of transfer, being freely transferable but not a negotiable instrument in the legal sense, i.e. it governs all the legal aspects of physical carriage, and, like a cheque or other negotiable instrument, it may be endorsed affecting ownership of the goods actually being carried. This matches everyday experience in that the contract a person might make with a commercial carrier like FedEx for mostly airway parcels, is separate from any contract for the sale of the goods to be carried, however it binds the carrier to its terms, irrespectively of who the actual holder of the B/L, and owner of the goods, may be at a specific moment.
Contents [hide]
1 Main types of bill
1.1 Straight bill of lading
1.2 Order bill of lading
1.3 Bearer bill of lading
1.4 Surrender bill of lading
2 Other terminology
3 A sample of the issues
4 Examples
5 Notes
6 References
7 See also
8 External links

[edit] Main types of bill

[edit] Straight bill of lading
This bill states that the goods are consigned to a specified person and it is not negotiable free from existing equities, i.e. any endorsee acquires no better rights than those held by the endorser. So, for example, if the carrier or another holds a lien over the goods as security for unpaid debts, the endorsee is bound by the lien. Although, if the endorser wrongfully failed to disclose the charge, the endorsee will have a right to claim damages for failing to transfer an unencumbered title..

Also known as a non-negotiable bill of lading; and from the banker's point of view this type of bill of lading is not safe

[edit] Order bill of lading
This bill uses express words to make the bill negotiable, e.g. it states that delivery is to be made to the further order of the consignee using words such as "delivery to A Ltd. or to order or assigns". Consequently, it can be endorsed by A Ltd. or the right to take delivery can be transferred by physical delivery of the bill accompanied by adequate evidence of A Ltd.'s intention to transfer.

[edit] Bearer bill of lading
This bill states that delivery shall be made to whosoever holds the bill. Such bill may be created explicitly or it is an order bill that fails to nominate the consignee whether in its original form or through an endorsement in blank. A bearer bill can be negotiated by physical delivery.

[edit] Surrender bill of lading
Under a term import documentary credit the bank releases the documents on receipt from the negotiating bank but the importer does not pay the bank until the maturity of the draft under the relative credit. This direct liability is called Surrender Bill of Lading (SBL), i.e. when we hand over the bill of lading we surrender title to the goods and our power of sale over the goods. jakaria
("Guide to Trade Terms" (PDF). pp. 64. http://ww2.westpac.com.au/documents/pdf/wibnz/guide-to-trade-terms-payables. Retrieved on 2007-12-13. )

[edit] Other terminology
A sea or air waybill is a non-negotiable receipt issued by the carrier. It is most common in the container trade either where the cargo is likely to arrive before the formal documents or where the shipper does not insist on separate bills for every item of cargo carried (e.g. because this is one of a series of loads being delivered to the same consignee). Delivery is made to the consignee who identifies himself. It is customary in transactions where the shipper and consignee are the same person in law making the rigid production of documents unnecessary.

The UK's Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992 creates a further class of document known as a ship's delivery order which contains an undertaking to carry goods by sea but is neither a bill nor a waybill.

A straight bill of lading by land or sea, or sea/air waybill are not documents of title to the goods they represent. They do no more than require delivery of the goods to the named consignee and (subject to the shipper's ability to redirect the goods) to no other. This differs from an "order" or "bearer" bill of lading which are possessory title documents and negotiable, i.e. they can be endorsed and so transfer the right to take delivery to the last endorsee.

[edit] A sample of the issues
In most national and international systems, a bill of lading is not a document of title, and does no more than identify that a particular individual has a right to possession at the time when delivery is to be made. Problems arise when goods are found to have been lost or damaged in transit, or delivery is delayed or refused. Because the consignee is not a party to the contract of carriage, the doctrine of privity of contract states that a third party has no right to enforce the agreement. However, whether this is a problem to the consignee depends on who owns the goods and who holds the risks associated with the carriage. This will be answered by examining the terms of all the relevant contracts. If the consignor has reserved title until payment is made, the consignor can sue to recover his or her loss. But if ownership and/or the risk of loss has transferred to the consignee, the right to sue may not be clear in contract, although there could be remedies in tort/delict (the issue of risk will have been most carefully considered to decide who should insure the goods during transit). Hence, a number of international Conventions and domestic laws specifically address when a consignee has the right to sue. The legal solution most often adopted is to apply the principle of subrogation, i.e. to give the consignee the same rights of action held by the consignor. This enables most of the more obvious cases of injustice to be avoided.

In the municipal law of the U.S., the issue and enforcement of bills which may be documents of title, is governed by Article 7 of the Uniform Commercial Code. However, since bills of lading are most frequently used in transborder, overseas or airborne shipping, the laws of whatever other countries are involved in the transaction covered by a particular bill may also be applicable including the Hague Rules, the Hague-Visby Rules and The Hamburg Rules at international level for shipping, The Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air 1929 and The Montreal Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air 1999 for air waybills, etc. It is customary for parties to the bill to agree both which country's courts shall have the jurisdiction to hear any case in a forum selection clause, and the municipal system of law to be applied in that case choice of law clause. The law selected is termed the proper law in private international law and it gives a form of extraterritorial effect to an otherwise sovereign law, e.g. a Chinese consignor contracts with a Greek carrier for delivery to a consignee based in New York: they agree that any dispute will be referred to the courts in New York (since that is the most convenient place — the forum conveniens) but that the New York courts will apply Greek law as the lex causae to determine the extent of the carrier's liability.

[edit] Examples
Southern Railway Company bill of lading (1906): front side, back side

[edit] Notes

[edit] References
Huber, Mark (2001). "Ch. 9:Chartering and Operations". Tanker operations: a handbook for the person-in-charge (PIC). Cambridge, MD: Cornell Maritime Press. ISBN 0-87033-528-6.
Turpin, Edward A.; McEwen, William A. (1980). "Ch. 18:United States Navigation Laws and Ship's Business". Merchant Marine Officers' Handbook. Centreville, MD: Cornell Maritime Press. ISBN 0-87038-056-X.


1、服务、劳务也是可以输出的,是美国的生产禀赋。2、这个不是很懂要分析比较优势了,美国的小麦单位生产成本肯定低于养牛的国家。(个人观点)3、a:制成品价格上涨不利于出口;b:制成品的销售有竞争,份额会相对减少;c:无影响 d:日本国内粮食价格上涨,工人单位工资增加,制成品价格小幅上涨,影响...


请国际贸易达人帮忙!帮忙找一遍老外写的关于海运提单的文章,做毕业答辩的时候的论文用的。只求哪位达人手上有资料的能告诉我一下的,谢谢了!... 帮忙找一遍老外写的关于海运提单的文章,做毕业答辩的时候的论文用的。只求哪位达人手上有资料的能告诉我一下的,谢谢了! 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 已婚女...

商科不影响,你考GMAT就行,这就包括了商科类预备知识的测查 因为此项基本不给奖学金,就是一种“赚钱教育”国际贸易你现在成绩根本不搭边,而且得考GRE,可能性不大,除非你有特别详实的理由


多了汇票,买方会对卖方的汇票承兑,常用于非即期的付款, 但买方不一定按期付汇, 这取决于买方的信誉 附送一点小常识, 国际贸易当中,如卖方对买方不熟悉,建议以信用证结算,虽然费用会高, 但收汇的风险是最低的, 如买卖双方都建立了彼此信任的合作关系,就可以考虑用 T\/T, D\/P, D\/A 结算 ...

你找货代公司 货代公司本身也没有经营权的 当然货代有时候不说他们做不了 一般货代公司会找别的贸易公司给你代理出口并办理相关的开证结汇退税手续 如果确实不是很懂非要找货代全权代理的话 个人比较推荐这个方法 这算正道 这个时候是需要你和货代公司给你找的贸易代理公司签订协议 一定要和货代谈...

我是学国际贸易的 驳船就是有些大的货轮进不了港口就需要用小一点的船把货物搬运上去或转运下来 具体价格不好说 一般签合同的时候会把驳船价格包括进去 你签合同的时候就应该注意



湖里区15118013581: 请教各位外贸达人
游发吡嘧: 一般来说,有购买意向的客户在展会现场就会签订合同,多数留下名片的客户都不会再与你联系了,当然也不乏少量的客户可能会与你联系,你可以给留下名片的客户都发一封介绍你们的产品的邮件,最好有展会上没有展出的产品.

湖里区15118013581: 外贸问题.请懂的人帮忙! -
游发吡嘧: 这位老板级别的朋友,你好:我是做外贸的,有自己的贸易公司,就是没有自己的工厂.现在工厂做出口比贸易公司的优势大的多.你既然是工厂,那么基础很好,只要建立自己的外贸部门就可以了.大致情况我给你简单讲讲:1.2004年...

湖里区15118013581: 请外贸高手赐教!!请问一下,我现在有一个客户,他要的不是我们公司
游发吡嘧: 你这种情况是很多外贸SOHO都会碰到的,确实存在流失客户的风险,你想想看很多外贸公司都在流失客户,更何况赤手空权的外贸SOHO呢,所以做了SOHO,就要有这一种胜败兵家常事的心态.象你所说的客户这种情况是最难操作的,因为他们都是对国内工厂情况非常熟悉的,象这种客户,我一般不太喜欢理会他们,价格乱压,还很有手段.虽然你不具备生产的能力,但是你可以服务与操作上让他依赖你,即使知道你不是工厂还是想跟你做,诚信做人高效做事,这样的话就不怕客人走人.

湖里区15118013581: 紧急求助!!找高手帮忙分析国际贸易案例
游发吡嘧: 按照CIF条款,买卖双方的风险和责任划分是越过船舷为界,卖方虽然负责办理保险手续,但并不承担交货后的风险. 如果货物是在越过船舷以前就发生了损失,这部分损失要由买方来承担,保险公司都不负责,因为投保的仅为海上运输部分的风险,所以卖方在交货以前的运输中也要注意尽可能投保,尤其是对一些价值比较高的货物. 如果货物是在越过船舷后发生的损失,首先,应该向保险公司索赔,但合同规定保险为买方利益,所以由买方索赔,但货款买方仍然要支付给卖方.所以这里卖方有理由坚持凭单要求买方付款.

湖里区15118013581: 请教外贸高手 -
游发吡嘧: 1、ORC/THC/OTHC等费用可以大约固定一个数.对于限重,只有一些比较敏感的港口会涉及,比较印、巴、孟等和一些内陆港口,如圣彼得堡.时间长了就好了2、汇率现在变动较大,一般来说你得比市场价稍高点3、这得看船公司了,有的船公司一般走17吨以,但他们限重23吨,所以23吨的价会比17吨多一些.不过这个问题不用提心,向货代询价的时候说明重量他们就会加上的.

湖里区15118013581: 懂外贸的谢谢帮个忙 -
游发吡嘧: 如果这个外国客人确实有实力、讲诚信,那么,你不论是为买卖双方提供信息服务(居间服务),还是做贸易(购买相关品牌服装后卖出),或者进行加工生产兼做贸易,只要有相应的资金、能力,都未尝不可.但是,为了保险起见,最好先做居间服务,等熟悉了外贸业务并积累了足够风险识别与控制能力后再尝试其他方式.毕竟,国际贸易的风险更高,产生纠纷后主张权利的成本也更高.

湖里区15118013581: 请国际贸易高手答下几个问题
游发吡嘧: 1. 要求B支付延误时期的大米仓储保管费和有关派船延误所产生费用是成立的. 基本上买方B已经违反合约. 2. 我认为B的索赔也成立, 因为大米是食粮, 有时间上的品质规定, 如果是在装船前做多一次商检将好一些. 其实, 对方没有在指定日期前派船来提货, 应该变卖货物然后向买方要求索赔, 便不会出现这个情况.

湖里区15118013581: 请做外贸的朋友来帮个忙
游发吡嘧:http://www.waimao-abc.cn/index.asp 去这个网站看看..里面有很多东东对刚做外贸的人会有帮助的, http://www.hxen.com/englishlistening/businessenglish/chuji/ 这个网站里面有很多商务英语的听力资料..去看看吧..希望对你有帮助哈.. 去网上搜一下也有很多资料可以找到的. 还有一个不错的方法,也是我自己一直在做的,就是每天试着去听ABC或BBC的英语新闻,刚开始的时候可以先背熟一些新闻单词,慢慢地就可以练好听力的..不过要在坚持哦..^_^

湖里区15118013581: 国际贸易问题请大家热心帮忙,谢谢我在欧洲的克罗地亚(未入欧盟).
游发吡嘧: 他在克罗地亚还没开进口公司,他的付款方式是经常汇美圆给我(提前100%付款). 那就采取邮寄方式好了,因为你的数量少,对方又没进口权,只要价格合适那就用DHL,FEDEX或EMS好了,咨询一下他们的邮费择优选用,但注意每次邮寄声明价值不能超过你选择快递公司最高不需报关的价值,如FEDEX低于500USD则不需报关!

湖里区15118013581: 请外贸高手帮忙. -
游发吡嘧: Delivery leadtime是交货期,Production Leadtime是生产周期.Supplier reference: 按照后面的英文意思,就是推荐几款产品.

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