
作者&投稿:隆马 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

where to put my feet 是做wonder的宾语
It takes sb some time to do sth。 做某事花费某人多长时间 是固定句型
metal footrest 金属搁脚板

i will pay back for everything that i have suffered to you

First of all,首先
thank you all for watching “Moonlight”.感谢大家收看“月光”
I hope you all liked the story and the characters so far. 我希望你们已经被故事情节和演员表演深深打动
It was few hard working months for all of us, 这几个月来的工作有一定的难度
and I’m glad it’s getting excellence ratings.我很高兴看到努力取得的荣誉。

Many of you ask where I was this week.你们很多人问我这礼拜我到哪去了
Well, I took a personal visit to the States for for family matters.我因为家庭的原因去美国做了一趟私人拜访。
(I did get in time for the Olympic opening though :-D)我的确赶上了看奥运会开幕式 :-D

Only my flight back,我的飞行刚刚结束
I came across this interview with Natalie Portman,我就拜访了娜塔莉波曼
what she said in her interview made me think,她在采访中说的话让我联想到
and reflect on what it means to be an actress,作为一个女演员的意义
the following is quoted from the magazine: 以下是我引用杂志上的话

An Ivy-Leaguer like Portman is hardly going to get worked up over her inches of tabloid space anyways, having expressed a long-term desire to pursue research in her college major, psychology. But who says the two are mutually exclusive? The actress demonstrates her aptitude for understanding both: ” Acting is really fulfilling on a personal level, but I don’t know how much it contributes to the world, ” she musese, ” although i think a world witout movies and theater would be a sad one. I think there’s definite need for entertainment and stories about people. As a person, you practice empathy. That’s your job. You say, ‘I wonder waht that person’s life is like?’ That’s a really cool way to look at the world, to try to understand what other people are feeling ad think about how their lives must be. That sounds presumptuous but at the same time, it’s pretty amazing to get to do over and over again… It’s very different from all the self-centredness that being a movie star is. They’re polar opposites, all ouside of yourself and not thinking about other people, which is exciting.”


Natalie really puts together what it means to be an actor in a understandable way.娜塔莉的确以一种不可思议的方式为女演员下了一个定义
It isn’t about the fame,与名望无关
nor about the meaningless gossips the tabloids make up. 也不是小报报道的那种毫无意义的闲聊式采访
It’s about how to find one’s role in society.而是关于一个人如何在社会中寻找到自己的角色
What she said really gave me a peace of mind. 她说的那些话真的给我的内心带来了平静(是功夫熊猫里的师父吗?)

英文翻译,,, 高手 的英文是什么
mater-hand whiz proficient 等,在英语中,翻译为"专家"的都可以称为高手.坚决抵制机器翻译!!!

1、I turned away and looked out of the window. 我转过脸望向窗外。2、don't turn your anger on the children. 不要对小孩子发火。3、he turns 20 in june. 到六月他就满20岁了。4、she turned against her old friend. 她敌对了她的老朋友。5、why did he turn down your invitation...

1. Well begun is half done, as the saying goes.常言道,好的开端是成功的一半。好的开端是成功的一半,三种常用表达方式:1)Well begun is half done.2)A good beginning is half done.3)A good beginning is half success.2、The police grilled him for over an hour.警方盘问了他一个...

1、Experience showed that success is due more to enthusiasm than to ability 经验表明成功更多的取决与热情而不是能力 2.、A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is 没有爱的家就不是家,就像一个人没有了灵魂 not a man 3、Drunken driving is no less t...

英语高手 翻译歌词
Tell me where I'm going...告诉我我正在走向何方 Tell me where I'm bound...告诉我该去哪里 Turn the pages over 翻过书页 Turn the world around 翻转世界 Open up the broken door for all lost will be found 打开破碎的门,拯救所有迷失的人 Walk into the empty room but never make...

20. I realize that the highest good of the people.我意识到人类最大的好处了 21. So I can make some money and take it easy.所以我可以挣钱并能很容易就得到它 22. The study draw on surveys of 5,000 college faculty, 4,000 undergraduates and 1,000 high school students.这个团体...

mission attempts 任务尝试(次数)playing time 游戏时间 day passed in game 游戏中以过天数 safehouse visits 进安全房(次数)rampages passed hidden packages found 已找到的隐藏包 people you have wasted 你废掉的人 people wasted by others 被别人废掉的人 road vehicies destroyed ...

2.标准 standard 3.依法中高效 Legal yet efficient \/ efficiency in legality 4.高效 (highly) efficient \/ (high) efficiency 5.严谨中温情 Prudent yet tender \/ Tenderness in prudency 6.温情 tender \/ tenderness 7.感动是追求 Heart-touching is the pursuit 8.追求 pursuit...

launch a general strike 掀起大规模罢工 achieve one's aim of 实现某人的某项目标 drop out 退出 bring sb to one's knees 使某人屈服 give rise to 引起、导致 bring about 引起、带来 keep off 避开 in descending order 以降序形式 in\/of itself 实质上、本身是\/自然地、...

1employ一些自我提升策略研究什么叫“高于平均水平的影响 2Psychologist aoversaw a key studying into self-enhancement and attractiveness。 Rather that have people simply rate their beauty compress with others.2psychologist aoversaw重点研究自增强和吸引力。而有人率压缩与他人的美。3Visual ...

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手,翻译成中文 -
伍制天方: 1.i have tryed all these ways to adjust myself,to relase pressure.2.music is a inconceivabal lauguage ,it can also express different emotion.3.these friends from daily life and lnternt, they all take part of my time at parttime and workdays .4.press ,can ...

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求高手英语翻译 -
伍制天方: 零售商们站在火线的最前沿,并且首当其冲将承受这次降低成本所带来的冲击.be in the immediate line of意思是“站在…的最前沿”.

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手帮忙翻译!!!!别用翻译器,那不准. -
伍制天方: 1.He goes to moives once a week.2.She always gets up early,but she plans to get up late today.3.Where was he the day before yesterday? He was in Paris.4.

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手翻译 -
伍制天方: 原句语法不完善:试着补充1、what i expect is to get out of school. 我所期望的是设法走出学校.2、what can I expect to get out of school. 离开学校,我能期望得到什么?3、what should i expect to get out of school. 离开学校,我该期望什么?

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求高手翻译成英语. -
伍制天方: 我有一个梦想,想成为篮球高手!进入NBA是我一个伟大遥远的梦!我爱你,篮球.等着我宝贝,来吧,我是天才!美女,崇拜我吧!I have a dream to become a basketball player! The NBA is me a great distant dream! I love you, basketball. Wait for me baby, come on, I be a genius! Beauty, worship me!

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手翻译 -
伍制天方: 1.Usually, men go shopping with direct motive.They go away as soon as they finish buying what they want. While women do not. Women spend much time shopping. They like goods in discount a...

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手,翻译!懂的来,速度采纳! -
伍制天方: 1. No matter where you are, I will find you. 2. I dare to go there, but he daren't. (dare 敢 可作情态动词也可用作实意动词)

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手来翻译一下!谢谢! -
伍制天方: 【翻译】 Hi XXX,My favorite song is Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson, I love all his songs. I have mentioned that I watch NBA on occasionally. So I don't know too much about Oklahoma Thunders, but I think every player is great! Maybe I have ...

嘉峪关市18213999428: 求英语高手给翻译 ! -
伍制天方: 1.西方人 westerners2.敲邻居的门 knock on your neightbours3.把蜡烛放在里面 put the candles in4.光透过···闪烁 The light glimmered through5.人们以多种方式庆祝万圣节 People celebrate...

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伍制天方: We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these figures. 我们无法保证这些数字的准确性.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of descriptions and information contained...

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