
作者&投稿:李喻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Does the factory employ children below the age of 16?
2、Are any workers employed involuntarily,e.g.by physical restraint,witheld wages?
3、Are workers forced to lodge deposits or their identity papers with their employers?
4、Are workers subjected to any physical abuse,the threat of physical abuse of intimidating verbal abuse,for any reason?
5、Are workers paid less than the leagal minimum wage?
6、Are adequate procedures in place to verify the ages of workers?
7、Are normal contractual hours(excluding breaks and overtime)less than or equal to 48hrs per week?
8、Are effective procedures in place to record hours of work?


‘Pure English-majoring professionals’ will be facing challenges, while students who major in English in normal schools are becoming popular. Pure English speciality is English speciality which is offered by integrated colleges. Analysts say that because of earlier English education demand for normal school English studying students will still be increasing. After all well-educated English teachers are much needed. Furthermore, lots of entrepreneurs and managers already have some English skills, the demand for 'pure English majoring professionals' relatively shrinks. And English learners from non-English specialities are also a challenge for them. Almost all of the colleges set up English speciality in their early time, but business English, travelling English and normal English are becoming more and more popular in modern day. There is no lack of people who can say or understand a little English in our country. What we really need is senior English professionals. For 'pure English majoring professionals', it's time to move on toward professional direction.

A newspaper survey showed that: in 2002, the rate between Beijing
Foreign Studies University graduates and market demand is 1:8, and 1:10 for English speciality students. As of June, 2006, the employment rate for Beijing-FSU graduates is 98%, and the index for Xian-FUS is 98.4%; the rate for 2001 Shanghai-FUS graduates is 83%; and Guangdong-FUS scored 95% in 2002 in this comparison.

Let's take a look at the top five most popular specialities back in 2000, the following figures are from educational website:

English: accounts for 6.58% of all graduates that have been received by higher educational institutes;
P.E.: accounts for 5.04% of all graduates that have been received by higher educational institutes;
Clinical Medicine: accounts for 3.97% of all graduates that have been received by higher educational institutes;
Computer and its application: accounts for 3.9% of all graduates that have been received by higher educational institutes;
Computer Science & Technology: accounts for 2.34% of all graduates that have been received by higher educational institutes.

It's very obvious that: English speciality tops all of other specialities. In figures provided by ministry of education, English speciality palced well in top-ten specialities that most likely to be recruited by government departments, top-ten specialities that most likely to be incruited by foreign invested enterprises, and top-ten specialities that most likely to be abroad. Its finall palces are 5th (accounts for 2.94% of graduates that have been recruited by government departments), 5th (accounts for 2.27% of all graduates that have been recruited by foreign invested erterprises ) and 3rd (accounts for 3.7% of all graduates).

On top of high employment rate, English speciality students tend to have more opportunities to be abroad. If a student finds something else that is more interesting, he or she could make a easy transition to other specialities, or he or she could become graduate student of other specialities.

normal school: 师范学校

Brief Introducion of Yang GuiFei in English for Foreigners

Yang GuiFei (high-ranked imperial concubine Yang)

The Chinese spelling and pronounciation of high-ranked imperial concubine is “GuiFei”.

Yang GuiFei was born in Si Chuan Province of China in 719 and was dead in 756. When she was dead, she was 38 years old.

The story of high-ranked imperial concubine Yang is as follows:

Before she was be high-ranked imperial concubine of the 7th Emperor of Tang Dynasty “Tang Xuan Zong”, her name was Yang Yu Huan.

The 7th Emperor of Tang Dynasty “Tang Xuan Zong” had one daughter and one son. The daughter and the son were co-twin. When the daughter was holding wedding party in Luo Yang City of He Nan Province, she invited Yang Yu Huan to participate. Yang Yu Huan was loved by her co-twin brother. So, soon Yang Yu Huan was married with him. When the emperor “Tang Xuan Zong” was 56 years old, his empress was dead. So, the emperor looked at the daughter in-law “Yang Yu Huan” as her dead empress because Yang was beautiful like her dead empress. So, the emperor “Tang Xuan Zong” made a robbery of his son's wife and gave a formal position to Yang Yu Huan as high-ranked imperial concubine Yang (Yang GuiFei).

Yang YuHuan was a so jealous high-ranked imperial concubine, but the emperor “Tang Xuan Zong” still loved her and her only so deeply.

The 6th Emperor of Tang Dynasty “Tang Xuan Zong” created the prosperous society during Tang Dynasty and made the world know Chinese as “People of Tang”, but in the late period of his emperor time, he used the wrong ministers to manage the country and made the society full of corruption and also lost the country completely.

Similar to Xi Shi, Yang YuHuan had another beautiful story of “Ashamed Flower” as follows:

When beautiful flowers looked at Yang HuHuan, they were feeling ashamed because Yang YuHuan is so beautiful and charming.
--written by Ms.Zhang Wei of Guangzhou, P.R.China


Yang Guifei (719—56)
Renowned beauty of the Tang dynasty (618-906)


Yang Guifei (Yang Kuei-fey) concubine of the Tang emperor Xuanzong (Hsüan-tsung; 685-762). Renowned beauty of Chinese history. Of humble origins, she is said to have won the favor and passion of the emperor to the extent that he eventually began to neglect state affairs. She adopted An Lu-shan, a general of Turkic origin, as her son and helped him win power at court. A power struggle over control of the central government between An Lu-shan and Yang’s brother led to An’s rebellion in 755. Fleeing the capital before the rebels captured it, angry royal guards, who blamed Yang Guifei and her brother for the rebellion, forced Xuanzong to order their execution. The emperor soon abdicated.Yang Guifei’s story and her tragic end have been a favorite theme for Chinese poets and writers.

Bai Juyi (Pai Chu-i, Bo Juyi, Po Chü-i; 772-846) recounts the tragic love story of Yang Guifei in his long poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" (C: Chang hen ge; J: Chôgonka). He was one of the most famous poets and men of letters of the mid-Tang period. Born in modern Henan, he held several senior official posts during his life-time, although his outspoken criticisms of government policies resulted in his being exiled from Chang'an in 815. A prolific poet with an international reputation, he strove for clarity in his writings and, with his good friend Yuan Zhen, promoted the new yuefu style of poetry. He was a devout Buddhist and many of his poems are very critical of the society of the time. His long poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" was particularly popular among the aristocracy of mid-Heian period Japan as well, which accounts for the numerous references to Bai Juyi and his poems in The Tale of Genji and other works of classical Japanese literature.
Yang Gui Fei is one of the most beautiful ladies of ancient China but she got the most unfortunate compare to those three left.

Yang Gui Fei or Yang Concubine was named Yang Yuhuan, she was a daughter of a nobleman in the little village by her 16 years old, her father sent her into the palace to be a wife of the sixteenth years old 18th prince.

After she got into the palace, her beautiful appearance was well-known after the Emperor Tang Xuanzong heard that he wanted to see this girl so that he went to his son’s palace; once Xuangzong saw Yang Yuhuan he suddenly fell in love with her and accommodated her into his palace. In that time Xuanzong was 56 years old and Yang was 22 years old

Yang Concubine’s character
Yang was not only beautiful but also very clever, learned fast and talented in music and dancing, the sound of music of Yang brought Xuanzong into day-dream.

One day Xuanzong took Yang to see the beautiful white lotus, and said, "The lotus is beautiful without spirit, it cannot be compared with my concubine. My concubine is the best flower in the world."

After several years she became ennobled high-ranked imperial concubine and ranked with the Empress the she was named as Yang Gui Fei.

The smile of Yang Gui Fei was enough to enchant and enrapture the Emperor. Xuanzong loved her more than anything in the world; he even built her a natural warm spring pool which she could take a bath at spring time.

The First Class Concubine’s power
After Yang Yuhuan, a normal ordinary girl from little village became the first class concubine Yang Gui Fei; gradually her family’s member gained the high position in the government the finally Yang’s family gained enormous power in the Tang Court. Yang Guo Zhong who was Yang Gui Fei’s eldest brother became the Prime Minister but he was very corrupt.

At the time people in Tang Dynasty preferred to have a daughter than son because of Yang family who got the glory and wealth form Yang Gui Fei so that people hope their daughter could follow her footsteps to be the favorite concubine of the Emperor.

The End of the Prosperity
After several years that Yang Guo Zhong governed the Tang’s land as a prime minister, people got suffer from his corruption and lived very poor and difficult. An Lu Shan who was the non Han Chinese commander-in-chief and governor of Fan Yang had come to visit Chang An the Capital and found out that the Prime Minister so that he wanted to report to the Emperor but not success by this situation he had made a formidable enemy then Yang Guo Zhong also knew about this and vowed to destroy him.

The Rebellion
Yang Guo Zhong sent troops to ransack An Lu Shan’s house and also killed An Lu Shan’s friend that enraged An Lu Shan so that he wanted to retaliate without no others mission.

An Lu Shan leaded 170,000 troops marched to the Chang An the Capital to make a war against Yang Guo Zhong. An Lu Shan’s troop were unstoppable, they crossed the Yellow River, overran Luo Yang and went straight to Chang An.

The people and also the government of Tang were in panic since the Emperor ordered a mass evacuation then not so long, An Lu Shan occupied the capital and demolished it to the ground.

The Execution
The procession of the Emperor went southwest towards Cheng Du with the thousands of the residents from the capital and after arrived Ma Wei Yi which is about 100 kilometers from the Capital the mass of people stopped and refused to go and protect the Emperor.

People demanded the death of Yang Gui Fei and Yang Guo Zhong since they were the cause of this destruction. Xuanzong had no alternative under such extreme circumstances so that he issued an order the have them executed.

The Prime Minister was carried out for the execution instantly and for Yang Gui Fei was to be executed by hanging from the tree in a nearby hill. At the time Yang Gui Fei cried and begged for life, Xuanzong had powerless to help her but hung his head and buried his face in his dragon robes.

After Yang Gui Fei kicked her bucket and died finally, the crowd were quiet. Yang Gui Fei’s jewelry was scattered all over but nobody picked them up.

The Emperor’s life after the death of his love’s one
The death of Yang Gui Fei brought out the spirit of Xuanzong also, he lost his vitality to continue as Emperor so that he abdicated the throne to his third son, Li Heng who became Emperor Su Zong.

After the rebellion were crushed, Tang Court moved back to Chang An and on the way back to the Capital at the spot where Yang Gui Fei died Xuanzong stopped and he tried to find the place that she was buried but couldn’t.

At the times Xuangzong could not bear to look at the full moon as it reminded him to think of Yang Gui Fei. Xuanzong recited the secret the phrases which nobody knew but him and her.

"Up above the sky we wish we were a pair of birds
On earth we wish we were the two branches of a tree."

At Chang An the capital, the natural warm spring pool was still there and also the flowers and trees but no more Yang Gui Fei. Xuanzong lost his will to live, he lived with grieve only hope he had in that time was to see Yang Gui Fei in his dreams every night. He ordered the soothsayer to search for her spirit but never appear, not even just once…


Yang Yuhuan, the most favorable imperial concubine of Tang Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, once suffered from distention and fullness of the stomach duct and abdomen, diarrhea, and poor appetite.

So, Tang Xuanzong felt uneasy whether sitting or bedding.

Though all the imperial doctors had treated her and many rare medicinal herbs had been used, the disease condition was not improved but deteriorated.

In late autumn, a Taoist priest passed by and recommended himself that he could treat the imperial concubine. So Tang Xuangzong invited the Taoist priest himself.

After examining the pulse of Yang Yuhuan, the Taoist priest found that the pulse had been deep, replete and slippery, and there had been thick and slimy tongue fur on the tongue, which was the syndrome of retention of food at the middle stomach due to spleen-stomach vacuity and dietary irregularities. But the herbs used by the imperial doctors were enriching and slimy in properties, which acted in a diametrically opposite way.

So, he prescribed ten crataegus and 15 g of malt sugar for her and then swaggered off.

Tang Xuanzong half believed and half doubted him. But the imperial concubine's disease was cured unexpectedly after taking the medicine for half a month.

The crataegus was sweet and sour in taste, and warm in property. It has the actions of dispersing food accumulations, dissipating blood stasis, expelling tapeworm, and decreasing blood-lipid and activating blood. It is indicative for food accumulation of meat-type, dysentery, lumbago, hernia, and intestinal wind, especially for postpartum persistent flow of lochia, infantile feeding accumulation and hyperlipemia.
1回答者: 226688999 - 大学士 十六级 10-20 21:55
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Yang Guifei (719—56)
Renowned beauty of the Tang dynasty (618-906)


Yang Guifei (Yang Kuei-fey) concubine of the Tang emperor Xuanzong (Hsüan-tsung; 685-762). Renowned beauty of Chinese history. Of humble origins, she is said to have won the favor and passion of the emperor to the extent that he eventually began to neglect state affairs. She adopted An Lu-shan, a general of Turkic origin, as her son and helped him win power at court. A power struggle over control of the central government between An Lu-shan and Yang’s brother led to An’s rebellion in 755. Fleeing the capital before the rebels captured it, angry royal guards, who blamed Yang Guifei and her brother for the rebellion, forced Xuanzong to order their execution. The emperor soon abdicated.Yang Guifei’s story and her tragic end have been a favorite theme for Chinese poets and writers.

Bai Juyi (Pai Chu-i, Bo Juyi, Po Chü-i; 772-846) recounts the tragic love story of Yang Guifei in his long poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" (C: Chang hen ge; J: Chôgonka). He was one of the most famous poets and men of letters of the mid-Tang period. Born in modern Henan, he held several senior official posts during his life-time, although his outspoken criticisms of government policies resulted in his being exiled from Chang'an in 815. A prolific poet with an international reputation, he strove for clarity in his writings and, with his good friend Yuan Zhen, promoted the new yuefu style of poetry. He was a devout Buddhist and many of his poems are very critical of the society of the time. His long poem "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" was particularly popular among the aristocracy of mid-Heian period Japan as well, which accounts for the numerous references to Bai Juyi and his poems in The Tale of Genji and other works of classical Japanese literature.
Yang Gui Fei is one of the most beautiful ladies of ancient China but she got the most unfortunate compare to those three left.

Yang Gui Fei or Yang Concubine was named Yang Yuhuan, she was a daughter of a nobleman in the little village by her 16 years old, her father sent her into the palace to be a wife of the sixteenth years old 18th prince.

After she got into the palace, her beautiful appearance was well-known after the Emperor Tang Xuanzong heard that he wanted to see this girl so that he went to his son’s palace; once Xuangzong saw Yang Yuhuan he suddenly fell in love with her and accommodated her into his palace. In that time Xuanzong was 56 years old and Yang was 22 years old

Yang Concubine’s character
Yang was not only beautiful but also very clever, learned fast and talented in music and dancing, the sound of music of Yang brought Xuanzong into day-dream.

One day Xuanzong took Yang to see the beautiful white lotus, and said, "The lotus is beautiful without spirit, it cannot be compared with my concubine. My concubine is the best flower in the world."

After several years she became ennobled high-ranked imperial concubine and ranked with the Empress the she was named as Yang Gui Fei.

The smile of Yang Gui Fei was enough to enchant and enrapture the Emperor. Xuanzong loved her more than anything in the world; he even built her a natural warm spring pool which she could take a bath at spring time.

The First Class Concubine’s power
After Yang Yuhuan, a normal ordinary girl from little village became the first class concubine Yang Gui Fei; gradually her family’s member gained the high position in the government the finally Yang’s family gained enormous power in the Tang Court. Yang Guo Zhong who was Yang Gui Fei’s eldest brother became the Prime Minister but he was very corrupt.

At the time people in Tang Dynasty preferred to have a daughter than son because of Yang family who got the glory and wealth form Yang Gui Fei so that people hope their daughter could follow her footsteps to be the favorite concubine of the Emperor.

The End of the Prosperity
After several years that Yang Guo Zhong governed the Tang’s land as a prime minister, people got suffer from his corruption and lived very poor and difficult. An Lu Shan who was the non Han Chinese commander-in-chief and governor of Fan Yang had come to visit Chang An the Capital and found out that the Prime Minister so that he wanted to report to the Emperor but not success by this situation he had made a formidable enemy then Yang Guo Zhong also knew about this and vowed to destroy him.

The Rebellion
Yang Guo Zhong sent troops to ransack An Lu Shan’s house and also killed An Lu Shan’s friend that enraged An Lu Shan so that he wanted to retaliate without no others mission.

An Lu Shan leaded 170,000 troops marched to the Chang An the Capital to make a war against Yang Guo Zhong. An Lu Shan’s troop were unstoppable, they crossed the Yellow River, overran Luo Yang and went straight to Chang An.

The people and also the government of Tang were in panic since the Emperor ordered a mass evacuation then not so long, An Lu Shan occupied the capital and demolished it to the ground.

The Execution
The procession of the Emperor went southwest towards Cheng Du with the thousands of the residents from the capital and after arrived Ma Wei Yi which is about 100 kilometers from the Capital the mass of people stopped and refused to go and protect the Emperor.

People demanded the death of Yang Gui Fei and Yang Guo Zhong since they were the cause of this destruction. Xuanzong had no alternative under such extreme circumstances so that he issued an order the have them executed.

The Prime Minister was carried out for the execution instantly and for Yang Gui Fei was to be executed by hanging from the tree in a nearby hill. At the time Yang Gui Fei cried and begged for life, Xuanzong had powerless to help her but hung his head and buried his face in his dragon robes.

After Yang Gui Fei kicked her bucket and died finally, the crowd were quiet. Yang Gui Fei’s jewelry was scattered all over but nobody picked them up.

The Emperor’s life after the death of his love’s one
The death of Yang Gui Fei brought out the spirit of Xuanzong also, he lost his vitality to continue as Emperor so that he abdicated the throne to his third son, Li Heng who became Emperor Su Zong.

After the rebellion were crushed, Tang Court moved back to Chang An and on the way back to the Capital at the spot where Yang Gui Fei died Xuanzong stopped and he tried to find the place that she was buried but couldn’t.

At the times Xuangzong could not bear to look at the full moon as it reminded him to think of Yang Gui Fei. Xuanzong recited the secret the phrases which nobody knew but him and her.

"Up above the sky we wish we were a pair of birds
On earth we wish we were the two branches of a tree."

At Chang An the capital, the natural warm spring pool was still there and also the flowers and trees but no more Yang Gui Fei. Xuanzong lost his will to live, he lived with grieve only hope he had in that time was to see Yang Gui Fei in his dreams every night. He ordered the soothsayer to search for her spirit but never appear, not even just once…

Open between the first year of the Tang Dynasty, a beautiful daughter called杨玉环, to be elected to the palace. After the palace杨玉环, miss home. One day, gaining her flowers to the garden to see the peonies in full bloom, Rose ... ... want to be locked in the palace, wasted youth, too, alas, a flower in full bloom in front said: "spend it, spend it!岁岁you year after year There are in full bloom, I can stand up when the day? "tearful, she has just spent一摸. Petals immediate contraction in the lower leaves roll up. Thought which, she touched the mimosa. At this time, by a宫娥see.宫娥everywhere that match the杨玉环and flowers, the flowers are Eclisse and lowered his head. "Ashamed to spend," the title of goods. Yang Lingnan favorite lychee, people do everything possible to transport fresh lychee anxious to Chang'an

杨玉环(719 ~ 756), the李隆基Xuanzong宠妃, Koaza Yuhuan, Road No. too true, the people of Shanxi Province. Yang 1.64 meters tall and weighing 138 kg (to be verified). Proficient in music at a young age, both singing and dancing, pretty Chaoqun

According to historical records, there are three sister Yang,国色天香are also called入宫, South Korea, respectively, called his wife, Ms. Qin Guo, Mrs. Guo State, the monthly costs of the gifts of thousands of powder money.

An-Shih Rebellion broke out, fled Xuanzong Changan, passers-by to Ma Wei Po, six before the military refused to say that is because YANG Guo-zhong (Goodfriend's cousin) in Hunni pass, there is a result of the anti-An Lushan, General Hyun ceremony and subordinates that disastrous Yang, YANG Guo-zhong takes to force the reign杨玉环hanging gift. Goodfriend died, aged 38 years.


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