
作者&投稿:兴媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Who can translate this sentence?

the design and realization of jigsaw games in the cellphone of java

“glimps” should be “glimpse” ?


少数几个国家会承认offcially ,他们雇用spies.Hover ,不时陷入间谍和公众有时得到glimps的正在发生的事情背后的政治scenes.spies很少拍摄这些days.they经常尝试和imprisoned.if间谍是inportant enouhg ,他有时交还给了ememy国家,以换取一个同样inportant疗法的人ememy已经引起。



为数不多的国家将承认offcially他们有雇用间谍。翱翔,时常,间谍被捉住,并且公众有时得到glimps怎么回事在政治scenes.spies之后很少是被射击的.they常常地那些日子被尝试,并且间谍是inportant enouhg的imprisoned.if,他有时被递回到一个ememy国家以交换一平等地inportant apy谁ememy捉住了。 观看scence的anyone也许没体会tha t二高级间谍在那个冷的冬天早晨ixchanged。


“glimps” should be “glimpse” ?译:很少有国家正式承认他们雇佣了间谍。然而一直以来,总有间谍被捕,人们也可以看出隐藏其后的政治意味。现在间谍通常不会被击毙,通常他们会被审判和监禁。如果这个间谍足够重要,他们会被用来作为人质交换,交换出同等价值的被敌方抓去的间谍。

你好,为你的翻译如下:There is always one person buried inside everyone's heart, and perhaps he wouldn't notice forever. Despite this, this person just couldn't be substituded for anyone else.希望能帮到你~

1. catch up on 表示得到消息,或得知风声啥的。这句意思是,你这么快就知道我们的动向\/风声\/消息等等, 你真牛。2 sometimes 副词,有时候。some times 几次。some time 某个时间。此句为“下周找个时候谈谈”3. neither nor 固定搭配,相对于 either or。此句为“他也不喝酒也不抽烟”...

Who can translate this sentence?

Before I come to realize, the second junior high school year has begun. I have been in this school for three years unknowingly.

1. 因为一个人,我爱上了一座城市。2. 当他离去,这座城市变得空荡。

Stand at ease.Attention.Sir, team3 is ready for class.There should be 11 students, and there are 11.Whether start class or not, please give us your order.PS:那个“应到……实到……”我是按正常(无语境情况)情况翻译的,不知道在军队中是否有约定成俗的翻译……望谅解 ...

1.The number of women is now less than that of men, in order to win the women's favor,so give them priority .2.Women have to birth future generations and bear more pressure and suffering than men , so they should be given priority as compensation....

You say that you are only a passer-by in our life, but you are the very passer-by much more important than many people . Merry Christmas, my best friend.

I dreamt of being with you for good again last night, waking up with tears in my eyes.(这里有点意译了)

佛山市19632615713: 哪位英语达人能把这句话译成英语啊? -
师锦长富: 你好,为你的翻译如下:There is always one person buried inside everyone's heart, and perhaps he wouldn't notice forever. Despite this, this person just couldn't be substituded for anyone else.希望能帮到你~

佛山市19632615713: 哪位英语达人,能帮我翻译一下这句中文:因为一个人,爱上一座城.走了一个人,空了一座城.尽量使用英式思维. -
师锦长富:[答案] 因为一个人,爱上一座城.走了一个人,空了一座城.Because of a person,fall in love with a city.Walk a person,a city is empty.Because a person,love a city.Go one,empty city.fall in love with a city because o...

佛山市19632615713: 哪位英语高手愿意帮忙翻译一下下面这句话,中译英的 谢谢啦 -
师锦长富: Anyone who's going to have the class tonight, please help fill in the budget gap for the absents, and then get all your money back by the reimbursement of this month.(Sorry for the inconvenience that the club won't provide invoices, please help ...

佛山市19632615713: 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句句子? -
师锦长富: In this world , there are only two things convulsing our hearts heavily . One is the starry sky on our heads .Another is the lofty moral in our hearts .

佛山市19632615713: 英语翻译哪位外语大神能把这句话翻译成英文或者别的国家的文字吗.翻译的时候注明下是翻译成哪国的语言.那些悲伤的记忆终终会痊愈并最终被遗忘. -
师锦长富:[答案] Those sorrowful memories will be healed and forgotten in time.英语

佛山市19632615713: 英语翻译请哪位英语达人帮忙翻译一句话:新年就要来了,我寄了一样礼物给你,请一定要收下,我只是希望这件东西在新的一年里能给你一点帮助. -
师锦长富:[答案] The New Year is coming. I've sent a gift to you, which I hope that could be useful to you.Please just keep it.

佛山市19632615713: 英语达人 谁能把这句中文翻译成英文 ( 他有一次购物的经历) 还有 这里的购物是做什么成分? -
师锦长富:[答案] He had a shopping experience .购物作定语来修饰经历,a shopping experience 整体作had的宾语.

佛山市19632615713: 英语翻译求翻译.哪位好人英语牛人帮我把这句话翻译成英语句子.“我们不是输给距离就是输给世情.但我没有想到这一天会来的这样早.” 就这句,这个世情... -
师锦长富:[答案] We are not defeat to distance is lost to life.But I did not think of this day would come so early

佛山市19632615713: 哪位英语达人帮我翻译一下“我从未让父母感到骄傲,他们却待我如宝”这句话? -
师锦长富:[答案] I have never let my parents feel proud, but they treat me like a precious. 看过指环王(魔戒)吗,里面的咕噜叫他的指环王就是precious.

佛山市19632615713: 请哪位英语达人 帮忙 翻译下这句话 -
师锦长富: your love lifted me back on my feet 你的爱让我站起来.

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