求救 帮我翻译一下这个小短文 汉翻英

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翻译文章 英翻汉~


教育程度不断加剧引起了亚洲妇女工作的新品种 - 信心,有能力和竞争管理人员。区域统计数字表明,妇女现已大大地促进了劳动力和,而男子则仍然有大部分的高层职位,许多妇女坐在院长,董事总经理等职务。
今天,在大多数中国城市妇女就业率非常高 - 只有百分之几比男性的就业率。

根据收入数据服务(IDS),英国似乎是快接近1点时,将被视为许多女性员工是男性,虽然一半的妇女从事非全时就业。 IDS的预测,在未来数月的工作损失更可能继续影响比女性多兼职工人提供更多的全职男性工人。


The transnational marriage is a tidal current which current emerges, is one time obtains the money to many Chinese, the reputation becomes reconciled the life opportunity. But brings along with it, also has the need question. For instance, the language is different, the cultural difference, the habits and customs are different. The hope obtains a section of happy transnational marital person, needs to do many preparatory works, for instance studies the spouse country the language, understands their culture and the habits and customs. And experiences the thinking mode which many and the traditional culture disobeys likely.

But the transnational marriage also has many advantage, for example can give birth to one attractively the intelligent person of mixed blood. Can understand many foreign land customs and the wonderful scenery. At the same time, may change own thought custom.

The transnational marriage, is a challenge is also an opportunity. But regardless of you like or not, was one kind which more and more young people pursued lives.

Transnational marriage is currently a new trend, a chance for many Chinese to get money, fame and even a better life. The adaption issue pops up since the advent of such a trend. For example, differences in languages, cultures and ways of life. For those who want to have a happy transnational marriage, much preparation work has to be done, such as learning the language of the country where the spouse lives, learning the cultures and ways of life and even learning to adapt to such ways of thinking which are somewhat different to the traditional Chinese cultures.
On the other hand, the transnational marriage also bears many benefits, such as a beautiful and smart mixed blood, among other things. The transnational marriage may also enable one to appreciate many exotic customs and charming sceneries and change the way one thinks.
Transnational marriage is both a challenge and also an opportunity. Whether like it or not, more and more young people are after this kind of life.

Transnational marriage is one strands of tidal current being on the rise currently , is that the once obtains money to a lot of Chinese, fame chance being at peace living. But bring about with that, also have need question. Bi Ru , language diversity , culture differences, habits and customs is different. The people who wants to get a segment of happy transnational marriage, needs to do much preparation job, for instance , the language learning from the spouse country's , knows their culture and habits and customs. And, go through much sum tradition culture resembles the erroneous mode of thinking.
But, transnational marriage also has much benefit, for instance , being able to give birth to a beautiful clever mixed-blood. Be able to have a taste of much foreign country custom and splendid scene. At the same time, can change self thought habit.
Transnational marriage, is that a challenge is also a opportunity. But, being a kind of that more and more many young person runs after whether you like it or not, is to have lived.


灵台县18676734784: 求救 帮我翻译一下这个小短文 汉翻英 -
良非代宏: 手工翻译,不要机译Transnational marriage is currently a new trend, a chance for many Chinese to get money, fame and even a better life. The adaption issue pops up sin...

灵台县18676734784: 帮我翻译下这篇短文 汉译英 急用谢谢 -
良非代宏: I went to Hainan Island to travel, I fly to, where a very clear, I would like to see the sea, is the United States, the fruit here is very large, eat well, I played very happy, I wish you good health,

灵台县18676734784: 请帮我翻译一则小短文 -
良非代宏: 宋有狙公者,爱狙,养之成群,能解狙之意,狙亦得公之心.损其家口,充狙之欲,俄而匮焉.将限其食,恐众狙之不驯于己也,先诳之曰:“与若茅,朝三暮四,足乎?”众狙皆起而怒.俄而曰:“与若茅,朝四暮三,足乎?”众狙皆伏而喜.翻译:宋国有一个猴翁,(他)喜爱猕猴,所养的猕猴(多得)成了群,(他)能理解猕猴的意思,猕猴也懂得他 的心意.(他甚至)节省家人的口粮,来满足猕猴们的食欲,不久也还是不够.准备限制它们的食量,恐怕猕猴们不听从自己的,先骗它们说:“给你们的橡子,早晨三个晚上四个,够吗?”所 有的猕猴都跳起来发怒.然后他又说:“给你们的橡子,早晨四个晚上三个,够吗?”所有猕猴都趴下了表示开心.

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灵台县18676734784: 请帮我翻译下面这篇短文(汉译英) -
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