
作者&投稿:郦宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The service content absolutely does not have the infrigement to the extant any copyright or harms; Certainly not violates to the extant any agreement; Slander content; The related fact really narrates completely; Any has not been easy the content which causes the criminal activity or civil sues discusses.

party a and party b through _________ countries/regions __________ company buys afore-mentioned goods, _________ company signed by party a and the purchase contract, perform the contract.

The first party through consider formally, decide appointing the second party provides particularly an item a law service.
Was negotiated by A, B both parties, make following agreement especially, act according to implement together.
A, the second party accept the first party to appoint, the Wu's peace lawyer, Qin who agrees to appoint business office enters a lawyer, 莉莉 the lawyer procures for the first party's this ownership of a share or the settlement provide particularly an item law a service.
Two, the first party point to send Fan 惠 deeply is work contact person, keep in touch with the second party, help the second party to open an exhibition work.
Three, the second party according to generally accepted standard and earnest responsible spirit of the morals norm, business of lawyer's profession, according to provision and the request concerning supervisor section of law laws, for the first party originally time the ownership of a share procure or the settlement provide the law service of following scope:
1, provide to procure with this ownership of a share or clear up accounts a related law consultation for the first party, carry on law argument, provide the law opinion the book when it's necessary;
2, help draft, modify, investigate this time ownership of a share to procure or clear up accounts the law document needed in accepting the first party to entrust when it's necessary, participating to procure or clearing up accounts a negotiation;
Other the law service having something to do with this ownership of a share procuring or clearing up accounts.
Four, the second party's work method
The legal adviser practices to expect to transact uncertain, the first party needs a legal adviser processing concerning the law business, should notify the second party in advance.If meet urgent business, can contact at any time, carrying out in time.
Five, this time particularly item the charge way of the law service
1, the first party the seventh introverted second party's 1 time pays renminbi 80,000 dollars after this agreement take effect.
2, if the ownership of a share procures completion, the first party is additionally another to pay to remunerate 280,000 dollars toward the second party. 3, the first party should provide convenience while carrying out law business for the second party, and according to undertake the transportation, communication, text that the second party therefore takes place to print, differ trip actually and other relevant expenses.
Six, keep secret item
The data of the relevant first party or connection company whom the second party knows during the period of this contract performance, include any business data, development policy, personnel policy, law and litigation strategy, technique information and conduct skill...etc., all belong to the business secret of the first party and its connection company, the second party has an obligation of keep secret, can not publish, usage or allow an others usage, and it keeps secret the restriction that the term is free from this agreement term.
Seven, this agreement term of validity is a year, signing from this agreement of day since calculation.
Eight, this agreement don't matter of exerting, after both parties negotiating consistently can carry on modification and complement.
Nine, this agreement the both parties' representative sign and add a cover unit an official seal to take effect namely behind.This agreement A, B both parties are each to keep 1.

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The future is the dream, to the intense preparations today, but also to face the feelings of happiness, and this is my life and faith and direction. When passing through the dark tunnel of fear is temporary, but can see the tunnel of light, like the last one people have ...

高三句子翻译 中译英
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指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be…”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补...

今晚急求 中英翻译
Why is the Chinese people and Westerners in public and in society have the opposite of the performance? Cultural differences part of the interpretation of the problem. Chinese culture is built on the basis of collectivism. Chinese were the first to see themselves as members of the ...

22寻求专业翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要...
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金牛区19458186711: 谁能帮我翻译以下关于合同的文字? 很着急.要准确.谢谢!有追加100! -
展雨宁雪: The first party and the second party reach the agreement after the consultation to be as follows: The first article: The room rents wi...

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展雨宁雪: 这是法律文书,奖励分少了点!!1.乙方应当根据甲方的要求,为甲方指派符合条件的人员.如乙方为甲方指派之人员不符合甲方要求的条件或无法为甲方提供其所需之服务的,乙方应在收到甲方的书面通知后,为甲方重新寻找合适人选.乙方...

金牛区19458186711: 合同翻译,英译中 -
展雨宁雪: DATED THIS 07th September DAY OF 2009 日期 2009年9月7日 Between Mr.Juergen Krahe – Sole proprietor 签约方:Juergen Krahe先生―――独资企业 Passport-No.: 605882863 护照号码 On behalf of Krahe Consulting 代表Krahe咨询公司 ...

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展雨宁雪: 1.要求单证: -由马士基(中国)有限公司出具的全套已装船提单,空白抬头,空白背书,通知方为(…),注明运费到付;或者由马士基(中国)有限公司出具的运输公司货物收条. -5份发票 -3份装箱单 -受益人出具的表明产地证明原件及发票...

金牛区19458186711: 英语商贸合同翻译跪求速度,翻完追加奖励 -
展雨宁雪: 一)约会.受本协议的条款和条件,公司特此任命代理为其独家代理,市场和推广产品,并征求采购订单的产品,在中国境内.代理商接受这样的任命,并同意不使用第三方履行义务依照本协议未经事先书面同意的公司.双方明确同意,代理人无权进入协议或代表公司做出任何承诺.(b)限制代理人的活动.代理人不得:我)从事任何促销活动有关境外产品指示主要客户,2)征求订单从任何潜在产品

金牛区19458186711: 日译中 合同 -
展雨宁雪: 甲乙双方はチャーター机につきまして、以下のことに合意し、诚実かつ信用に基づき、共益を求め、下记の协议を交わす.甲は乙に、成都ー大阪间において、4日间のチャーターサービスを提供する.当チャーター机の机种は**型、発着时刻、シート数及び席状况は下记の通りとする.(ファーストクラス、エコノミークラス、ビジネスクラスの具体的な席数) 楽々シートにつくましては、お客様からクラスアップの要求がある场合、御一人様プラス**元で提供するものとする.

金牛区19458186711: 合同中英文的翻译 -
展雨宁雪: 此外,在出现发起或针对合同一方破产、无力偿债程序、重组程序或类似程序的情形下,合同相对方均可通知一方解除本合同.合同一方解散或清算的,无论自愿或非自愿,应为其全部或俱重要性的资产委派接收人或受托管理人,或为其债权人的利益而转让.

金牛区19458186711: 合同英语 翻译,求高手翻译 -
展雨宁雪: 本协议将在所有的缔约方签署本协议的日期起开始生效,效力并追溯至初始接触的日期.本协议自签署日起有效期为5年,届时将会每年自动更新,直至缔约双方以书面同意终止.

金牛区19458186711: 大学商务英语合同翻译 中译英6 -
展雨宁雪: 以下皆为商业合同标准翻译:15. Force Majeure The Seller shall not be held responsible for delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading. The ...

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