
作者&投稿:慈衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你可以到网上看一下,很多自由译员接的稿件总会出现这样那样的问题,解决不了人家就说是骗子,这样的事儿太多了。还是找家像样的翻译公司吧,都不耽误时间和精力,个人推荐共明翻译,译员很好,公司也很专业。 http://insight27.blog.163.com/blog/static/18949614620116731759928/

Project: Design and Presswork for Introduction of Products.

A and B reach a agreement according to the project which mentioned above.

1 B should design as A's request and press after B's confirmation.

2 B should deliver all the finished productions to the place where A appointed.

3 Cost (details in attachment)

4 Total cost: Two Thousand Four Hundred and Ten RMB Only.

5 Term of payment: The project should finished within one week. A check the invoice and pay for B.

6 Others: All the design are owned by A and B should keep secret for A.

In the period of contract, all the accidents caused by undisputable reasons (such as disaster, war, dust, law and statute ) should settled by negotiation.


1, this contract agreement for the procurement of equipment and its operation covered by this contract or based on the description and specifications in line, was fully applicable to the production or sale of the purpose of the buyer and seller know the specific purpose of using the product. At the same time, the seller to ensure that the equipment and its parts do not exist the following circumstances: a, materials and workmanship defects; b, design flaws. But by the buyer to provide design flaws except for the operation.
2, in accordance with the applicable state laws.
3, the seller provides the equipment, parts and components is new and has not been used before.
4, the equipment and spare parts do not exist that could endanger people using personal and property damage of insecurity.
5, the day before the warranty expires at any time, if the equipment and its parts can not achieve the above-mentioned provisions of the guarantee, then the buyer correction request, the seller should bear all the costs and immediately a, the location of the equipment installation Repair or correction of the equipment or spare parts, until achieving the above provisions of the guarantee, or b, in the removal of the equipment installed equipment or spare parts, and (a) repair or correction of the equipment or spare parts, until the guarantee to achieve the foregoing provisions of the request and Will return to its original installation, or (b) the installation of the equipment, the provision and installation of a new guarantee to achieve the aforementioned requirements and meet the terms of the contract on the terms of equipment and spare parts of equipment or spare parts. If the seller fails to put the buyer's request after a timely compliance with the above terms and b, the buyer the right to notify the seller, to the implementation of a third person or entrusted the implementation of the above work. The seller should the buyer after the completion of the work has 30 days to pay the full cost, but before the payment of this fee, the buyer to the seller to provide invoices.
Here refers to the quality and maturity, equipment put into operation on the date for months, but not more than equipment delivered to the place of delivery under the contract on the date of the month, in the months and months of warranty , Such as the repair of equipment requires the seller to the buyer, the seller under the contract to complete the repair work all the time spent is not included in warranty period, the warranty period recalculated.
If the above requirements, including performance testing, the seller to ensure that such equipment in the performance test, according to the specifications of the standard continuous running, but the design by the buyer caused by the failure of any operation except. If the equipment could not reach by the provisions ensure that the requirements should require the buyer, the seller should immediately above (a) or (b) of the provisions of correction, and bear the related costs.
If this contract contains more than one device, the above provisions were applied to ensure that each device.

The first party through consider formally, decide appointing the second party provides particularly an item a law service.Was negotiated by A, B both parties, make following agreement especially, act according to implement together.A, the second party accept the first party to appoint, ...

Numbers the Nanchang multi-forest biology medicine limited company to process the contract the party of the first part: Time: ___second party: Place: _ _consults after both sides, signs this contract and fulfills seriously.1.Processing project commodity name specification unit quantity...

佣金协议书 Commission agreement 合同号:Contract no.:甲方:延边星海文化传媒有限公司 Party A: Yanbian Xinghai culture media Co., Ltd.乙方:Party b:本协议书经甲乙双方在平等互利基础上达成,双方经协商一致,签订本合同。This agreement by both parties on the basis of equality and reciprocity...

Party B shall be prescribed in the party time and in the development of the site layout and operation management, subject to Party A, Party A shall not damage the internal facilities, ensure the meeting site intact, according to Party A's requirements to complete the layout ...

先生。贾森·吴-主席 护照-号码:代表NEWPOWER集团 RM汉英9楼中国海外建筑业、139号路。香港湾仔轩尼诗道 在他面前站立得住。签署___ ___ ___ ___……名称:___ ___ ___ ___ ___……登记号码:___ ___ ___ ___这是我好不容易翻译的啊,嘿嘿 ...

In addition, either Party may also annul this Agreement by notice thereof to the other Party if bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganising proceedings, or other proceedings analogous in nature or effect, are instituted by or against the other Party, the other Party is dissolved or ...

急求 将简单中文合同段落翻译成英文,谢谢
responsibility, without the written consent of Party A, shall not disclose to any third party.3, without the prior written consent of Party A, Party B shall not be party information known training in the process of making use of the training cases.求采纳!!!

explicit in the written agreement.Upon the expiration date of this contract, if no written agreement is made on resuming the contract, the contract will be declared to be expired. The labor and hiring relationship between part A and part B ends at the expiration date.完全手翻 ...

在这份合同协议中,除条款另有规定外,以下的表述还应包括以下的涵义 1.1 "Completion Date" means within one(01) month from the date after receipt of firm confirmation or such other date as the “SELLER” and the “BUYER” may agree in writing or upon signing “SELLER” Performa ...

Third party a will provide the relevant information, documentation and timeConstruction drawing design stage: the main building construction set, the main building construction plan set ( including electronic version )Fourth Party A Party B to the delivery of the design documents, the ...

浉河区13267023493: 合同英语翻译,,英译汉,急急急,,求高手帮忙!! -
占法苦参: 本合同包含相关内容之详尽解释的条目.请签署并回传合同副本.严禁私自对本合同进行任何修改.如果本合同之内容有任何值得商榷或需要修改之处,请即刻通过传真、电报、电传或有线通信等方式与我方取得联系;若我方认可相关修改,则会向贵方发送修订后的合同进行签署.本合同将在以下任一条件最早满足时即刻生效:自贵方签署起;自贵方收到本合同、且我方未收到贵方要求进行修订的书面建议的5日后;自贵方向我方提供任何本合同所涉及之货品起;自我方向贵方发出与本合同相关的要约、而贵方收到该要约后的5日内并未向我方书面拒绝起.本合同未生效前,不得取代相关各方关于合同所涉及之货品在本合同生效之前的任何约定.

浉河区13267023493: 保密合同的翻译..英译中...急求...谢谢各位英语高手了...希望不要用机器翻...第一次用没什么分...抱歉了.. -
占法苦参: 1. Purpose. The Parties would like to discuss a potential business relationship or transaction involving Potash One's greenfield potash mine in Saskatchewan in Canada (the “Transaction”). In connection therewith, each Party may disclose or ...

浉河区13267023493: 合同翻译帮助 - 英翻中
占法苦参: 1.如果任何行动或衡平法上的行动,其中包括对de-claratory救济,或解释执行本协议的规定,胜诉方有权合理的律师费和成本,这可能是由法庭在同样的动作或在一个单独的行为带来的目的,除了其他救济,甲方有权.同样的“胜诉方”标准的权利来合理的律师费和费用应当适用于该事件,也从事律师发包人承包人的任何仲裁有关本协议的条款及条件,但没有任何media-tion. 2.如果任何一方必须赔偿另一方因违反本协议或其他损害责任的行为,应当限于损失程度的影响,但不包括任何间接的或间接损失或伤害,比如,损失的利润、损失的收入损失,机会或损失的壮举,在任何情况下(包括点球)这样的责任,不应超过总金额的协议.

浉河区13267023493: 求以下合同文本内容的英文翻译,急! -
占法苦参: A and B the two sides honest and trustworthy, mutual benefit, through friendly consultations, agree as follows:As the Party in China continued to expand in urgent nee...

浉河区13267023493: 高分急求大神翻译合同条款!!!英文翻译成中文!!!跪谢大神!!! -
占法苦参: Warranty of Services.服务保证(保修条款):We warrant that our services will be performed in accordance with generally accepted standards in the industry for a three (3) months period after completion.我方保证:我方将按照公认的行业标准在...

浉河区13267023493: 急求将简单中文合同段落翻译成英文?急求将简单中文合同段落翻译成英
占法苦参: 用浏览器打开百度翻译,将中文段落复制进去.选定目标语言为英语,点击翻译

浉河区13267023493: 急!求大神帮忙翻译一段英文合同!谢谢啦! -
占法苦参: 在任何情况下,一方将承担因本协议而产生的任何种类或性质的任何间接的,附带的,特殊的,间接的,或惩罚性的损害,无论这种责任是断言的基础上,合同,侵权(包括可能疏忽或严格责任),否则,即使一方有蜂警告说,这种损失或损害的可能性,即使在本协议中的任何有限的补救措施未能实现其基本目的.本节中的限制将不适用于故意的不当行为,人身伤害索赔,赔偿义务,违反根据本协议授予的许可证,或违反保密义务.望采纳 谢谢!

浉河区13267023493: 求合同条款英译中!急~在线等
占法苦参: 卖方有权向任何第三方在没有任何通知或买方同意的情况下从买方收回和转售国内任何货物(如适用),而这样的损失和卖方在任何偶然或必然的的情况下转售所造成的损失一样

浉河区13267023493: 急!求一段英文合同翻译,请各位帮帮忙! -

浉河区13267023493: 急!翻译高手请帮忙英翻中 合作协议书的句子: 谢谢! -
占法苦参: 此协议于2011年元月1日由A(以下均称为“公司”),签署文本表明该公司拥有许可受让人和继任者的权力.和 B公司代表处位于中国,XXXXXX(以下均称为“代理商”)签订生效.

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