求各位大神帮忙翻译一下这短文 拜托

作者&投稿:浦钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Truman is an average, ordinary like life around us. He has a lot of desire and easy to meet. Therefore, he sometimes ecstasy, sometimes RuSangKaoBi, most of the time is stray depressed, helpless. At this moment, genius of director again have animations, he kept making new stimulation, made his full-length play become ups and downs of the people, hanging appetite. He in Truman happy gave him create some problems, in its depressed, then lose no time to give its open its silver lining. He let the blonde such as yanqingxiaoyue sort appear suddenly in Truman sights, open his amorous valve, and let her sudden departure, make its soul into a bottomless pit, He let Truman have never met "late father" suddenly appeared, hyperbole funny Joseph scene make its tears, simultaneously also earned TV audience of tears, He also lets the Truman show in their evil mood bosom friend to care him, give him some advice, make its feel this "desert of oasis" and rebirth confidence, though the friend just an actor, and are carrying large lines...

Admire in the movie the talented, untouchable genius director, he let a person think of god, and see that weak, fatigue, Huang confused the Truman was stymied by playing with, or false for life and future full of optimism, my heart bouts of uncontrollable sour, I can't bear to face - pat face a real "we"!

"Life is like a play, play as life", philosopher so exclamation, but the life stage actor - us, isn't it always has a kind of acting conscious? Or in god's conceptions and arrangements, devote themselves to the doing of nonsense? Happy, not
To make us love the world, Setbacks, not we cast off this world. God is like the genius of the director is same, holds good degrees, he knows when to give us and give us eye, when burning warm furnace, he makes us in pain keep hope, in hope to endure pain, for pain makes the plot of wave, also make the ratings, hope is rewarded us, that we should not anybody halfway BaYan.

At the end of the movie, Truman is realized, he told his camera, really to "god" BaYan. Genius director to panic, he will lose his audience, he tries to keep Truman, tell him to leave the director control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman or walked out of the door, toward that dark unknown world, he said whatever the world what lies in store, he doesn't. Buddhist have "enlightenment" say, and said the nature of man, is living satisfactorily self-sufficiency dust covered it, make it become lost. Seems Truman's instant recognition, he will find the lost of self, that self-sufficiency satisfactory, the freedom of nature.

The diamond sutra "language:" whoever all phase, all is vanity, and if the phase, the theatre of photograph. "see yaoshita Local people dressing sooner or later subsided, sets also sooner or later is removed, acting while half-a-year to play a game, but don't forget to have the theatre addictions, let another "I" - this me, walked off stage in the audience sip tea, see stage of "I" or "they", drum under the palm, flow a few a few tears, knowing this, then close to enlightenment. Actually, we don't step out across the door again have what relation? Because of our hearts have crossed out.









【最佳翻译为】别怕,有我在!Don't be afraid, I am right here.别担心,你还有我。Don't worry. You still have me.--- 最准确,请一定采纳,有什么问题随时问我,祝好!【来自英语牛人团】

英文:April Day on Earth。日文:人间の四月(にんげんのしがつ)。

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矿区17025472239: 各位大神帮忙翻译一个短文啊!!!! -
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