
作者&投稿:夹贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ME:How much is this?
HIM:Ten yuan!
ME:Can you cheaper a little?
HIM:No,it is cheap enough,I make no money
ME:I go(turn around and go)
HIM:Stop!cheap 2 yuan,8 yuan,can no longer cheap!
ME:(Still go)
HIM:Well well,5 yuan!

B: booking-office clerk X: passenger 1 Y: passenger 2 Z: passenger 3 X: Excuse me. Is there any bus to Shanghai, please (劳驾。有没有到上海的车?) B: When (什么时候的?) X: Pardon (啊?) B: I mean, when do you set out (我是说,你什么时候出发?) X: Ah, as soon as possible. (啊,尽快吧。) B: The earliest you can get is at 2o'clock this afternoon.(最早的是今天下午两点的。) X: What That's a little bit too late. Isn't there any earlier (什么?那就有点晚了哦。没有早一点的吗?) B: I'm sorry, but we're completely booked up this morning. (不好意思,上午的都订满了。) X: OK, then. 2pm. would be all right. (好吧,那就下午两点的吧。) X: How much is the ticket (票价多少?) B: 150 Yuan. (150 块.) X: I want a seat next to the window. For I have some carsickness. (我要靠窗的座位。因为我会晕车。) Y: Excuse me. I'm in a hurry, so can't you just be a little...... (不好意思。我有点赶时间,所以,您能不能快一。。。。。。) X: OK, OK, just a second, please. (好好好好好。。。。马上马上。。。) B: It's 150 Yuan, sir. (150块,先生。) X: Here it is. (给你。) B: Thank you. It's exactly 150 Yuan. And it's your ticket. Next please. (谢谢,刚好150。这是您的票。下一位。) Y: Is there any train to Nanjing, please I want two. (有没有到南京的车?我要两张.) B: Yes, of course. 10 am.Set out in 30 minutes. (当然有啊,十点整出发的,也就是半个小时以后出发.) Y: OK, I want two. (好的,我要两个.) B: I see. 350 Yuan each. So, it's 700 altogether. (知道了,350块一张,所以一共700.) Y: Here it is. (给你.) B: Thank you, Madam. Here are your tickets. Have a nice journey. Next please. (谢谢,女士.这是您的票.祝你旅途愉快.下一位) Z: Excuse me, sir. (劳驾...) B: Yes What can I help you (啊有什么问题吗) Z: I have to get on the bus in ten minutes, but I just can't find it. (我十分钟内就要上车了,但是找不到车.) B: Show me your ticket. (给我看看你的票.) Z: Here you are. (给你.) B: It's on the ground floor. Get out from the elevator, and you can see it on your left. (在一楼,你走出电梯,车就在你的左边.) Z: Thank you very much, sir. (谢谢您了) B: You're welcome, young man. Good luck. (不用客气,年轻人,祝你好运!)

-Mom ,Dad, come here, this TV is wonderful!
-Oh, really? All right, let's have a look.
-Why do you like this TV set, dear?
-Because I love to see Tom and Jerry! They are so lovely.
-Oh, is it true?
-Of course! Mom, see the little mouse, his name is Jerry.
-Oh, Jerry, a good name.
-Yes,it is. Dad, don't you think Jerry is very clever?
-Of course he is. He can beat the cat! What an amazing mouse he is!
-Cool! Mom,dad, I love this TV set. Shall we buy this one and take it home?
-Uh, darling, you like this TV set because there is a cartoon program on it, but you should know, we can have cartoons in every TV set when we go back home because you have so many DVDs about all kinds of cartoons, right?
-Yes, my dear little daughter, your mother is right. We come here to choose a TV set that the screen is bright and the pictures are very clear ,also the color is very beautiful. Then when we go home ,you can enjoy watching favorite cartoons with a so wonderful TV set. Don't you think it is exciting?
-Cool! Then mom, dad ! Let's go and choose! I can't wait for seeing my cartoons!
-OK, here we go!
(以上对话和翻译全部由古灵精怪 QQ 85867513 独立原创完成,如需要帮助请联系本人!)

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