
作者&投稿:汤战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

clean the floor 扫地

clean the house 打扫房间

collect stamps 集邮

come back 回来

come from 来自……

come here 来这里

come in 进来

come on 过来/加油

come to tea 来喝茶

cook the meal 煮饭

crash into 撞向

dig a hole 挖坑

do housework 做家务

do morning exercises 晨练

do one’s homework 做作业

do some reading 读点书

do sports 做运动

draw a picture 画画

drink some water 喝些水

drive a car 驾车

fall over 跌倒

fill the hole with earth 用泥土填坑

get off 下车

get out of 走出(……之外)

go and have a look 去看一看

go back 回去

go boating 去划船

go fishing 去钓鱼

go for a walk 去散步

go home 回家

go on a diet 节食

go out 出去

go shopping 去购物

go sightseeing 去观光

go skating 去溜冰

go skiing 去滑雪

go straight on 直走

go swimming 去游泳

go to bed 去睡觉

go to school 去上学

go to the cinema 去看电影

go to work 去上班

have a bath 洗澡

have a Chinese lesson 上语文课

have a cold 感冒

have a fever 发烧

have a good time 玩得开心

have a headache 头痛

have a look 看一看

have a picnic 举行野餐活动工

have a rest 休息

have a stomachache 胃痛

have a tooth-ache 牙痛

have a trip 去旅游

have a try 试一试

have been to 到过

have breakfast 吃早餐

have fun 玩得开心

have lunch 吃午饭

have some coke 喝些可乐

have supper/dinner 吃晚饭

have time 有时间

just a minute 等一下

just now 刚才

keep a diary 记日记

let me see 让我想一想/让我看一看

listen to music 听音乐

listen to the CDs 听CD 碟

listen to the radio 听收音机

make friends 交朋友

make the bed 整理床铺

mark the pupils’ homework批改作业

next to 下一个

no problem 没问题

paint a picture 涂画

pick up 捡起

plant trees 种树

play badminton 打羽毛球

play basketball 打篮球

play cards 打牌

play football 踢足球

play games 玩游戏

play table tennis 打乒乓球

play tennis 打网球

play the guitar 弹吉他

play the piano 弹钢琴

put away 放好

put on 穿上

put the tree into the hole 把树放进洞里

ride a bike 骑自行车

see a film 看电影

surf the Net 上网

take a message 传递信息

take exercise 进行锻炼

take medicine 服药

take off 脱下

take photos 照相

turn off 关闭

turn on 打开

wait a moment 稍等一下

wait for 等候

wash clothes 洗衣服

wash dishes 洗碟子

watch a football match 看足球赛

watch TV 看电视

water the flower 浇花

water the tree 浇树

write a letter 写信

read the letters读信
buy a cake for him为他买个蛋糕
be fine很好
go to school去上学
say hello to sb向某人问好
say goodbye to sb向某人再见
visit my school参观我的学校
look at a photo看图片
welcome to our school欢迎来到我们学校
behind the lake在湖后面
feed the birds 喂鸟
make a note 写笔记
in the zoo在动物园
play football踢足球
between the lakes在湖中间
have an ice cream吃冰淇淋
close the gate 关门
near the left of my house在我房子的左边
on the left of the park在公园的右边
in the middle of trhe playground在操场的中间
play a game玩游戏
on their left在他们左边
pick the flowers摘花
in Tom's school在汤母的学校
at the back of在~~的后面
wake up叫醒
look at the time看时间
want to go to sleep想去睡觉
be nice to sb对人好
be friendly to sb对人友好
be polite to sb.对人礼貌
be helpful to sb.对人乐于助人
chat with each other互相交谈
get a letter from sb.得到来信
hear from sb.得到来信
go home 回家
write a letter写信
have fun得到乐趣
do sport做运动
do exercise做运动
keep a diary写日记
send them to her发它们给他
watch too much TV看太多电视
listen to her听他
want to know想知道
show sb. sth.给某人看某物
e-mail me发邮件给我
practise with my friends与朋友门练习
use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事
go to the school library去校图书馆
make model planes做模型飞机
tell your friends about your school life
walk him带他散步
ask for help寻求帮助
get some imfoemation得到信息
say it again再说一遍
hear sb. well听清楚
have a trip旅行
meet uo with sb.与某人见面
need to pactise it more需要多练
from one to another从这到另一个
organize the class trip组织旅行
teach us English 教我们英语
go to the Computer Club去电脑俱乐部
go to her dancing lesson去他的舞蹈棵
be busy doing sth.忙于某事
on the football field在足球场
at the end of在~~末尾
know a lot about computers知道许多关于电脑
from day to day 日复一日
greet your partners问候你的搭档
use sth.more than once不止一次使用
learn more about the world了解更多世界
borrow your pen 借你的钢笔
every day excpet Mondays每天除了星期一
have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事
like all the lessons喜欢所有课程
start a role-piay开始分角色扮演
start to learn English 开始学英语
be good at擅长
do well in擅长
be clever at擅长
like dancing喜欢舞蹈
in Class1在一斑
in the classroom在教室
wear glasses戴眼镜
look after the e-dog 照顾电子狗
live in Beijing住在北京
make friends叫朋友
read the book读书
on this floor在这层
in Nanjing在南京
in the street在这条街
far from原离
start school开始上学
meet sb.见某人
meet new friends见新朋友
after school放学后
after class下课后
listen to music听音乐
love him very much非常喜欢他
write about yourself写自己
on the badminton court在羽毛球场地
in the swimming pool在游泳池
talk with sb.和某人交谈
eat in a restaurant在餐馆吃饭
at the weekend在周末
on the farm在农场
collect the eggs收集鸡蛋
sing a song唱歌
play for效力
in the next World Cup在下一届世界杯
in Part One在第一部分
in English用英语
in the school Reading Club在英语俱乐部
help you帮助你
work with others合作
at home在家
stick your photo here把你的照片贴在这
sound great听起来好
sweet smell闻起来香
play happily玩得开心
go to clubs 去俱乐部
living place 居住地
on Page 19在十九部分
at school在学校
have a good time玩得开心
do morning exercises做早操
at lunchtime在午餐时间
in the playground在操场
send a e-mail发邮件
watch football games看足球比赛
play badminton打羽毛球
watch TV看电视
play together一起玩
under the tree在树下
at the new school在新学校
look at the posters看海报
be answered被回答
need to 需要
eat nice food吃好的食物
practise saying练习说
inthe Building B在大楼B里
clean the classroom打扫教室
stand up 起立
sit down坐下
more than once不止一次
dress as a ghost打扮成鬼
at 8 p.m在下午八点
make larnters做灯
complate the notes完成笔记
make some notes写笔记
out of出自
hear every thing听见所有
have a holiday 有一个假期
be on holiday度假
see the doctor看病
talk about讨论
at Christmas在圣诞节
be born出生
on Monday在星期一
in May在5月
want a party想要个聚会
finish homework完成作业
buy mooncakes买月饼
have a party举行聚会
look for寻找
in the year在一年里
draw a picture画花
western people西方人
play a game完游戏
write a plan写计划
have to必须
go there去那
open the door开门
close the window关窗
by bike骑车
by bus坐汽车
come from来自
at the shop在商店
play with friends和朋友玩
under the bed在床下
make a card做张卡片
go to my home去我家
watch the moon赏月
have a look看看
have a party举行聚会
buy a cake买蛋糕
buy them买他们
near the school在学校附近
go fishing去钓鱼
go running去跑步
in the morning在早晨
in the afternoon在下午
at night在晚上
in the evening在夜晚
have a car 有一辆汽车
eat dumplings吃饺子
eat the cake吃蛋糕
have a dinner举行晚宴

动词及动词短语考点归纳 动词和短语动词是高考试题考查的一大热点。高考试题对动词和短语动词的考查主要集中在:动词词义辨析、动词的习惯搭配、短语动词的搭配及含义辨析等。估计2009年还会将此作为考查的重点。下面结合近几年试题中常见的考点做如下归纳,希望同学们从中得到启发。 一、一般动词常见考点 1. 动词词义辨析;2. 同义动词比较; 3. 一词多义的考查; 4. 动词与句中其它词的惯用搭配; 5. 及物动词与不及物动词的比较; 6. 动词的主动形式表示被动含义。 [典型考例] 1. As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to _______ the problem. (2008湖北) A. handle B. raise C. face D. present 解析:A。动词辨析:handle“处理”;raise“提升,举起”;face“面对”;present“提出,呈现”。该句指“处理问题”,所以选择A项。 2. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it _______. (2008全国Ⅱ) A. collected B. contained C. loaded D. saved 解析:B。动词辨析:collect“收集”;load“装填;将货物装上”;save“挽救,节省”均不符合题意。该句指“想知道里面有什么”,用contain,意为have sth. in。 3. Her shoes _______ her dress;they look very well together. (2008天津) A. suit B. fit C. compare D. match 解析:D。同义词辨析:compare表示与之比较;match指与某物相配。由此可知该句选择D项。fit常指的是衣服的大小尺码刚好合适, 而suit则指颜色或款式适合某人。 4. The fact that she never apologized __________ a lot about what kind of person she is. (2008山东) A. says B. talks C. appears D. declares 解析:A。say a lot about是固定搭配,指“清楚地表明(某人的性格或某物的特质)”。句意:她从不向别人道歉,这最能说明她是怎样的一个人。 5. Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still __________ the traditional customs. (2008湖北) A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support 解析:C。该句指遵守传统的风俗习惯,observe在此含“遵守,遵循”之意。 6. You have to __________ a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay? (2008四川) A. decide B. get C. do D. make 解析:D。make a choice是固定搭配,意为“做出选择”。 7. The performance __________ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early. (2008全国I) A. covered B. reached C. played D. lasted 解析:D。last此处表示“持续”。句意:演出持续近三个小时,但几乎没有人提前离开剧院。 二、连系动词常见考点 1. 表示状态或持续的连系动词:be,remain(依然),keep(保持),stay(保持),stand(处于某种状况或情形)。 ①After the storm the sea was calm again. 风暴过后,大海又恢复了平静。 ②He remained single all his life. 他一辈子独身。 2. 表示感官或表象的连系动词:look(看起来),seem(似乎是),appear(似乎显得),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来),feel(摸上去)。 ①Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口。 ②He appears to be your friend. but I doubt if he is. 他看起来像你的朋友,但我怀疑他不是。 3. 表示变化的连系动词:become,grow, turn,get,fall,go,come,run等,主要用来表示主语变成什么样。 ①She turned pale at the news. 她听到这个消息脸色发白。 ③The fox may grow gray,but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。 ③Your dream may come true. 你的梦想也许能成真。 注意:英语中有些系表结构,已形成了习惯用法。 ①run short 缺乏 ②stand still站着不动 ③go mad/bad发疯/变坏 ④stay fresh保持新鲜 ⑤keep calm保持冷静 ⑥keep clean and tidy保持整洁 ⑦come true实现 ⑧fall asleep/ill入睡/生病 ⑨turn eighteen 步入成人 【试题演练】 (1)——Shall we go out for dinner tonight? ——_______. (2008浙江) A. You are right B. It must be funny C. That sounds great D. Have a nice time (2)Emergency line operators must always _______ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. (2007湖北) A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay (3)Although he has taken a lot of medicine,his health _______ poor. A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. continues (4)——Do you like the material? ——Yes,it _______ very soft. A. if feeling B. felt C feels D. is felt (5) On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she ________ pale. A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared (6)Happy birthday,Alice! So you have ______ twenty-one already! A. become B. turned C. grown D. passed 【答案】 (1)C (2)D (stay calm指“保持镇静”)(3)B(4)C (5)C(go用作连系动词时,通常指由好的一面向坏的一面转化。如:go mad/deaf/bald)(6)B 三、特殊动词常见考点 1. 使役动词,如have,let,make等。在主动语态中,其后补足语用不定式时省略to;而被动语态中不可以省略to;如果补足语是分词,注意区分主动关系(用doing)和被动关系(用done); 2. 感官动词,如feel,hear,observe,see,watch,notice等。但使用时要注意后续省略to的不定式与后续分词作补足语的区别; 3. 方位动词,如lie,stand,sit,live等。该类动词多运用在倒装句或there be句型中; 4. 心理活动类动词,如think,believe,suppose,consider等。注意其后不定式的时态考点或用it作形式宾语,将真正宾语放在补语之后; 5. 动词替代词do的形式,常指代上文中出现的动词。 [典型考例] 1. ——Excuse me sir, where is Room 301? ——Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ______ you to your room. (2007北京) A. show B. shows C. to show. D. showing 解析:A。have在此是使役动词,其后补足语用省略to的动词不定式。 2. The message is very important,so it is supposed ______ as soon as possible. (2008陕西) A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending 解析:A。使用be supposed to do结构时要注意不定式时态和语态,该句是被动结构,所以选择A项。 3. Just in front of our house _______ with a history of 1,000 years. (2006上海春季) A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree C. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tree stands 解析:B。当表示地点的介词短语放句首时,谓语多为be,lie,sit,stand,come,walk等不及物动词,用全部倒装。 4. Don’t take too much of the medicine;it does you more harm than good if you _______. (2007江西) A. do B. take C. like D. have 解析:A。do指代上文take too much of the medicine。 5. In the dream Peter saw himself _______ by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. (2006上海春季) A. chased B. to be chased C. be chased D. having been chased 解析:A。see是感官动词,其宾语与chase之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作补足语。 四、短语动词常见考点 1. 不同短语动词在句中含义的比较; 2. 同一动词跟不同介词或副词搭配使用的比较: 3. 同一介词或副词跟不同动词搭配时的词义比较: 4. 注意含介词to的短语动词。 [典型考例] 1. Don’t be so discouraged. If you _______ such feelings,you will do better next time. (2008安徽) A. carry on B. get back C. break down D. put away 解析:D。carry on“继续进行”;get back“回来;后退;收回”;break down“毁坏;身体出毛病;出故障”;put away“收好;放弃(想法、挂念等);” 。句意:不要泄气;如果你将这样的情绪收起来的话,下次你会做得更好。因此选择D项。 2. The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to _______ its reality. (2008湖北) A. make up B. figure out C. look through D. put off 解析:B。make up“编造”;figure out“了解,弄明白”:look through“浏览”;put off“推迟”。句意:目前情况复杂,我想要过一段时间才能弄清事实真相。所以该句选择figure out。 3. It’s going to rain. Xiao Feng, Will you please help me _______ the clothes on the line? (2008陕西) A. get off B. get back C. get in D. get on 解析:C。get off“下车;逃脱;脱下”;get back“回来;取回(get something returned to you)”;get in“收割;收回”(如:Get the children in. It began to rain. );get on“上车;进展”。该句指把衣服收回家,所以C项符合题意。 4. ——What are you reading,Tom? ——I’m not really reading, just _______ the pages. (2008全国II) A. turning off B. turning around C. turning over D. turning up 解析:C。turn off关掉;turn around转过身;turn over翻转:turn up出现。该句指:只是翻了几页书。所以选择C项。 5. ——Have you ________ some new ideas? ——Yeah. I’ll tell you later. (2007江苏) A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with 解析:C。该句指你想出新主意了吗?所以选择come up with“想出”,另外几个短语不符合题意。come about“发生”;come into“进入;参加”;come out with“说出”。 6. ——They are quiet,aren’t they? ——Yes. They are accustomed ________ at meals. (2008江苏) A. to talk B. to not talk C. to talking D. to not talking 解析:D。be accustomed to doing sth. 意为“习惯做某事”,该句表示否定


学习英语总会遇到许多的动词短语,这也是学习英语必不可少的。那么初三常见英语动词短语归纳有哪些呢?下面是我分享给大家的初三常见英语动词短语,希望大家喜欢! 初三常见英语动词短语 一、由be构成的词组 1) be back\/in\/out 回来\/在家\/外出 2) be at home\/work 在家\/上班 3) be good at 善于,擅长于 4) be...

英语 是一门比较灵活的科目,很多中考生都经常弄不懂中考中常见的常用的动词有哪些。那么,下面我就为大家解答一下中考英语常考的动词归纳总结希望能帮助到大家!加to do的高频考查动词 1. afford to do 负担的起做某事 We can’t afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何失误。2. agree ...

常用英语动词短语总结成文,给大家参考。下面是我给大家整理的常用英语动词短语总结,供大家参阅!常用英语动词短语 set set up v. 建立;装配;开业;竖立 set out 出发;开始;陈述;陈列 set in vi. 开始;到来;流行 set off v. 出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开 set by 把…留开 set on...

1.get along with 进展,过日子,与……相处 2. get away 逃走 3. get back 取回,回来 4. get into 进入,陷入 5. get off 从……下来,下车 6. get on (well) with 与……相处融洽 7. get over 克服,从……恢复过来 8. get to know 认识 9. get to 到达 10. get together ...

高考常用固定搭配总结一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决...

常见的有:work,open,close,write,cut,look,teach,operate,run,keep,burn,last等。此类词的主语常为物。而且还常与表示特征、状况、行为、方式的副词well,easily,long等连用。例如:The clothing sells well.This kind of fruit can keep long.六. 充当系动词的行为动词 这类动词不能单独构成动词词...

由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 31)come back 回来 32)come down 下来 33)come in 进入,进来 34)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 35)come out出来 36)come out of 从……出来 37)come up 上来 38)come from 来自…… 39)...

6.had better do sth(最好做某事)其他:1.give sb sth=give sth to sb(给某人某物)2.be busy doing sth(忙于做某事)3.send sb sth=send sth to sb(送给某人某物)4.go to a place to do sth(去某个地方做某事)5.like to do sth=like doing sth(喜欢做某事)6.make sth for...

4.动词+名词 这类动词短语中的常见动词是have,take,give,make等,后面的名词通常是从动词转化而来的动作名词,并表达了短语动词的真正意义,例:Let’s have another try.让我们再试一下。(have a try=v.try)5.动词+名词+介词 这类动词短语只用作及物动词。名词前可加形容词说明程度,宾语...

都匀市13523529621: 中考常见动词短语 -
广卓大活: forget to do … 忘记要做某事 forget doing… 忘记做过了某事 remember to do…记住要做某事 remember doing …记着曾做过某事 mean to do … 打算要做某事 mean doing … 意味着做了某事 regret to do …(do指代有限的几个词,如say、tell) 很抱...

都匀市13523529621: 初中英语常用的动词短语有啥 -
广卓大活:[答案] 有 hold held held 盛,握 leave left left 离开 make made made 制造 (4)其他不规则动词的变化.be(am,is) was/ were been 是 be(are)

都匀市13523529621: 初中动词短语 有哪些?例如 like to do sth -
广卓大活: 希望做某事 hope to do sth 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 同意做某事 agree to do sth 需要某人做某事 need to do sth. 使用某物做某事use sth to do sth 迫不及待做某事can't wait to do 准备做某事 get/be ready to do sth

都匀市13523529621: 九年级所有的动词短语(越详细越多越好) -
广卓大活:[答案] 初中英语常见动词短语的集中 A)动词+ 介词 agree with同意.的意见(想法);符合 base on以.(为)根据 listen to听. get to到达. fall off (从.)掉下 help ... with ...帮助(某人)做(某事) kno...

都匀市13523529621: 初中常见的动词 -
广卓大活: do-doing clean-cleaning talk-taiking take-taking make-making run-running swim_swimming say-saying go_going wait-waiting walk-walking watch-watching sleep-sleeping shop-shopping draw-drawing work-working look-looking sit-sitting get-...

都匀市13523529621: 初中常用动词短语及翻译不用太多,只要初中很常用的
广卓大活: finish doing sth 完成干某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事 practise doing sth 练习做某事... be worth doing sth 值得做某事(worth 后接动词-ing形式) can't help doing sth. 忍...

都匀市13523529621: 常见初中英语动词同义短语 -
广卓大活: 1. take care of ; look after; care for2. think up; come up with; think of3. for example; for instance4. fall asleep; go to sleep5. give up smoking ; stop smoking

都匀市13523529621: 初中阶段常用的动词搭配~~~ -
广卓大活: do是动词原型,多用在一般现在时,情态动词后面等. do的意思比较的多: 第三人称单数现在式:does; 一般现在时的否定式: don't, doesn't; 一般过去时的否定式: didn't (1)...

都匀市13523529621: 初三英语常用的动词短语,从句形式等等 -
广卓大活: [短语、词组归纳] 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多.复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1.look at…看…, look like … 看上去像……, look after …照料… 2.listen to…听…… 3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好 5.speak to…对…...

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