请把下列句子翻译成英文,谢谢! ①学生会为陪养同学们的保护环境识、组织了一次废物利用创意大赛。 ②

作者&投稿:蹉废 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. 许多国家制定了法律来保护大气、森林和海洋资源,制止环境污染。

We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive. 我们一边耗尽自然资源,一边产生化学污染物。如果继续这样做的话,地球上的生物将难以生存。

1) Water proud - always turn off the tap, do not let the water flow in vain -. Save water 2) water source protection is to monitor the protection of life 3) a water use - to let the water re-use 4) to prevent leakage - inspection, maintenance and tap 5) cleaning agents be used with caution - as much as possible with soap to reduce water pollution 6) concern for air quality - do not Forgot your breath all the time 7) turning off lights - Province of electricity and less pollution 8) of electrical appliances - to mitigate global warming, out of a force 9) reduce the use of air conditioning - to reduce energy consumption 10) support the green light - everyone with the energy-saving lamps of 11) use of renewable resources - do not wait until the day that the energy depletion of 12) do "bus family" - to be proud of by public transport vehicles of 13) when the "bike heroes" - protection of the atmosphere, begins with one step 14) reduced tail gas emissions - the responsibility to drive 15), unleaded gasoline - the choice of driving people 16) Use recycled paper - to reduce deforestation 17) Alternative greeting cards - to reduce the burden of the Earth 18) saving food new fashion - let frugality become into the glory of 19) to control noise pollution - to protect the land we monitor each other 20) to maintain peaceful environment - let us start from their own 21) identified "environmental label" - buying green 22) with CFC-free products - to protect the ozone layer 23) election phosphate-free washing powder - to protect rivers and lakes 24) to buy environmentally friendly batteries - to prevent mercury cadmium 25) Select the green packaging - reducing waste disaster 26) recognized green flag - to protect their health 27) to buy pollution-free food - and maintaining the environment 28) less Disposable products - saving the earth's resources 29) Bring your own shopping bags - use less plastic bags of 30) bring their own lunch boxes - to reduce white pollution 31) less disposable chopsticks - Do not let the change of forest wood chips 32) clever use of old materials - for limited resources extend the life of 33) to exchange donated extra items - waste of donated glorious 34) recycling of waste plastics - development of the "second oil" 35) recycling of waste batteries - to prevent the tragedy of 36) waste paper - recycling of forest resources 37) recycling biological waste - adoption of renewable green manure trees - make green Lin Weishi 39) recycling all kinds of waste - all waste can be turned into resource 38) to promote waste separation and recycling - waste little effort over pollution 39) refuse to eat wild animals - to change bad eating habits of 40) refused with wildlife products - Do not let endangered the life in your hands 41 dead) are not hunting and feeding wild animals - to protect a fragile food chain 42) to stop poaching and sale of wild animal behavior - exercise your sacred right to 43) for animal friends - kind of life, and all things co-exist 44) do not buy the rare wood appliances - do not destroy the rainforest 45) forest trees - and fight desertification 46) Adoption Tree - - Green protectors do

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62. 我想和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。(talk over with sb.)I'd like to talk over with you the English version of this artical and then post it to Mr. Hobbes.63. 萨姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。(afford to do)Sam can't ...

1 how have you been?2 Where were you last Monday?3 What did your English teacher say to you yesterday?4 The result of the match is exciting.


1. Your argument is vulnerable to refutation.2. We are in the new era of information overflow.3. The scientist analyzed this cup of milk and found out that there was too much water in it.4. This young man likes to paste his favourite singer's photo on the wall.5. When ...

请将下列句子翻译成英语(每题4分,共20分)1. 虽然已经上高中了,王蒙还是...
1.Even though Wang Meng is now in the high school, he still calls on his first English teacher now and then. 2.Only after that accident did he have his car examined.3.Celebrating the Chongyang festival can be a reminder\/can remind us that we should care about the old.4....

1.跳舞是有趣的(fun)Dancing is fun.2.这样的天气跳舞没兴趣( no fun )It is not fun to dance under this weather condition.3.我的爱好是唱歌(hobby)My hobby is singing.4.他想成为一名好医生(His;wish is)His wish is to become a good doctor.5.餐厅里有很多人(dining room)The ...

一切的一切都显得那么苍白,无力,与可笑。everything appeals so pale,weak and ridicurous.我为了你留在这个地方,到得最后离开的却是你...i am here with all my heart for you,but finally you leave without hesitation...一切的一切都他妈是假的。all of this are fucking unreal.之所以...

英 语音素共48个 20个元音 28个辅音 长元音是元音后边加两点 :短元音后边没有点 例如长元音\/ i: \/ 短元音\/ i \/ 长元音读的时候发音时间比短元音稍长 双元音就是由两个单元音组成的音素 例如\/au\/ \/əu\/ 读长元音时是从第一个单元音过渡到第二个 第一个元音...

We have decided on an open policy in two respects: to open up both externally and internally.(貌似曾在某正规资料上看到此句是这样翻译。)7) 对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐。然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。For ordinary people,the only way to cure jealousy is to ...

汉译英把下列汉语翻译成英语 谢谢!!!...
-have you eaten?(如果是熟人,而且语境比较明显,可以用更口语的形式,are you done? 因为外国人见面不太问这样的问题。)-yes -what did you eat\/ have -rice -when -two hours ago

深圳市15010394569: 请将下列语句翻译成英语,谢谢! -
偶新长源: ① 请给我收据,谢谢!另外问一下,这个收据我可以用来报销的是吧.Can I get a receipt, thanks! Also, I can use this receipt to get a reimbursement right?>> 报销是 reimbursement 不是 refund、 ② 我可以付现金吗,如果不够请从我的信用卡里...

深圳市15010394569: 将下面的句子翻译成英文,谢谢 -
偶新长源: 1、I've heard no sound. 2、He's got a good sleep besides a nice stomach. 3、You should give him a hand since you've promise to. 4、The dinner should be shared.

深圳市15010394569: 外贸英语高手请进,请帮忙把以下句子,翻译成英文!谢谢 -
偶新长源: 1.agreement2.On behalf of our principle, we are pleased to confirm your order on the terms and conditions listed below3.to release capital presure of both ends.4.to release seller's stock presure, the buyer must cooperate with the seller, and the ...

深圳市15010394569: 急求,给出下列句子的英语翻译,谢谢!1,他擅长英语,但他不喜欢数学.我也是.2,他们吵了一架,但很快就言归于好.3,使我很宽慰的是,我的孩子们安... -
偶新长源:[答案] 翻译如下: 1.He is expert in English,but he doesn't like mathematics 2.They quarrelling with each other,but make peace with each other soon. 3 It is comfort to me that my children go home safely. 4.I blissful that I own the welfare childhood.It is everyone ...

深圳市15010394569: 急求!中译英!请把这些句子翻译成英文句子.谢谢!1、过马路时,她紧紧地牵着小男孩的手.(cross the road,fim,keep hold of)2、咱们出去吃饭吧,除非你太... -
偶新长源:[答案] 1.When crossing the road,she kept hold of the boy's hand.2.Let's have dinner out unless you are too tired.3.Last weekend I went to watch the baseball game for the first time.4.Never let go of the one ...

深圳市15010394569: 帮我把下面的句子翻译成英文.谢谢、 -
偶新长源: i don't what what i am in your heart, but i always concern about you

深圳市15010394569: 请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,谢谢.1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下... 请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英... -
偶新长源:[答案] 1. Let's enjoy ourselves at the weekend. 2. My grandfather often takes a walk in the afternoon. 3. Please come to visit our new school. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

深圳市15010394569: 请把下列句子翻译成英语,谢谢 -
偶新长源: I came for you this afternoon. I was gonna invite you to Wang Lei's birthday party tomorrow 3pm with me. That's why I left this. Here is your route, walk from A to T, then M on the upright, cross D and you get Wang Lei's place. I will be waiting for you ...

深圳市15010394569: 会英语的进来一下!谢谢!请将下列句子译成英文:1.他的学院在伦敦.2.我们早上不喝茶.3.红色的玫瑰象征什么?4.戴维告诉他父母不要担心他在中国的生活.... -
偶新长源:[答案] 1.他的学院在伦敦.His college is in London. 2.我们早上不喝茶.We won't drink tea in the morning. 3.红色的玫瑰象征什么?... 她去和她的外教谈如何写一份英文简历.She go to talk how to write one english resume with her foreign teacher. 请将下列句子译...

深圳市15010394569: 请按要求帮忙把下面几个句子翻译成英语,谢谢 -
偶新长源: ①他的计划失败了 His plan failed. ②他物理考试不及格 H...

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